Sunday, July 7, 2013



I'm a recovering OCD.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Guess I've always been OCD.

Thinking back it was grade school I started with it.Questioning myself if I understood the teacher correct.

Later on as I got older I had to say the same prayer each night in the correct order.

As a teen my clothes had to be so so.Spit polished shoes clothes ironed and no lint.Lint I hated.

As a adult my house had to be perfect.A place for everything and everything in it's place.

Once maybe twice I have been called an OCD with an attitude.

The shocker being I didn't have a clue I was one.

So now I know.I'm working on it and things out of place don't bother me now.

Got to go now I see a speck of dust on my...