Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween Ya'll !

Bring me candy
Treat not tricks
I live out yonder
In the sticks

Know what I like
Paydays Snickers Peanut Butter Cups
You be nice
Or take a hike

Moon ain't full
Stars will shine
Clouds pass by
Don't bring me candy yo butt be mine


Careful what you say
Mind what you do
May be watching you

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Patience is a virtue....just seen it in action...thank God for people who have it.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Redneck Halloween

Halloween ya'll
Redneck style
Take ya shoes off
This gonna take awhile

Don't give me
No sweet sugary treats
I want peas cornbread
That would be neat

BBQ a pig
Make some stew
Yeah that will do it
Save some for my dawg ole Blue

Pass around that brew
Made out back
What you been thinking
I was toting in that sack

Smoke dip chew
Put that in my trick o treat sack
Bull of the Woods my favorite
Plug of that will do

When outback
In the little house with the moon
Leave some Sears Roebuck catalog
Drinking this brew I'll be back real soon

Rednecking in a 4 wheel drive
Watch this our last words
Most of us won't
Get out of Halloween alive

Rainy days

Rainy days and Mondays...don't get me down.

Old man and his dog

Someone said something the other day that reminded me of a Twilight Zone episode years and years ago I seen.

Old man and his dog take a little walk into the woods to hunt.

When they return home the man's wife is sitting in a rocking chair in their little cabin in the woods dressed in black.Mourning clothes.

The man speaks to his wife.

No answer.

After a few tries the man figures it out...he is dead.

After much thought the old man and his faithful dog start walking.

Where he doesn't know he just knows he must keep walking.

Finally they reach a gate.

It's the gates to Heaven.

Someone,St.Peter I assume meets them at the gate and explains what happened to him and his dog.

Seems the man while hunting had fallen into a pond and his dog went in after him.

Both drowned.

Come on in St.Peter said and the old man and his dog started through the gates.

Stop !

You can enter but not your dog !

Well the old man thought it out.

He loved his dog and his dog loved him faithfully so much that he gave his life for the old man.

No said the old man.

If my dog can't come in I won't either and kept walking.

The old man talking with his faithful friend said we will just be together no matter what.

They came upon another gate but this one had no sign.

A man met them.

Come on in he told the old man.

I won't leave my dog the old man said.

Of course your dog is welcomed.

This is HEAVEN !

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Slow ride on this dark night

That big long black Cadillac just left here I seen from my window.

A slow ride on this dark night.

Someone is free from these worldly troubles.

I can't mourn.

I will say you will be missed.

Better things await you my unknown friend.

You are now unchained of the times.

You are free.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Head on backwards

I've turned the other cheek so many times my head feels like it's on backwards.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

I'm gonna chill

Ms Ruby Ms Gwen
Ya'll done it again
Thanks from 31 B
For those peas cornbread and sweet tea

It was fine
Good I dined
Mr B send the bill
Me I'm gonna chill

New hope

A new day.

A new chance to start over.

A new beginning.

New hope.

A new life.

A new direction.

Lord you know what I mean.

Heaven on Earth

Could this be Heaven on Earth?

Just might be.

North Georgia mountains.


Fall of the year.

Sitting in a well worn rocking chair around a fireplace on a frosty night.

Baking biscuits in dutch oven and frying potatoes in the fireplace.

Aroma of burning wood and cooking food filling the one room cabin.

Hot cup of fresh coffee in my hand.

The wind growling through the trees.

Full bright orange harvest moon hanging so low it seems I could just reach out and touch it.

Missy and Pee Wee with her son Sam the cat curled up in front of the fire in peaceful sleep.

Reading God's word by the light of a kerosene lantern.

No cares no worries.

The crackling burning wood and low howl of the wind music to my ears.

A combination for deep comfortable slumber under an old homemade patch quilt and thick feather pillow.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Your mission for today

Look closely.

These are hush puppies.

Study them.

Learn to cook them.

Admire them.

I will be stopping by your house soon,please have a dozen of these fried tasty creations ready.

That is your mission for today if you choose to accept.

Thank you.

Catfish in the bath tub


Guess I have lived a sheltered life but before coming to the old folks home never had I heard of Tilapia.

