Saturday, July 13, 2013

If I end up in the poky

If ever I end up in the poky call these people please:
1.Dig up Perry Mason because he never lost a case.
2.Call in Mr T and the A team.
3.Have Rat Patrol act as my security team.
4.Matt Dillon get him on the case but leave Chester at home I can't take much more of that "Mr. Dillon Mr. Dillon" stuff.
5.Mattlock just to assist Perry Mason with a team like that who could lose.
6 Andy Griffith just because Andy had common sense and yeah okay give Barney his bullet just in case things don't go as planned and a quick trip to Ole Mexico is needed.
7.The Lone Ranger just because I think Tonto is one cool dude Ke-mo-sah-bee.
8.Tweety Bird why Tweety you may ask because as Tweety said"they don't know me very well do they".
9.Jethro Bodine double naught spy because I can't afford Bond James Bond 007.
10.Last but not least Monty Pyhton because I never understood what they where about but I liked it.