Saturday, May 24, 2014

Mystery like why...

I being of Indian decent given the name of Man Who Eats by the Light of the Full Moon living in a Tee Pee down by the mighty river Moochie Koochie Hoochie be awake.

And many thoughts run like fast running deer through my brain at this early hour.Like big moose sitting around roaring campfire eating beanie weenies I'm full of heavy thoughts.

As my painted pony plunders over the green barren of Great Buffalo grazing land where the antelope jump high and the Great Buzzard circles over head I Man Who Eats by the Light of the Full Moon ponder life's greatest mysteries.

Mystery like why does Indian wear these hot,sticky uncomfortable buckskin pants for many moons in a row on summer's day when Walmart selllem cool Bermuda shorts and colorful matching T shirts?

Mystery like why are a redneck Indian's last words are always"watch this"?

Mystery like why do Indian takeem bow and arrow to a white eyes gun fight?

Mystery like why can't Tonto be big chief and ride Silver and shoot silver bullets instead of that masked man Lone Ranger you diggem ke mo sa bee?

Mystery like why does Indian talk with forked tongue trying to fool white eyes by smoking peace pipe when Indian know good and well that pipe packed with loco poco wacky weed and nobody will have peace after a few puffs?

Mystery like why are you reading this stuff it's Saturday get out and do something ke mo sa bee.

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