It is served least twice a week here.Lemon peppered Tilipia,Cajun Tilipia,baked Tilipia on and on.

I looked it up and it's a fish from Biblical times and sometimes is called St.Peter's fish.

I'm not a fish eater,care nothing about seafood,lobsters look like those big Palmetto bugs we have down here in the South,you know those big bugs that are so bad I seen one caring a pistol one time just daring me to stomp it,joking but they are big and look like roach bugs that have been mutated by the atom bomb or on steroids.

The only fish I ever ate was catfish.Fried,deep fried and please don't serve me one with the head on it.

Daddy was a fisherman and I remember waking up on Saturday mornings and seeing the bath tub loaded with live swimming catfish that he had caught the night before.Disgusting I know but true.

Really the only thing I liked about fish fries was the trimmings.French fries,onion rings,hush puppies,slaw and sweet ice tea.

Yes living a sheltered life missing out on a lot of things like Tilipia but between me you and the worm bucket that is fine with me.

Just give me a Big Mac and large fries and I will be happy.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tweety Bird mood

I'm in a Tweety Bird mood Tweety said....They don't know me very well do they!

Hide my head

Good breakfast,full belly,warm room,comfortable bed,this old sinner is blessed this morning.

Lot of times I don't take the time to give thanks for all that is good in my life instead I dwell to much on things that are not right with my life.

As Daddy would tell me"I'd be a shame and would go hide my head".

I am thankful and blessed.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Reflecting on my life
Thinking back not so bad
Had some strife
Mostly I've been happy not sad

Lucky I guess
That describes me
Compared to some
I have been blessed

Don't get me wrong
Had time of tears
But I lived through it
To me it's been nice the years

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hell fire from above

The sky has opened up and hell fire from above has spewed upon the Earth.

More later...

Life on da po side

Here at the old folks home there are two wings separated by a long hall.

The North side and here where I stay the South side.

They are really the same but different.

Over her on the South side it is affectionately know as the po side,the dirty South or the projects as it's been called.

That long hall mentioned has double swinging doors that around 8 pm each night are closed shut.

I never figured out why.

Maybe to keep us folks from the po side from finding out how the other sides lives or what they do at night.

Maybe it's to keep those rich side folks from getting lost and ending up here in the project.

Rumor is it's party party party at night over there on the North side.

Food catered and brought in from Momma Bee's cafe and musical entertainment by folks like Little Richard and his band of renown.I don't know what renown means it just sounded like it would go good with the story.

I do remember seeing 3 long black limos pulling into the parking lot after 8 some times so might be something to that party thing.

Maybe on some dark foggy night me and my roomie Wille can do a secret op's detail and slip over to their side peek into the windows and see what really goes on.

Till then we can only guess.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Help us all

Double terror tonight.

A full Hunters moon and a total eclipse.

Reports of strange mysterious things happening are being reported on CNN and Fox news as this is being written.

Lights strange lights low in the sky have been reported by local 911 authorities and officers on patrol.

They are advising people to use caution and monitor local police frequencies and report any thing out of the norm.

Help us all what is this…What does it mean?

Ok after much thought I had this posted on my Facebook page and deleted it.
Reason being I have some friends there who might have taken it a little bit to serious and switched their TV's to the news channels searching for info and running outside looking up into the night skies looking for little green men or grey which ever the case may be.

Calling 911 and jamming their switchboards with questions like is this the beginning of the end and I can see it now the police visiting me asking what in Hatti is going on and are you crazy or something(DON'T ANSWER THAT I CAN HEAR YOU).

So my attempt of an Orson Wells copy cat of the War of the Worlds has failed.

Orson almost got sent to the poky for his stunt and I don't want to end up that way cause little fat boys like me don't do prison very well.

So as Roseanna Roseanna from SNL use to say NEVER MIND all is good and safe the buggers under your bed and in the closet won't get you tonight...


7 hours plus a few minutes

It rolls around every morning about 8 am.

The start of another beautiful day in the neighborhood.


The best meal of the day for me.

For mine it's 1 fried just about done not quite, to perfection egg.Then some real homemade grits not the 5 minute easy fast stuff but real down home old timey grits.Bacon,3 slices.A biscuit that is perfect and hot coffee and OJ round it out.Just add butter,jelly, salt and pepper.

