Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Boo to you

Boo to you
It's trick or treat
All that sweet stuff
We will eat

Candy gum popcorn balls
All them treats
Oh so yummy
Good for tummy

Witches ghost monsters
Little goblins in the hall
They so cute
Not scared at all

So trick or treat
Fun for all
I say this
Have a ball

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I seen a leaf
Pretty as can be
It was floating down
From a big oak tree

It swirled all around
The wind only sound
Taking it's time
Before hitting the ground

Monday, October 29, 2012

No way to treat a kid

My first Halloween,least the one I remember.4 years old Roanoke,Alabama must have been 1956.My luck I came down with tonsillitis.But I had my Halloween costume and was all set for a night of trick or treating.My folks made a deal with me saying if I would go to the Roanoke Hospital emergency room without making to much of a fuss we would go trick or treating afterwards.A little background info.I dislike Doctors and especially shots.Wanting to go on my first trick or treat I agreed.Walking into the hospital I always hated that smell of alcohol and ether.Till this very day the memory lingers.My turn to see the Doc and would you believe I was to get a shot.I pitched a fit.It took Daddy,a Nurse and the Doctor to hold me down for it.Well to make a short story even shorter,I got the shot but didn't get to go trick or treating.Now in my old age,56 years later on this Halloween eve(I think)that night is still remembered.Now don't ya feel sorry for that little bright eyed innocent kid who didn't get to go trick or treating?I have a plan.Send me all of your unwanted candy and treats.I'm fond of Snicker Bars,Pay Days and Peanut Butter Cups.If you need my address just let me know.Fed Ex can have it here in no time.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Caught my eye

Caught my eye
Truck going by
Red with flames
Bet good ride

Low to ground
Lots of chrome
Did sound good
Like truck should

Had 4 doors
That a treat
Something like that
Can't be beat

Reminded me 50's
Old rat rods
They sure cool
Oh so nifty

Keep new cars
They don't excite
Them old things
What I like

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Something I ain't got

Know what I need
Something I ain't got
Big white butter beans
Hot from the pot

Big slice cornbread
Baked just right
Bake enough
Save some for tonight

Fry some taters
Dice them up
Brown and crispy
Plate full be enough

Need that onion
Make meal complete
Don't this sound good
Wouldn't it be sweet

My appetite has wandered
Miss home style cooking
Now on internet
At food I'm looking

Cube steak and gravy
Old style cream taters
Momma's flat biscuits
Some fried green maters

Enough of this stuff
Broiled and baked
No salt or pepper
Had all I can take

I need food
Fried in lard
That's what I mean
Cooking that's good

When I get to Heaven
I see ole St Pete
Hope he sez
Come on buddy let's go eat

Monday, October 15, 2012

Something in the sky

On a cool October night
Many years ago
Something in the sky
Gave everyone a fright

Small and silver it went beep beep
A time that was different
Back then we believed everything
We where just mere sheep

We could see it with our eye
Listen to it on radio
Some thought we had been beat
Some just knew we would die

A beginning of a new day
The space race had begun
I thought it fun
What little Sputnik had done

Big bore

The squeaky wheel
Gets the grease
Talking about people
Who are hard to please

Fuss and cuss
All they do
Grumble and complain
That's their game

Some never grow up
Really it's a shame
They quick to judge
Never taking any blame

They try our nerves
Putting up with them a chore
I'm being nice here
They are a big bore

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Silly season

Silly season is here.Talking about politics and the elections.Do whats ever needed to ensure your party is successful.Never mind whats best for the American people.Maybe that is why politics and politicians turn me off so much.Party before the people is the way it seems to me.

From the local elections all the way up to the national seems they are riddled with controversy.Who do you believe?In most cases just put all in a sack shake it and pull out one cause really which ever one comes out first probably just as bad or good as the other.

I have a theory about all this.It really doesn't matter whose elected long as they don't get me blown up or starve me to death.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Things we try to hide

Looking out the big window just watching the world go by is what I'm doing today.The leaves are changing and the little tree a Dogwood I think has some color on it now.There is a big bush of some type next to the tree that is kept trimmed and it is the home to a rabbit.I see in darting in and out at twilight each evening and I always fear it's going to get a little to close to the busy road.The hummingbirds have gone where ever hummingbirds go this time of the year.Been over a week since I've seen one.Honey bees and butterflies have took over the feeder.

