Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Smarter now I think

Time for the fair.Sunday I seen a 18 wheeler pulling a ticket booth so the fair is some where close by.Some call them carnivals but around this part of the country they are know as the fair.Ferris wheels,bumper cars,merry go rounds rides of all sorts.Games of chance win a Teddy Bear or something just as wonderful.Shows of all kind,dancing girl shows,music shows and displays of all types.Years ago I stood in line forever it seemed at one of these fairs just to get a glimpse of moon rocks brought back from the moon.

Then there is the food.Fried delicacies of all types.Corn dogs,hot dogs,hamburgers,fries all the good stuff.Snow cones,cotton candy and those wonderful candied apples.

The fair always had saw dust covering the ground.Those smells of diesel engines running the rides.Propane gas smell and the wonderful smell of all that food cooking.

I have always called October fair weather.That is when the nights start getting cool and you always wore a jacket or sweater to the fair.

So another year and the fair is here.Good times for all.I'm a whole lot smarter now than when I was 8 years old.They had a bear you could wrestle at the fair once and me not being all that smart thought in my childish brain that I could do that.That is why children have parents because without them to guide us none of us would make it past 10 years old.

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