Now I wish this had not wrote this.

Mouth watering and I'm hungry.

7 hours plus a few minutes till it rolls around again.

He ain't real

Friday at the old folks home.

Pizza or lasagna?

Choices choices .

I'm dragging my feet today(really wish I could do that ha ha)being lazy.A bit on the coolish side and staying under the covers seems like the best thing to do so I did.

Sunny day after showers of yesterday and the weather people say it going down into the 40's the coming up weekend.

So far so good nothing to report that's exciting just a so so day so far.

The sky is a beautiful blue with wispy white clouds streaked with the contrails of jet planes.

Trees especially the little Dogwood in front of my big window is beautifully changing colors with orange and brown.

The only thing I can really complain about is Walker Texas Ranger.

I dislike that TV show so much.

My Roomie Texas Walker Junior loves it and controls the channel clicker all day watching Walker Texas Ranger.

Walker ain't real.Walker can do no wrong.

Need someone saved?Call Walker.

Need a bull rode when the pro bull riders can't? Call Walker.

Driver of a NASCAR team hurt and need a driver?Call Walker he will win the race.

Get the picture?

When the bad guys start a shooting Walker does the Kung Fu thang on them never drawing his big ole gun.And dag nabbit he wins.

And when walker does shoot POW!

Every shot is dead on.One man one shot is all it takes for Walker Texas Ranger.

But the bad guys need some target practice.They shoot machine guns,bazookas and cruise missiles at Walker and still miss.

And that Dodge truck he drives I hate, bullets bounce off it like they do off Super Man's chest.

I'm a Ford F 150 man myself.

And get this.

Walker is a time shifter going back into time visiting his Indian ancestors or pretending to be his hero Hays Cooper Texas Ranger(heck I got Indian blood in me but never have I time shifted..wait there was that time in 1963...another story for another time).

Yeah that Walker Texas Ranger.

Oh yeah I almost forgot Walker Texas Ranger is God's gift to women.

He ain't real.

Thank goodness for YouTube.

There I can watch Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Real TV.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Redneck liberal

Redneck liberal
That I am
Read the Bible
Eat canned spam

Think for myself
Know right wrong
Protect my family
King in my home

Don't follow crowd
Figure it out
Not a sheep
Don't follow loud

Patriotic not words
Deeds you do
Think for myself
You think to


Polite folks don't talk about politics,religion or sex.

Everyone has a different opinion on these three subjects.

I consider myself polite maybe to polite at times.

But today I'm making a confession.

Something I've always been but kept quiet.

I know the risk I'm taking.Chances are family and friends will disown and shun me but I must not live this lie any longer.

Preachers will cast me into the burning lakes of Hell.

I have heard Preachers condemning people who had my views.More on this subject at the end.

I am proud of my decision announcing to the world my true feelings.


Deep breath.

Here goes.

I am a...

 Bill Clinton,Barrack Obama,Jimmy Carter DEMOCRAT,a George Bush 1 and 2,Ronald Reagan,Ted Cruz(who in Hatti is this?) and all those other REPUBLICANS basher.

Once I heard a Preacher say while in the pulpit on a Sunday during his sermon (if you voted for Bill Clinton you would have to answer for it to God).

Now I've read the Bible several times  from Genesis to Revelations and vicer versa and never did I hear Jesus or God proclaiming to be a Republican or Democrat or anything between.

I did read in the Bible that Jesus did say "what's Cesar's is Cesar's and what's mine is mine".

I can't support anyone or any party that continually favors hurting children,old and sick citizens by always threatening to cut programs that serve the most helpless of the helpless while giving money and tax breaks to Chrysler Corporation,GM,Citi Bank so on and so on and call my self a Christian because I think if Jesus walked this earth now He would choose feeding a hungry child and healing a blind lame sick person over giving Bank of America bailout money.

And besides Daddy always told me poor folks like us have to vote Democratic and I being an obedient child have the same views.


I've said it.

I feel better now.


