Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm not crazy I just don't give a darn

I'm bored totally this morning.

So bored I can't take my before lunch nap.I will just wait till after lunch for my daily siesta.

Just how bored you may ask?

Well sit down and let me tell you.

Thought I heard an airplane and I was cricking my neck looking for it but it was just someone cutting the grass here.

So bored I was on YouTube watching cartoons of Daffy Duck.Just like Daffy said "I'm not crazy I just don't give a darn"well spoken Daffy I agree with your philosophy.

Lunch will be boring I know.I want some home cooked pintos,seasoned,add salt please,cornbread not to thick,fried sliced/diced potatoes crispy.If I see anymore frozen TV dinner what they call vegetables I will just give up in disgust.I'm tired of looking at steamed veggies,broccoli and cauliflower.

Like my roommate Mr B said"I have been eating food I like for nearly 100 years so don't tell me what to eat".

Amen Brother Ben I agree.

Same o same o day in day out.

No wonder most of us have Daffy's outlook on life.