Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blessed ones

Gee.Do you ever feel like a burden?I do at times.Being in this wheelchair is ego busting for me.I never asked for help before.If I could not do it on my own it just didn't get done.People don't say it but you can hear it in there voice.In the expression they make.I did not want this.I will not complain but I wonder how it would be if things where different.Maybe I was given this so I could feel for other people.People who have challenges or their road is not easy to travel.It is a hard row to plow for some of us.But maybe,I doubt it but maybe we are the blessed ones.

Ain't looking for no one and no one is looking for me

I never sit down at the computer with an idea on what to write about.It just starts flowing from my fingers.Sometimes it all makes sense and other times well.Like I said before there always seems like a thousand ideas in my head all mixed up with the daily things of life.Maybe a filter is needed.Filter out the junk and nonsense.Filter out the stuff that's really not important.I just got through making the statement to someone that I could honestly say that I hate no one.I really can say there is noone I'm upset with.There is a song that has a line in it by Lynyrd Skynyrd that said this(AIN'T LOOKING FOR NO ONE AND NO ONE IS LOOKING FOR ME).That is a good way to live.


I am sitting here watching the kittens.They are precious.They are full of spit and vinegar.Baby anythings are so wonderful.Then they grow up and lose that innocence.They become like us then.I have been thinking lately .I wish I had my innocence back.My trust in man wish it could be restored.

Trick or treat

Happy Halloween everyone.Be safe and eat lots of candy for me.I like snickers,paydays,tootsie rolls.You get the picture I like candy.My first Halloween did not work to good.I was 3 living in Alabama.I had a little problem with my blood at the time.Every time I would get a scratch it would get infected.Several times I remember having to have my foot scrape for lack of a better word because of infection.I had to take sulphur pills,they where orange and the size of a quarter.Anyway it was Halloween and I had a trick or treat costume and was all set for my first time trick or treating.But a problem.I had that infection again.So Daddy made me a deal.If I would go quietly to the ER with out making to much of a fuss I could go trick or treating.I went.Well at the hospital the plan was to give me a shot.I didn't like shots still don't.It took my Daddy,a nurse and the Doctor to hold me down while getting the shot.I remember screaming and pitching a big hissy fit.They won.I got the shot.My side of the deal was done.But wouldn't you know it.Me a wide eyed trusting little 3 year boy with his trick or treat costume on was not allowed to go on my first trick or treat.Oh well but it does bring up a fairly good memory.Trick or treat everyone!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Daddy and WW2

Daddy left Macon,Ga because he knew he was going to be drafted.This was WW2.He was going to stay with his sister in Roanoke,Al.Hear Daddy tell it his draft notice was waiting on him there.So he was drafted.I heard him speak of tent city at Ft Mac.He was sent to Germany as an ambulance driver.He seen the ovens where our Jewish Brethen where burnt.There are other things he told me but it's not for here.Daddy was gone for 5 years.He came home on furlough for 2 weeks before he was to be shipped to the Pacific.The war ended while he was home.

Great American food

Oh my goodness.Just look at that burger and fries.Crinkle cut fries I love them.I crave them.That burger looks just right.To me this is the Great American Food.Sure it's loaded with sodium,fat and cholesterol but it's so good.Maybe not good for your heart but it sure makes the soul happy.

Zillion and thirty

I have a zillion and thirty ideas in my head today.I feel creative.But my brain won't slow down enough for me to pull one out.I am spinning my tires so to speak.Going fast but getting no where.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lesson learned

I found out at a young age that trying to help out a friend by telling little white lies is not a good idea.A kid got hurt and he said not to tell his Mom how it happened.I did as he wanted.But I told my Mom the truth.Anyway we where at some church thing that night and his Mom started telling how her son was injured.My name came up so Momma spoke up and told what I had told her.Sure enough my friend's Mom said I had lied.My friend just let me hang with out helping.So I was called a liar,a bad egg all this from the Preachers wife.I learned a very important lesson that day.

