Wednesday, July 31, 2013

June bugs,fire flies and doodle bugs

Flying June bugs,catching fire flies and hunting doodle bugs.

What child of the South hasn't partaken of those traditional summer time activities.

Tie a string to the leg of a June bug and you have your own live breathing flying machine.

Your Momma would give you a small stick send one aggravating pesky kid out in the yard and show them how to hunt doodle bugs.How that doodle bug hunting song goes I don't remember but doodle bugs would only come out of their hiding place till that song was sung.

Catching fire flies on a warm summer night was so much fun.Out barefooted running through cool grass chasing fire flies at night.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The plan

We have a plan.
Wille,Mr B and me.
That plan is to win the big lottery.
With our winnings we have been talking about how it will be put to good use.
10% off the top goes for God's work.
The rest well we gonna just blow.
The first step is to buy one of those fancy smancy RV's.The big one.With all the comforts of home plus some.
You name it or dream it our RV will have it.
Just traveling around the country where ever our hearts desire to go.
Next a driver.
Now my Georgia drivers license is still good for 7 more years and if you can just get me in the drivers seat I'm sure I can drive it.
But Willie,Mr B and me are going whole hog first class big time so the driving will be left to someone else.
Next on our plan is nurses our own personal nurse.By the way applications are being accepted as I speak.
Next on the needful things list will be a chef.
A chef who do down home style cooking you know the good food,pintos,taters and cornbread.
Now Gary.Just don't tell Gary our friend here at the home.Please do the world a favor and don't mention any of this to Gary.
Let me tell you why.
Gary we all love him like a pesky little brother but Gary rides around in his big red power chair all day and has the bad habit of running over people's feet and toes.
If you have a sore toe Gary must have a sore toe radar system or something and it's guaranteed he will run over said sore toe.
So that is the plan on our good fortune and the big lottery money.
Just please do us all ,the world,all of humanity a big favor,don't tell Gary of our plan.
He will want to drive the bus !

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Get the crane

Today is starting out great !
Ms Janis who works here brought homemade biscuits and fried golden brown just right salmon patties around 7 am.
Yesterday Ms Janet who also works here brought me a chocolate sundae loaded with nuts,cherries and whipped cream.
Another Lady who works here,Ms Kathy has promised me BBQ ribs and the trimmimgs around noonish.
I will be so heavy they will have to use a crane for getting me out of bed.
Oh I forgot they already use a lift to do that.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Taking pleasure

Why do we humans love to see someone else suffer?

What pleasure could a normal person get out of that?

Someone falls from grace and us humans glee on the fact somebody got caught doing what shouldn't be done.

I think the real reason we take pleasure in other's suffering is the fact we got lucky and didn't get caught our self.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm not crazy I just don't give a darn

I'm bored totally this morning.

So bored I can't take my before lunch nap.I will just wait till after lunch for my daily siesta.

Just how bored you may ask?

Well sit down and let me tell you.

Thought I heard an airplane and I was cricking my neck looking for it but it was just someone cutting the grass here.

So bored I was on YouTube watching cartoons of Daffy Duck.Just like Daffy said "I'm not crazy I just don't give a darn"well spoken Daffy I agree with your philosophy.

Lunch will be boring I know.I want some home cooked pintos,seasoned,add salt please,cornbread not to thick,fried sliced/diced potatoes crispy.If I see anymore frozen TV dinner what they call vegetables I will just give up in disgust.I'm tired of looking at steamed veggies,broccoli and cauliflower.

Like my roommate Mr B said"I have been eating food I like for nearly 100 years so don't tell me what to eat".

Amen Brother Ben I agree.

Same o same o day in day out.

No wonder most of us have Daffy's outlook on life.

The cool Indians

I think this has  been mentioned before.

I'm of Indian blood.It runs through my veins.

Granny Haynes was an Indian the story goes so that makes me least 1/4 Indian.

My Indian ancestors where well what's the word...different.

They where the cool Indians.

Forsaking the usual Indian customs of the time.


The tribe I belong to didn't wear buckskin clothes.They chose more casual attire.Bermuda shorts T shirts and flip flops was the clothing of choice.And the ever present Ray Ban shades always close by.

My tribe didn't ride ponies.Being of the cool tribe they rode motorcycles.You have heard of Indian motorcycles right?

