Friday, May 31, 2013

I could be wrong

I could be wrong.I was half way asleep just resting my eyes but I thought this was what I heard on the news.

Seems some big music star has a hankering for cheeseburgers and crayons on the side you know like french fries.

Gee whiz everybody knows that those cheeseburgers will kill ya.

Pass the salt and ketchup while I snack on these red,blue and green crayons.

Sometimes it hurts

Every time a nurse gives me a shot I automatically say thank you.Thinking that over it just didn't sound right thanking someone for sticking a sharp pointed thing in my arm.

Sometimes it hurts.

So instead of thanking them I now say I appreciate your time and care.

Yep that sounds better.

Learned the hard way.

Things learned the hard way:
1.You can't eat spaghetti with a spoon.
2.Women are always right.
3.Don't pick up a hot lawn mower muffler with bare hands.
4.Women are always right.
5.Don't peek into a gas can using a lighted match.
6.Women are always right.
7.Don't mess with Big Foot he will whip your hiney.
8.Women are always right.
9.Baby squirrels will bite.
10.Did I mention women are always right?

Two Crows

Two Crows
I did see
Heads bobbing up down
Way up there in that tree

Pitching a fit
One was fussing
It didn't last long
Then one was gone

I notice the Crows
At times they act wacky
Could it be you think
They found a field of wacky backy

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Night sounds

Summer nights at East Newnan,Georgia.No such thing as having AC back then for us regular folks.

Your cool air came from the open screened widows.This was the 1960's things where changing and folks didn't dare leave their doors open at night.

If you where lucky you had a floor or window fan to keep you cool on those sultry muggy summer nights.

A floor fan called a Wind Maker kept me cool.

I would lay with my head at the foot of my bed which was homemade I must add with bookshelves made of pine by a man who lived in LaGrange.

Inches from the opened window the sounds of the night would lullaby me to a sound slumber.

Sounds of the cotton mill with it's steady quiet roar.The big 18 wheeler trucks rumbling up and down US 29 all night.

Everyone loves the sound of a fan I think.They can put one soundly asleep.

But the sounds I loved most where natures own.Crickets,cicadas the songs of the nightingales bull frogs from the mill pond and whipper wills off in the distance with their sad songs.


Words you say

Rule for today
Think twice
Then speak
Careful of what you say

Never know
Who's listening
And what about you
It does show

Be nice
Be thoughtful
Bite your tongue
Better in long run

Words do hurt
They are sharp
Take notice
Don't talk dirt

What now you say
Cruel or bad
Will come back
To haunt one day

More Southern sayings and definitions

More Southern sayings and definitions:
1.Hose pipe-garden hose
2.Clothes rack-wire clothes hanger
5.Doe-as in open the door someone is knocking
6.Flo-you know what you walk on or if from a big family you sleep on it
7.Supper-evening meal
8.Sweet milk-milk from a special cow just teasing it's what some call whole milk
9.Well doggie-what Jed Clampett would say
10.Dawg-has 4 legs wagging tail and goes bow wow
11.Ah shoot-same as dang

Dusty roads...

Dusty roads and pine trees.Those red high clay banks that roads where carved out of.

Tall green pine trees shading my way.

The musty smell of damp red clay after a hot muggy summers day rain fill my nostrils taking my breath away.

The sound of cicadas and crickets serenade all who will listen.

Skeeters diving like little WW 2 fighter planes pestering little pest they are.

A white sandy banked clear bottomed creek big enough to wade in.Minnows scooting and darting around.

The deep blue sky with puffy white clouds.The sun beaming down rays of hot light almost seems to be a giant angry eye in the sky watching our every move.

What is this all about you may ask?

These are things seen in my mind as I reflect upon my life as a boy in Alabama and Georgia.

Everyone should be so blessed.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Who do I hug
Who do I kiss
Spam sandwich for supper
Needed a slice of swiss


Fishing on the river
Under a tall shade tree
Using a cane pole
Where I want to be

Can of Vienna sausage
Cold RC
Box soda crackers
That's place for me

Snake doctor flying
Red bank of river
Just thinking of this
Causes me to shiver

All summer long
Where spirit at
On the river
I call home

Country folk

Just country folk
Living off the land
Proud and prideful
Never an outreached hand

They can grow
What they eat
What they wear
They can sew

Smile when they mean it
Mad you will know
Nothing about country folk
A put on show

I come from their stock
Pleases me
Your city life
To some lacks a lot 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Good day

Pretty good day if I may say so.Sat out at the cement pond under the veranda enjoying the sun and scenery.

