Saturday, December 31, 2011

Gail Janice and me

When I was a small boy going to my cousin Gail's house was always fun.We are the same age and as kids we played great together.Cowboys,Indians,riding bikes,climbing trees yep Gail  was a tom boy.Her Mom Pauline would take us to Grants Park where the zoo was.My favorite place to go was the airport.Back then you just drove up to the fence and watched the big planes.They lived in Jonesboro yep Clayton County where gone with the wind took place in the movie.There is a Tara Blouvard there but no real Tara.We got along good for cousins.I remember one thing though.Gail and our other cousin Janice would let me play as long it was just me and the other.But get them two togather it was no way hosea they would shut the door in my face and I would end up sitting on Grandma’s porch steps alone.Janice told me something a few years ago.Grandma had an apple tree.Janice asked if I remembered being payed 25 cents to pick up apples.I do remember picking up apples .But being payed was something I never heard about.So I’m thinking some sort  of conspiracy about the apple picking up was going on and maybe further investigation is needed.

Po kids

clip_image002Gladys,Daddy,Fred and J.D.Daddy said they were so poor when in bed at night they could look up and see the stars,look down and see the chickens under the house..He was the baby boy of the family,Ruby his sister was the baby of the group.He had 3 other sisters,Myrtle,Gertrude and Eula.Once he told me how he felt when at school in his lunch pail all he had was sorghum syrup and cold cornbread and the other kids had sandwiches using sliced bread.On Christmas they got an orange and apple.He would save the peelings for later.A habit I have.They all got one pair of shoes each year and if they wore out they went barefooted. 

141 am New Years eve morning

141 am New Years eve morning Roanoke,Alabama.I can’t sleep.Out comes the computer and I will write a bit.What to write about that makes sense not figured out yet.Tried sleeping but it didn’t work well.Just turned the electric heater on .A little bit chilly plus the sound of it running I like.The glow of it in a dark room is nice.Let your imagination kick in and pretend it’s the glow of a camp fire with that  aroma of burning wood.Now I hungry.The old camp out staple would hit the spot right now.A can of Armour chili with beans some soda crackers and for drink how about a real Coke.Need something sweet to make this the perfect camp out meal.Let me think for a second.Ok after much thought,for the sweet thing of the meal how about Bit O Honey.Zagnut or Clark bar .Sugar Daddys or Babies?Shoot a lot of that old type candy is not around any more.While on the subject throw in the fire a few potatoes and let the hot coals bake them to perfection.Wish I had not started on this subject ,it’s making me really hungry.Ok,guess that’s enough.It is now 203 am New Years eve Roanoke,Alabama.

Friday, December 30, 2011

A fine looking couple

Copy of MomCopy (2) of DaddyAda Dicy Smith Haynes and Harold Winford Haynes.My parents.They met at Ideal Cleaners on Greenville Street in LaGrange,Georgia where Momma worked as a cashier.I was an only child.That’s not an easy job.Brothers and sisters I always wanted.Still I wish for them. For you that have siblings consider yourself blessed.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just another memory

I miss my home.Every time I hear a train whistle I’m wishing I was there.Thought it would be ok giving up the old place but lately I dream of it wanting to be back.Back where my life was.Back where my memories are.Back to where the people I loved lived.It’s gone, just another memory.

I do try

Ok I’m not perfect.Lot of things I do are regretted and make me feel guilty.My conscious has always kept me in check about things.Sometimes things are thought through and sometimes they are done on a whim.Better thinking through things before acting on them believe me.Saves a lot of trouble.The Bible said if you think about it you are just as guilty as doing it.I’m in trouble.Some things never acted on but sure thought about.We are all sinners and fall short the Bible said.I know that is my case.The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.All I can do is ask forgiveness for my sins and try to live more Christ like but I know sooner or later I will mess up big time again.

The Timex

The Timex.When I was a little boy my folks often had to work nights.This meant I had to stay with relatives . I was always treated nice by everyone but it was very lonely.Often I would put my Timex watch up against my ear listening to the tick tick tick.The soothing sound was a comfort to me. Today in my old age I think a Timex is still need.

