Monday, September 30, 2013

Floating in space

Floating in space this I dream
Traveling the milky way unseen
This I want to do
Some know of what I mean

Out where there's peace
No problems at all
There will be no drama
Nothing but good karma

So beautiful

Last night
Caught my eye
So beautiful
Purple and blue sky

Again this morn
Beautiful sight
Pink and blue
God's way saying he loves you

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Better not

Maybe I shouldn't say anything about this.But It does no good keeping it pent up inside.

Maybe I should delete this and just put up with it.


Got to let it out.

No I better not.

Purple passion

This is no health club.

It is an old folks home where people are old,sick with one foot in the grave and the other foot is slipping on a banana peel.

Why on God's great Earth are we being served for a Sunday lunch baked chicken legs smothered in some sort of gravy with these little bitty onions with a wheat roll and this broccoli.

I hate broccoli with a purple passion.Add carrots cooked carrots to that list also.

What I'm getting at give these folks food they want,food they like, what they would eat if they where home.

Some here are in their 100's.

Now would a fried chicken breast be so bad.Crinkle cut fries are not the enemy.Boring un appetizing food is.

Tell me what's worse.

Not eating the so called healthy food skipping a meal cause one doesn't like the way it looks,smells or taste or eating food high in calories fat and cholesterol?

What would you rather have?

Rumor is all this will change soon.Residents will be able to eat what they want.

Bring on the stove cooked thick souped big white butter beans fried taters and cornbread.

Amen to all this and pass the salt Brother Ben.

Fat boy's idea of Heaven

Dinner on the Church grounds.

A fat boy's like me idea of Heaven.

All you can eat of home made this and that.

Just go down the line with your paper plate loading it up on deep fried chicken breast,pink eye peas,potato salad,corn on the cob,those delicious deviled eggs,cornbread and pies and cakes of every kind.

Don't forget the sweet iced tea in a solo blue cup.

Most Churches down South have what is called Homecoming where once a year everyone brings food.Usually it's held outside on the ground,picnic tables or on the tail gate of your Ford pickup.

Back up in the country where Momma was born and raised the Church where Grand Pa Smith was once the preacher each year they have what is called Decoration day held every 3rd Sunday in May.

People who are members or past members of the Church and their families bring flowers to decorate the Church cemetery across the road and it's sort of like a reunion with everyone doing the food thing.

It's a tradition that still goes on through out the South.

It's such a sweet memory for me.

Like I said a fat boy's idea of Heaven.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Elvis came with gifts

Bored silly.

So I will lay here and tell a big tale.

Stretch the truth.

Bend your ear.

Woke up to the sound of bells.Someone walking into the room.With bells as they say on their white zip up go go boots.

It was Elvis.He came with gifts.Fried bacon and peanut butter sandwiches.A big bottle of diet orange soda(yeah that's what it said on the label soda forgive me brethren Southerners for saying soda shoot me if I ever call a hose pipe God forbid a garden hose)to wash it down.Elvis was quiet not a big talker it seems.But he did serenade me with Via Las Vegas before he left in a pink 54 Caddy convertible.It was a nice visit.

Thank ya Elvis thank ya very much.

Come back anytime Elvis and bring more fried bacon and peanut butter sandwiches.

One day soon maybe if my heart is into it and there is nothing else to write about probably on a rainy night with the wind howling with thunder and lighting and Frankenstein has escaped I will tell the story about Little Richard when he visited Aunt Gladys in the hospital yes it seems to run in the family enough said bye now.

What's with that

Friends do you ever have one of those days?

Days when things and life just don't go as you like?

I think mine is starting out that way.

Opened my 2% milk carton on the wrong end to start things.Now why do they have only one end on milk cartons that you open.Don't make sense.

My face is blotched up today.I'm tired of answering people who ask what's wrong with your face.Why can't it be the bottom of my foot that does this instead of face.Who knows.

The menu said for lunch today it will be fried chicken breast sandwich.I always get baked chicken breast sandwich which I dislike so always on Saturday I order a hot dog.Just like last night I was expecting fried shrimp but no I got baked fish.Now what's with that?

Let me think for a minute hold there any thing else I need to complain about before I run along?

Nope that should just about do it for now.

But the day is young check back later.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Ruin your day

I'm gonna ruin your day.

The birds are singing,cool breeze on my face and the sky is a beautiful blue plus it's pizza day at the old folks home.