Zombies in NYC

Zombies in NYC.I read that headline in the paper other day.Something about zombies on the subway.I did not read the whole article but I'm guessing it was some sort of Halloween thingy.When I was a kid maybe 12 years old me and the kid next door,same age as me would put on little spook shows in his basement.I haven't thought of that in years but at the time it was fun.Spaghetti for guts,grapes for eyeballs and ketchup for blood.Fix up a dummy with your old clothes and you got the start of real spooky play acting.We had younger kids screaming and crying with our little shows.Yep it was mean but oh so much fun.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Group hug

I know what everyone needs.What we all need.A big ole group hug.Feeling down?Sad?Discouraged?Let's just take a minute out of our hectic life and give everyone a big group hug.


There are so many things I want to put into words.But like they say I better take the fifth.To protect the innocent.Don't want my behind wupped.Won't rile you up.So to keep the peace I will bite my tongue.Being brought up Baptist I always heard if you think it you might as well do it cause you are just as guilty.Guilt has always been a part of my life.I could never enjoy somethings I did because of it.But it kept me out of a lot of trouble guilt did.

Heart on my sleeve

I don't know what it is.Every since I was a little boy people say things to me and I guess it is taken wrong.I know there can't be that many cold,heartless people I know.It's ok I can live with it I always have.What is it I wonder.Maybe it's just me but it makes me sad sometimes.Do I wear my heart on my sleeve?

Butter has slipped off my biscuit

Oh boy.What's going on in your world today?Here it's windy,cloudy but muggy.Leaves sure blowing off the trees with the wind.Monday it rained at 4pm with the sun shinning.Always heard that called the devil beating his wife.Some say it means it will rain again at same time the next day.It did .Tornado warnings are in the area.But think they are north of here.I have had a small microwave taco pizza and a banana so far today.I feel like a fish out of water,a knot on a log today.Like the butter has slipped off my biscuit type of deal.It will be a long day I bet.

It would be Heaven

My memory starts at 3 years old.Anything before that is just blank.The old house at Roanoke,Al sure wasn't like I remembered the last time I seen it.Maybe everything just looked bigger as a kid.The old front porch was wooden and splinters in my feet happened alot.My folks rode the bus to LaGrange to work in the mills.I stayed with my Grandpa and Grandma Haynes.They had 2 beds and in the middle there was a pot belly stove that burned coal.I know I aggravated them poor souls.They would be sleeping and me not sleepy would jump from bed to bed keeping them awake.My folks worked the 2nd shift and got home late.This I can still see in my head.Each night they would wake me up when they got home.They always had a piece of candy for me.I remember the tri color coconut candy.It was the best.There where no kids my age for me to play with.The high point of my day was when the Lady who helped Grandma her kids which seemed like 12 or more would come to walk her home.Oh my kids my age and we got to play for awhile.Sitting on the back porch Grandma would churn butter.That is something you don't see everyday now.There was a large Willow tree in the back.I can still see Uncle Leon's old Nash parked under it.The breakfast at the table with Grandpa telling jokes eating peaches and cream.Grandpa,Daddy and me where downtown Roanoke.What store it was I don't remember.There was a large toy airplane on the shelf for sale.I pitched a bratty fit for it but Daddy was broke and could not buy it.But Grandpa got it for me.I remember playing for hours with it on the old wood floors.Gray John the old plow mule I rode with someone guiding him.Me and Momma would slop the hogs each evening.My job was to gather the eggs each morning.We had no TV.Grandma and me would go to the neighbors house each day and watch Queen for a day,Dragnet.Grandpa got us a TV.It had a record player on top.TV,Grandma loved her shows till the day she died.The night Grandpa died Momma I remembered put a paper sack around the hanging light bulb I guess to dim the light in the room.Grandpa died.They had sent me to stay with the Ramseys that night.I see the preacher at the house preaching.People crying.Daddy and me walked outside while this was going on.I remember asking Daddy in my childish knowledge if they would bring Grandpa back to life.So it goes.These where my earliest memories.I told someone that when I die,If I make it to Heaven,just to be able to sit on the steps of the back porch and just to have my folk,Grandmas,Grandpas,Parents,Uncles,Aunts ,Cousins and just listen to them talk and laugh that would be Heaven for me.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stars and chickens

Daddy was a poor kid.He said laying in bed at night he could look up and see the stars.He could look down and see the chickens running under the house.