The Trail of Tears that our fellow brethren from the tribe of Cherokee and Creeks where forced marched from this area of Georgia and Alabama to the reservations out in Oklahoma we got wind of that plan and skipped out on it.

My tribe,the cool Indians leased a Carnival cruise line ship and headed to Jamaica.

If we could not ride our cycles we sure wasn't walking.

So we being of the cool Indian tribe learned new cool things down in Jamaica.
New music like reggae,Bob Marley,and new things to put in our peace pipes.

Life is good when you belong to the cool Indian tribe.

We don't say" how" like most Indians we use this expression "what's up dude?"

Everything I tell you is true.

Believe me right?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wrap myself up

On this hot muggy day I feel chilled to my bones.

I just want to wrap myself up in a musty smelling old patch quilt take a big feather pillow and go lay under a Pine tree and sleep.

Snuff,smut and kerosene

Snuff,smut and kerosene.

No well equipped first aid kit should be without these essential ingredients.

You may think I'm joking but no it's true.

Back in the old days that's what folks had to work with in medical emergencies.

Everything from stubbed toes to gun shot wounds where treated with these things.

No such thing as going to the emergency room and doctors where far and few.

More than one occasion I have benefited from these treatments.

Bee stings?Use some used if I may add snuff.

Once after being hit in the head with a sharp pointed brick Momma just reached in the fire place and got a little dab a do ya smut and packed that bleeding like a stuck pig hole up.Having a flat top hair do at the time it stuck out like crazy and till this very day I think a black spot on my scalp remains.It was 3rd Sunday in May Decoration Day up in the country.There I sat all dressed out in my white shirt and tie on the Church pew with blood dripping down the side of my head.If anyone noticed they didn't say anything.

I know what you're thinking that sharp pointed brick to my head explains a lot of things about me.

Kerosene was for trauma medical emergencies.

Things like when my Daddy as a kid(I have heard he really had a temper back then)took a ax to his older brother who had made him mad and sliced off my Uncle's heel.No ER.No doctor.Just wrapped the foot up in a kerosene soaked rag.Far as I know it worked.

Another ole timey medical remedy for cowboys.They would carry a bottle of whiskey in their saddle bags in case of snake bites.They also carried a rattler with them in the other saddlebag.Think about that one you will get it.

Don't forget the hot boiling water.Every TV doctor had to have hot boiling water.

I'm sure there are many more home remedies and bet you can think of a few yourself.

10 things I miss about the Beverly Hillbillies

10 things I miss about the Beverly Hillbillies:
1.Elly May.
2.Jed and his sayings.
3.Granny and her fixings.
4.Jethro Bodine double naught spy.
5.Elly May.
6.The Drysdales.
7.Elly May and her double shot slingshot.
8.Ms Jane  -  sorta.
9.Elly May.
10.If I haven't mentioned her yet Elly May.

Miserable weekend

A miserable weekend.Toothache.Wisdom tooth.

I think.

Talk about pain I had it.

Tooth,ear,eye and my lymph nodes or glands where swollen.

It all started sometime Friday night.

Usually I don't pray for myself but pray I did.Then I figured God gave me enough sense to ask for a pain pill.

Tylenol didn't phase the pain a bit so when the morning nurse came around we went one step higher with pain pills and they worked.

A blessing.The pain would stop for awhile.

So not so bad now not miserable.

Just thankful that God gave people talents to invent things to take away pain.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Detroit Rock City

Detroit is broke,busted,bankrupt.
Years of corruption finally caught up with them.
Years of mismanagement and bad judgement.
But Detroit the motor city has one thing going for it.
A song by Kiss.


Boy.It's a boy.The Royal baby watch is over.

Dang that's all the news folks are talking about.

Sorry Quennine baby I really don't care and I'm not interested.

I'm so glad I'm an American and don't have Royal folks that people bow down to.

Those Kings,Queens,Prince and Princess they got a good gig going on over there in GB.

Like that old song by Dire Straights money for nothing.

But that's their business.

If them folks want a King and Quennie more power to them.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Wish for the same

1969 I was 17.
Each week there was a TV program that I watched religiously.
About a free soul on a Harley traveling the United States having a new adventure each week.
I wanted a Harley.
I wanted adventure.
I wanted freedom.
That TV program was called Then came Bronson.
After all these years maybe I still wish for the same.

