Monday, July 1, 2013

I can be a kid again

Ahhhh! Armour can chili.

This stuff is good.As a boy on those summer nights camping out this was my favorite.

Just add a box of soda crackers and a CoCola in a bottle and it's a meal fit for a king.Well good enough for me anyway.

Nothing taste as good as chili mixed with pine needles and a little dirt(all by accident of course)with your scrambled eggs for breakfast.

At that age around other boys you tend to be not so picky about what you eat.

Those summer nights in the backyard camping.Up all night well late anyway just looking at the stars talking this and that.

Even being ate up by the skeeters you braved and really it didn't matter.

It was fun.

In my old age maybe I can't do that anymore but I have the memories I can relive when I close my eyes.

At night I sometimes put my headphones on and go to YouTube and fall asleep listening to a tape of a campfire crackling and the sounds of crickets owls and such.

It takes me away from the worldly things now facing us all.

I can be a kid again.

That can of chili I can almost taste.