Monday, October 28, 2013

Old man and his dog

Someone said something the other day that reminded me of a Twilight Zone episode years and years ago I seen.

Old man and his dog take a little walk into the woods to hunt.

When they return home the man's wife is sitting in a rocking chair in their little cabin in the woods dressed in black.Mourning clothes.

The man speaks to his wife.

No answer.

After a few tries the man figures it out...he is dead.

After much thought the old man and his faithful dog start walking.

Where he doesn't know he just knows he must keep walking.

Finally they reach a gate.

It's the gates to Heaven.

Someone,St.Peter I assume meets them at the gate and explains what happened to him and his dog.

Seems the man while hunting had fallen into a pond and his dog went in after him.

Both drowned.

Come on in St.Peter said and the old man and his dog started through the gates.

Stop !

You can enter but not your dog !

Well the old man thought it out.

He loved his dog and his dog loved him faithfully so much that he gave his life for the old man.

No said the old man.

If my dog can't come in I won't either and kept walking.

The old man talking with his faithful friend said we will just be together no matter what.

They came upon another gate but this one had no sign.

A man met them.

Come on in he told the old man.

I won't leave my dog the old man said.

Of course your dog is welcomed.

This is HEAVEN !

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