Swamp gas?

I remember the story Momma told about something that happened when they lived in the country.It was the old home place at Bethel.That was where she was born and I am sure the others where also.Anyway one night they all where sitting on the front porch.Uncle Arnold was playing or trying to play his old guitar.From across the road where it was swamp land they seen a bright light.It was coming towards them and was orange.It was getting larger.It came up on the porch with them.Arnold swung his guitar at the light and it disappeared.What ever the light was they never knew.Momma just called it swamp gas.I often wondered if it was an orb.

Monday, October 25, 2010

What goes around

I'm so thankful for this blog.This morning I commented on a woman's looks.I said you look 20 years younger and she did.Well the mail runs and I am being told by her that I am a senior citizen because of the mail I got.There is an old saying...what goes around comes around.

Judge ye least be judged

Born in the south.Raised in the south.Most likely will die in the south.It is all I know.Peaves me off when folks put her down.Why I wonder sometimes.Heard folks call us backwards,ignorant,rednecks on and on.They call us racists without even knowing us.If you live there you are this and that.Take Lester Maddox for example.He came to fame when he refused to serve someone at his Pickrick cafe.Was it wrong? You bet it was.But did he have right to refuse customers?Some black lady spoke of Lester when he was Governor and said quiet honestly that he had done more good and had more blacks in his administration than any one before him.I am getting off the track a bit I know.But it makes me mad when people judge.Those that would never judge anyone will readily judge a whole region without knowing them.Stereotyping is the word.What if I said all New Yorkers are rude fast talkers who have no feelings but for their own self?I would be wrong wouldn't I.So no double standards please.Don't judge me and I will give you the privilege of not being judged without first getting to know you.

Only child

I am an only child.I always wanted a brother or sister.Still do to this very day.Some call us spoiled.But believe me being an only child is never easy.People tell me you are lucky.I don't feel that way.Maybe it was just me but extra hardships are placed on an only child.It was lonesome.Till I started to school all I had for friends and playmates where farm animals I adopted and my dog.So if you are reading this and you have a kid or want a kid please do them a favor and make sure they have a sibling.

Frosted hair

I was sitting on the porch.I seen some woman walking toward the house.The closer she got the more she looked familiar.She walked into the yard up on the porch.It was Momma.She was white headed.Momma take off that wig I said.She laughed she couldn't.She had had her hair frosted.

Brunswick stew

Me,Daddy and my Uncle Arthur had gone to a church homecoming some where.I can still see the church outside and inside.It was for what some people don't know about homecoming.That is where members and past members bring food and have what I always hear it called dinner on the ground.Anyway that day I found a new favorite food.It was good.I had about 3 bowls of it.Then my Uncle told me what it was and what it was made of.It was my first time eating Brunswick Stew.Gosh it was so good.Then Arthur waited till I was finished and told me it was made with hog head,eyes brains everything.He was right there is hogshead Brunswick stew.I still love it but now I make sure it's the kind made with chicken or beef.Not hogshead.

People who think they are smart

Some people think they are smart.They are know-it-alls.I heard some one being put down once.He was being ridiculed.The guy spoke up and what he said made so much sense.He said just because your field of knowledge is not my expertise does not mean I am dumb,not smart, unintelligent or what ever you want to call it.That speaks miles of wisdom.So be careful when you call someone names or ridicule them.It will come back and bite you when you show how unintelligent you are.

Hog killing time

I was 3 years old living in Roanoke,Al.Daddy,Momma,Grandma Haynes and my Uncle Lavert.It was hog killing time.My first and only.I followed Uncle Lavert into the barn.He had his gun I had my cap pistol.The large hogs where in stables.He would reach over into the stable and bam.I thought it was me and my cap pistol shooting the hogs but it was him.I don't remember how the large hogs where drug from the barn.Maybe they where hooked up to Gray John the old plow mule.Anyway they where strung up into trees by their feet.I want get graphic here but you can imagine what was done.I remembered Momma screaming.There was a big ole black cast iron pot of boiling water.Anyway to make a long story short That was my first and I hope only hog killing I ever attended.Till this very day when the weather cools I can hear my Daddy say it's hog killing time.