Sorry I just had to do it.

It's Jesus

Don't scare me like this.

CNA walks into our room.

Goes to bed of Mr Paul who is soundly sleeping.

Wake up Paul it's Jesus.

Wouldn't that scare you?



Poor Roger.

There is a Lady who is a new resident here(that's what we are called residents)at the old folks home.Now this Lady does have a good set of lungs on her because from the time she awakes till she goes bedy bye she is hollering.

Mostly she is saying things about Roger who is her husband.Roger this Roger that.Roger married 2 other Ladies before her she said and never took the time to D-I-V-O-R-C-E them before marring her.So she said.Also it seems Roger put her here because he is working on wife number 4.

Now Roger is a wife abusing crack smoking kleptomaniac homosexual bigamist least that is what she said.

She preaches for hours,damming Roger to hell and everyone else that crosses her path.Preaching one moment and the next taking her 38 it's loaded she said and fixing to start shooting folks(I'm pretty sure this Lady was checked for guns, handgernades, bazookas and any sharp pointed objects before they let her in the door).

Yep she seems to be a character.

All I can say is poor Roger.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Maybe cool


Far be it me to bust your bubble.

That new car you just bought.

It won't make you cool,pretty,sexy or popular.

It will just make you in debt.

Well maybe cool.

Plucking feathers

Dang this pillow.

I think I'm allergic to it.The latex covering anyway.

Yesterday the pillow case came off and I noticed when my face touched the bare pillow my face would tingle and itch.

Maybe that's what causing these blotches on my face.

I went online to Walmart looking for an old fashioned feather pillow like I always used but no luck didn't see one.

Guess I will have to swipe some chickens and pluck their feathers if someone will sew me up a pillow case.


I like bacon.Bet you do also.

Fried bacon.Microwaved bacon.

Wrap it in bacon.

I can eat bacon like most folks eat popcorn.

Then there is sausage,pork chops fried please,ham country ham oh boy BBQ ribs shoot me now they good!

Pulled BBQ sandwiches with Brunswick stew and Wise potatoes chips and no matter what people say Brunswick stew originated in Brunswick,Georgia.
Thick sliced,peppered thick sliced bacon.

Bacon bacon bacon.

But did you know pigs are smart really intelligent animals?

Remember Arnold from Green Acres?

In my humble opinion Arnold should have had his own show like Lassie.

I can see it now,Arnold to the rescue,follow Arnold there is danger little Timmy has gotten himself in big trouble again.

Pigs are smarter than dogs,cats even horses.

And we eat'em.

Think I know why.

Baby piglets are so cute and cuddly.

But when they grow up they loose that cuteness.

They get big and fat no fuzzy hair and go oink oink and love to roll in mud.

That's why dogs,cats and even horses (well sometimes horses do that canned beef from Argentina I'm suspicious of) don't end up on the table they figured out how to keep their cuteness.

Bacon.I like it.

If pigs could just get that cuteness thing down right we might be having some other meat for breakfast.

Possums.Did you know possum's are really smart and intelligent...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Dear digital diary.

A boring day.Same o same o.Boring meals.Boring everything.

I just stayed in bed.Why get up that would be boring also.Just to sit in front of the TV watching the same boring thing over and over.The commander of the remote likes the same old Walker Texas Ranger reruns over and over I know them by heart really.Then it's sports any sports you know what I hate women's basketball.Yep boring.

I don't do much of the activities.Bingo and crafts not my cup of tea as they say.Boring.They do try bless their hearts but coloring leaves and apples in fall colors excuse me boring.

I know it sounds like I'm un appreciative but no.

Maybe in a few days when the weather is cooler I will go outside and sit.Refresh my mind and soul.

Watching Grandma

Way back then
Before credit cards
And people cooked with lard
Families canned things in jars

Raised what they eat
Down on the farm
Food like that
Today we can't beat

Peas beans taters
Cornbread and milk
Please don't forget
Those fried green maters

Eggs from the coup
Fresher than fresh
Oh my my
That homemade vegetable soup

Things where different
Maybe things better
Watching Grandma
Churning the butter

This was me

Once this was me
Everything so so had to be
If not drive me up a tree
This thing called OCD

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Should I

Should I eat it now
Should I wait
Ms Amber just brought me
Homemade strawberry cake

Talk is cheap

All the news channels folks are quick to point out what is wrong with this or that but they never offer solutions for the problems.

