Monday, July 29, 2013

The plan

We have a plan.
Wille,Mr B and me.
That plan is to win the big lottery.
With our winnings we have been talking about how it will be put to good use.
10% off the top goes for God's work.
The rest well we gonna just blow.
The first step is to buy one of those fancy smancy RV's.The big one.With all the comforts of home plus some.
You name it or dream it our RV will have it.
Just traveling around the country where ever our hearts desire to go.
Next a driver.
Now my Georgia drivers license is still good for 7 more years and if you can just get me in the drivers seat I'm sure I can drive it.
But Willie,Mr B and me are going whole hog first class big time so the driving will be left to someone else.
Next on our plan is nurses our own personal nurse.By the way applications are being accepted as I speak.
Next on the needful things list will be a chef.
A chef who do down home style cooking you know the good food,pintos,taters and cornbread.
Now Gary.Just don't tell Gary our friend here at the home.Please do the world a favor and don't mention any of this to Gary.
Let me tell you why.
Gary we all love him like a pesky little brother but Gary rides around in his big red power chair all day and has the bad habit of running over people's feet and toes.
If you have a sore toe Gary must have a sore toe radar system or something and it's guaranteed he will run over said sore toe.
So that is the plan on our good fortune and the big lottery money.
Just please do us all ,the world,all of humanity a big favor,don't tell Gary of our plan.
He will want to drive the bus !