Friday, May 30, 2014

Aces and eights

Aces and eights
Keep back to wall
Stare straight ahead
Sit straight and tall

Wild Bill
Drew dead man's hand
Shot in the head
Now just a legend of the land

Me'em think

I, Man Who Eats by the Light of the Full Moon living on the banks of the mighty river Koochie Moochie Smoochie have Great Buzzard bone to pick with the white eyes.

Me'em think Injun get'em raw deal on this swapping Island of Manhattan way up there many moons away in Tribe of New York Yankees for shiny trinkets that turn green on red man neck after big rain.Me'em think white eyes pull fast one.

Me'em can't hardly wait till San Fransisco hippies arrive many moons from this day with long stringy hair cause this new white eyes fashion of crew cut hairdo mak'em rough go of scalping.

Why'em white eyes have real AC on hot day cooling his house and Injun got Great Buffalo breaking wind in tee pee for cooling air.Me'em thinks this stink'em.

Me'em dislike this custom of Pilgrims serving Injun that awful foul creature called turkey on Great Thanksgiving Day we'em were expecting Big Macs and large order of delicious fries with a diet Dr Pepper from Great White Chief Ronald Mc Donald.

Yes'em Injun got many bone of Great Buzzard to pick with white eyes.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

My predicament...

Sleepless at the old folks home.

This is my predicament tonight.

One roomie cussing up a storm cause he is having an itching fit.Come on Benadryl kick in quick.

Another is moaning like he is on death's doorsteps.

The other one is talking out his head.He is out driving around in his car bless his heart.I told him once to wake me up when having that dream...I wanted to ride around with him.


What's that sound?

It's the sound of silence.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sweet memories

Watching those kids being surprised by their service personnel parents always brings a tear to my eye.

So do those Publix grocery store holiday commercials.

Time does heal the pain of losing family members.

I was a Daddy's boy with him every moment possible and when he died I just knew never again would I be happy or smile.But I was wrong.

Anyone going through a situation like this I sincerely feel your pain.But it will get better.Time will heal your heart and fill it with sweet memories.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Seen my first fireflies of the season tonight.They were flirting around a big bush that's loaded with honeysuckle outside my window.

Officially summer has arrived in my book.I think it's going to be a hot one.For several days lately LaGrange has been the hot spot in the state with temperatures 90 plus.

Seems the fireflies are early this year.Usually I don't see them till the first of June. What ever the reason for their early arrival they sure are welcome.

Now all I need for a peaceful night of rest is fireflies,aroma of honeysuckle and the serenade of crickets and cicadas and the songs of a mocking bird on a warm sultry Georgia summer night.

Monday, May 26, 2014

A little variety

The sun is not up but I am.

Birds are up I think.Can't really tell,my roomies boom boom box is quite loud,dang thang is on 24/7 on one station,same songs over and over.

If I must listen to it a little variety please.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

I carried the cross alone

A place like this tends to separate who is your friend and who is not.

Maybe us old folks just fall through the cracks in people's memories.Don't worry don't fret guess we never really mattered to start with.

Seen it first hand when Momma was sick.It wouldn't be so bad if you had came by and spent a few minutes of your busy life with her.She might not have recognized you,it might have even been uncomfortable and depressing but I'm sure in her own way your presence was felt.

You know saying if you only knew after she had escape her prison of the mind you would have helped.Just useless words and a waste of precious breath.

It's okay really.For seven years I carried the cross alone and it was worth every second.Sure a helping hand was much needed and would have been deeply appreciated.For the few who did help you know who you are thank you.Those moments you spent with Momma so I could rest and relax well you will never know the joy you gave me.

Really I did not  plan getting on this awful subject and please excuse me.

It was as if a force from beyond had controlled my fingers.

Didn't think just typed.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bless his heart

Things round the OFH.

Heard someone making a joyful noise on the piano today.We are blessed with Mr Rufus a new resident.He knows all the old songs like Shake Your Booty,Young Love,Little Green Apples and many more.Someone needs to spray his sneakers with WD40 cause talk about squeaky they are.His shoes make the Nurses and CNA's sneakers sound like they have squeakless sneaker soles.