Yep talk is cheap.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Smart man

So I'm watching this TV commerical.

A Krystal burger ad.

Young Lady sitting on a park bench

Boyfriend kneels down in front of her.

She giggles with excitement knowing what is about to happen.

He smiling whips out a Krystal burger and proposed.

Smart man.

Why go buy an expensive ring he most likely had to buy on credit and the chances being the marriage won't last and the couple will become bitter with each other and both wish now they had never met and they are close to blows with sticks,hammers anything close by and now there is the D- I-V -O -R- C -E that Ms Tammy sung about and the lawyers are the only ones who will win it's now she said he said two sides to every story both can't be right there goes the house and cars the kids are the ones who will suffer cause Mom and Dad will just go out and do it again nothing last forever you get the picture?

Yeah that Krystal burger was a good idea.

Boogey person

The boogey person is real.

I just seen it.

The boogey person takes the form of a human.
Lord I know you know.

You,they and I know you seen.

Protect your children Lord.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Don't be silly

How I know I don't know.

Think me crazy if you must but it's going to happen.Sooner than later.

It will be at sunrise.My eyes still drooping with sleep.

Unexpected by most.Disbelieved by the rest.But it will happen.

It will come at a time when needed most.Especially me.At that early hour it will happen.

Yea yee be thankful the wait has been long.

My patience shall be rewarded.

Ready? I'm more than ready.

A glorious day has finally arrived.

Watching the parking lot with anticipation.

I see it!

Walking towards me.


Hands loaded with....

Sausage and biscuits and a medium cup of coffee from McDonald's.

What? You was expecting something else? UFO'S maybe?

Don't be silly.

There is no such thing.


1st day

Happy first day of fall to you!

I miss summer already.

A little bit.

Blame it on ...

Folks and their cell phones.

Addiction in the first degree.
Standing in line for hours to get the latest I phony contraption gizmo.

Watching ball games I notice the stands.People aren't paying attention to the game they are busy texting on their I phoneys.

Seen on the news where a guy that had just been shot being wheeled out on a stretcher and of all things he was texting.

Another video surfaced of a school bus driver caught texting while driving the kids.

Senator John McCain caught playing a game on his I phoney while the Pres is speaking.

A cop here in Georgia leads the nation in giving tickets to people texting while driving.800 so far this year and he plans to make it to 1000 by years end.

Ok I won't be a hypocrite.Several of these new fangled inventions I'm addicted to myself.It's pitiful but my life revolves around this computer.

See what Star Trek started with those pocket communicators they used on the TV series?

Blame it all on Captain Kirk and Spock.

And I can't leave without saying...beam me up Scotty.

We are animals

Man is the cruelest of animals.

Lord help us.

We never learn

Wars continue.

Crime,murder all sorts of violence every day in our homes,streets,towns.

We are the animals.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Kill the man with the ball

Watching a football game today,fumble,loose ball and it brought back a memory.A big pileup and fight for the ball ensured.

We Juniper Street kids had a game we played.I'm not sure other kids played this or not.

Kill the man with the ball was what we called it.

It was dodgeball moved up a few notches.In school both sexes played dodgeball together.It was coed.It could be fast and furious but fairly tame.My favorite recess game I might add.

Kill the man with the ball was something different.

Take any ball,basketball,football,baseball anything and throw it up in the air.And the bravest of the brave,Juniper Street's finest and most daring and the one who is a glutton for punishment reaches for and grabs the ball.

The other kids now proceeded to chase,catch and pileup on the catchee of the ball.

You may think being tackled in football was a rough thing.

But no.

No helmets,pads or any protective equipment was used in our game of kill the man with the ball.

It was a game of that ranked right up there with turn the lights off in the tent and start swinging your fist..

That is another story for another time.

Dude! This is bad

Baked fish,pinto beans and grapes.

Remind me not to do that again.

Been one of those nights sport fans.I had a dream.More like a nightmare.

Early to bed I went last night.Nothing on TV so to YouTube I went and found one of those 10 hour tracks of noise to mask out the noise here.

A poor choice maybe I made.

10 hours of heavy rain and thunder.Well let me tell you.

Dreaming I was back at the old home place.Awaken by the sound of heavy water running wild under the house.It was as loud as the Chattahoochee.