Let me complain

Things with my health are getting worse.Not complaining here it’s something to write about when nothing else comes into my mind Let me be honest guess I am complaining. Maybe it will help someone out there going through this part of their life.I don’t think I have gave up completely yet.There is still life in me.My brain is still working even if I do have senior moments from time to time.My body is wearing out wasting away from the Kulgleburg Welander Syndrome elcrapo thing and being diabetic doesn’t help at all.I’m not walking anymore.The bed is where I stay mostly.Thank God for this adjustable bed it has been a blessing from God.My power chair has also been a blessing and the patient lift has made things so much easier.After last December 2010 when I ended up in the hospital really was the start of it all going down hill.It just knocked me down and I guess giving up seemed like the easy thing to do. For a long time sitting up was impossible I have heard people say the room is spinning Well when sitting up whew boy it was like a carnival ride.Nausea every time and a few times I thought I would just lay down in the floor and die,it was that bad. I have to depend on people now for just about everything.I hate being a burden.I know what the future holds.Several times I have made up my mind about going to a nursing home.I don’t really want to go but sooner or later I have to give it serious thinking.Some pain now when being moved.My knee on the right leg seems to be frozen and it doesn’t want to bend.Maybe I’m being a big baby but it hurts.That is one reason I don’t use the power wheelchair as much.Hurts just sitting in it with the knee problem.My hips I’m sure have been knocked out of place from all the falls I taken over the years.Some pain at times with them.I use to never worry about this but everything just started happening so quick.I could walk and take care of myself and having to have others help does take away from my pride or ego call it what you want.Some say everything has been planned out from the start for each of our life.I really don’t know.All I know is it sure gets hard at times just keeping going on.

First cup of the day

That first cup of coffee of the day is the best. After that none quite taste as good. I have heard people say your taste changes as you get older.I know for a fact our hearing,sight and a few other things change with age so stands to reason our taste does also.If I make it to June 24th 2012 I will be 60 years old.Being old does have it’s advantages.We get senior citizen discounts at fast food places and on Tuesdays we old folks get 10% discount at the grocery store on the stuff we buy that doesn’t taste like it did in our younger days .

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

After midnight

After midnight and I’m tired but can’t sleep.Raining heavy and the sound of it beating down on the roof is soothing.The rain is bringing cooler weather.I feel it in my bones.I must have dozed off for a few minutes because I woke up to the sound of me snoring.A few times I’ve awaken to me talking to someone.That is a strange feeling.Who was it I wonder.Other than the rain nothing is heard in the house.This clamp on lamp I’m using on the bed is wonderful.A big improvement over the little battery powered light.The computer is always close by incase the need to write strikes me.Sleepy now plus pain in my hip wont stop so think I’ll call it a night.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Reading the Bible

I read the Bible.The more reading the more I understand.Not saying everything is understood but it’s starting to make sense now.I was raised Baptist.Maybe I have different view points on the Bible than you.One thing I’m not clear on 100% is death.More than once the Bible calls it sleep.I know some say when we die we are judged at that time on our life and what we have done.The result being Heaven or Hell.The Bible said that Jesus will come back with his angels and the dead in Christ will rise first into the sky with him,then everyone else will follow with the angels doing the judging.The rapture.Some don’t believe in it.I believe in the rapture myself.It is never mentioned by that word in the Bible.So maybe when we die it’s just a deep sleep and our souls will be judged at the rapture.Jesus and the disciples raised people from the dead.If their souls where in Heaven why would they be brought back.Lazarus was raised from the dead.His sisters said he has been dead 4 days and he stinketh but Jesus brought him back to life.And when Jesus was crucified there where long dead Saints seen walking around.People say they have had near death experiences.They see a bright light.A Holy being.Family members that have passed on.I’m not saying what's right and what's not cause I don’t know.This a subject for deep thought in those quite moments.One day we shall all know the answer.Your comments on this subject as all my other post are most welcomed.I would like to know your viewpoint and insight.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Blustery day

The Crows have been noisy for the past few days.Awaken by their caw caw sounds two days now.Maybe they know something.It looks blustery outside.Low dark clouds and very windy.Rain day and night for several days straight. I think it’s going to blow something in.Maybe a big winter storm.Snow.It’s the day after this was wrote.Guess what?I was wrong.Today there is not a cloud in the sky,sunny no wind.But it’s cold least to me.