Bless his heart and 2 thumbs up on the singing.

I see people going down hill everyday.Always said never would I worry about Mr B long he was asking for his peppermint candy.He don't ask anymore.He calls me Chief.Hope you stay here for long as I'm here Chief he says.Don't worry Mr B.

We are in the same boat.


Psychedelic blues
Colors of many hues
Trip I take
Maybe never wake

Three bowls soup

Three bowls vegetable soup
Made me happy like a chicken
Who flew the coup
With your cooking I be smitten

Mystery like why...

I being of Indian decent given the name of Man Who Eats by the Light of the Full Moon living in a Tee Pee down by the mighty river Moochie Koochie Hoochie be awake.

And many thoughts run like fast running deer through my brain at this early hour.Like big moose sitting around roaring campfire eating beanie weenies I'm full of heavy thoughts.

As my painted pony plunders over the green barren of Great Buffalo grazing land where the antelope jump high and the Great Buzzard circles over head I Man Who Eats by the Light of the Full Moon ponder life's greatest mysteries.

Mystery like why does Indian wear these hot,sticky uncomfortable buckskin pants for many moons in a row on summer's day when Walmart selllem cool Bermuda shorts and colorful matching T shirts?

Mystery like why are a redneck Indian's last words are always"watch this"?

Mystery like why do Indian takeem bow and arrow to a white eyes gun fight?

Mystery like why can't Tonto be big chief and ride Silver and shoot silver bullets instead of that masked man Lone Ranger you diggem ke mo sa bee?

Mystery like why does Indian talk with forked tongue trying to fool white eyes by smoking peace pipe when Indian know good and well that pipe packed with loco poco wacky weed and nobody will have peace after a few puffs?

Mystery like why are you reading this stuff it's Saturday get out and do something ke mo sa bee.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Wanna go home

I wanna go home.

That is what I hear alot around the OFH(old folks home).Elderly folks confused as to where they are at.

It's a sad heartbreaking thing to witness and hear.They remind me of little homesick children wanting to go home with Momma and Daddy.

I think we all can relate.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

From me to you with love

The weather is warm.

People are thinking vacation.

Going to the beautiful east coast of Florida's Atlantic Ocean or the much closer Gulf of Mexico.

Far be it me to scare anyone or cause worry but before you dangle your feet into that warm salty water take a look at this Public Service Announcement  from me to you with love.

Living wrong

As fate would have it for supper last night I got that awful baked fish and what somebody some where calls veggies.

Steamed carrots,squash and zucini mixed up together ain't what I call vegetables.I think they were going for looks.The orange,green and yellow colors were pretty. 

Top it off with french fries and a roll.Desert was this brownish yellow stuff called butterscotch pudding.

The fries were good and the roll I ate.

But get this!

Some got that great delicious homemade chili.

I must be living wrong.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Troup County Work Camp blues

Got the Troup County Work Camp blues
Working on the chain gang paying my dues
25 to 30 my freedom I did lose
Big Boss man a cool drink of water I could use

Sling that sledge hammer bust them rocks
For my crime this is what I got
Big Boss man got a heavy hand
I'm just his slave working the rich mans land

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Chasing fire flies

Barefooted on a summer's night fresh cut grass
The smell of honeysuckle fill my senses
Chasing fire flies Mason jar in hand
Wonderful memories I hope will last

What I like and want

The best meal I've had lately was Saturday.

Wish I could say it was from the kitchen of West Georgia Health System but it wasn't.

Someone brought me some home cooked big white butter beans and a slice of cornbread and it was delicious.

All meals here at the OFH are prepared at the hospital and brought over on what I call the chuck wagon(Ford van)breakfast being the only meal prepared on the premises and  it is excellent.

This being a southern town I wish more southern type cooking was done.Food like beans and peas,fried taters,cornbread here is excellent but some fried fritters or flitters take your choice of what you call them,things like this.

Not so much of that baked chicken,baked fish,baked pork you get the picture.How can it be healthy if you're not eating it and skipping meals ?

Thrill us a bit with tacos,chili dogs and oh please maybe an onion with our hot dogs and burgers and vegetables.Speaking of vegetables I'm not talking about this what's called Italian mixed capri stuff that really is just unseasoned frozen vegetables.I could go on with what would be good but it's 12 hours till breakfast and I've made myself hungry.

