Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Life at the old folks home

Life around the OFH(old folks home) let me tell you about it.The good and bad.The funny and sad.

First off we were just like you once.Working,raising families doing all the things you are doing in your daily life.

For some reason or another things happened,injuries,sickness,we got old and a helping hand is needed.

Truth be know 99.9% of the residents here(that is what we are called)would rather be back at their home.Chances are that will never happen.Some their next home will be hospice or the grave yard.

This has been my home for over 2 years now.What has saved my sanity is this blog, being able to keep my brain busy and don't forget my eye on the world,the big window beside my bed.

There are 2 wings of the home separated by a long hall. I live on south wing affectionately called the dirty south or the projects.It tends to be a little rowdy around here.Especially full moon nights.Mainly because there are a number of dementia residents on the south side.

102 or so residents live here.Some like me are here for the long haul.Others are short timers here for rehab.

There are about 50 rooms total,most are 2 resident occupant rooms,then there is what is called wards, what my room is holding 4 residents.

Meals.Most are good.Breakfast at 8 lunch noonish supper at 5.Snacks in between.I've gained 20 pounds.

What is there to do on an average day at the OFH?

Bingo seems to be the most popular activity.There are crafts and other similar activities,people and groups that come by and entertain,church services,field trips(when the bus is running)and what I call eating meetings those I do attend.Got food? I'm there.

Watching people's health decline in front of you is the sad part of OFH life.The funny is the things old folk say especially little old gray haired people,I think most were sailors because of the language Grandma can use.

The good,CNA'S and Nurses.Without them that would be the bad.

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