Had my supper out there also.Tuna fish sandwich.

Lunch was el perfecto.Homemade veggie soup and toasted cheese sandwich with sliced cold watermelon.

Looking forward to breakfast.I have been promised a fried egg instead of the usual boiled.

All things considered a good day.

Strawberry moon

The full strawberry moon brought out impatience in some.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2013.

A time to honor those who served then,now and in the future to protect the freedoms we enjoy.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Just dreaming...

Pink eye peas
Home grown mater
Greasy cornbread
This I favor

Fried battered okra
Corn on cob
Big sweet onion
That do job

Meatloaf with gravy
Loaded with onion
Mashed tatters
Just dreaming maybe

Slice cold watermelon
Food like this
Be so nice
Just pure bliss


3 years of blogging.1000 plus posts.10000 page views.

Hard believing that many people are interested it what I have to say.

Thank you so much.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Kids name

If I had kids one would be named Google the other WiFi.

Blue Angels

Biscuit bake off

Official announcement:
The residents of room 31 have been selected to be judges in the 53rd annual Betty Crocker Biscuit Bake Off.
Please submit your entry into this contest.
Categories are:
1.Biscuits only.
2.Biscuits with bacon.
3.Biscuits with chicken breast.
4.Biscuits with sausage.
5.Biscuits with fried egg.
6.Biscuits buttered.
7.Biscuits with salmon patties.
8.Biscuits with gravy.
9.Biscuits with fried sliced taters.
As of this announcement we have two early entries.
Ms.Kathy and her wonderful chicken biscuit and Mr. David husband of Ms. Cheetos and his delicious salmon patties and biscuits.
Please submit your entry to room 31 SW for consideration.
Your judges Willie,Mr.B and JohnLee thank you in advance !

Friday, May 24, 2013


To all the self centered people I've known.The ones who think they could do no wrong.Those that are always right.The selfish ones.The know it alls.Those that kick you when you're down.Those that can't see the forest for the trees.The ones who think they are just a cut above.

Yeah them.

Recognize yourself?


My secret wish.Till this very day I dream of it.

I want to be a cowboy.

Yes a six shooter on my side.Winchester rifle,bed roll on my horse I go.Sleeping under the stars.Following the tumble weeds I wander.

No place to go lots of time to get there.

Then I come back to my senses.


 child+cold morning outside+cap pistol = memories

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Back in the 1990's I seen something like this hovering over downtown LaGrange,Ga.It looked like a small silver ball.A few days later traveling on Highway 219 from LaGrange to Frankin,Ga I seen this same thing.

Highway 219 is an isolated road out in the country and has been the place for many UFO sightings,military plane crashes etc.

This link explains some of the things that have happened here.Believe it or not it's your choice.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The cell bars are invisible

I faced reality today.I'm almost 61 years old,feel good,got some medical problems and I'm in a nursing home.

I could live a natural long life.It could be many years.

That hit me a few minutes ago.Man it's like almost being sentenced to life without the chance of parole.

Same thing each day it could get old.Same food same sights same people same etc.

Before you think I'm complaining guess this is where I belong.It was my choice.I had reached the point where things of daily living I needed a helping hand with.

I'm so blessed and thankful for those that help me here.


In a way I feel like I'm just here.So thankful I have the mental capacity to express what I am feeling.Some are just here period if you get my drift.

This may sound cold hearted,cruel or what ever you think but when I see the hearse leaving here with the remains of someone who has passed on I'm not sad for them.Thinking to myself  there you go friend you are now free,paroled,escaped your sentence and good luck friend you have made it.

Cold black steel bars don't keep us in.The cell bars are invisible.But we,us,the people here are in the prison of our own makings.

Let me repeat this,take note,listen to what I'm saying,this is my home,the best place for me,thank God for it and the people here who are my blessing.

I am just saying wish my life had turned out different than it did.If that sounds like whining so be it.

Catch and release

About that time of the year.Around the 1st of June they appear.

When I see them it's officially summer to me.

On a clear June sky night,the smell of honeysuckle and Formosa trees fill my senses.

I see one!

Fireflies they are back.

Kids with glass fruit jars will captured them.A living lamp of glowing life.

All I ask is this.Catch and release.

Last night's vistor

After a hot breakfast and coffee outside I mozied.Taking my time not sure of what waited on me my pistol ready at my side towards the wood shed I walked.

There it was.Just what I figured.Bear tracks in the soft wet ground.