The light in the tree

It had to be in the early 60's.On highway 27,north of LaGrange.The place was called Blue Berry Hill.On the left side of the road going north.Out in the woods.Something was happening.My folks loaded up a car load.Mom,Dad,me,my cousins.At night we walked into the woods.There was a large crowd gathered.I didn't see it.No one I knew of seen it but it was there.Some guy I remembered said he was the keeper of it.It had asked him for a drink of water.What I am talking about is this.It was a local attraction for awhile.A light in a tree is what it was.What it was I never heard anyone say.But It was a reason to load up the car with your family and join several hundred people who parked on the side of the road on a weekend night.Maybe the companionship was what was the best.Till this very day every time I pass that spot in the road at Blue Berry Hill on highway 27 it brings back a fond memory.

Blustery days

Gosh it was a great thunderstorm that woke me up this morning before sunrise.Thunder,lighting and heavy rain.I like gloomy overcast blustery days for some reason.They don't make me blue or moody.Storms are just a free show that Mother Nature provides for us.Entertainment at it's best and it is free.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Quitting smoking

I quit smoking about 3 years ago.Don't remember if I have wrote about this.Quit cold turkey.At times I want a smoke.One of those little cigars would be wonderful.Drinking my coffee I have caught my self reaching for a smoke.Why I started is like everyone else did.Wanted to fit in or belong to a group and smoking is what they did.I won't say I will never smoke again but I sure hope not.

Male PMS

I am in a good mood.Last night was a different story.I went to bed right after supper last night and just got out of bed a few minutes ago.Don't ask me why I am like that cause I have no idea.I want to blame it on the diabetes.I read it can make men moody.And I do get moody.There is an idea going around that men my age have what is called male PMS.Maybe that is an answer.Really I just have no answer.Just look over me when I get this way.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Oh boy.Some people sure have thin skin.Is there a way I can communicate without the spoken word?Hands signals?What other way could I use?The hand signal thing would most likely get me into deeper trouble.So maybe I will just sit here and think.Opps thinking is bad sometimes also.


Do you ever worry about things?I heard someone say once it was a sin to worry but dang sometimes it is hard not to.Guess worrying about anything will not change it.Just makes your self miserable.Time could be put to better use rather than that.Often I have said to myself that never again would the misery of worry creep into my life again.But in the end it always wins.

The subject is food

Big white butterbeans.Cornbread.Fried cut up potatoes.Maybe a cherry or peach cobbler.Wow doesn't that sound good for supper.I was raised on that kind of food.If Momma ever made a casserole I never knew anything about it.Fried chicken or cube steak we had.Bacon and sausage for breakfast.That is about all the meat I remember we had.Mostly peas,cornbread and other vegetables was the main stay of our food.Grits and eggs for breakfast.I am making my self hungry.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Ok the 5 of us could not decide what we wanted for supper.Gee some people would love having that problem I bet.Here at the age of 58 I can honestly say I never went hungry.At times maybe I wanted something else but never did I go without.Daddy would tell me (if you are hungry you will eat it).I am and have been so lucky in my life.

Dog Gone

Dog climbs fence.Dog runs off.Dog is crazy.Dog bites neighbor.Cops come see me.Dog catcher comes see me.Dog catcher takes dog .Dog in dog poky for 10 days.Dog catcher writes me a $100 citation.I go to court November 2nd.I pay fine.I not like poky.Dog gone


