Saturday, October 13, 2012


I have it figured out.This big idea came to me this morning while watching NASA TV. Space is where I belong.

For those that don't know it I can't walk anymore.No big deal that's just the way it turned out.So here is my big idea.Gravity.Or the lack of it would be perfect for me.Watching crew members of the International Space Station float around with so much ease looked so inviting.

Once years ago there was a documentary about a man in a wheelchair titled Gravity Is My Enemy.He was so right!That is my enemy also.

So back to the ISS watching them float around the cabin so effortless made me wish I could do that.Strong legs and arms would not be so important in a weightless no gravity environment.I could just float from place to place.

So just build a dome that covers the Earth attach a big Hoover vacuum cleaner and suck the gravity out and all of us wheelchair bound folks could just float here to there with ease.

Better yet just everyone chip in and buy me a ticket for a ride on the ISS.

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