Hand in the cookie jar

Corrupt people in high places.

Local,state or national it stinks.Every day I hear of it on the news.

Yesterday in a small Georgia town called East Point I hear that 200 million dollars is missing.

Explain to me how does someone misplace 200 million dollars?

Fulton County,Georgia everyday news of someone with hand in the cookie jar.

These people are stealing from you and me and they get just a slap on their hand.

Working man steals and goes to jail.

Bureaucrat steals goes to a country club prison.

Maybe it is good they are where they are,holding office of some sort,in the spotlight just so we can keep an eye on them.

Was I just dreaming

Was I just dreaming?

Did I see that?

When I was 17 my friend J.B. was accidentally shot and he died.

A few weeks later looking out my front door I seen J.B. driving down my street in his old car. The car made no sound.It was like it all was in slow motion.

J.B. looked pale like he did in his casket.

He just had this look on his face as he passed by.

A face of displeasure is the best way I can explain it.

Staring at me as he passed by I can still see that face till this very day 44 years later.

I question myself  till this time if it was real or just a dream.

Did I see J.B's ghost ?


Fine as wine.
Feeling tree top tall.
Fine as frog hair split 3 ways.
Yes that is my mood today.It's really simple.Make the day go as you want.Cost no more to be in a good mood as a grumpy one does.
Think positive.
Don't let others bring you down.
Don't speak with forked tongue Ke-Ma-Sabee.
Listen I mean really listen.
Be happy.
And no I'm not on any medication.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

10 things I like about Krystal:

10 things I like about Krystal:
1.They taste good.
2.They are cheap.
3.They are square.
4.It's a Southern thang.
5.Anything with mustard is good.
6.Anything with onions is good.
8.Okay I lied can't think of 10 things.

Jane that b

Jane that b
She left Tarzan for the civilized world.
Least Tarzan still has Cheeta.
Tarzan better off without Jane.


Umgawa Tarzan sez.

He is on a rampage today.

Jane,Boy and Cheeta are with him in deepest darkest Africa.

Never remember him being such a violent guy when I was a kid.

Tarzan has stabbed,shot with a bow&arrow and used his hands with extreme prejudice on a good many folks in this movie .

Cheeta is running around swiping things.

Maybe it's just good over evil.Tarzan doing his thing.

But that Cheeta I'm keeping my eye on.


Room 31 SW.
Good view of Highway 29.
Excellent accommodations.
Must like Krystals,Pappa John's pizza and coffee.
Private jacuzzi and hot tub bring own flip flops.
Inquire within management room 31.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

4 billion plus stories

Just laying here looking out the window.

Watching traffic on the busy highway.

Folks coming folks going.

A slice of life if I knew their stories.

Some happy some sad some most likely dying or wanting to.

I hear there are over 4 billion people in this world.

4 billion plus individuals and personalities.

4 billion plus stories.

I-85 and rolling south

That new Ferris wheel in downtown Atlanta.Now that is cool in my book.

200 feet tall.You ride in these enclosed gondolas.

But I keep having this vision.

Back in the 80's there was a movie called 1941.A comedy starring John Belushi.

Set in a California beach town during WW2.

How it happened I don't remember.

But that giant Ferris wheel broke loose and was rolling freely down the street till it ran off the pier into the ocean.

If the one in Atlanta breaks lose it won't make it to the ocean but I can see it making I-85 and rolling south to LaGrange.

And what you bet no one would pay any attention to it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The tongue is sharper

Wish as you might but I don't think things will ever get any better.

Someone somewhere will keep the fires of hate burning.

Black against white,rich against poor,them against that,etc etc.

No one has to agree with the crowd thats the largest.

God gave you a good brain.Think with that brain and not your tongue.

Choose your words careful.

The tongue is sharper than any sword.


Note to self.....don't eat tomatoes and lemons together.

Now what did you say?

You won't hear me complain today.
Nope not me.
Not even about chicken pot pie or that awful rice and beef tips with mushrooms.
Let me tell you why.
Reading the news about this man down in Brazil.
Talk about bad luck,karma or whatever it was he had it.
A cow walking on the roof of his house fell through the ceiling and landed on him while in bed.
He died of internal injuries.
I bet when he walks through those pearly gates ole St.Pete will call him to the side. more time explain this to me...a cow fell through your ceiling and did what?