Guess a Momma Black bear and her cubs had been my visitor last night.Most likely looking for a quick meal of the corn stored in the wood shed.

Bright sky but cold on the mountain this morning.

Night on Smith's mountain

I was woke up sometime last night by the sound of something,someone banging on the wood shed out behind the cabin.

I had been sleeping soundly.Rain on the tin roof lulybyed me into a deep peaceful sleep.

To be honest that sound of banging outside disturbed me.Once I thought maybe checking it out might be the wise thing to do.In the warm cabin I had no desire getting out in the cold rain at that late an hour.

I am glad my trusty 44 caliber pistol rested under the covers with me.

Morning and daylight will be better for looking at the source of the noise.

Now the sun is rising and time for warmed up taters and scrambled eggs.

Monday, May 20, 2013

On Smith's mountain

It's a cool fall evening on top of Smith's mountain and the wood stove is heating my one room cabin up nicely.

On the stove a big black iron frying pan full of sliced taters and onion are  frying and the smell is wonderful.My mouth waters.Cornmeal flitters with sorghum syrup will finish out supper.

Up here in the North Georgia mountains the cold comes in quick.But I'm ready for it.Plenty of kindling wood for the old black wood stove and a large stack of cut wood for the fireplace.So staying warm should be no problem.Plenty of old patch quilts that will make for good sleeping are neatly folded and stacked for those blustery snowy nights ahead.

Belly full think sitting on the porch waiting on sunset will finish off this good day.My corn pipe and a hot cup of fresh coffee compliment that big ole homemade rocker.Feet propped up on the porch banister I'm comfortable.

Twilight.Best time of the day.Oak trees are blooming with orange,yellow and gold leaves giving up their acorns which the deer love snacking on.

A cool evening with the smell of wood smoke and the sights of a setting sun up on the mountain I think what else could a man want or need.

Crickets serenade me and the pipe smoke with the coffee just add to my peaceful feeling.

Early October up on Smith's mountain.My Heaven on Earth.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Days of old

Take me back
To those days of old
When people cooked
On a wood stove

Frying with lard
When food tasted good
And it wasn't
Very hard

Biscuits and taters
Gravy to
This kind eating
It will do

Sorghum syrup
Fried fritters
Streak o lean
Ya'll know what I mean

Google this...

I have seen days like this before.Rainy,thunder and lighting.Fact is seen it yesterday all day.

Storms don't scare me to much.When power goes out it's a big hindrance.

Stay away from the door,get back from that screen window put that dog down they draw lighting Daddy would tell me .If dogs draw lighting I don't know.That would be something to Google maybe on a ....rainy day.

I think yesterday was one of the fastest days I've had since being here.Ate breakfast and a full belly and the rainy stormy weather combo put me out like a rock.Slept till lunch time and then took a nap after that.

Think it's just a good day staying here in the bed thinking,meditating,finding a plan for world peace,curing all the sick of the world etc.

Can't fool you huh?Going to take me a nap.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

If it was think I would

If it was 1965.If I still had my bicycle.If I still lived at East Newnan.If Jay McMichaels store was still there.If I was 13 again.

Think I would ride that half a block from the old house.Think I would buy a Dr.Pepper in a bottle.Think I would buy a big bag of Frito corn chips.Think I would finish it all off with Zagnut candy bar.Think I would sit down inside the store in one of those old rocking chairs.Think I would just sit there all day and watch the world pass me by.

If it was think I would.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Southern sayings and their definitions

Southern sayings and their definitions.

1.Gaa Lee-Words of astonishment.
2.Reckon-I guess so.
3.Deef-Hard of hearing.
4.Watta go-Few seconds ago.
5.Shzam-Gomer Pyle's word.
6.Foe-You know one two three foe.
7.Cheer-That thang you sit in.
8.Tared-Often misspelled as tired.
9.Winder-Some call them windows.
10.Watch this-Redneck's last words.


Weird dreams all night.They where about my folks which I haven't dreamed about in a long time.

Started off with me and Momma at the local Ford dealer.Buying a new truck was why we where there.Running around trying to find brochures on the truck that I wanted with no success.Momma was just sitting in the waiting room not saying anything.

Next it was me and Daddy.I know it was a hospital somewhere.Seems like we walked and walked till I finally asked Daddy what are we doing here.Here for some test he answered.Then he walked outside on the roof of the building and I followed him.

Wow.What a beautiful sight.Mountains that are black in color and so high.I kept asking where are we.I had it in my mind this must be California for some reason.

