Monday, October 25, 2010

Hog killing time

I was 3 years old living in Roanoke,Al.Daddy,Momma,Grandma Haynes and my Uncle Lavert.It was hog killing time.My first and only.I followed Uncle Lavert into the barn.He had his gun I had my cap pistol.The large hogs where in stables.He would reach over into the stable and bam.I thought it was me and my cap pistol shooting the hogs but it was him.I don't remember how the large hogs where drug from the barn.Maybe they where hooked up to Gray John the old plow mule.Anyway they where strung up into trees by their feet.I want get graphic here but you can imagine what was done.I remembered Momma screaming.There was a big ole black cast iron pot of boiling water.Anyway to make a long story short That was my first and I hope only hog killing I ever attended.Till this very day when the weather cools I can hear my Daddy say it's hog killing time.

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