Soon the trees will be bare and colder weather will be here.Maybe.Last year no winter weather to speak of.When the trees are bare of leaves everything looks so humdrum to me.The trees and bushes will give up their ghosts so to speak and all the things hidden by the green foliage will be in view.Good or bad nothing hidden.

It's like things we try to hide but one day all will be revealed.


I have it figured out.This big idea came to me this morning while watching NASA TV. Space is where I belong.

For those that don't know it I can't walk anymore.No big deal that's just the way it turned out.So here is my big idea.Gravity.Or the lack of it would be perfect for me.Watching crew members of the International Space Station float around with so much ease looked so inviting.

Once years ago there was a documentary about a man in a wheelchair titled Gravity Is My Enemy.He was so right!That is my enemy also.

So back to the ISS watching them float around the cabin so effortless made me wish I could do that.Strong legs and arms would not be so important in a weightless no gravity environment.I could just float from place to place.

So just build a dome that covers the Earth attach a big Hoover vacuum cleaner and suck the gravity out and all of us wheelchair bound folks could just float here to there with ease.

Better yet just everyone chip in and buy me a ticket for a ride on the ISS.

No feelings

At times I feel just like a shell of the person I once was.Hard to describe and harder to admit this feeling.It's not a depression it is for a lack of a better word numbness.Maybe it's has something to do with changes in my life.What once was important is not now.Things I wanted and worked for mean nothing.Really it's amazing just not caring about all that stuff.Baggage of life was all it was and guess I really didn't need it at all.

Hard admitting my feelings about other things also.At times I have no feelings about this or that and maybe I should have.

I've seen how people can come and go in my life.It is so easy just to let them go and not have a second thought about it.Maybe it is a built in defense against hurt and heartbreak that I have and that is a good thing.

Or could it be that time and distance has something to do with this feeling.I know it's just a saying but time does heal.Things that once hurt just get pushed further and further back into your brain till the memory is almost lost.This is a good thing because it would be pure hell having to relive every hurtful moment over and over again.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Life's a trip

Life's a trip
Only one we get
It goes by fast
Try make it last

Enjoy all you can
Every life will have sun
And your fair share rain
Do your best till done

Duct tape my head

Duct tape my head it's gonna explode.Least that's the way it feels.Allergy,sinus or just an old fashion head cold is what I'm dealing with today.

Should I blame the flu shot received about 2 weeks ago I don't know.But every year after taking it this happens.Seems everyone else has been having the same problem.Talking with a nurse she said it's not a live virus in the shot but seems it can make people sick.

And here is something else to ponder.I've always heard a cold settles into the weakest part of your body.I only have head colds so guess that means my head is the weakest part of me.That's not very encouraging now is it.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

So you sleep tight

I'm through
Going to bed
See you later
If ya ain't dead

If that's the case
What a waste
Hope you weren't bad
That would be sad

So you sleep tight
Don't let them bed bugs bite
If what I say makes you mad
That's to sad go fly a kite

I'm just teasing
Having a little fun
You know I love you
Getting sleepy so must run

If we die before we wake
This I promise you
On the other side
I will be waiting at the gate

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


We all want that same thing
Someone in our life
That person we trust
That is a must

Someone to cherish
Call it soul mate
Call them friend
Someone who stays till the end

Someone who won't leave
Through the good
Stay when things get bad
Do the things we should

Someone who stays through the years
Smiles when needed
That helping hand
Stays through the pain and tears

Someone of our own
Who we can turn to
Someone to love
Someone like you

On a cold dark windy blustery day

I don't know what to write about.Ideas are scrambled tonight.No one thing sticks out.Way I do this is someone will say something or my eye is caught by things going on around me.Then I just go with the idea.It's not auto writing but the words just flow from my fingers.Bad or good that's the way it works for me.Summer school in the 9th grade we had to write books reports.Standing up in front of people was pure torture for me.As the teacher said putting things on paper I could do but so shy I was at the time,not as bad now,I would stumble and stutter through those awful things.

Sometimes it is so easy for me to put my feelings of the moment down.There is a lot I will not talk about.Least not now anyway.Last week I had to answers some questions.Fairly honest I was but some things I skipped around.Tell them what they want to hear has always been my motto.

Being honest.Being honest with one's self.Sometimes that's more difficult than being honest with someone else.Don't want to face those things we know about ourselves sometimes.I do try being honest but maybe I just don't tell all.