A short railing was around the roof.Very high up we where.I could only go so far to the edge the height terrified me.But Daddy walked right up to the edge.Stop don't go any closer Daddy I was so scared.Then he just disappeared.I kept calling out for him but no answer.Don't make me crawl out to the ledge Daddy I begged.

That was it.I woke myself up calling Daddy.Hope no one heard me.

In these I was walking and walking very good I might add.

I have to stop having those salads for supper maybe they are the culprit of these dreams.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Should be a law

There should be a law against it..Evening TV and those ads for all that good great wonderful fast food.

Hamburgers,pizza,chicken strips,fries it just pure torture.

And Hardee's is the worse.Those hamburgers and biscuits they advertise make my mouth water.

LaGrange did have a Hardees.But like all good things they left and the closest one is up in Franklin,Georgia.

Tell you what.Swap 2 McDonalds and 1 Burger King for just 1 of those Hardees stores.

Nothing but a good time

I had one of these bikes.My last bike.Schwinn 2 speed kick back ,coppertone color,chrome fenders.

A cool bike and very fast.The Cadillac of bikes they where called.

Me and Daddy went to the hardware store and I picked it out and the bike was put on lay away till Christmas.

It looked so cool and inviting sitting under that aluminum Christmas tree with the rotating colored wheel at the house.I wasn't allowed to take it out till Christmas Eve.I did manage a few sneaked rides in the hall of that old house at East Newnan.

For some reason and I don't know why 10 speed what we called English Racers where not popular.

Every kid had a bike and in the summer time from the time you got up till your Momma said come home you where on your bike.

Balloons tied to the spokes gave your bike the sound of a race car or motorcycle.Smoke bombs strapped to the rear fender made for realistic burnouts.

Back at East Newnan the school baseball field turned into a dirt bike race track in the summers months.So much fun pretending your bike was a race car.How we survived those days it's a wonder.

The day I got my driving learners permit at 15 my bike was never rode again.Fact is I gave it away.Minus the pretty chrome fenders which had been ripped off in all those bike wrecks and races.If my memory serves me right it had been spray painted a shiny black color.

A kid in the 1960's.Nothing but a good time.

This means something

What this means I don't know.

Seems fried chicken,biscuits,mashed potatoes and gravy was what I dreamed of all night.

Like that guy in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind said when making a mountain out of his mashed potatoes"This Means Something".

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Honeysuckle all like
Summer time delight
Starlit Georgia night
Fireflies shining bright


Gun shots and gun smoke fill the air.

A hot summer afternoon in a large thicket of pine trees.

And I'm walking right toward it all.

These flashbacks are almost a nightly thing for me now.More than dreams it is so real.

The year is 1863. I'm 17 years old somewhere near Vicksburg,Mississippi.The color of my uniform is Bonnie gray.I carry an Enfield rifle musket.

I am a Confederate solider.My name is Jacob Haynes.

Clay County,Alabama is my home.

I enlisted in the 42nd Alabama Infantry Regiment at Talledega,Alabama.

A musket ball burns it's way into my right leg.Dead and wounded comrades lay around me.

I'm took prisoner and they take off my leg.

Jacob Haynes was my Great Grandfather...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Old mean dog

Old mean dog.Not my friend.Treated that old dog nice.Took it in from the cold and rain and it bit me every chance it got.

Fed it best I could that old mean dog.That old dog was not thankful for anything.

Nothing was good enough for that old mean dog.That old mean dog would bark at me for no reason at all.

Bark bark bark to it's other old mean dog friends about me when I wasn't looking that old mean dog did.

I hope that old mean dog and it's puppies find someone who will be good enough for them.Maybe someone they will be thankful for.

But don't think anyone will be what that old dog wants.

That old mean dog !

Come quick...

Come get me Mr Space person.Bored as can be today.

Fly me away to some exotic locale far far away from the daily grind of my life.

Show me the sights of universes unknown.

Up up way up there in the dark blue sky take me.Zipping along at double triple mach speed.

Mr Space person come quick the day is wasting.


Man hitches ride in big 18 wheeler in Tennessee.

Off to California they go.

Truck is hauling strawberries.

Driver leaves truck alone with man at weigh station in California.

Man steals truck.

Causes wrecks.

Man wrecks truck.

Man admits guilt.

Man said zombies are chasing him.


Zombies not chasing him.

We all know zombies just wanted the strawberries.

I can't judge...

I can't judge.I won't.