I have noticed a lot of hawks lately.They just fly around in circles getting higher and higher like little sailplanes.They are quite an enjoyment to me. I seen the most amazing thing.A flock of smaller birds diving and dogging  a hawk.The smaller birds reminded me of a kaleidoscope as they changed patterns in the sky trying to out maneuver the hawk. From my window I watch birds of all kinds.Red birds,male and female.I think there was a love triangle going on between  birds.Two females fighting over the male is what it looked like.The male chose one and where the other female went I don’t know.The result was 1 baby Red bird.Bluejays are fun to watch.They will fight anything including themselves.They even chase the hawks.Crows are plentiful and a pleasure to watch and listen to with their caw caw sound.But the most pleasurable bird of them all in my opinion is the Mocking bird.Their beautiful singing has lullabied me to peaceful sleep many a summers night.So I am a bird watcher and most of all bird listener.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Coming storm

LightningApril 27th 2011 I was awaken by the sound of the tornado siren blasting away.It was after 10pm.Rain,thunder and lighting.Laying here in bed I thought of England during WW2.Nightly air raids and those sirens going off.How terrifying it must have been.Reflecting on my life and thinking there is a very good chance of a tornado oddly enough I was at peace with it all.Not scared but just numb to it all.That Friday night 35 people died in Alabama.


Rattlesnakes.Sorry I don’t like them.Any snake for that matter.Dead or live doesn’t make any difference.Living in Standing Rock,Alabama as a boy of 4 years old I had an encounter with a rattler.The front yard was all sand.Walking down the tall steps of the house reaching the bottom step coiled up ready to strike was a snake,a rattler.If it frightened me I cant recall but it terrified my folks.In quick order the snake was dealt extreme prejudice.They killed it with a hoe.Maybe my fear of snakes was inherited from my parents.Momma’s sister Lema was bitten by a rattler and almost died.Once  Daddy took me hunting.We were leaning up against a tree.It was fall and the ground was covered with leaves.From a distance I seen something moving through the leaves.It was a snake,it’s tongue flickering heading straight for us.Daddy I see a snake.That’s all it took.He out ran me back to the car.And he was the one with a gun.



















Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Momma I had a dream

clip_image002Momma I had a dream. I want to call Momma thinking to myself. Dialing the phone, over and over I could not remember your number. Then I realized that you were no longer here.You had gone to a better place.A place with no tears or fears.Momma I wanted to talk to you so much but am so happy that your suffering has ended.

Harold Winford Haynes

A young Harold Winford Haynes,my Daddy.I guess this was taken when he was about 18 just before he was drafted into the army during WW2.He was living in Macon,Georgia at the time.How most of the family ended up in Macon someone who knows will have to tell me someday.Story is Daddy knew he was going to be drafted so he left Macon to stay with his sister Myrtle who lived in Roanoke,Alabama.His draft notice was there before he was.Least that is what he told me.


Saturday, December 17, 2011


What can I write about today?Something that is important.Something that will help mankind.Something that will feed the hungry,clothed the naked,heal the sick.Something that will bring joy and peace to this fast spinning rock in space we call Earth.Something that will give hope to those who feel hopeless.Something that will for a brief moment will make you laugh forgetting all your woes.Something that will give you peace in your life.Something that will make us all hug each other loving sincerely.At the moment I have no answer but will give this idea much thought.It will be something to do.

3rd Sunday in May

115This photo from the 1960’s was taken at Uncle Bill’s after Memorial Day at Bethel East Baptist church in Randolph County Alabama. It’s called 3rd Sunday in May by some. Grandma Smith is the tall woman in the center. From left to right are the oldest to youngest of her kids.Walter,Bill,Arnold,Joe,Lema,Pauline,Ada(my Momma)Eugene and Bobby.There were 13 kids in all,twin boys died at birth,Flora Bell died at 5 and Lois died at 18.Grandpa Smith was the preacher at the old Bethel East church.Momma said they went to church in a wagon.They put her behind the pulpit as Grandpa preached giving her a sack of biscuits to keep her quite.She was only 5 when Grandpa died.Bill was the preacher later on at the new Bethel East.The church has a cemetery where most of Momma’s people are buried.Grandma never remarried after Grandpa died raising the kids herself.