Lately food has been a big disappointment for me.

Maybe I'm just spoiled.

But I know what I like and want when it comes to food.

Silver birds

The wine of a low flying jet woke me up this morning.

From my window I watch the big airliners fly like ducks in a row on a wire it seems every minute or so into the worlds busiest airport Atlanta's Hartsfield/Jackson.

Really the airport is in Clayton county not Atlanta and the fictional  home of Tara from Gone With the Wind.

Aunt Pauline lived in Jonesboro and she would ask where I wanted to go when visiting her as a little boy and the answer was Grant's Park where the zoo was or the airport.

Back in the old days when the world was innocent and the word terrorist didn't exist we drove right up near the runway separated only by a fence and watched the smoking multi engine prop jets take off and land.

Years later there was an observation deck which was added to the new control tower and it was right over the runway.Those huge 747's with their low whining sound of four jets engines were an unforgettable sight so were the multi engine DC's of Southern Airlines.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Left on the court house steps

Left on the court steps.7 years old and never had I been away from my folks.

Going to Camp Viola down around Mountville,Georgia for 2 weeks of fun well sorta.

The only reason I wanted to go was because my best friend Paul and his brother were going.

I was ok for a few days then it hit me.


I found out later my folks missed me like little Johnny missed them.

They had paid a visit to Camp Viola but camp counselors advised it would make my homesickness worst.

2 weeks of glorious fun in the sun at Mountville well sorta, swimming,playing base ball,crafts and all the other camp things.

Being hungry I remember most,there was plenty of food just what I  didn't like.Healthy food like boiled squash which normally I would push aside,no hamburgers and fries which were my passion.Till this day squash unless battered and fried I won't eat.

At times it was so boring.Sitting around in the bunk house reading a math book someone had brought was fun.No TV.

As in life all things must end,well sorta,and my 2 weeks were over.

This is true,who cried the most when arriving back at the court house steps,was it Daddy or me?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

3rd Sunday in May at Bethel

3rd Sunday in May,Decoration Day,Memorial Day up in the country as I always heard it called is tomorrow .

At Bethel/Graham,Alabama.

The little country Baptist Church were Grandpa Smith and Uncle Bill both had been preachers at Bethel East.Grandpa at the old Church,Uncle Bill at the new one.Momma,her brothers and sisters rode to church in a horse drawn wagon.Story is Momma who when she was a little girl was given a sack of biscuits while she sat behind the pulpit when her Daddy preached to keep her quiet.

The white sand of the grave yard across from the Church will blind you on sunny days.Lots of my kin are buried there.Grand parents,aunts and uncles.On Decoration Day families bring fresh flowers for the graves of loved ones.

All day church and singing plus my favorite thing of food on the grounds take place.A smorgasbord of culinary delights. A fat boy like me idea of Heaven on Earth.

It has been years since I've been but precious memories stay with me.

These photos are from May 1963 of Grandma and her kids,Momma is the short one on the far right.

Click on photo for larger view.

Next photo is my aunts and uncles.

Last my 1st cousins.


While in deep slumber
A kind visitor brought big white butter beans and cornbread
Who it was I do wonder
Now you know why they call me big head

Friday, May 16, 2014

Uh oh!

Tell me true.

Do I make sense?

Reason I'm asking is because most of my resident friends here at the OFH talk how can I put this hmmm... talk but make no sense is how I would describe it.

I know my hearing is not the best because of all those years listening to rock n roll at full blast with headphones on but I swear it is hard deciphering what some say.

Some start on one subject and skip around so much I get lost you know kinda the way I write.

I was in a conversation with a 94 year old friend today and to the life of me what was said I  don't know.

I hear we are a product of our environment...

Uh oh!

George said it best

George Gobel said it best.

The world is a tuxedo and I'm a brown pair of shoes.

What he was talking about was not fitting in.Being a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.On the outside looking in.

That is me.And you know what I'm happy being that square peg.At what point in my life that stage was reached I don't remember but it is good.I don't have to follow the crowd.Comfortable being myself is great.