But this abortion Doctor trial in Pennsylvania has to get everyone's attention.

If you haven't heard the Doctor has been found guilty of murder for killing 3 aborted babies who where born alive.

My God 3 little babies their life's snuffed out.What has this world come to.

I can't judge.I won't.

But I think we all will be judged for this by God.For allowing abortion and not standing up to people who say it is fine to murder babies.

Have mercy on this sick cruel awful world Lord.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bubble headed bleached blond

Years ago Aunt Gert went to church with her daughter.

Momma what you think about my church she was asked?

Aunt Gertrude answered"they sure are a healthy bunch,they stood the whole service".

I got that same feeling when watching the news lately.Won't name the network but 3 letters,starts with a C ends with an N  will leave the rest to your imagination.

Noticed it first with the coverage of the Boston bombing.Now they have invaded Cleavland covering the story of those missing and found women.

Reporters and cameras satellite trucks doing the news.Adding to the crowd it seems to me.

To be fair it's nothing new.Thinking way back I remember the coverage of JFK being shot.News folks where there on the scene.

Now this really gets me.Hurricanes and reporters.They stand out in the dang storm just to report what is going on.

Dedication or showboating I sometimes wonder.

And have you noticed the local TV news folks?Let some big national story happen and it seems they are hoping for the same in their town.They start seeing boogers behind every tree hoping to have their own sensational news item to report on.

They hunt for doom and gloom reporting it all with a put on face of sympathy.

Someone said once if ya can't make it in the movies be a news reporter.

Bubbled headed bleached blond.

Ok I will shut up now.

Going to Aruba

I have a plan.

When my ship comes in,when I win the lottery.when I strike it rich,when I invent something everyone must have I'm ready.

Going to Aruba.

Yes Aruba that tropical island in the Caribbean.Where the beaches are snow white and the weather is always agreeable.

I will drink coconut milk and eat green boiled bananas.Warm sand between my toes.Just laying in my hammock on the beach letting the balmy trade winds rock me to sleep.

Yes that is my plan.

They are back...

They are back....Hummingbirds !

Eye to the world...

Things I see looking out the big window.People of all sorts doing all sorts of things people do.

Joggers are out in force.Walkers using their fit bugs clicking off the steps.

Trucks of every sort.Trucks delivering milk,ice cream,loaf bread,chips and dips etc.

Trucks delivering cars trucks delivering caskets.Little slice of life passes by the big window.Everything one would want or need.

Birds big and little even deer I see from the window.

Night time brings out the stars moon and the planets and day time the sky is full of shiny high flying airplanes going places.

Funeral possessions with grieving loved ones taking someone for their final ride I have seen from the big wide window.

The big window.My eye to the world.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Signs of summer

I see a Formosa tree.
I smell a Honeysuckle vine.
I hear an ice cream truck.

Saturday, May 11, 2013



Long delayed echoes.I have read stories of these strange goings on before but never had I personally heard one.Till that night.

It is said that every type of electromotive energy that has ever been broadcasted is still floating around in the ionosphere.

Old reruns of I love Lucy,Bonanza,the 1963 TV news coverage of  JFK being shot,everything ever put on radio or TV is still out there somewhere.

I got interested in this phenomena years ago.Starting in 1975 I got my amateur radio license,ham radio, and still hold it till this very day.My FCC assigned call sign is WA4PFG.

Reading magazines and listening to talk of old timers this term called LDE would every so often come up.

People swear it to be the Gospel truth of hearing their dead ham friends in conversation even though it had been years since their demise.

I putting it mildly was a skeptic.Never had heard one myself these LDE.

On a cold winters night with a sparkling clear sky I fired up my Kenwood TS 530 S transceiver.My favorite radio antenna to use was what is called a center fed zepp which is 140 feet of number 14 stranded copper wire feed with open line cable like the old fashioned TV lead in cable through a antenna tuner.

Winter is the best time to work the lower bands because there is no summer time noise and static.That's when you work DX"long distance" on 160,80 and 40 meter ham radio bands.

I'm almost entirely what is called a CW operator meaning instead of using my voice to communicate I use Morse code.At that time Morse code was a requirement for getting an amateur radio license.

That mode was easy for me and a pleasure to use.It's a skill.

But for some unknown reason I thought something different would be fun.So hooking up my MC 50 microphone to my 530S tonight I'm trying 75 meter ssb.

Listen before talking is what the considerate ham does.Those that break the un written laws of ham radio are called LIDS short for poor operator. I always prided myself in being considerate to others.