Sally Lugene Brewster Haynes

A young Sally Lugene Brewster Haynes on the right.My Grandma.Who the other Lady is I have no idea.I know nothing of the Brewster side of my family.I hope I’m telling the story correct here,once Daddy,Momma and me went somewhere in Alabama to visit some of Daddy’s kin.A ferry was used to cross the river.It was like a raft that held one vehicle at a time pulled across the river by ropes or cables.What the people there where named I cant remember but it was Daddy’s uncle we visted.His name was Tom.Spending the night the hoot owls terrified me.Talk about country this was it.They all carried guns even the ladies had pistol and holster on when they were out side.Being a small boy this fascinated 105me.This is amazing to me but when I was 14 Daddy and me went to a family member’s funeral up in the same part of Alabama.It was Grandma’s Stepdad.I had never heard of him before that day.Daddy called him Grandpa Dunn and he lived to be a 100.Some older Lady at the funeral walked up to Daddy saying she had not seen him since he was a baby but recognized him.You were always the handsomest thing she told him and with a glare looked at me and said you don’t look anything like him.Maybe it was because all the Haynes’s had dark skin and hair with brown eyes.Story is that Grandma was Cherokee Indian,this I cant prove but it’s the story.I guess with my blue eyes light completion and hair I did stick out amongst them.Grandma always lived with us.Grandpa Haynes died when I was 3 years old.I was 10 when Grandma Haynes died.


April of 2011 I moved from my home of 33 years in LaGrange, Georgia to a bordering state.

The grass had grown at the old home place. Neighbors complained to LaGrange city code enforcement .

I got a call from an officer named Rick explaining the problem. I told him it would be taken care of and it was.Another phone call and another. They were finding all sorts of problems.

 Officer Rick said his boss was pushing the matter.He said a warrant for my arrest was possible but I was out of state and his jurisdiction.

I had visions of the LPD,TSO,GSP,GBI,FBI,DEA,DOD,CIA and all of those other 3 letter agencies hiding behind the Welcome to Georgia sign just waiting for my arrival back to my home state.Black unmarked helicopters in the sky hovering above the stateline,swat teams camouflaged in the bushes, satellites beaming back
info on my where abouts,the Coast Guard out in force in case I tried to enter Georgia by boat down the river.

It took me 59 years to become a desperado, 59 years of obeying the law,being a good citizen and tax payer.

 Then the dreaded C word was brought up.COMDEEMING.

By this time I was worried.

Of all the things going on in my life this was something not needed.I was thinking of selling the house.But right now I could not afford the repairs needed.So thinking it over I did this.Calling my uncle I asked if he would be interested in the house.I wasn’t going to sell him the house but give it to him.He agreed. So I handed over the deed to my uncle and he started having work done to the house at once.

Everyone was now happy, neighbors and most important the city of LaGrange.My uncle was getting offers to buy the house and people wanting to rent it.

Then Officer Rick’s boss stopped by and did everything but cuss my uncle out telling him how hard he was going to make things for him.Even Officer Rick was shocked and said his boss was out of line.

Work continued and now get this!

After a day of painting my uncle arrived at the house and found the electrical service from the pole to the house had been cut.

Calling the city he was told that this was the first step in condemning a house.Shocked he started making phone calls.He was getting the run around.Then he talked to some lady with the city and she explained it was a mistake,seems they had got the address mixed up! The city would be right out to reconnect the electrical wires she said.

Now are you sitting down!

 A sign placed by the city of LaGrange, a large sign, saying that they where taking action to condemn the house was placed in the front yard.

Another call to the city of LaGrange.

Guess what ?

No one knew anything about it! My uncle and I received summons to appear in court. The offers he had gotten to buy the house disappeared. So he did the best thing he took an offer from a guy to buy the house just to cover his cost outlay. So that ended the fiasco on ……. Street.

 It was gone from our lives.

 Now get this.

