Sunday, December 25, 2011


I have noticed a lot of hawks lately.They just fly around in circles getting higher and higher like little sailplanes.They are quite an enjoyment to me. I seen the most amazing thing.A flock of smaller birds diving and dogging  a hawk.The smaller birds reminded me of a kaleidoscope as they changed patterns in the sky trying to out maneuver the hawk. From my window I watch birds of all kinds.Red birds,male and female.I think there was a love triangle going on between  birds.Two females fighting over the male is what it looked like.The male chose one and where the other female went I don’t know.The result was 1 baby Red bird.Bluejays are fun to watch.They will fight anything including themselves.They even chase the hawks.Crows are plentiful and a pleasure to watch and listen to with their caw caw sound.But the most pleasurable bird of them all in my opinion is the Mocking bird.Their beautiful singing has lullabied me to peaceful sleep many a summers night.So I am a bird watcher and most of all bird listener.

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