The band was quiet no jibber jabber of nets no one calling CQ no fussing and fighting which is normal for 75 at night.But conditions sounded good.No static just it seemed no one was on the radio.

Long skip I guessed.That's it the band is open for DX.That can happen,your neighbor next door can't be heard but half way around the world people are heard S9.The radio signal just skips around.

Is this frequency being used? I asked.If I had been on CW, QRL? Would have been sent.

Just to be sure I asked if the frequency was in use again.Nothing heard.

Hello CQ hello CQ this is WA4PFG WA4PFG listening for any possible call.

No answer after several times calling CQ.

Well the band must be dead as a doornail.I'm not hearing anybody.Just as I started to switch bands it happened.

WA4PFG WA4PFG this is W4__ W4__ over.

Wow a strong signal.Quickly I answered W4__ w4__ from  WA4PFG thanks for the call OM.

WE exchanged info on all the regular stuff like QTH,name rigs etc.It was a short but real nice QSO.

I have a habit of making out a QSL card as soon as I talk with someone.Just easier than having to fill out a big bunch at once.

W4__ that is an old call sign.This was before the new fangle vanity call system.

I don't seem to see that call anywhere hmm.Did I hear it wrong wondering?

This can't be right.Looking the second time I find the call in the callbook.Right name,location but it is an silent key call.Silent key is what deceased hams are called.

I didn't mention this for awhile.Didn't want people to think I was cracked or pulling a fast one on them.

A few months later again at night on 75 meter phone I overheard a couple of guys talking.They where talking about that same guy I talked with that night W4__. Lately people have been hearing him on the air again.He has been dead for 20 plus years one guy said.

One old timer who was with that group spoke up and said he has heard him more than once.They had been good friends in the old days and he swears it was his voice that people have been hearing.

I have talked to ships at sea,airplanes and exotic locations but this was a first for me and I hope the last.

Seems I had been talking with a ghost !

Friday, May 10, 2013

Calling Momma

Momma I had this dream.

Somewhere I was and all of a sudden the feeling of being so alone came over me.

I need to call Momma.

As I was dialing the phone all the memories of you came rushing back to me.

Tears filled my eyes.

All of the things you taught me.Every time I had a pain or sickness you where always there.

All the laughter.The long talks at night.


After several tries of calling you Momma I came back to reality.

You where at peace now.No more tears for you.

Happy Mothers Day Momma !

Ahead of the times


Watching an old SCFI space movie.Title is Operation Moonbase.

Circa  1958.

They are talking on cordless phones !

Way ahead of the times.

Winds in the pines

Wind in the pines
Sound I want to hear
Wind in the pines
I hold it so dear

Wind in the pines
So tall and green
Wind in the pines
My eyes do gleam

Wind in the pines
Such a favorite sight
Wind in the pines
To me a real delight

Wind in the pines
Your cones laying on ground
Wind in the pines
I see you all around


Lone bird just sitting on a wire.Watching over his kingdom or what who knows.

Maybe bird is just resting.Thinking of what ever bird thinks off.

Could be bird is scouting for food.That could be the reason it is breakfast time.

Maybe bird is lonely.That sounds reasonable.Like that song "looking for love in all the wrong places."

What ever bird is doing,thinking I sure hope it all turns out like bird wants.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Just outta the shower.Those hot soaking showers are a blessing.

A good supper of meatloaf,cabbage,mashed potatoes,cornbread with iced sweet tea and coffee.

For a snack thinking of some chocolate ice cream a nice Lady here brought me the other day.

The folks here at the home are always bringing me food from home and I truly thank them.

Yesterday a super nice person here brought me 2 homemade chicken and biscuits.It was excellent timing because for lunch yesterday that chicken pot pie was on the menu.

Yes I'm so blessed in so many ways for my friends who I call family here at TFH.


Lord you are all I have.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Into that habit...

Spent some time outside today.

Beuatiful !

As Goldilocks  said not to hot not to cold just right.

Done something I've been ignoring lately.Reading my Bible while I  was in a peaceful quiet place.

Got to get back into that habit because it sure made me feel good.


Coke,pop,soda pop.Coca Cola.

Down here in the South it's called a CoCola.Soon as I got that typed my spell checker came on.

Yikes ! I got the Yankee version of a spell checker.

Anyway back to the story.CoCola covers every brand of soft drink know to man.Pepsi,Dr. Pepper,RC etc.

CoCola is what Southern folks call them.

It's A Southern thing CoCola.1886 Atlanta,Georgia it all came about.The rest is history.