Sometimes I say things and where did that come from I wonder.Where and why did I say that.That was stupid.Be better for me if I could just script out what I want to say.Sure save on embarrassment.Wish I could just let words and feelings fly without worrying about consequences.

But thinking about that maybe it's not such a good idea.Sometimes a little tact is needed.Bite your tongue.I'm good at that.Really that's not honest but keeps the peace.

Ok is this a good place to stop? Don't want to sound like I'm just rambling.Maybe someday when it's a cold dark windy blustery day I will be honest with you and more important truly honest with myself and say what's really on my mind.Naw that won't happen !

Life without coffee

24 hours without coffee
The maker went on the blink
Day without java or cup of Joe
Man don't that stink

We had jitters
Headaches abound
Suffering from withdrawals
Everyone wearing a frown

We back in biz
Coffee pot fixed
Come on pour a big cup
Life without coffee was real tuff

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I need a nap
Feel like crap
Bet that flu shot
That I got

I am sneezy
I do ache
You know how feel
I got a chill

Throat is scratchy
Voice is raspy
But all in all
I am happy


Games people play
We do it everyday
Not meaning what we say
Smile hoping you go away

Leave me alone
What we want
Your problems don't matter
Sorry so blunt

We are fakes
Yes we are
Sometimes you are more
Than I can take

Be honest once in awhile
Say what you mean
Truth set you free
Don't treat me like a child

Smarter now I think

Time for the fair.Sunday I seen a 18 wheeler pulling a ticket booth so the fair is some where close by.Some call them carnivals but around this part of the country they are know as the fair.Ferris wheels,bumper cars,merry go rounds rides of all sorts.Games of chance win a Teddy Bear or something just as wonderful.Shows of all kind,dancing girl shows,music shows and displays of all types.Years ago I stood in line forever it seemed at one of these fairs just to get a glimpse of moon rocks brought back from the moon.

Then there is the food.Fried delicacies of all types.Corn dogs,hot dogs,hamburgers,fries all the good stuff.Snow cones,cotton candy and those wonderful candied apples.

The fair always had saw dust covering the ground.Those smells of diesel engines running the rides.Propane gas smell and the wonderful smell of all that food cooking.

I have always called October fair weather.That is when the nights start getting cool and you always wore a jacket or sweater to the fair.

So another year and the fair is here.Good times for all.I'm a whole lot smarter now than when I was 8 years old.They had a bear you could wrestle at the fair once and me not being all that smart thought in my childish brain that I could do that.That is why children have parents because without them to guide us none of us would make it past 10 years old.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Soup would be nice

Homemade vegetable soup is on my mind.Perfect on a cool cloudy Monday morn.Taters chipped up fine with onions and maters.Got to have cabbage,peas and don't forget the corn.Add some butter when it's boiling that makes it so smooth.Salt pepper to taste.Your favorite sandwich ,peanut butter or toasted cheese and that is a good hardy meal.I like cornbread brown cooked just right or even just a pack of soda crackers would do the trick.Hold the carrots please.Can't cook just a bowl full.After adding a can of this can of that you have enough to last a few days.That's ok,veggie soup better on the 3rd or 4th day anyway.I have made myself hungry now.How about you?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

All will be done

A beautiful day
If I can say
Cool and dry
Big blue sky

Need to be out
Not inside
Know not another chance
Wish I could walk run dance

But it's ok
My time will come
No more needs
All will be done

The memories still linger

Old timey dirt track racing on a Sunday in summer time.Race track T bones(hot dog) and a Coke.Dust a flying filling every uncovered orifice.Me and Daddy.Memories of my childhood.I was 12 or so first time Daddy took me to a race at the old Troup County Speedway.I was hooked.Weekly we went to races.Wednesday night practice at Coweta County.Friday nights no football for us we would be at a race track some where.A car load of us would head out to the Peach Bowl in Atlanta,Ga for a night of asphalt racing.Always stopping on the way at Burger King in Union City,Ga for a whopper and back in those days they where whoppers or did they seem bigger because maybe my hands where smaller.Saturday night back to Coweta County.Sundays we explored different tracks.We traveled the state going different places.Lakewood Fair Grounds a old mile dirt track was always a favorite of mine.Twice a year going to Hampton,Ga home of AIR.Atlanta International Raceway.That's where the big boys raced.Petty,Allison's,Baker,McQuag and all the rest of NASCAR's stars.The ground would shake and vibrated when 43 cars paraded around the mile and half asphalt track.100 thousand people in the crowd shouting and cheering for their favorite driver.Cars reaching speeds of 200 mph.