Walking to the back porch Missy my loyal loving dog was just sitting there in the back yard looking up at me with this look like she was saying"Dude!This is bad".Missy always had a way with words.

Calling the plumber 3 guys showed up.1 went under the house and it was like he stepped into a sink hole and poof disappeared.

Like Missy said"Dude!This is bad".

The 3 plumbers guys and me where standing out back and the head honcho plumber was figuring up what this little escapade was going to cost me.

As he wrote he would look at the other guys then look at me and all 3 of them would chuckle.

All I can say is thank goodness I woke up before I got the estimate.

So here I am at 4 am in the morn telling you of my dream.

Least it wasn't all bad.

I got to see Missy again.

Friday, September 20, 2013

I confess

It's true.What you have heard about me.

I confess.

I'm a nerd,geek and a crip.

Here seen in my natural habitat.

Sitting in front of the puter playing with my ham radio.

The ever present nectar of nerds,geeks and crips everywhere, a foam cup of coffee in my hand.

The smell of silver solder,shiny stranded number 14 copper wire,the dit dot of perfectly sent Morse code.

Listening to an expert using an old Vibroplex Blue Racer.Music to my ears.

Yeah that is who I am.

Nerds,geeks,crips unite.

Be proud of who you are.

For those not lucky enough to live in Georgia!

Not the party type

I'm not quite right.

Some things just don't interest me.Can't get excited about it at all.

Watching some football fans on TV this morning and they are really enjoying themselves.

Dancing in the street,cooking out,having a party.

I just can't get that into it.

Really my sport of choice is NASCAR.

I started going to the races when I was about 13 years old.That was what Daddy and me did.Not fishing not hunting but going to races.That was our Daddy/Son thing.

But never did we dance in the street like these football fans do.

Am I missing something here?

Why not

Shame shame shame.

Why ain't I'm surprised.

We all know this is how it works.

They(Republicans)have voted in the house to cut funding for Food Stamps.

So I guess that means there will be a little less for people to eat each month.

Why not cut out some tax breaks these big giant businesses get.Why not just don't shoot off 1 or 2 cruise missiles that cost a fortune.

Why don't our elected politicians just give a little of their salary back each year.


Why do the moral thing.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Careful of what you wish for


 Coyote finally catches Roadrunner.

After all of these years of hoping Coyote would catch that pesky little Roadrunner it has happened.

But as in life what we want most doesn't turn out the way wanted.

A hankering

Having a hankering for home made biscuits,white gravy and shredded fried crispy brown hash browns.

Might as well add a few real pork sausage patties.

Don't forget the fresh brewed Folgers coffee.

And orange juice since I'm eating healthy.

Our sins


I haven't watched any news today.So it's your job to inform me what's going on.Specifically who has been acting bad.Doing something that they shouldn't be doing and got caught at it.

That's your mission today if you choose to accept.

We need dirt.Controversy.A scandal.

Something we can talk about.Be so shocked and surprised with.

The dirtier the better.

You know what I mean.Someone we can stone.Look down on.How shameful they have been.

Just so it's not one of us right who got caught.

Our sins are still hidden.

So we think.

Me and the goat

3 years old.


Me and the goat.

Grandpa,Daddy,Uncle Lavert and me where waiting for corn to be ground up at the grist mill.

Grandpa and Uncle Lavert thought it would be fun if I rode one of the goats in the yard.

I don't remember my opinion on the subject and most likely the goat wasn't pleased about it.

Who sat me on the goat I don't know.

The goat took off running down a steep hill.

Some where between the time the goat started running and stopping I fell off.

It knocked off my shoe I remember.

Grandpa and Uncle Lavert enjoyed my trip.I remember their laughter.

Daddy wasn't so pleased with them two.


Something I've noticed maybe you have also.


Baseball jerseys.

Some of the names of players today their names are 10 letters or so.

Some names barely fit on the jersey.

Maybe players should change their names to Smith,Jones, etc.

Names that will fit on the back of their jersey.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Enough said

Patience is a virtue.

More of it is needed here at the old folks home.

Enough said.

I don't understand

Take care of people in this country first and if anything is left help rest of the world.

Strange ain't it we invade Iraq,destroy it then rebuild the country.

I remember seeing a movie about this small unheard of little country that was broke that invaded the United States just to be defeated and receive financial aid from good ole Uncle Sam.

And we do it.Cause it's the moral thing to do.

But what about the citizens right here?