I love you!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Gamma ray burst
Asteroids fly by
Solar flare
Dangers from sky

Meteorites crash
Falling stars
Eclipse of sun
Burnt to ash

Sky turns black
Sun burns red
Moon runs blood
These things dread

They are back!

They are back!


I'm excited.

Just seen a fair ride heading into LaGrange on the back of a flat bed truck.

Memories of fun times.

Sawdust on ground.

Aroma of corn dogs,french fries,candy apples.

The sights and sounds of the fair on a cool October night in Georgia.

Fear not death

Fear not dead
They know nothing
In deep sleep
No reason weep

Come a time
Will rise again
New life will
Begin then

Fear not death
A new dimension
But precious be
That last breath

Heaven I wait
Ready for peace
In God's care
I will sleep

Moon dark side

Moon dark side
Want to go
Where my face
Never to show

Leave me alone
Vacuum of space
Want drop out
The human race

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Scarlet letter P

The scarlet letter P.

Require every politician from the top to the bottom have this tattooed upon their chest.

Take away all their special privileges.

Turn them out amongst the hungry,jobless,hurting people they are suppose to serve.

In my humble opinion it would take only a short time before their high and mighty attitude would change drastically.

I'm being nice really.

What I'm thinking I better not say.

Jesse and Frank

Jesse and Frank James.

They where heroes back in their day to the people.

Robbing those greedy banks who where taking peoples farms away from them.

Story is John Dillinger would rob banks and take deeds that they held on peoples homes/farms and burn them.

Then there was Mr.Robin Hood.He stole from the rich and gave to the poor.We kinda have one of those today.

He is called Uncle Sam.

Yes we need heroes like Jesse and Frank.

May I suggest they start up the road in Washington,D.C.

But Jesse and Frank would not want to associate with those crooks.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Your new boyfriend

I could be
Your new boyfriend
Buy me a Chevy Silverado
I'll stay till the end

Make mine maroon
Lots of chrome
Jacked up high
I would never roam

I could do this
Pick you up
From your spare jobs
See it ain't bad slopping hogs

I'm worth it
Every penny you spend
And if you get a day off
That truck I might lend

You could go grocery shopping
Load it up
With biscuits taters
For desert peanut butter cups

Yeah I'm a deal
Just buy me that truck
While you're working
I'll be hunting a big deer buck

If you nice
I'll let you clean my boots
Wash my jeans
It's your thing that hygiene

Bo and Traylor they come first
Them sweet pretty hunting dawgs
You adopt them maybe let you
Give up that job of slopping hogs

That about do it
Nothing else to say
I'm just here
To make your day

Lord you know

Lord you know
What I'm about
I'm not one
Who prays and shouts

You know my heart
What I hold dear
You know my tears
And my fears

Lord you know
What I do
What I do wrong
When I'm being true

Lord you know
I'm not the man
That I could be
I am what you see

Lord give me the grace
The courage I need
For things I face
You I want to please


I am ready
Big boy bowl and spoon
Homemade chili
Served around noon

Spicy and hot
Add onions if you don't mind
Cooked low and slow
I have plenty of time

Crackers cornbread grilled cheese
On the side
Please make a big pot
Guaranteed to please

Mouth do water
Let's do this
Don't wanna wait

After much thought
Added another verse
If you can't do chili
Taco soup would work

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Redneck Rappin

Manly sport played by manly men

Watching the Pink Pansies playing the Skip-a-doos today on TV.

Boy oh boy football sure has changed.

I thought football had sunk to new low levels when they did that buttock slapping hop scotch skipping thing.

Nothing makes my skin feel creepy more than seeing a 7 foot 350 pound manly boy doing a John Travolta disco dance in the end field after a touchdown.

Today I noticed another troubling trend.

Players taking a sliding fall to avoid being creamed on a tackle by Big Bubba.I hope it was a slide not just laying down giving up.

Football was once a manly sport played by manly men.

But things have changed.

Least we still have NASCAR.

It has started

If you are reading this we didn't make it.

The Rapture.

I seen Jesus in the eastern sky.Gabriel blowing his trumpet.Angels following him their wings beating loudly making a rushing sound.

The dead in Christ have rose from their graves meeting him in the sky.I seen crowds of people just disappear in the blinking of an eye.