A time in my life that I cherish.A time of bonding with Daddy and friends.A time that is gone but the memories still linger.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My friend Red

Old red truck I feel like writing about you.Tell ya how I do miss our time together.Those trips we took to da Krystal just me and you.Or maybe up to Franklin get us some BBQ.Times where different we where younger.You turned many a head in your prime red truck.All that chrome and fire engine red.That little 302 would really do.You always got me home never did you fail.Many a time I watched in horror as off you went on the back of a rollback wrecker.And those two times you protected me in wrecks.Momma died and you refused to go to the funeral by not cranking on that day.Your way of mourning I like to say.So old red truck my dear friend,hope all is good with you and maybe see ya again some day.

No matter what

This fog I wonder
Is it here to stay
Wake up with fog
Just about everyday

Crows I hear
Talking up a storm
Sitting in the pines
Sound a favorite of mine

Trees are changing
Now brown and green
Weather much cooler
Fall is so keen

Seasons will happen
Even if we're here or not
Life will go on
No matter what

Friday, October 5, 2012

In your smile

I think the world is mad
All these crazy things
Death cruelty meanness
These things make me sad

Compassion for none
It's the rule
Hate is common
People are cruel

Love a thing of past
Everyone is a throw away
We are just machines
Way it is today

But do you know
There is a bright light
There is hope
I see it in your smile every night

All is good

Friday night October 5 little after 730 pm.Getting dark outside.Days are shorter.Ac is off and the big window is open and the cool night air feels so nice.Lots of traffic on busy highway 29.People going and coming.

For my snack tonight I have soda crackers and ranch dressing left over from my super duper salad of supper.Cherry tomatoes,red bell pepper,sliced cucumber,whole baby carrots with the lettuce,cheese and red onions.A $10 dollar salad any where else.It was so good and usually what I have for Friday night supper because I'm tiring of fish.Speaking of food lunch was great also,my old standby favorite of pepperoni pizza and veggies sticks that are battered and fried.Breakfast was waffles and scrambled eggs with 2 sausage patties,the real stuff and 2 cups of coffee with OJ.Can you guess why I'm gaining weight?Like Momma always said eating is one of life's little pleasures.

Laying here in bed I'm comfy and all is good.At peace with the world and everything else.Hope you can say the same my friend.


A crying shame
All these games
People play
Every day

Can't we be honest
Can't we be true
Don't know what to think of me and you

Smile through the day
Because that's the way
Way been taught
Nothing else to say

Do as told
Not they scold
Don't be bold
Sure gets old

Go with crowd
Sheep we be
Collars we wear
Dare think aloud

Big Bird

Whats this I've heard
Something about Big Bird
Romney he don't like
Words like that I'm gonna fight

Now Big Bird my friend
Use to watch him now and then
Big tall with yellow feathers
I always thought a nice fella

So now I know
Why I never liked politicians
Trying to kill off Big Bird
And the Sesame Street show

We got starvation and homeless right here
All those politicians can do
Pick on Big Bird and his show
Politicians need to relax and just drink a beer

What they need to do
Work on the big problems
Like war and hunger
Leave us alone me Big Bird and you

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sugar must be up

Right now a big orange drink
With lots of chipped ice
Don't that sound good
Wouldn't it be nice

A few hot dogs
Grilled just right
Mustard ketchup onions to
Potato chips also if we might

How about this
Big plate of nachos and cheese
Now I'm sure
That would please

This would be good
Snicker bar some popcorn
Maybe a Payday
Oh I'm getting happy thinking this way

Call it junk food if you dare
But it sure taste good I do declare
Makes us fat that's a fact
At times go with taste and just don't care

Chili fries oh my
Golden brown crinkle cuts
Loaded with cheese
Guess my sugar is up

Okay guess I'm done
Had my fantasy I'm all through
Said it all I am sure
Just thinking about it sure is fun

Oh before I go
Maybe one more thing
Some hush puppies
And golden brown onion rings

Yes I'm snacking hungry
Times like this mind runs wild
Yes I know
Thinking like a child


See me again

It's happened again
People see me where I haven't been
Do I have a double
Maybe it's my twin

