Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Gary J. zap away ray gun

One of my sources(don't ask) brought me something this morning.

My very own personal Gary J. zap away ray gun.It's something much needed and way over due.

Some folks reading this might know Gary.Those that don't consider yourself  blessed.

Gary awakes early in the morning.5 am early and cruises the hall of the OFH.No one gets up at 5 except the milkman.Here he comes at that ungodly hour flicking the lights on and off in room 31.Wake up rise n shine like those Marine DI's do in the movies.Room 31 doesn't do the early rising thing.

A good time for zapping Gary with the Gary J. zap away ray gun.Zap and poof he be gone.

Gary and that big heavy power chair he cruises around in.Give him plenty of room.Sooner or later he will run over your toes.I think he must have a sore toe detector built into that thing cause if you have a sore he will run over it.

A good time for zapping Gary with the Gary J. zap away ray gun.Zap and poof he be gone.

Gary is the resident council president.What his job is who knows.I think it has something to do with flirting with CNA'S and Nurses.I asked Gary how he got elected and he answered no one else wanted the job.

A good time for zapping Gary with the Gary J. zap away ray gun.Zap and poof he be gone.

I think you get the jest of the story and there is no reason going farther.But we love him like a brother.

Uh oh here he comes...

A good time for zapping Gary with the Gary J. zap away ray gun.Zap and poof he be gone.

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