With age comes acceptance of who you are.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thought so

I thought so.

Noticed it last night.After things this mornings I googled it.

Yep last night was a full moon.It's effects are lingering on today.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

In His hands

As rain falls from the night sky and lighting flashes in the distance I can honestly say I'm at peace with all and the world.

My life,my soul rest in the hands of the Lord.

Even though I'm in the world I'm not part of it.

My luck she's still around

Never heard of the man till the day he died.

Grandma Haynes' step Daddy.His name was Mr Bunn and he lived way up in hills and wilds of Alabama.He was way over a 100 years old.

As a little boy we went to Daddy's kin up there and down muddy rain slicked roads we traveled crossing some river on a hand pulled ferry.

This was the country.

I was 4 years old and in awe of the place.It was like going back in time.Back to the old west cowboy days.Everyone carried a gun even the Ladies.I remember one little old Lady who was wearing a long dress and bonnet and a big pistol in a holster on her hip.

At any moment I just knew The Lone Ranger and Tonto would pop out from behind a tree.Hi Ho Silver.

Night came fun ended.

This place was way back in the woods,in the boonies,the sticks.Daddy's uncle's house where we stayed had no electricity just kerosene hurricane lamps.Dark came quick.

Then I heard something outside.Something never had I heard before.

I was scared.

My first encounter with a hoot owl.

No I haven't forgotten about Mr Bunn.

I was 14 and me and Daddy went to the funeral.Funny but I can remember what I wore that day.A blue striped seersucker sport's coat,dark blue slacks and as always brown penny loafers.

One of the prettiest little painted white country churches I've ever seen was the setting for the funeral.Set way back off a dusty dirt road leading to the gravel parking area.Nestled in a grove of oaks set the little church.

I can only describe it as peaceful,serene a place I wouldn't mind waiting on Jesus to return.

After the service some little old Lady walked up to Daddy and said she had not seen him since he was a baby but still recognized him.I found this hard to believe and she went on to say to Daddy that he had been the prettiest baby she had ever seen. She glanced at me and rudely said you don't look anything like your Daddy.

You know I would like to go back there someday.

All in all it is a good memory except for that hateful old woman.

Be my luck she's still around.

Food and dead people

Strange dreams.

Seems I only have dreams about two things.

Food and dead people.

Last night it was food's time.Meatball sandwiches and Japanese spaghetti in a can.

Wait a minute.Daddy was there in my dream and he was picking out the place to eat.

Guess I was hungry and missing Daddy.

What I tell you?

Food and dead people.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Take up serpents

I was talking with someone today just making conversation and the subject of snakes came up.

If any body has read my stories before about snakes they know I'm not fond of the little no shoulder critters.

This Lady told me she had kin by marriage that was one of those snake handling church members.

They take the Bible literally word for word.I always say that is what we should do.

But this taking up of the serpent like it said in the Bible is not for me.I have faith but I also believe in not temping faith.

I'm a strict believer in religious freedoms.If handling rattlesnakes and drinking poison is what you do to express your faith go for it.

After my conversation I researched it.Really what I found out surprised me.They believe mostly what Baptist which I was raised and confess to be minus the taking up of serpents.

Freedom to believe as you want ,one of the pleasures of living in this great country.

Gary J. zap away ray gun

One of my sources(don't ask) brought me something this morning.

My very own personal Gary J. zap away ray gun.It's something much needed and way over due.

Some folks reading this might know Gary.Those that don't consider yourself  blessed.

Gary awakes early in the morning.5 am early and cruises the hall of the OFH.No one gets up at 5 except the milkman.Here he comes at that ungodly hour flicking the lights on and off in room 31.Wake up rise n shine like those Marine DI's do in the movies.Room 31 doesn't do the early rising thing.

A good time for zapping Gary with the Gary J. zap away ray gun.Zap and poof he be gone.

Gary and that big heavy power chair he cruises around in.Give him plenty of room.Sooner or later he will run over your toes.I think he must have a sore toe detector built into that thing cause if you have a sore he will run over it.

A good time for zapping Gary with the Gary J. zap away ray gun.Zap and poof he be gone.

