Monday, January 21, 2013

Strange goings on

Sitting out at the veranda,gazebo or just the covered sitting area outside,take your pick was super nice today.A bit windy but with the sun shining on ya it felt really nice.

I noticed a few odd things that got me thinking.Birds.Several large flocks of what kind I don't know where noticed.Several of the flocks where headed north it seemed.Another large flock of a different kind just circled over head for a few minutes and headed towards the west.

What is going on here I wondered.Tonight is supposed to turn really colder I hear.Is that the reason the birds are on the move? I've always have heard animals sense when something is going to happen with nature,things like earthquakes and big storms.Could that explain there actions?Maybe it's just time for them to be on the move.Most likely that is the answer.

I will just have to wait and see I guess.But if any major things with nature happen soon remember you read about it here first.

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