Jacksonville Beach Surf Report and Jacksonville Beach Surf Forecast - Florida SurfCams

Jacksonville Beach Surf Report and Jacksonville Beach Surf Forecast - Florida SurfCams

Where I'm at today !On the 15th floor of a high rise sitting on the balcony with my feet propped up and a fresh cup of Folgers coffee in my hand and a pack of those little Hav-A-Tampa cigars in my T shirt pocket.

One of my favorite places on this big blue planet.

Jacksonville Beach,Florida.

If only in my dreams.

The phone call

I gave my friend a cell phone for emergency use.He was just to thrifty to buy one for himself.

Being in the insurance business and traveling all the time and some of those places where not the nicest or safest places to be.

I can take care of myself he said joking.But I knew and I think he did also that it was a dangerous job he had.

It was a shock when his wife called and said meet her at the emergency room.Ted has been shot.

I got there to late.Ted has passed on.

A victim of a senseless robbery.Someone took his life for the few dollars in his pocket.

I had the honor of being one of the six pallbearers.All of us where childhood friends growing up on the mill village where we knew each other since grade school.

Waiting for the service to begin at the funeral home I thought of the cell phone.Guess Ted never had a chance to use it or forgot about it he never called for help.

Thinking this could be the last thing I could do for him I slipped the phone into his suit coat pocket just before the casket was closed the last time.

Ted was killed in the spring of year and now it was late summer.

At times a memory of Ted would just pop up and I would think about something he had said or done.

I can take care of myself he said but I will call you on the cell phone if I need you he joked.

Laying in bed I was awaken by the bedside phone ringing.It was hard for me to get my brain working clearly and half asleep I answer hello.

Hello hello nothing but a long silent pause then a voice it was....

Monday, July 15, 2013

Bright side

Mind if I gripe a little bit?

Lunch and supper here today was just awful.

For lunch baked fish,steamed carrots,roll and fries.I will admit the fries where excellent but that's where being good stopped.

Thank goodness someone brought me a ham and tomato sandwich that saved the day.

Supper if possible was worse.That awful brown rice with beef tips and mushrooms with grilled some type of vegetable like a cucumber but I can't spell it on the side.A roll and hot cup of coffee saved the day.

The alternative meal was that devilish awful chicken pot pie.

But my breakfast was excellent I will admit.Same meal each morning for me.Fried perfect egg,slice of toast,2 sometimes 3 slices of bacon and grits.Coffee and OJ finish it out.

Look at the bright side rest of this weeks meals can only be better.

Just add hot buttered popcorn and a cherry Coke

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Chief Noc-a-homa

Chief Noc-a-homa
The Braves need you
That home run thang now used
Just won't do

Out in left field
In your tee pee
When the Braves hit a homer
You are who we wanna see


Formosa tree in bloom
A beautiful sight
Muggy summer night
Aroma fills room

Why didn't I think of that

Why didn't I think of that:
1.Smiley face
2.Pet rock
3.That cubic thingy
4.Rock and roll
5.Bacon cheese burgers
6.Personal computer
8.Microwave popcorn
9.Dial 1-800-your cause goes here
10.Monster trucks

Leave you with a song

And how are you doing?
I'm good thank you for asking.
Nothing comes to mind so what to write about who knows.
Just got that need to put something down in words today.
Most of the time I just start typing and a story just flows out of me without much thought.
It's rare that I put much thought into these stories.
Maybe it shows.
So I will leave you with a song this morning.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Extreme prejudice

Gather around.Pull up a chair.Take your shoes off.Make yourself comfy.

I shall tell you a story.A true story at that.

Here goes.

My Grandma Haynes was I guess the word is contrary.Or just plain hard to get along with.

Grandma always lived with us.Maybe because her daughters maybe could not take her ways.

My Momma looked after her in sickness and health.She always called Grandma Miss Haynes out of respect plus Momma had manners.

Nothing Momma did for her was good enough and about everything she complained.

Once Grandma told the next door neighbor that she could not eat Momma's cornbread which I think was perfect myself.

The neighbor showed up at supper time one evening with a black iron skillet of cornbread she had cooked.

Harold(Daddy)she said I brought you some cornbread.Daddy spoke up and said Momma's cornbread was just fine and no thanks.