Gary is the resident council president.What his job is who knows.I think it has something to do with flirting with CNA'S and Nurses.I asked Gary how he got elected and he answered no one else wanted the job.

A good time for zapping Gary with the Gary J. zap away ray gun.Zap and poof he be gone.

I think you get the jest of the story and there is no reason going farther.But we love him like a brother.

Uh oh here he comes...

A good time for zapping Gary with the Gary J. zap away ray gun.Zap and poof he be gone.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Following me

Something dark and sinister
Following me
What it is don't know
Just can't see

Skeeter named Fred

Big skeeter on my window
Thought you were dead
Why did you go
And I took the time to name you Fred

Did you just fly away
Is that why you're gone
I really hope that's why
Big skeeter found a new home

The talks we had
Those memories made
Did it get to hot
And big skeeter wanted some shade

I do miss you much
But this I will do
Another big skeeter I will find
And name him Fred after you

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ain't fair sometimes

It was a mistake.

Watching that Food channel's show with that guy named Guy who drives around in that red SS convertible Camaro called Dives Drive Inns and Diners.

For supper,by choice I had Cheerios with 2% milk and a bitter cup of luke warm coffee and a cup of no sugar added chocolate pudding.

There it was that guy named Guy eating BBQ ribs,corned beef sandwiches and he topped it off with some of the best NYC deli doughnuts.

My mouth waters just thinking of those wonderful delicious tempting morsels of culinary creations.

Life just ain't fair at times.

While I'm dreaming


 I would love to have some of your biscuits right now.How about some fried strik o lean with that gravy you made,some chopped up onions add that to some mustard ,dip your biscuit into it,better than a T bone steak.

While my mouth waters and I'm dreaming,some of your nanna pudding sounds really good right now.

If only it was possible.

I am ready

Ready for summer.

My favorite season.

It means snow cones,the smell of fresh cut grass,hum of a floor fan on a sultry night,fire flies and the aroma of Honeysuckle and Formosa,on and on.

When I was a kid summer time off from that thing called school was what I patiently waited for.Three month's of freedom.By the way three things about school I did enjoy,lunch,recess and going home each day.School tended to interrupt my sleep.

Up at sunrise,all day riding my bike,listening to AM radio that was taped to the handlebars,balloons tied to the spokes for that motorcycle sound,relaxing at Jay McMichaels country store.That was a place the old guys rocked in those big rockers,us kids sat on the floor wasting away a hot July day.If you were lucky the girl you had a crush on would walk in and your heart would do that pitter patter thing.

No street lights on the East Newnan mill village,sundown meant time to go home.

Yes I'm ready for summer.

My fake Ray Ban shades have been super glued back together.

One more summer I think they will make it.

Friday, May 9, 2014

The remote


The cable is back on.200 channels wow.

Perfect clear picture.The wait was worth it.

Yesterday I was doing the man thing of channel surfing.This is another difference between men and women.A woman can have 200 channels of TV to choose from and will stop on 1 channel and watch it all day.Something about that remote that makes a man flick through every channel available constantly searching.Gotta be something better on.

Men we be simple.

A lazy boy recliner,giant screen TV and that remote,give us that and we will survive.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

365 days

Watching a small bird fighting off a hawk.That small bird most likely has a nest of babies close by.I'm sure that small bird would gladly sacrifice her life protecting those babies.

Ain't that the way Mothers are.

Sacrificing for their sometime unappreciative young.Loving us unconditionally.We may be wrong but still Momma will stand up for us till the end.

Someone once said"a Mother's love is the closest thing to God's love on earth we will ever have".

Momma Sunday is Mother's Day.

I don't need just one day a year to thank you for all you did for me.

365 days of the year I do that.

Love and miss you Momma.


I'm just happy
Being me
It's another way of
Being free

Room 31 random ramblings

Random ramblings from room 31.

The subjects covered so far this morning have been sin and how glad I don't have to judge cause I'm not qualified ,have you ever seen a baby crow or pigeon,did you ever have to pick cotton,how smart dogs are,admiring pretty women are we lusting or just praising God's creation.

The conversations can get deep down here in 31 SW and you are invited to join our daily random ramblings.