Almost every town in the South at least had a CoCola bottling plant.

At least once a year Southern school children where treated to tours of a bottling plant.A free coke,pencils and writing tablets with the Coke logo on them where passed out as favors.Then on your birthday watch the mail because Coke would send you a coupon for 2 free CoColas to be redeemed at the store of your choice.

I have a can of party peanuts.All I need is an icy cold 6 ouncer in a glass bottle CoCola.That would make my day.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

105 year old Lady

Yay !

This is just wonderful.105 year old Lady sez it was bacon,fried bacon that got her this far in life.

Bacon everyday she said.Bacon every meal would suit her.

She even was treated with a visit from the Oscar Myer Winnermobile.

I bet the people who want to control everything we do and eat are having a hissy fit over this.

Lets celebrate !

Double decker BLT's with tater tots and a big ole CoCola for us all.


I was just asked if I had a brother?Nope.
Do you have a sister?Nope.
Parents still living?Nope.
Alone in the world?Yep.
But I don't feel alone.

I am


I was.


I am.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Laying low going with the flow


I like it.

Laying here listening to talk radio on the internet.

Cars traveling up down US 29 splashing in the rain.

It's fairly quiet around the old home place tonight.

Wish I could sleep like my roommates.They are snoring soon as their heads hit the pillow.My brain is still in high gear with a mixture of thoughts.

Thoughts of things past.Thoughts of things present.No thoughts of things in future.

Just busy laying low going with the flow.

Hungry for hot buttered biscuits.Gravy and fried taters.

That is a thought for the future because someone has promised to bring me that.

Today was just another ho hum passing of time.Really boring putting it kindly.

Oh well think I will just lean back listen to the rain and radio.


Tis the end my friend. Ain't writing nothing else.All that can be said has been.

It's done and over.

Through with it all.

Quitting while I'm ahead.


Till tomorrow.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Started something

1964 so I was 12 maybe 13.Ed Sullivan show.Sunday night.Everyone had heard of the Beatles but this was a first look at them.

The next day at school that was all we could talk about.

You seen half way wannabe Beatle hair cuts.

One guy we thought had one that day after.Nope he said it was a Mr. Spock hairdo.He loved Star Trek.

The Beatles.

They had started something.

Like that idea...

Sunny day bit cool.Perfect day for burgers and dogs on a charcoal grill.

Homemade baked beans some Ruffles have ridges potato chips and cold CoColas from a icy glass bottle.

Doesn't this sound great.

Just something about food cooked on a charcoal grill.That smell,that taste can't be duplicated with those fancy gas grills.Shoot if ya gonna cook with gas just stay inside and use your stove.

Let's go all the way while we dreaming.How about some homemade churned,delicious better than that store bought stuff they call ice cream.Vanilla add some chocolate syrup,peaches or strawberries wow I'm drooling now.That would be so good now be honest you like that idea also right?

Lewis Grizzard

Lewis Grizzard.Great American.

Born and raised up Highway 29 in Moreland,Georgia about 20 miles from here.Southern Gentleman,Son of the South.Newspaper writer,humorist and a man who loved Catfish his dog.

Momma loved his books.I did also.Daily his columns appeared in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Lewis died a few years ago on the operating table having a heart procedure done.He still lives through his books.On YouTube his concerts are available.

I can't leave without telling one of his stories.

Listening to his little step kids talking in the bathroom one day he overheard them say.Little girl 5 asked her brother 4 if he knew any dirty words.I know one the little boy said.Little girl said she also knew one.What is your word the little girl asked?Her brother spoke up and said ass!What is your word he asked his sister?I know damm she answered!

The little girl told her little brother that they should use those words at the breakfast table and see what their Momma would say.

Lewis said he could have stopped it right there but he was intrigued.

At the morning breakfast table the children's Momma ask the little girl what she wanted for breakfast sweetie?

The little girl answered"Momma I think I will have some of those damm Cheerios"

Well Momma back handed that little girl knocking her out of her chair sending her sliding across the room banging her head against a large flower pot.

Lewis said he was shocked and in awe at what had just happened!

Now the Momma turning to her little son asked him sternly"just what do you want for breakfast son"?

The little boy thought for a few seconds and said"you can bet your sweet ass Momma I don't want any of those damm Cheerios".

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Tired of it all

I have a friend who told me the other day they where ready to just give up.

Tired of it all. Tired of being in a chair.Tired of being here.Tired of the food.

