Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Red tape

Red tape.That Government red tape.I have a friend who is having a little trouble with an agency of the Government well not trouble just a snafu I guess is a better word.Anyway,me being like I am sent a few emails and made a phone call.The problem is not solved but I did get a phone call.The caller was nice but a hint of wish you had not did this was in her voice.I was reminded that it's always better to keep things(local).Uh oh,well I did contact the Governors office and even sent an email to the Congressman in our area and sent an email to the White House asking if they might be of some help with this matter.Was I wrong in doing this?It's my right as an American to voice my view on things.No one should feel intimidated by our Government.This is what our fore Fathers went to war and gave their lives for.

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