Just bring your own rubber boots.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Things we rednecks do and don't

Things we rednecks do and don't:

1.Don't sip iced tea with a straw.

2.Do if possible batter and fry your food.

3.Don't call cauliflower ,broccoli and raw squash a vegetable plate.

4.Do batter and fry your cauliflower, broccoli and raw squash.

5.Don't cuss someone's Momma,dog or truck...not necessarily in that order.

6.Do use wore out household appliances and truck tires as lawn decorations.

7.Don't ever throw away anything...that's what front porches are used for.

8.Do reserve the warm front seat of your truck for the dog...the wife and kids like the fresh brisk air and rain on a winters day riding in back.

9.Don't pay attention to #8 I was just me.

10.Here's your chance to post your redneck do's and dont's

Little table

I did something different yesterday at supper.

For the last 2 years and a few months my supper routine has been the same,everyday here at the OFH.

I sit in front of the TV out in the mall area and have my supper.

For 3 weeks plus the cable has been off here(running new lines to each room)and instead of staring at a blank wall I've turned my WC around facing the crowd.

It wasn't that I'm anti social it just became a habit.

Each day closer and closer I got.Moving in my WC ever so close.

Yesterday it happened.

I joined a handful of folks at the little tables and ate supper.Not down the hall in the big dining room but the little tables in the mall area.

It was nice and supper was enjoyable.I might do it again.

When I was a kid at family get-to-gathers eating at the big table was reserved for grown folks.Kids ate at make shift little tables.

Here I am,an old man eating back at the little table.

Know what?

I liked it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Life at the old folks home

Life around the OFH(old folks home) let me tell you about it.The good and bad.The funny and sad.

First off we were just like you once.Working,raising families doing all the things you are doing in your daily life.

For some reason or another things happened,injuries,sickness,we got old and a helping hand is needed.

Truth be know 99.9% of the residents here(that is what we are called)would rather be back at their home.Chances are that will never happen.Some their next home will be hospice or the grave yard.

This has been my home for over 2 years now.What has saved my sanity is this blog, being able to keep my brain busy and don't forget my eye on the world,the big window beside my bed.

There are 2 wings of the home separated by a long hall. I live on south wing affectionately called the dirty south or the projects.It tends to be a little rowdy around here.Especially full moon nights.Mainly because there are a number of dementia residents on the south side.

102 or so residents live here.Some like me are here for the long haul.Others are short timers here for rehab.

There are about 50 rooms total,most are 2 resident occupant rooms,then there is what is called wards, what my room is holding 4 residents.

Meals.Most are good.Breakfast at 8 lunch noonish supper at 5.Snacks in between.I've gained 20 pounds.

What is there to do on an average day at the OFH?

Bingo seems to be the most popular activity.There are crafts and other similar activities,people and groups that come by and entertain,church services,field trips(when the bus is running)and what I call eating meetings those I do attend.Got food? I'm there.

Watching people's health decline in front of you is the sad part of OFH life.The funny is the things old folk say especially little old gray haired people,I think most were sailors because of the language Grandma can use.

The good,CNA'S and Nurses.Without them that would be the bad.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Mr cable man

As I sit here
Remote in my hand
I'm so bewildered
Why I've been abandoned by the cable man

It wasn't that long ago
All was good and happy
I could sit and enjoy
My afternoon TV shows

Three weeks now it's been
Where o where did he go
Mr cable man
He be so slow

Fit for

Sunny,warm,a lazy day only fit for one thing.

Sitting on the banks of the Chattahoochee river under a Weeping Willow tree, cane pole in hand watching that red and white bobbler bob up and down hoping for a bite from that river possum called a Catfish.

A big bottle of Double Cola,couple cans of potted meat or Vienna sausage along with some soda crackers and a Honey bun all bought from the bait shop were you got your red wigglers worms.

Even if nothing is caught just watching and listening to the river run free will be just fine.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

My first time

My first time.

1962 Macon,Georgia,downtown.

I was staying with Aunt Gladys and Uncle Leon for a week over July 4th  while my folks were moving from LaGrange to Newnan,Georgia.

I had just turned 10.

Aunt Gladys and I  were downtown Macon and she asked if I was hungry.10 year old kids never turn down a meal.

