Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It would be Heaven

My memory starts at 3 years old.Anything before that is just blank.The old house at Roanoke,Al sure wasn't like I remembered the last time I seen it.Maybe everything just looked bigger as a kid.The old front porch was wooden and splinters in my feet happened alot.My folks rode the bus to LaGrange to work in the mills.I stayed with my Grandpa and Grandma Haynes.They had 2 beds and in the middle there was a pot belly stove that burned coal.I know I aggravated them poor souls.They would be sleeping and me not sleepy would jump from bed to bed keeping them awake.My folks worked the 2nd shift and got home late.This I can still see in my head.Each night they would wake me up when they got home.They always had a piece of candy for me.I remember the tri color coconut candy.It was the best.There where no kids my age for me to play with.The high point of my day was when the Lady who helped Grandma her kids which seemed like 12 or more would come to walk her home.Oh my kids my age and we got to play for awhile.Sitting on the back porch Grandma would churn butter.That is something you don't see everyday now.There was a large Willow tree in the back.I can still see Uncle Leon's old Nash parked under it.The breakfast at the table with Grandpa telling jokes eating peaches and cream.Grandpa,Daddy and me where downtown Roanoke.What store it was I don't remember.There was a large toy airplane on the shelf for sale.I pitched a bratty fit for it but Daddy was broke and could not buy it.But Grandpa got it for me.I remember playing for hours with it on the old wood floors.Gray John the old plow mule I rode with someone guiding him.Me and Momma would slop the hogs each evening.My job was to gather the eggs each morning.We had no TV.Grandma and me would go to the neighbors house each day and watch Queen for a day,Dragnet.Grandpa got us a TV.It had a record player on top.TV,Grandma loved her shows till the day she died.The night Grandpa died Momma I remembered put a paper sack around the hanging light bulb I guess to dim the light in the room.Grandpa died.They had sent me to stay with the Ramseys that night.I see the preacher at the house preaching.People crying.Daddy and me walked outside while this was going on.I remember asking Daddy in my childish knowledge if they would bring Grandpa back to life.So it goes.These where my earliest memories.I told someone that when I die,If I make it to Heaven,just to be able to sit on the steps of the back porch and just to have my folk,Grandmas,Grandpas,Parents,Uncles,Aunts ,Cousins and just listen to them talk and laugh that would be Heaven for me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is beautiful, John.