Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One last talk

Momma and me would stay up for hours late at night just talking.The stories she told I had already heard before but I enjoyed hearing them again.We had that chance one last time before she went to the hospital and never came home again.She had Alzheimer's and she didn't know me.I would say Momma this Momma that and she would just smile and say I don't have any children I never was married.If I let everything she said bother me it would drive you crazy.I always managed to not let it bother me.It was Saturday night and I think she remembered me a little.We talked and I made her laugh.She had her favorite treat,Popsicles.It was a good night,I guess I was lucky cause I had her for one more talk.The following Monday I had to call 911,she could not swallow her food.It was the beginning of the end.

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