Today their sugar dropped on them.Sweating,queasy almost on the verge of passing out.

That scared them and pulled them back to reality.

Maybe they where not all that tired of living yet they said.

It is easy to just give up.Hanging in there when you got so many strikes against you well that takes courage.

We are the way we are.For some purpose,what I have no idea there is a reason for my friend's suffering.

God has a plan for them.A purpose.

God has a purpose for us all I think.

Maybe even me.

The return

This is not the land of the midnight sun.So why is it burning brightly at 1 am in the morning?

Wait I don't think it's the sun at all.So bright.Hurts my eyes .It's like being awaken by a bright flashlight being shined into your eyes.

What is this light hanging up in the sky? That sound.Blasting.Loud.

The sound of trumpets.Whistling of wings like a flock of large birds.

Gabriel's trumpets blowing announcing the return...

Friday, May 3, 2013



Think about.Don't we all belong to some sort of gang?

Members of a family.They act up do wrong but don't mess with them,a gang.

People who work in the same profession and stick up for each other whether wrong or right,a gang.

Maybe we are just like the Bloods and Crips and the South Side Head Knockers,a gang.

Some just take it to another level.

Just knew it would happen...


I knew one day this would happen.

Today in a just released study by the American Medical Society it has been declared that taters,fried taters are proven to be good for your health.

Sliced or diced taters fried up crispy brown when combined with homemade buttermilk biscuits have tremendous health benefits.

They are suggesting that grown healthy males are not getting the daily required dosage of taters,fried and buttermilk biscuits.

At a minimum one serving of taters,fried taters and buttermilk biscuits,homemade biscuits should be taken for good health and a long life.

In a related study the AMS revealed that no man should be served broccoli,cooked carrots,any meat boiled,broiled or baked,deep fried meats such as burgers pork chops and T bone steaks only is suggested and cauliflower and anything turkey should be banned and declared not suitable for human consumption.

Yep if you just out live all those know it all experts all will be good.

On your way back...

The fire truck lights on siren screaming woke me up around 7 am today.

Gee whiz really I'm beginning to think they are making a biscuit run .

Several times a week this happens.Same time each trip.

It don't bother me.

Would be nice if they would drop me off a couple sausage biscuits and a large coffee on their way back.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hoky dory

And how are you doing?

I'm just hoky dory myself.Back in bed.Just had my shower.Just thinking.

Looking out the window I see black clouds moving fast from the north.

Nothing has inspired me today.Nothing to write about.No thoughts.No nothing.

Just hoky dory.

Maybe something will inspire me later.

If not so what!


Maxwell the Geico insurance pig.

One cool dude.

I almost feel guilty eating my bacon at breakfast each morning.

Cuckoo's nest

Not only did I fly over the cuckoo's nest I landed.

The things you hear around here.

Sounds of Ms S up the hall screaming like bloody murder. She is quiet now so I guess she has been medicated.Some days this goes on all day and sometimes all night.

Mr N I heard him hollering out also.Sometimes he sounds like an old fashioned hell fire preacher in the pulpit when he gets started.

Then there are those that constantly ask where they are.One little lady just rides around in her wheelchair saying help me help me over and over.Her Daughter's name is get this Rhonda.At times I'm a smartbutt and on my Facebook page I posted a YouTube video of the Beach Boys singing Help Me Rhonda.Yep I know I'm a bad man.

Lord this atmosphere has to have an effect on us.Take me on to my Heavenly home Oh Lord before I reach that stage in my life.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Good in da hood

As Tattoo of Fantasy Island would say"THE PLANE THE PLANE" today I can say "THE BEANS THE BEANS"are here.

Yes my Dear friends,pinto beans,cornbread and a hot onion are on my way.Someone here at the home is going to save my day.They have a boatload of pintos they brought for lunch,more than a normal person could eat.

So I shall benefit from the excess of pintos.

Life it's all good in da hood !

It just was...

 I'm awake now going on 1 am May 1st.What woke me up who knows.

Good enough.Soon as getting into bed off to sleep I went.

I was staring out the window at the setting sun.Pink and blue sky.Pretty.Another day in the life of me had passed I was thinking.

Strange it was those thoughts.Nothing was bad nothing was extraordinary good.It just was if that makes sense.

I did get that feeling of not really being that important in the scheme of life.This old world would keep on spinning with or without me.

Maybe I got this life thing finally figured out.I realized each life was like a speck of space dust zipping across the night sky.Reaching that fiery conclusion and poof we are just a memory.

If so lucky.