I have been blessed.I never have had much pain.Some people I know have it constantly.How they survive is beyond me.My Daddy had cancer.It had spread through out his body.The bone cancer I read is one of the most painful things you can have.I realize now Daddy could not live without the pills.I have had people I loved die before.But watching my Daddy waste away from a big strong man was hard to take.After he died I thought maybe it was a blessing for him to go so quick.I would not be so selfish just to want him here with all that pain.No matter how much I needed him or loved him I would rather see him go than suffer.I have friends now in pain.They don't know how I think of them as heroes of mine by just living with it when it would be easier just to give up.Yes even at my age I still have heroes.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Microwave taco pizza and a diet Big K.You know it's good.Quick and filling.I don't know if it's because of quitting smoking over two years ago or the diabetes or if this is what happens when you get old but my appetite sure is good.Never in my life could I stomach breakfast but now I wake up hungry.Years ago I went on a diet.Lost a lot of weight to much some said.I was hungry all the time but I did it.When I got home from work my supper was a diet coke and pack of soda crackers.Normally it would have been fries,hush puppies or something like that.Back then I cooked with lard.So now I realize why my cholesterol is sky high.The day I started my diet Momma had cubed steak with gravy,homemade biscuits ,mashed potatoes,all the things I like.I would go to Wendys and get a large salad.It would last me for awhile but my hunger would come back.I tried some of those awful shakes in can for dieters.Ughh talk about bad plus reading on the can it had more calories than a filling sand which.So I have come to the conclusion that life is short and long as I can I'm eating good cause you never know when that could end.So enjoy your food.I am.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I won't joke no more

Am I the only one.Only person in the world who just plain out gets lonely?Seems I have been that way all my life.I joke to hide my true feelings sometimes.The other day I was told I joke to much.So since then I haven't .I will be serious John till I slip up and make a joke about something.Have you ever just thought about the world without you in it?It will keep on spinning and the Sun will rise and set without you me We really are that insignificant.In 100 years chances are if we are lucky we will be just foggy memories to someone.I am sure there are others out who are like me.

Pumpkins,trick or treating,hayrides

This time of the year is my favorite.As a kid I would lay on the cool ground smelling the burning leaves.About dusk on a fall evening what a great time.Cool but not cold.Just a light jacket or sweater is all you need to be comfy.Thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas as a kid .It seemed they would never get here.The fall festivals,hay rides,pumpkins and hay stacks,trick or treating.What a wonderful time of the year to be a kid.

The number 3

It always comes in 3's.Have you ever noticed that when people die there will be 3 in a row.Take Hollywood for example. This week alone Beaver Cleaver's TV Mom died.Riche Cunningham's TV Dad died and there was Tarzan and Jane's son Boy who died.I have seen it happen over and over.What is it about the number 3.I always heard that if you hear 3 knocks at the door don't answer.Don't light 3 people's smoke from the same match.2 is company 3 is a crowd.Then there is Dale Earnhardt,his car was number 3.So the number 3 could it be it's an unlucky number?Food for thought I guess.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nothing is on my mind

Well just sitting here and nothing has come into my mind what to write about.So I guess this could lead to a lot of things.Oh by the way everything I write about is true.Nothing is fictional.Trying to think of something interesting that has happened lately.About the only thing interesting for me was a few weeks ago the dog climbed it's pen and bit the neighbor.Cops came out then the next day dog catcher was here and took the dog for 10 days and wrote me a $100 ticket.Well got it payed so I won't have to go to court next month.I was a bit concerned about that.What else.Well this is not exciting but we added road side assistance to the car insurance.Man oh man has that payed off.It has been used twice already.Once a dead battery.I called a service station and they wanted $45 dollars just to jump a car off.The insurance took care of it.Then there was a flat tire.Wow it was a life saver.So I am not recommending it but that sure saved us a couple of times.Well what else going on around here?We have cats and kittens.One has been gave a way but there are kittens left.Just waiting till after Halloween before the rest are adopted out.Some people tend to be cruel to cats around this time of the year.Ok just having another cup of coffee and thinking.Talk to you later.

One last talk

Momma and me would stay up for hours late at night just talking.The stories she told I had already heard before but I enjoyed hearing them again.We had that chance one last time before she went to the hospital and never came home again.She had Alzheimer's and she didn't know me.I would say Momma this Momma that and she would just smile and say I don't have any children I never was married.If I let everything she said bother me it would drive you crazy.I always managed to not let it bother me.It was Saturday night and I think she remembered me a little.We talked and I made her laugh.She had her favorite treat,Popsicles.It was a good night,I guess I was lucky cause I had her for one more talk.The following Monday I had to call 911,she could not swallow her food.It was the beginning of the end.