 I was talking to my uncle recently. Seems my aunt who has a house she doesn’t live in had a visitor.Her grandson was cutting the grass and noticed the front door open.Guess who had invited his self in?It was our old friend from the city of LaGrange, Officer Rick’s boss.

 He wanted permission to enter the house! Why ask he was already in the house.

So this ex resident of LaGrange,Georgia is thinking that maybe,just maybe things with the city of LaGrange are not like they should be.I was born in the old City County Hospital.My parents are buried at Shadowlawn Cemetery.Most of my family still live in LaGrange.No matter where I live LaGrange will be home if only in my heart.I have been told you can’t fight city hall.

But I still can voice my opinion on how it’s being operated.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Recently I spent a night in Wedowee,Alabama.WE DO WEE some call it.Wedowee is a small nice place.It was a warm April day.In the car I started feeling a bit sick.That was putting it mildly.My eyes went blurry,head felt like it was in a vise,cold clammy sweat,and my left arm and neck where hurting,then nausea.I didn’t say anything till we got to the house.Fact I never made it inside.The ambulance was called.Wedowee was where the hospital was.The guy taking x rays of my chest asked if I had ever been there before and I answered that I didn’t even know Wedowee had a hospital. All they could find was my blood pressure was low, white blood cell count was low and I had some type of infection.So I was admitted to the hospital. At 5am time for more blood test.I was awake and hungry .7am breakfast arrived.Biscuit,scrambled eggs,a strip of real bacon,grits and coffee and OJ.Noon came around and so did lunch.You would not believe it but it was cornbread,turnip greens,mac and cheese,a slice of ham,iced sweet tea and vanilla ice cream for desert.While eating the Doctor stuck his head in the door seen I was busy and said he would be back in a few.Lunch was great. Doctor was in asking all the routine questions.A nurse came in and more ekg’s were done.Seems they found my heartbeat not normal but I already knew that there was a little problem with my ticker.Ok you can go home if you feel like it he said.I was ready.There is one thing.I was looking forward to supper.After a great breakfast and lunch I could only imagine what supper would have been.So there you have it my night in Wedowee or as some call it WE DO WEE.

Us three

imageThis is the only photo of Momma,Daddy and me I have of us together.It was Christmas 1961.I was 9.

Pretty girls

104Pretty girls out for a stroll.Momma is on the right side of the photo.Just guessing,they must have been  teens.Her sister Pauline is the second from left.Story goes about way Momma got her name is Grandpa was at the store and Ada Noles who ran the store asked what the new baby was named.Just kidding he said Ada.Well Ada Noles started gathering up things for the baby.After all that they could not change her name.Years after Ada Noles would buy Momma dolls,clothes and other things for Christmas and birthdays.

Thinking of Grandpa

Grandpa HaynesThis is a photo of Lee Anderson Haynes.My Grandpa,pictured with 2 of his coon dogs at his home in Alabama.I was 3 when he died but memories of him are  cemented in my brain.He was tall,slim,white headed always wearing long sleeve white shirts and brogan type shoes.He liked peaches and cream,talking and laughing,hunting with his dogs.Never met a stranger someone said of him.My memory starts at his farm in Roanoke,Alabama.My job was to gather the eggs every morning and help slop the hogs in the evening.After all these years I still miss him,love him.If I make it to the other side hope he is one of the first I meet.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Georgia on my mind

Georgia is my home.

 Georgia is in my heart.

Born there,raised there it’s home.

Every time I hear Ray Charles’s version of Georgia on my mind it tugs a bit at my heart.

When I die maybe if my wishes are carried out I will be cremated and scattered around a few of my favorite places in Georgia.

Some over on the coast of Georgia where the Atlantic Ocean is.

Up in the mountains on a beautiful fall day when the leaves are busting with color an ash or two.

A bit under a grove of tall green Pine trees where I can hear the singing of wind blowing through them on a warm summers day.

Sprinkle some over Atlanta because I always liked the big town.

East Newnan leave a few also.Lots of memories there.

Down around LaGrange where home was for so long.

What ashes that are left take to the top of Stone Mountain leave a bit there so I will have a good view of the eastern sky where I will be waiting for the return of Jesus.