Only those of us with little faith and the non believers remain.

Our Hell on Earth has started.

Wait....there is still time!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I can rest

I think Heaven will be as you want it.

Mine will be like this.

First person I see will be Jesus(who will probably say"come on in boy at times I had my doubts about you"then  Momma and Daddy will meet me at the gates.Then my Grand Parents.Aunts Uncles Cousins and friends.

All my dogs,cats,Jim the monkey and my duck I raised from a duckling.

No honey and milk for me please I want some good old fashioned country cooking.

Like that machine Jane Jeston had just push a button and poof there it is.

Hamburger steak with gravy and onions lot's of crinkle cut fries crispy brown and please don't forget the brown and serve rolls. You get the picture on the food.

I will be walking,running like in my dreams.

No more pain crying or sadness.

A big shade tree on the shore of the fast running Jordan River where on a fall day  I can just sit,reflect and rest.

My wish

When I get old and feeble which might not be far off there is one thing I'm hoping for.

If my mind leaves me please let me be one of the quiet crazy ones.

Just set me in the corner in a rocker and leave me.

Let me reminisce about old times and good memories.

I hope never to be one of the old ones who are never pleased or appreciatory of anything or anybody.

Let me be sweet kind and a joy to be around.

That is my wish.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Highway Patrol

I wanna drive a car fast
I wanna wear a big gun on my hip
I wanna work for the Highway Patrol
Nobody gonna give me lip

I wanna wear a sharp uniform
I wanna work for the state
I wanna shiny badge
Now you get that straight

LaGrange goes Hollywood

LaGrange goes Hollywood!

From the LaGrange Daily News.

Tinseltown has come to LaGrange today as scenes from the second film sequel to “The Hunger Games” are set to be filmed on a closed set at the former Tredegar building on Jenkins Street.

While most of the Lionsgate production is being filmed in and around metro Atlanta, the studio chose the building to film some scenes of the movie. The studio has been very secretive about the film, which is based on the final book of the Hunger Games trilogy, “Mockingjay,” written by Suzanne Collins. The first sequel, “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,” will be released next month in movie theaters.

The movie will be filmed today and Friday. Movie crews have been in town for about two weeks preparing for the filming, according to LaGrange-Troup County Chamber of Commerce Director of Tourism Laura Jennings.

“The best thing we can do as a community, in order to attract even more movies to shoot here, is to be respectful of the privacy needed by the production companies. The film industry is close knit so when they talk about LaGrange and Troup County, we want the conversation to be highly favorable. They need to know us as a place that does what it takes to accommodate their needs and give them the crowd-free latitude to go about their business,” Jennings said.

The public will not have access to the shooting of the film, but it is possible that some of the actors will be patronizing local businesses. Portions of several films, such as “Lawless” and “Jane Mansfield’s Car” have been filmed in Troup County and some actors have been spotted in local eateries.

“Robert Duvall, Billy Bob Thornton and Shia LeBeouf have dined right here in LaGrange. We want more of that,” Jennings said.

Mr B and the shootout

A true story.

Sit back my friend take your shoes off rest a spell here goes.

Mr B 96 years old,blind and paralyzed from a stroke and my roomie this is a story he tells.

Once he was walking into a local hotel with a woman for an afternoon encounter I guess is the word and someone saw Mr B and calls another Lady he has been seeing.

Well upon leaving said establishment seems someone was blocking his car in the parking lot.

It was his other Lady friend and it seems she wasn't in a good Christian mood at the moment and starts shooting.

Mr B said he and his Lady of the moment ducked down in his car as bullets started flying shooting out the glass of his car reaching for his gun in the dash and as his Lady friend who has the bad spirited attitude leaves the parking lot he follows her and shoots back.

Now there is a rolling shootout going on down New Franklin Road here in LaGrange.

She shoots at him he shoots back hitting her car.

As always in these situations the Police arrive and calm is restored.

Now seems Mr B has been shot and off to the hospital he is rushed.After close exam it is found he has been shot in the left hip pocket and of all things he was shot in his billfold.Yes friend the billfold took a bullet for him.

As Mr B tells it he was only charged with shooting a gun inside city limits and fined $50 but his Lady friend was charge with a more serious crime.

