Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sally Lugene Brewster Haynes

A young Sally Lugene Brewster Haynes on the right.My Grandma.Who the other Lady is I have no idea.I know nothing of the Brewster side of my family.I hope I’m telling the story correct here,once Daddy,Momma and me went somewhere in Alabama to visit some of Daddy’s kin.A ferry was used to cross the river.It was like a raft that held one vehicle at a time pulled across the river by ropes or cables.What the people there where named I cant remember but it was Daddy’s uncle we visted.His name was Tom.Spending the night the hoot owls terrified me.Talk about country this was it.They all carried guns even the ladies had pistol and holster on when they were out side.Being a small boy this fascinated 105me.This is amazing to me but when I was 14 Daddy and me went to a family member’s funeral up in the same part of Alabama.It was Grandma’s Stepdad.I had never heard of him before that day.Daddy called him Grandpa Dunn and he lived to be a 100.Some older Lady at the funeral walked up to Daddy saying she had not seen him since he was a baby but recognized him.You were always the handsomest thing she told him and with a glare looked at me and said you don’t look anything like him.Maybe it was because all the Haynes’s had dark skin and hair with brown eyes.Story is that Grandma was Cherokee Indian,this I cant prove but it’s the story.I guess with my blue eyes light completion and hair I did stick out amongst them.Grandma always lived with us.Grandpa Haynes died when I was 3 years old.I was 10 when Grandma Haynes died.

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