I just had my breakfast and it was good.I had this thought as I was sitting here.There are hungry,cold people out in the world who aren't so lucky.I have always thought everyone should have enough to eat and a dry comfortable safe place to live.I think there is a place where everyone will have what they need.It is called Heaven.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Ain't we quick to judge.I was 16 0r 17 working in the mill.Some man I never knew him working at the mill came up missing.There where all sorts of speculation of what happened.I remember this comment from some one who said they had seen this man and another woman to gather on such and such a night.I am sure there where many more comments made like that.I was in my car riding into town,we lived in Newnan.Georgia at the time.I seen a wrecker,a rollback and it had an old muddy 53 ford on it.It was followed by several police cars and they all pulled into the county work camp.You can guess what this was I bet.It was the man's car.It was discovered in a lake when the level dropped some.The man's skeleton was inside.The rumor was his watch was still running.So rumor makers guess the truth does come out in the end,so be careful with all your knowledge you pretend to have.

The Goat Man

This is a picture of Charles McCartney.He was know as the Goat Man.Traveling the country in his wagon pulled by goats loaded with pots and pans,etc.I remember seeing him a couple of times when he made his trips through Georgia.When I was a teenager driving past him where he was parked I wanted to stop and just talk with him.For the life of me I cant remember if I did or not.Seems like there is a memory of him,me talking with him but for some strange reason I'm just not 100% sure if I did.This was in the late 1960's.Gosh things where so different back then.


When I was a kid living on Juniper street here in Lagrange there was a guy who's name was Joe Lipp.Everyone knew him and so did all the dogs.Joe would drive down the street slowly in his pickup truck and no kidding all the dogs would come out of their hiding places just to stand on the side of the road and bark at Joe.Even the most mild manner Canine would turn into a ferocious barking snarling creature.How these dogs knew it was Joe I have no idea.You see Joe was the local dog catcher.So maybe dogs are smarter than we think.

We all have problems

I know this blog may never be read by anyway but that is not the reason it's done.Really it is like therapy for me to write about what going on in my life.There are not many people I tell my problems,wishes or what ever to.I tend to keep my feelings locked in.So this is a great place for me to release some pent upped emotions at times.Everyone has problems or if they don't they sure are blessed ain't they.My problems are no bigger or greater than yours.We all have them and suffer through them.Here is to you hoping answers to your problems come soon.

Can you guess?

Gosh ain't the world full of them.Is everyone this way?I hope I'm not but a few time just out of meanness I was.I know when people where like that with me it sure did hurt my feelings.What about people who are like this all the time?I wonder down deep in their heart do they realize what they are doing,how it hurts others?I hope some people aren't permanently stuck in this mode.That would make them really hard to get along with.I kinda think it might be an act,no one can be that heartless towards their fellow human brethren.Ok have you figured out what I am talking about?It's rude people,yes rude people is the subject today.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kitty on my shoulder

A kitty on my shoulder.Could anything be more precious.Ok kitty I will not get attached.You will be adopted.I let Big Boy Black steal my heart but I will avoid you little kitty.Does not matter how sweet and loving you are.I always heard let the animals chose you not vice versa.Ok good kitty jumped down nope well in my lap now,nope down my leg,ouch those claws.