Is my sub conscious acting out
Doing things
Going places
Being out and about

So if you see me again
Make sure it's really me
Not my double
Not my twin

Gonna get kissed

What to write
Something with bite
Nothing that's tripe
Need to delight

I will try
Maybe say goodbye
Could tell lie
Make it jive

Talk about you
Maybe just me
Talk about us
Then I'll cuss

Leave at this
Preserve the bliss
You come here
Gonna get kissed

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wrong or right

Summer of 68
I was 16
Thought it was great
World could wait

Things where fast
Changes going through
Learned a lot
Some things didn't last

A war back of my mind
People I knew died
Two cultures then
No one would really win

Some for war
Some against
Wrong or right
Times nothing made sense

On TV war on at night
At 16 it gave me a fright
Some took flight
Most stood and did fight

Alligator skin tassel loafers

Alligator skin tassel loafers
I thought so cool
Worked all summer
Buy me a pair for school

Polish and shine every night
With my brushed Levis bleeding Madris shirt and black socks
Every thing pressed and starched
Every thing had to be just right

I was so picky
I was kinda silly
Everything had to be so so
But least I did dress spiffy

No lint or crease
Could you see on me
Now wear anything it don't matter
But those alligator skin tassel loafers did cause chatter


Momma called me Pete
Why I don't know
Was it just a nickname
Or was it someone she did know

Now Daddy called me Hoss Fly
That was ok
He called me that
Up till the very last day

Some still call me Johnny
If they knew me back then
That to them is who I am
Way it's always been

John Lee when I was bad
That's what they called me
Knew something I had done wrong
That name made me strong

Now I'm John
To you and them
You can call me anything
But I prefer friend

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Maybe a reason

Things we are never told
Them things that old
Maybe a reason
Could this be treason

My point of view
What told don't worry
What we are not do
Maybe someone fooling me and you

Ride on a U2 spy plane

U2 spy plane has LaGrange connection

November 20 1963 a few days before the death of JFK this happened over the skies of the Gulf of Mexico near Key West,Fl.This article caught my attention.Looking up records on the internet of plane crashes in the LaGrange,Ga area during the 1960's I found this which never had I heard before.An U2 spy plane flying on a mission over Cuba crashed and the pilot was from LaGrange,Georgia.This is a newspaper report of the incident.

Wreckage of Pilotless U-2 Located
KEY WEST, Fla - (AP) The wreck of a U-2 plane was found Thursday on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. But its cockpit was empty, holding out hope that its pilot Capt. Joe G. Hyde Jr., might have survived the crash.
Presumably returning from a mission over Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba, the high flying reconnaissance aircraft suddenly vanished from radar scopes at 10:32 AM. Wednesday, some 40 miles northwest of Key West and 188 miles north of the Cuban coast. It was there that debris was sighted Thursday morning by the searching Coast Guard cutter Nemesis. By 11:30 A.M. divers from the Navy salvage vessels Petrel and Shrike were on the wreckage in 100 foot-deep water and had confirmed that the pilot was not in the cockpit. At La Grange, Ga., Hyde's home his mother clung desperately to the belief that her 33 year-old son was still "living somewhere."
Navy and Coast Guard planes and surface craft plunged into a search for the pilot. But a Navy spokesman said, "I don't hold much hope for him."
The Navy denied a rumor that a parachute had been sighted. Both the Defense Department and the Strategic Air Command headquarters at Omaha, Nebraska said that there was no evidence that the sleek one man plane which flies at admitted heights of 75,000 feet had met with hostile action over Cuba.

Monday, October 1, 2012


I have things to say
Way things be
Way things where
Words come to me

Sometimes words of anger
Sometimes words of pain
But telling everything
There be no gain

So I shy away
Keep most to myself
Maybe one day
When all is ok

Say what I really think
Won't hold back
Not worry about tact
But now staying on track

When there is no more to lose
When none left to care
Maybe at that time
Tell all if I choose

River Jordan

Lord you know me
What I've done
Where I've been
We know I have sinned

This I know
I have been forgiven
Heaven waits for me
I thank thee

I need no mansion
No prizes desired
There have all needed
Be no pleading

Give my crown to others
Family sisters and brothers
Just a nice shade tree
Will be enough for me

Place by River Jordan
Under that shade tree
We can sit
And just talk with me

Rainy day Monday

Dark wet day
Clouds low fast
Wind do blow
Thunder is heard
Rainy day Monday
Here to stay