Years later Momma told me in one of our late night talks which I miss so much that if Daddy had taken that cornbread she would have wrapped that big black iron skillet around his head.

So that gives you a little insight about what Momma was dealing with.There are many more stories I could tell but it would serve no purpose digging up old bones.

My Aunt Gladys who was sick and in her last days told Momma she appreciated the way she had looked after her Momma and thanked Momma.

I was reminded of this today by one of the residents here at the home.

Nothing that was done for him was good enough,done wrong or not quick enough.

All I can say was I felt sorry for the Lady who was helping him.

In closing I ask this favor.If I ever get where I'm hateful and mean and just a pain in the ole kazoombe just take me out back and you know use extreme prejudice.

You think...

Girl flies 10,000 miles.
Plane crashes at landing.
Girl is throw from plane.
Girl is run over by fire truck.
She dies.
And you think your day is going bad?


I have kin folk in Texas.
A cousin named Cecil and his wife Rosa who live down San Antonio way and after retirement from the Air Force now sells goats.
My Uncle Lavert was sort of the family historian and just all around good guy.
I remember him telling that back in the late 1800's folks around this part of Georgia and Alabama people would flee to Texas if they had shot someone or stole somebodys horse to avoid capture.
Knowing my families history most likely I would feel right at home there.

Dog days

Dog days of summer
Man what a bummer
Hot and sky is hazy
Makes me lazy

If I end up in the poky

If ever I end up in the poky call these people please:
1.Dig up Perry Mason because he never lost a case.
2.Call in Mr T and the A team.
3.Have Rat Patrol act as my security team.
4.Matt Dillon get him on the case but leave Chester at home I can't take much more of that "Mr. Dillon Mr. Dillon" stuff.
5.Mattlock just to assist Perry Mason with a team like that who could lose.
6 Andy Griffith just because Andy had common sense and yeah okay give Barney his bullet just in case things don't go as planned and a quick trip to Ole Mexico is needed.
7.The Lone Ranger just because I think Tonto is one cool dude Ke-mo-sah-bee.
8.Tweety Bird why Tweety you may ask because as Tweety said"they don't know me very well do they".
9.Jethro Bodine double naught spy because I can't afford Bond James Bond 007.
10.Last but not least Monty Pyhton because I never understood what they where about but I liked it.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Be bop
Hip hop
Doo wop
Even pop

Country music
That jive
Rock and roll
Like it live

Canned heat
Joplin Janis that is
Can't be beat

Can make you sad
Make you happy
Like M.J. even bad

Pretty sure

I'm pretty sure those where candy rubber worms I just ate.

Pretty sure.

I hope.

Mob rule

I hope this doesn't happen.

Talking about the George Zimmerman trial down in Florida.

On a radio talk show or maybe the news doesn't really matter someone said that civil unrest was planned if the verdict doesn't goes as they want it.

This is called holding the jury hostage in my book.

If  this is so just throw out the American justice system.If mob rule determines who is or should be found guilty or innocent.

Thinking back to the early 1990's this happened out in California.

Help us all.

We need it.


I would never tell you what to do.
I won't let you walk in traffic.
Never standby and watch you put a gun to your head.
Holler stop if you start  to jump off a cliff.
Other than that you're on your own.


Laying low
Going with flow
So so day
Sure going slow

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Just call me...

Around the old home place some call me John.A few call me George.Another calls me Joe.

Maybe if some would call me Paul or Ringo I could start a band.

What would be a good name.....


The Palmetto bugs   hmmm no....

Think hard and I bet we could come up with a name.


Blinders of faith
I need today
Not look left nor right
Straight ahead that way

Walk the walk
Talk the talk
Say what I feel
Do not balk

Guide me this day
Shape my words
That I might help
With what I say

This I pray
Oh Lord
You know my heart
Give strength I don't stray

Only thing good...

That little one room shack outback.

I've been so blessed to be old enough to know of such things.Back in the day that little shack was what you could call a modern convenience.

I have took baths in old round aluminum tubs heated by water warmed up on the stove.

Watched as water was drawned from the well.That cool almost ice cold water.

Lived in houses heated by a fireplace.Stepped on many a hot coal when barefooted.That's why I'm not thrilled by fireplaces in these modern homes.But I have to admit they are relaxing almost hypnotizing to watch and the crackling of the burning wood and that wonderful aroma of wood smoke.