Aunt Lema

I just got off the phone with my Aunt Lema.She is 85 years old or maybe older.I only have her and 2 Uncles left.They are Momma's brothers and sister.There where 13 kids in that family.Twin boys died at birth so 11 kids made it.Grandpa Smith,John who I am named after died when he was only 4o so Grandma Smith rasied those kids by herself.Grandma always had on a long dress,apron those black shoes and her hair was always in a bun.She always hard dark glasses on because light hurt her eyes.Oh yeah and she always had a sweater on winter or summer.She never wupped me but once she tried making me leave an old ditch in the backyard that had trash and no telling what else in it.She took a curtain rod and was waving it like she was gonna spank me but I knew she wouldn't do that so I just kept playing in the ditch.Then I got a surprise,My Uncle Thomas,Lema's husband had snuck up behind me and then I knew it was time to go.So till this day everyonce in a while I remind my Aunt Lema of that little story.I will tell one story on her.This is true.Back in the country when she and rest of the kids where little Tuberculous was going around and everyone was tested for it.Lema tested positive and the Doctor drove her and Grandma to Carrolton,Ga for more test.Lema was a kid and had never been any where only place she knew of was Bethel,Alabama.Anyway laying in the back seat of the car napping she made the remark(whew those sure are tall wash lines)Grandma said the Doctor never said a word but cracked a small smile.Lema was looking at telephone poles and lines.This reminds me of a story Momma told me,an elderly lady went to the big town for shopping,the lady said(that old woman sure looks familiar)she was looking at a mirror.So much for growing up in old days in the country.I bet it was the most wonderful time .


I was just reading in the New York Post that a UFO was seen over Manhattan yesterday.I'm not saying they are real or just a figment of our imagination.I have never had a close encounter with a spaceship or alien beings before so I really can't say much on the subject.I have seen things in the sky that I had no explanation for.Sitting at the grocery store once waiting for Momma to do her shopping I noticed plastic bags flying in to the air.It was a windy day.Up high they where flying.Then this got my attention.I seen a silver round ball just floating or hovering in one spot over downtown LaGrange.It was high in the air and I could not tell it's size.So that might be my personal sighting of an UFO.It was indeed I think an Unidentified Flying Object

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Red tape

Red tape.That Government red tape.I have a friend who is having a little trouble with an agency of the Government well not trouble just a snafu I guess is a better word.Anyway,me being like I am sent a few emails and made a phone call.The problem is not solved but I did get a phone call.The caller was nice but a hint of wish you had not did this was in her voice.I was reminded that it's always better to keep things(local).Uh oh,well I did contact the Governors office and even sent an email to the Congressman in our area and sent an email to the White House asking if they might be of some help with this matter.Was I wrong in doing this?It's my right as an American to voice my view on things.No one should feel intimidated by our Government.This is what our fore Fathers went to war and gave their lives for.

Fair weather

Oh how I love this time of the year.October.Days are mild.Nights are cool.This is what we called fair weather.October was when the county fair always came around.Fall just sounds different.Crickets at night will put you to restful sleep.The smell of burning leaves fills the nostrils.Who can disagree with fall.

High brow life

I wont ever be fancy.Never had the desire to be fancy.Never thought I was better than anyone.Putting on airs was never my style.Momma told the story of when she was working as a cashier at a local dry cleaner about one of the town's socialites would come in and the owner would bend over backwards helping her.When the lady walked out of the store he would cuss and call her every name in the book.I was always comfortable with my own kind,mill workers and people who worked hard for a living.Funny how some think others are impressed with their life or achievements.Should I be the one to tell them that most of us are concerned with our own life and really don't care about high brow adventures?

If the shoe fits wear it

Have you ever went out of your way to be nice to someone?The nicer you are seems they take it as a sign of weakness and treat you worse than you know what.You know what?I am glad I was raised with common courtesy and rudeness was not allowed.To you I might not be nothing in your eyes.But you know what maybe I feel just like you.The feeling is mutual as they say.So just because I don't raise my voice,cuss up a storm,stomp around like a bratty 2 year old don't think you scare me.Really it's fun watching you make a horse's ass out of your self.

Strange but true

Strange things.True stories.My Cousin,was trying to throw out her cig from the car.She throw,it bounced backed,she was getting frustrated,yep the window was up.I knew a guy who was a TV repairman.He went on a service call and the owner of the set told him he had the TV worked on recently.The trouble was the on off light on the dial would not turn off now.Unplugged from the wall sure enough the light stayed on.Off came the back of the TV.Can you guess what the problem was?Yep who ever had worked on the TV last had left their flash light inside,on in the TV.

