Sunday, May 4, 2014

My first time

My first time.

1962 Macon,Georgia,downtown.

I was staying with Aunt Gladys and Uncle Leon for a week over July 4th  while my folks were moving from LaGrange to Newnan,Georgia.

I had just turned 10.

Aunt Gladys and I  were downtown Macon and she asked if I was hungry.10 year old kids never turn down a meal.

Into this place we went.The smells were wonderful.I can close my eyes and I'm back there.

How many hamburgers do you want Johnny,yep that's what people called me back in the day.

0ne will be fine with fries please.A growing boy can eat more than one she said.One will be fine I repeated.

She went to the counter and place her order returning shortly.

There it was in front of me,a small steamed bun,square,thin fried hamburger pattie,onions,mustard and a dill pickle on top.

A Krystal.

That simple burger all those years ago started a love affair that most likely last till the end.

Each time I was in a town that had a Krystal a sack full was bought to take home but they usually didn't make the trip.

My folks would ask what I wanted for my birthday meal and the answer was always let's go the Krystal!

At that time the closest Krystal was in Valley,Alabama a short trip down Highway 29.

For some reason Krystal's always tasted better in Valley.Still do

I think it was the mid to late 1990's Krystal came to LaGrange.Located in front of the old K Mart store I would drive by watching the building progress which didn't take long.They brought the store in prefabed sections.

Opening day.

I was there and the rest of LaGrange was also it seemed.Bumper to bumper traffic,no parking places to be found,traffic was not moving at all,30 minute wait time but it was worth every minute.

LaGrange had reached the big time.We had a Krystal.

I read in the Daily News that the LaGrange Krystal had the biggest opening day than any other in Georgia.

Some hate'em some love'em.I'm in the love'em group.

Maybe Krystal just brings back good times and memories.

My first one ranks high in my memories just like the first time at Melears BBQ in Union City.When they brought out those half gallon iced tea glasses Momma and me got the giggles never had I seen a glass so big but that is another story for another time.

Yep 4 Krystals and a large fry sounds mighty inviting right now.

Oh by the way have you ever had a Nu Way hotdog....

By the way...what did you think this story was about?

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