The good old days they are called.

Maybe the only thing good about those days is that they are over.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Please come quick

Laying here thinking.

The trumpets blown by Gabriel I thought was heard.For a second or so I thought this is it.What all believers wish for.Those that believe in God and His son Jesus Christ who died for me you and rose from death to live again.

Thinking that I wish for that day.

The Rapture.

The second coming of my Lord Jesus Christ.

The dead in Christ shall rise from their grave joining Him in the sky.

Then all else shall follow for judgement.

I don't want to sleep in my grave for years not even a day.

I wish for the Rapture.

Please my Lord Jesus Christ come quick.

Thank you

Daily I get two insulin shots for my diabetes.

It's just a habit but after each shot I tell the nurse thank you.

I got to thinking.

It just doesn't sound right saying thank you to someone who sticks your arm with a sharp pointed needle.

At times it hurts.

So I thought of this.

Instead of thank you I just say your concern is appreciated.

Much better I think.


The Bible.
I take each word literally as God's.
No room for opinion.
Interpretation not needed.
Other's viewpoints not accepted.
If I fail to live by each single word that is written I'm wrong
I am a sinner saved by the Grace of God.
End of discussion.

Be happy your word for today !

Jogging in a jar

Those joggers are out in force this morning after being shut in with all the rain of late.

Running up and down the road they are and it's wearing me out.

I want to open the window and shout out take a break go eat a cheeseburger and fries.

My Aunt Lema use to jog.She drank this stuff called"jogging in a jar",it was prune juice.Hope I don't have to explain that.

Monday, July 8, 2013

A true gentle giant

For some reason I got this on my mind tonight.

My Uncle Lavert,big,so tall he had to duck his head when walking through door passage ways.Policeman years ago in Roanoke,Alabama.Deep deep voice.A man's man as they say.

My Aunt Myrtle,Daddy's sister,small quiet woman.I remember she always had hot water on the stove and a jar of instant coffee close by.

Daddy and Uncle Lavert I heard as the story goes had been drinking.Okay maybe the word is drunk.

Aunt Myrtle didn't take to kindly of Uncle Lavert drinking.

Aunt Myrtle took a swing at Uncle Lavert popping him upside the head.

Uncle Lavert always had a way with words and as I remember the story as I heard it from Momma he looked stunned and all he could muster out of his mouth was"Ms Myrtle why did you do that?".

Uncle Lavert that Hoss Cartwright sized of a man always called her Ms Myrtle.

A true gentle giant.

But I wonder...

Mr Frank went to hospice last night.I was told he only lived a hour or so after leaving here.

What this story is about.

I seen that light on the ceiling last week and immediately I thought of Mr Frank.But that was a no brainer.Everyone knew what was coming.

Saturday the nurse told him when he got to Heaven tell everyone she had been a good nurse for him.

I have seen that light before.Three times.About the size of a half dollar floating around on the ceiling.

Each time someone has died.

I don't believe in ghost. I believe what the Bible said.The dead are like in a deep sleep.

Never have I seen a ghost.Don't really care to.


I guess it was a dream just a dream but I woke up and for a split second someone was just standing by my bed.This was just after a roommate died last year.It sure looked like him.

I didn't tell anyone.But get this my other roommate told me of a dream he had one night.Someone standing by his bed.Just like my dream.

I have been raised thinking that the dead know nothing,don't fear the dead and the Bible which I take literally word for word said death is like a deep sleep.Sleeping till the day of judgement.

But I wonder...


These folks who gripe and complain
They nothing just in the butt a pain
Never taking  blame
Ain't it a shame

Before you judge

Before judging anyone take a good long look at that person staring back at you in the mirror.

Sunday, July 7, 2013



I'm a recovering OCD.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Guess I've always been OCD.

Thinking back it was grade school I started with it.Questioning myself if I understood the teacher correct.

Later on as I got older I had to say the same prayer each night in the correct order.

As a teen my clothes had to be so so.Spit polished shoes clothes ironed and no lint.Lint I hated.

As a adult my house had to be perfect.A place for everything and everything in it's place.

Once maybe twice I have been called an OCD with an attitude.

The shocker being I didn't have a clue I was one.

So now I know.I'm working on it and things out of place don't bother me now.