And now for the kicker.

That Lady that shot him often comes out here to the old folks home and visits him.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Big rock

Maybe it's out there right now.

Lurking,waiting, hiding, unseen.

A big ole chunk of rock,an asteroid headed toward us.

The one that will take out planet Earth.

I wonder if the governments of the world knew this was going to happen at some point in time and there was no chance of stopping it or getting out of it's way,unsurvivable destruction would they tell us?

I think not.

What will be the purpose of telling us.Nothing but panic and terror would follow.

The kindest most humane thing to do is just let people go about their lives un suspecting any thing is wrong then.....BAM!

That's all she wrote you are dead.

Like I always say it's not what the government tells you that one should worry about but what they don't.

Down around Macon,Georgia

Sad state of affairs this country going through.

This government shutdown might get serious.

I'm reminded of the Civil War.Folks thought it was going to be a party and last only a few days.It lasted what 4 years.

The country was devastated especially down here it the South where people had to start over from scratch and rebuild.

Reports of soldiers killed in battle their families not receiving death benefits has surfaced.Day care for kids closed.This and that.

If this country defaults on it's bills everyone will suffer.You me all of us.

I joke about finding a clean pasteboard box to live in under a bridge some where but you know what if there are no Social Security checks coming in I won't be living here at the old folks home cause they will shut down.

I'm picking out a bridge today because I take nothing for granted.

Thank you Mr and Mrs Politician.

Your dedication to this country and it's people is appreciated.

Yeah right if you believe that I got some ocean front property for sale down around Macon,Georgia.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

NYC wolf packs

Wolf packs of NY.

Those bikers in NYC who terrorized that man his wife and child most likely got off easy in my opinion.

Looks like from the video I seen they where just cruzin for a bruzin.

Funny how people act when in a pack like wolfes or dogs.

Their courage increases and mentality decreases.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Always close by

When I pass on
I will return as a drop of rain
To make flowers grow
And to ease your pain

Forgotten and gone
That will be
But you will see me
When you look at Pine trees

Never far away
Always close by
I will be the wind
On sunny days

And at night
Look into the sky
Those stars are me
See we really never die


Don't let anyone or anything take away your God given joy.

TV critic

Hello there.

I'm John your TV critic for today.

Listen folks there is no reason to turn your Tele on.Believe me it's all el crapo.

I have been watching the new fall TV programs and yet I haven't found one that can keep my attention span from drifting after 5 minutes.

Laugh tracks after every spoken sentence the same o same o nothing different nothing original.

Even Duck Dynasty has gotten old and seems scripted now.

Not saying that TV programs of old where any better it's just now there are so many things to occupy your free time these days.

Gone are the days of 3 networks 3 channels on your TV.

Said my peace.

Now I'm going to Hulu and watch The Twilight zone for awhile.


Sometimes unspoken words say more than a book full.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Look you shall see
Listen you shall hear
Seek you shall find

Could there be a better day

Coming soon
Trick or treat
At night with a full moon
Free candy can't be beat

Snickers paydays peanut butter cups
People just give'em away
Now you tell me
Could there be a better day

Little ghosts and goblins
Running all around
Bet you look close
You will see a clown

Hope it don't rain
That'a makes kids blue
And don't you dare
Treat'em with cheese fondue

Me myself won't go
To old and lazy and candy makes me fat
I'll just stay here
And watch the rocky horror picture show

A tree in Alabama

I can't shake this feeling.

152 years ago I was there.

The American Civil War.

Just had that feeling again.

There is a tree in Roanoke,Alabama I'm buried under.

A short micro second flashback.

Feeling blessed

Feeling blessed today.

Ms Amber brought cabbage and polish sausage and cornbread plus strawberry shortcake which will be my supper.

Mr Charles brought big white butter beans and cornbread which will be my lunch.

Doing good in da hood!

My heart has been touched and my belly filled.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The death of free speech in America

The death of free speech in America.

It has got silly folks.

A school or schools in Connecticut have banned students from doing the Geico camel hump day thing.

It irritates the teachers.

Ok you little school hoodlums bad to the bone boys and girls Uncle John gonna do you a favor.