Into this place we went.The smells were wonderful.I can close my eyes and I'm back there.

How many hamburgers do you want Johnny,yep that's what people called me back in the day.

0ne will be fine with fries please.A growing boy can eat more than one she said.One will be fine I repeated.

She went to the counter and place her order returning shortly.

There it was in front of me,a small steamed bun,square,thin fried hamburger pattie,onions,mustard and a dill pickle on top.

A Krystal.

That simple burger all those years ago started a love affair that most likely last till the end.

Each time I was in a town that had a Krystal a sack full was bought to take home but they usually didn't make the trip.

My folks would ask what I wanted for my birthday meal and the answer was always let's go the Krystal!

At that time the closest Krystal was in Valley,Alabama a short trip down Highway 29.

For some reason Krystal's always tasted better in Valley.Still do

I think it was the mid to late 1990's Krystal came to LaGrange.Located in front of the old K Mart store I would drive by watching the building progress which didn't take long.They brought the store in prefabed sections.

Opening day.

I was there and the rest of LaGrange was also it seemed.Bumper to bumper traffic,no parking places to be found,traffic was not moving at all,30 minute wait time but it was worth every minute.

LaGrange had reached the big time.We had a Krystal.

I read in the Daily News that the LaGrange Krystal had the biggest opening day than any other in Georgia.

Some hate'em some love'em.I'm in the love'em group.

Maybe Krystal just brings back good times and memories.

My first one ranks high in my memories just like the first time at Melears BBQ in Union City.When they brought out those half gallon iced tea glasses Momma and me got the giggles never had I seen a glass so big but that is another story for another time.

Yep 4 Krystals and a large fry sounds mighty inviting right now.

Oh by the way have you ever had a Nu Way hotdog....

By the way...what did you think this story was about?

Beautiful sights

Laying here in bed last night I noticed the stars how bright they shined and the crescent moon was out just adding to the view.

About dawn I was awake and the sky again was beautiful with the flickering light of the stars so high.

This morning I'm being serenaded by happy birds singing and the bright rising sun shining on Georgia pines.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Tomato sandwich

The tomato sandwich
Is anything better
Salt pepper mayo
Eating them so clever

White loaf bread
No wheat please
Making them simple
A quick breeze

Add bacon lettuce
Good food to me
Then you got

Corner of Dallis Street and Truitt Avenue

Sitting on the porch at Grandma's Smith house just wasting away a summer's day.

Leafing through a Sears&Roebuck catalog playing all on this page is mine.Eating the ever present weenies and sour kraut.

Being sent to Jacobs store and what ever change was left you can have Grandma would say.

Playing in the big ditch.

Watching Tarzan all day on the TV.

Smokey Joe's and those hamburgers and a big dill pickle.

Sitting on the front porch steps watching the world pass by waiting on Pete the ice cream man.

Those Sunday dinners when all our Aunts,Uncles and Cousins would be there.

What are your memories of the corner of Dallis Street and Truitt Avenue?

Had a dream

Daddy I had a dream last night.

We got a chance to say things to each other that had been left unspoken.

Love and missing you.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Sinister plot

May 1st,May Day.

Let's dance around the May Pole.

Back in the 1950's kids from Southwest Elementary would walk several blocks to Callaway Auditorium for the annual dance around the May Pole on the lawn.

What all this was about I've never understood.

I googled it and the May Pole dance is a Pagan celebration.

Now why would the powers that be have school children practicing a Pagan holiday?

My theory.

Back in the 50's things were done by the government that wasn't quite Kosher.Medical experiments on unwilling,unsuspecting subjects.Soldiers exposed to atomic test blast.There is even a rumor that President Eisenhower had made a deal with excuse me,Aliens for protection from a invasion by those  bad boy Reptilian Aliens.

The so called deal was we give the Grays,the good guy Aliens free run of our planet.They were allowed to do cattle mutilations and the occasional human abduction for this protection.

Now I have no real proof just a gut feeling  that us little kids were partaking in some sinister plot by dancing around that May Pole.

After years of intense research and interviews with my fellow classmates who danced around that May Pole this I discovered...

Sorry JohnLee's story ends here...look into my will not remember this never me.