Got to go now I see a speck of dust on my...

Bed 31 C

Bed 31 C.

Please never put me there.

I think it's jinxed.

Mr F who has only been our roommate for a month is on his way to Hospice.I think he just gave up.Only here for rehab but what went wrong who knows but only God.

I have been here for 1 year and going on 7 months.

It seems that everyone who has bed 31 C does not do well at all.

Last July our roommie Rabbit died.He just lost the will to live.Only in his early 50's.

Booker T same thing just gave up and was sent some where else and he died.

Mr I can't think of his name right now left went home and was found dead in his yard.

Then there is Lonnie who lost several toes from diabetes since he left here.

And Sydney who was placed over here for some reason but was sent back.

Michelle who works here found her Daddy who was in 31 C dead.

Yes I think there is something to this.

Bed 31 C is jinxed.

Home home in LaGrange

Home home in LaGrange
Where the Olympians trained
Home home in LaGrange
And the workers do strain

Home home in LaGrange
Where certain people run the town if you disagree
Home home in LaGrange
They run you into the ground

Home home in LaGrange
Does City Hall care at all can't fight them
Home home in LaGrange
They make you feel so small

Home home in LaGrange
If you don't live on Vernon you don't belong
Home home in LaGrange
Where most don't know whats really going on

Home home in LaGrange
Where crooks and thieves abound
Home  home in LaGrange
And that's just downtown

A memory

A memory.
61 VW bug.
Parking lot,Krystal's,Atlanta,Ga.
Maggie May playing on someone's radio.
Times good.
A very good memory.

Saturday, July 6, 2013



Death traps or comfort machine?

Most homes have them.

Maybe even you.

Comfy ain't they?

I refuse to lay in one.

Want to hear my reason?


My reason being this.

Are you sitting down?

Not in a recliner I hope.

I have had 4 Uncles count them 4 who took naps in their recliner's and never woke up.Died.

That is good enough reason for me not to sit,lay or sleep in those recliners.

Ain't that bad...

Gather around all you whipper snappers and let me tell you how it's going to be.

One day if you are lucky,blessed,or just live long enough it will happen to you.

You will get old.

Guaranteed.It will be you one day.

Don't be scared because it' not that bad.

Words when you are old take on different meanings.

What's shaking now means your head hands not what's going on baby.

Now in your old age turning heads of young girls is not on your mind just being able to turn over in bed is a big deal.

Having cool hair is nothing to worry about because having any style of hair would be great.Just having hair would make your day.

Your memory gets laxed and names and faces you don't recognize. But that can be a  good thing,all those folks you didn't like before you forgot about them.

You can eat what you want when you want and you don't even try sucking in your gut when a pretty woman walks by.It's just not that important now.

You save lots of money because you don't want to go anywhere but to bed for those precious naps.

Now a good time is just being left alone and a solid all night sleep without waking up.

Yes my young friends this is the way life is.You will find out for yourself soon maybe.

Really it ain't that bad.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Try these

Watching TV and the kid is playing with the food on his plate.

Kid pushes plate away.Through with it.Done.Ain't eating that.

Can't blame the kid.

Eat more vegetables is what the commercial is about.

Vegetables are my favorite.But not what that kid was eating.They looked liked frozen warmed up/steamed TV dinner type of vegetables.

Buy some dry butter beans or pintos boil them with some seasoning adding a little salt,fresh corn on the cob,cucumbers,tomatoes home grown,peppers and radishes.Peas shelled any type.

These are real vegetables.Fresh.Home cooked.Add cornbread and onion.

Try these on your kid.

Throw out that mixed in the bag frozen stuff.

Butt face man

Just had my behind rubbed with cream.

That was unusual.

I'm allergic to something and at times my face gets red blotches.The nurse will rub a cream on my face and that helps with the itching and red blotches.

I got to thinking after my behind was rubbed and not my face this morning.

Did the nurse get my butt and my face confused?

Just call me butt face.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Little white paper bag

It didn't set well with me.

A group that shall remain nameless just sent a roommate a bag of goodies to thank him for his service to the country.

He was in WW2 serving 3 and 1/2 years in France.

The gift bag contained 3 peppermint candies wrapped in a patriotic napkin,soap,toothpaste and a pair of socks ,shampoo and conditioner.