Got old quick

Clouds from South moving in.Wind picking up a bit.What's left of that tropical weather out in the Gulf of Mexico moving this way.

Rain tonight.

Back in 95 ,October things where different.

Hurricane Opal came up I 85 and visited LaGrange.

No power for 7 days and that got old quick.

Look the same

Yesterday was a beautiful fall day.

I noticed people out on their motorcycles zipping up down the road.

People out in their old classic cars.

Blast from the past.

Those old cars brought back memories but they sure looked strange compared to these new fangled automobiles.

The old cars had class,they where pretty and most important in the old days you could tell what year brand and model they where.

Now all the new cars look alike to me.

Anything is possible

Heard a siren yesterday,ambulance pulling into the old folks home,nothing unusual about that but this time it was different.

Looking out my window I seen a fire truck,they only come out when someone is bad off beside the fire station is only a few blocks away up the road,lights also on.

Now what's different about all this is a police car,lights on and a detective car also came.

My curiosity running now what is going on.

Ambulance leaves with lights and siren on which is  always a bad sign.

Fire truck/rescue leave also.

Cops still hanging around.

Something on the North side has happened rumor is.

It was right at lunch time which for some reason I've noticed the ambulance seems to always show up at eating times.

Did someone flip out because they got cooked carrots and broccoli again?

Maybe a jealous lover involved in a nursing home relationship catches significant other with someone else? It could happened you know.

Maybe someone just got fed  up with it all and like in that movie said"I'M MAD AS HELL AND NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE".

The real reason of the commotion I never heard.None of my bizz.I don't pry.

Just another day in the lives of the old,aged,sick and demented.

Around here anything is possible.

Sums it up for me

My pioneer spirit


Thank you Jesus the power just came back on here at the old folks home.

It was only 30 minutes maybe without it but it sure was missed by me.

Where is my pioneer spirit I wonder? I've grown accustomed to these modern convinces.


Amen to that.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fire ants

They cover the South like the dew.

Fire ants.

Nothing will make you lose all modesty quicker than stepping in a mound of fire ants.

Don't matter where you are if those ants start biting off come shoes,pants whatever.

Don't matter who's around either,Grand Ma or the Preacher just get on out of the way and those four letter words ain't cuss words but are expressions of pain.

I'm pretty sure the Lord understands your predicament and will gladly forgive your choice of words.

Stay tuned!

I'm all out of ideas.

Can't think of anything to write about.

Covered just about everything from A-Z.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thank you Jesus

That's all she wrote thinking to myself.

About 5 this morning I noticed that the all night track of crickets,sound of night creatures and the crackling of a camp fire that I listen to on YouTube to drown out all the goings on here had stopped.

The silence woke me up.

I noticed the battery light on the computer was flashing.

Computer died,no power.

Checking all cables connections nothing was found wrong.

Shoot fire thinking to myself this is going to be boring without the computer.No TV,no writing(writing on paper is to much work)no more this and that.

Dullsville USA without it.

I went back to sleep.

When my friend Charles the fix it man came in at breakfast he found the power cable unplugged on the floor.

Thank you Jesus and thank you Charles I'm back in bizzness.

Mothership comes around

Nightly about 2ish I'm visited.

The Mothership comes around and zip pow bang off on a trip She takes me.

Places like Texas,Utah and Kalamazoo,Michigan.

Once I was taken to France for a short visit but the food there didn't suit me.It's hard getting good French fries in France for some reason.

We just cruise the skies at night talking about old black&white movies staring James Cagney and things never anything to deep.

You know just making conversation.

Last night/early morning I ended up at a Denny's restaurant in Norman,Oklahoma for an snack of chili dogs and onion rings and a big orange to wash it down.

Around 444 am the Mothership whisks me back to the old folks home before the early bed check at 5 am we leave a little early in case of heavy traffic (they check if we made it through the night)and I take a short nap before breakfast.

I JohnLee swear the above is the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Really I swear I'm not on any happy pills of any kind.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bambi got slammed-pain patch art by RN VPRB

Bambi went to town
Bambi didn't make it back
Bambi got slammed
By a van that was black

Little grass hut

I need to make my home on some tropical island in the Atlantic.