Earthquakes,floods and buritos

Just got through reading about an earthquake in Oklahoma.There have been earthquakes here in LaGrange.Never felt them cause most likley I was a sleep.Last earthquake here knocked pictures off the wall at the Hospital and that is a few blocks away so why I didn't feel it I can't say.I did read once where this part of the country is on a fault line and one day chances are pretty good of a big earthquake.I dream of earthquakes and floods for some reason.I always said it was the bean buritos I ate before bed.I dreamed the earth open up and I could see people being swallowed up by the earth.Once I dreamed of a wall of water coming at me,it devoured me and strange thing was I was not scared.A few days later that tidal wave that killed hundred of thousands happened.I have told people of this but once I had a dream of a little girl and her Mom,they had ran off the road in their car. M om died but the little girl lived.Watching TV on one of the news channels they where showing a story about a little girl who had for days been trapped in a wrecked car which had run off the road,her Mom was dead.I kept wondering why they where showing that it was old news because I knew about it.But here is the kicker,it was just happening,it was not old news.So I guessed I seen the future in my dreams.

Instant coffee

Instant coffee.Never could get the hang of it.Either it was to strong or to weak.Sometimes I would get lucky and make a pretty good cup.We have a tea kettle on the stove and that's where I get my water.Besides awful tasting coffee I have burned myself a few times pouring the water.My left leg has scars from burns after spilling hot boiling water.Trick is not to use a dark colored cup.You can't tell when the cup is full in a dark kitchen.My dislike of instant coffee goes back to my childhood.One of my favorite aunts who lived in Roanoke ,Alabama,Aunt Mytrle always had hot water on the stove and a jar of instant coffee on the table.We always had a coffee peculator,for younger folks they probably have no idea what that was.I seen on TV the other day a program about coffee and making coffee in a peculator is the worst way to make it.You just keep heating up old coffee.It was in the 1970's that I fell in love with Mr.Coffee.Those drip coffee makers where wonderful and made the best tasting cup of coffee I ever had plus they made it fast.So right now the drip coffee maker is shot no good been thrown away so I'm stuck with this instant stuff for awhile.It will do because I don't know if this is true or not but if my head is hurting a cup of coffee will ease it off.I heard caffeine opens up the blood vessels in the brain and blood flows better.I have been called a caffeine addict but that is ok.It's my only vice I guess.So come on ,plug in the Mr.Coffee and have a cup with me.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


This is the way it is.If I could find a big rock with a TV,puter,microwave and coffee pot I would climb under it.

Let's be honest

Hi everyone hope your Sunday is going good.Just sitting here pondering the sad situation the world is in or better yet thinking about my problems.Oh dang I will be honesty I haven't thought once of the world and it's problems today been wrapped up in my own.Don't get me wrong ain't no pity party going on with me.I hope I never slide that low to do anything like that.I know there is a problem and I know where some of it is.But have you ever been in a situation where you try to be nice to someone even though you think they are horse butts and the nicer you be the meaner they get.Seems through out my life I have met plenty of people like that.I have come to the conclusion that maybe I am an awful person or am I just running up on some real dilly of personalities?Let me know what you think if you read this.

Momma had sayings

Momma had sayings.
Some people cut you down to make themself look bigger.
We killed a bear but Poppa shot it.
Maybe it aint them but you.
Those three are all I can remember but am sure there where many more.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What would be good for supper?

Hi everyone whats going on with you today?Not much happening around my humble abode today.Thinking what would be good for supper and so far no answer.I like to cook,simple things,beans,peas cornbread simple filling stuff.Seen a chili cornbread casserole recipe that looks great and want to try it soon.Also I have been wanting some cornbread dressing,a peach cobbler oh my mouth is watering now.Ok that is about all for now.Just me and the little kittens in here,they are full of spit and vinegar today running around chasing each other.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Well it's Tuesday afternoon and all is well or is it cause I have no clue.Don't matter really,I have always accepted what ever came down.This I know,it is cool here.This morning almost stayed in bed with covers pulled over my head.It was so warm and cozy.Today does mark a milestone in my life and for some unknown reason it doesn't seem that important.Oh well that's what is going on here with me.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Have you ever?

Have you ever been laying in bed not a sleep just thinking?Have you ever been afraid to let your arm hang over the side of the bed?Have you ever had the feeling something just might grab your arm ?Something that is hiding under your bed just waiting for you?