Friday, May 2, 2014

Sinister plot

May 1st,May Day.

Let's dance around the May Pole.

Back in the 1950's kids from Southwest Elementary would walk several blocks to Callaway Auditorium for the annual dance around the May Pole on the lawn.

What all this was about I've never understood.

I googled it and the May Pole dance is a Pagan celebration.

Now why would the powers that be have school children practicing a Pagan holiday?

My theory.

Back in the 50's things were done by the government that wasn't quite Kosher.Medical experiments on unwilling,unsuspecting subjects.Soldiers exposed to atomic test blast.There is even a rumor that President Eisenhower had made a deal with excuse me,Aliens for protection from a invasion by those  bad boy Reptilian Aliens.

The so called deal was we give the Grays,the good guy Aliens free run of our planet.They were allowed to do cattle mutilations and the occasional human abduction for this protection.

Now I have no real proof just a gut feeling  that us little kids were partaking in some sinister plot by dancing around that May Pole.

After years of intense research and interviews with my fellow classmates who danced around that May Pole this I discovered...

Sorry JohnLee's story ends here...look into my will not remember this never me.

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