Aruba,Bermuda but please not Cuba.

White warm sand between my toes.

Beach full of friendly dark eyed senoritas.

Tropical breeze blowing my long flowing curly locks(this is my story and it can be as I want)a low slung hammock tied between two tall palm trees.

Coconuts and bananas for snacks.

Those frozen drinks with the tiny umbrellas with the funny names and go so good with my buttered salted down popcorn.

The roar of the Atlantic 24/7.

No one serving broccoli and steamed carrots.I would have burgers,fries,pizza and home cooked meals catered and flown in by the Coast Guard.

I would have control of the remote,no one to rudely grab the TV clicker and turns it to Walker Texas Ranger reruns or sports,sports, sports without the asking please may I thank you.

I would live in a grass hut.All the modern conveniences.Microwave for popping popcorn and cooking bacon and warming up spaghetti.

I wouldn't have to listen to Rick James sing SUPER FREAK never ever again in my little grass hut.

Yes I think life would be wonderful down in Aruba or Bermuda but not Cuba.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My twin has been found

Once we had a roommate across from my bed.He said often at night after waking up in the early hours of the morn with sleepy eyes looking over at me in peaceful slumber fear would would consume him like a dark blanket covering him.

At the time my hair was long and I had an shaggy beard.

My friend and roomie with his sleepy eyes would for a brief second think it was Charles Manson the mass murder across from him.

So out of the blue I got my hair cut GI style (one step from a buzz cut)and shaved my beard off.

Now I'm Mister clean cut.

Now for the other side of the story.

I was just looking on one of those ancestry web site playing around killing time when I seen it.

I found my long lost twin brother.

Me yes, I now have kin folk of my own.I'm so happy of my new found family.

We are identical twins down to the very last hair on our heads.Identical I say.

There is one big difference.My twin has a talent.

He can play the banjo and was in a movie several years ago called Deliverance.

Yes now I have kin.A brother.Twin brother.

Face in a cloud

Like a face in a cloud.
Sand in water.
A leaf blown by the wind.
Some people disappear from our life.

Kinda rhymes with Bubba

It's a good thing this is a no adult content blog.

There is a certain middle eastern country(kinda rhymes with Bubba) that I won't even mention by name that is screwy and messed upped.

I can't write what I'm really thinking but just say I would never use these words around Momma.

A teacher here in Georgia answered an ad for a teaching position in said middle eastern country(kinda rhymes with Bubba).He was accepted and off he went to his new job.

Now for the shocker.

Our teacher had a stroke at birth and the stroke left him with a limp and limited use of one arm.No fault of his own just bad luck I would say.

Now this so called needing foreign teachers most likely cause their people are  dumb butts and can't teach country(kinda rhymes with Bubba) takes one look at our Georgia teacher and fires him on the spot.

That so called middle eastern country(kinda rhymes with Bubba) said because of his limp it would scare the children.Seems they are not accustomed to people with handicaps.

My humble opinion is this.Those children are going to have more problems than being frighten by someone with a limp or any other type of disability.

Might be that all that Royal inbreeding has finally caught up with them.

What if

I was 14 years old sitting on a Church pew listening to a preacher one Sunday morning.

What he said shocked me and never have I forgot.

If a so and so walked in his yard he would God forgive for saying this his words where KILL him.

I will let you figure out who so and so was.

At that young age I knew what the preacher said was wrong.Not Christian.

I'm sorry to say maybe it changed my view on Church and Church people some.

From what little I know of the part of the world where Jesus was from some of the people can be black as a piece of coal.

Maybe Jesus himself was black.

Chances are pretty good that describes what Jesus looks like and not the blond blue eyed man we see in all the paintings.

Now I just had an idea.

What if cameras where available back then and we had a real picture of what Jesus looked like surfaces.

What if Jesus was black?

The attitudes of many people would be changed.


They at it again partners.

Them Washingtonians.

Those folks that are elected by the people for the people they playing again.

Playing with peoples lives.

Shutdown day for the Government is here.

Those pesky Democrats and Republicans.

They act like cowboys of old time duking it out on the hill.

A shootout.

But they won't suffer,they never do.

No blood will they shed.

The Citizens will .