My friend was thankful and appreciative.

Give your best the Bible commands.

In my humble opinion I think maybe a steak dinner or what ever that my roommate would like makes a better thank you.

Maybe a sincere handshake or hug giving him thanks would been better.Long as it was real and meant.

I guess it was just to make the civic group feel good about them self really.

He  sacrificed and gave his best.

That little white paper bag with an American flag just didn't seem enough.

A few sure things in life that will happen

Back in the old days all the cotton mills would shut down for the 4th of July.

That was the universal worldwide time of vacation week.

Several things in life are a sure thing.It's going to happen.

Death,taxes,and spending your vacation in Panama City Beach,Florida.

The Redneck Riviera.

The other sure thing in life that was going to happen is this...

The first people you would see when arriving at the beach at PC would be I guarantee are your neighbors.

Never failed.

Bet you are...

Little Krystal burgers
Little Krystal fries
That's good eating
I tell no lies

Add a couple chili pups
Maybe a few corn dogs
Big CoCola
In case of hicups

Don't forget chili cheese fries
Maybe just a bowl of chili
Top it all off
With a slice of lemon pie

Yes this I could do
Krystal my favorite place
I'm ready to go now
Bet you are to

4th of July,Watermelon Festival and smoking stolen Bull Durham cigarettes

4th of July,Watermelon Festival and smoking stolen Bull Durham cigarettes.

I'm guessing it was when I was 14.Aunt Gladys and Uncle Leon had came for a visit.We where living in Newnan,Georgia at the time.

Have patience my friends and it will all be clear to you.

At that time in my life I among all the other kids in the neighborhood where slipping around smoking.My folks smoked so I had a ready supply of smokes to swipe one every so often

For some reason Daddy had started smoking Bull Durham cigarettes.Why he switched from Winston taste good like a cigarette should I never asked.

Bull Durham now for those not in the know had a bull on front of the pack.I think I know why to.

I swiped one and rushed off for a quick smoke in the rough unfinished basement that served as a hangout for the uncoothed kids in the block.

That was the most Devilish awful thing that ever touched my lips.Strong was not the word for it and that taste if I think real hard it all comes back easily.

Thinking back that was maybe Daddy's plan to cure me of cigarette smoking.It almost worked.

Off we went to the 4th of July Watermelon Festival at the big farmers market in Forest Park,Georgia.

There I had a brush with greatness.

Of all the people in the world to be performing there it was Porter Wagoner and the Wagoners,Speck Green and some unknown woman named Dolly Parton.

Yes that Dolly Parton.A very young Dolly Parton I might add.

I think my Uncle Leon was smitten by this woman named Dolly Parton.Who knows why maybe if I had a couple of guesses maybe I could figure it out.

So my friend that is my story of 4th of July,The Watermelon Festival and smoking stolen Bull Durham cigarettes.

Happy 4th of July to you !

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I don't mind

Let it rain
I don't mind
Think of it
As liquid sunshine

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Big white butter beans

Big bowl of big white butter beans.Boil till done and soft.Thick soup.

This is what I want.

Thin greasy cornbread and a big ole sweet onion and that would make me very happy.

Add a cold glass of that old fashioned thick buttermilk.

Shoot while on the subject add some thin sliced fried golden brown potatoes.

Could you find it in your heart to FedX me a care package of big white butter beans?

Need my address just ask.

Monday, July 1, 2013

I can be a kid again

Ahhhh! Armour can chili.

This stuff is good.As a boy on those summer nights camping out this was my favorite.

Just add a box of soda crackers and a CoCola in a bottle and it's a meal fit for a king.Well good enough for me anyway.

Nothing taste as good as chili mixed with pine needles and a little dirt(all by accident of course)with your scrambled eggs for breakfast.

At that age around other boys you tend to be not so picky about what you eat.

Those summer nights in the backyard camping.Up all night well late anyway just looking at the stars talking this and that.

Even being ate up by the skeeters you braved and really it didn't matter.

It was fun.

In my old age maybe I can't do that anymore but I have the memories I can relive when I close my eyes.

At night I sometimes put my headphones on and go to YouTube and fall asleep listening to a tape of a campfire crackling and the sounds of crickets owls and such.

It takes me away from the worldly things now facing us all.

I can be a kid again.

That can of chili I can almost taste.