And kids and old folks right here in LaGrange,Georgia go hungry and without medications they need to survive.

When there is a financial crisis in the country the first thing politicians start talking about is cut Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid.

Why do the poorest have to suffer the most?

Why not start at the top of the ladder and come down?

Why do politicians break their neck helping some country somewhere that hates America first before helping it's own people?

I don't understand.

The new highwaymen

If the police stop you and there is a large amount of money on you guess what they keep it.

Years ago they had people called highwaymen.They would stop and rob you.

Ain't this the same thing?

But this time they have the courts backing the highwaymen(police).

You have to prove that it's not drug money or other money made in a illegal matter.

There have been traffic stops made right here in Troup County,Georgia  where large sums of money have been confiscated.

Maybe it was drug money who knows .The police turn it in to the government and the local police agencies get a cut of it to use as they see fit.

Something about all this just doesn't seem right.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Gianttisfied mutation.

I just heard that word spoken in an old SCFI movie.Pretty sure I spelled it wrong but with that idea I'm going to run with it.

Let your imagination go wild.

Those giant ants,spiders the 50 foot man and woman all mutated by atomic energy gone astray.Out on the New Mexico desert where those test during the 50's took place.

Yeah with a little imagination maybe a good story could be wrote.

The above mention gianttisfied objects have had stories and movies made about them.We need a new subject that's been nuked into some sort of a monster to write about.

Let's think.What could we write about?

I got it.It was so simple staring us in the eyes.

The government.

It's now become one gianttisfied mutation.A creature that was suppose to serve us but now has turned against the people.

Out of control.

Trying to control everything from A TO Z .

Freedoms my Daddy fought for in the big one WW2 are in jeopardy.

Freedom to protect your loved ones and family from armed intruders that come uninvited into your humble abode.

Don't shoot'em.It's ginst the law.

What's that you're putting in your mouth?Is it a french fry or forbid a cheeseburger?Stop now Big Brother said no.Don't eat that only what I think is good for you.

And put down that 40oz big gulp you don't know what's good for you young whipper snapper.

You said what?

It has just about reached a point where one might not say what's on their mind or what they feel cause ya never no who's listening and report you to thought control central.

See it wan't hard thinking up a new gianttisfied mutated monster to write about was it.

To bad it's not just our imagination.


Seeing,feeling and hearing the season change.

The big window is open and I see the trees a swaying in the breeze.Cool air blowing on my face.

Trees have a little tint of fall in them with yellowing leaves.

At night it sounds different also with the crickets.

The stars look big and low in the sky.

One word can sum it up.


Soup and cornbread

Homemade veggie soup
Made in a crock pot
Add some cornbread
For lunch I got

It was fine
It was great
So good I dine
All of it I did ate

I am happy
I am sleepy
After food that good
I need a nappy

I am blessed
Having friends like this
Thanks Ms Kathy Mr Randy
Food like that I sure miss

From my window

From my window yesterday this I seen.

A young woman waiting on her child to get off the school bus.

Nothing out of the way different about that.

Just on a sunny day the young lady had a black umbrella and the prettiest lime green hair I've ever seen.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Would I lie to you?

Do you really think I could?

Everything I say is the gospel truth right?

Believe me?


Time for the fair

About that time.

Time for the fair to come around.

Each October they use to show up in small Georgia towns for a week.

Nights would be getting cool just right for a light jacket.

Those wonderful smells.Corn dogs,candied apples,french fries all those delicious smells just thinking of them makes my mouth water.

Sawdust covering the ground,crowds of people.All those games of chance.The rides.Ferris wheels,bumper cars the merry go round.

I can still see,smell and hear it all in my minds eye.

Ghost dog

Shiny white almost glittering and very fast.

12 years old and my friend and next door neighbor Doug was staying over on a Friday night.East Newnan,Georgia the year was 1964.

Washing our faces in cold water trying to stay awake long enough so we could watch Bestoink Dooley's scary/horror movies on WAGA channel 5 that came on after the 10 pm news.Movies like Dracula,Frankenstein where shown nothing like the gory to real movies of today.

It wasn't working so outside on the back porch we went.An October night and it was cool.The air was refreshing and it was working.

Wide awake now.

Sitting on the steps of the small high porch looking at the starry sky above us just killing time.

Across the street was a patch of trees.

Something caught our eye.Who seen it first I don't remember.

Running right to left in front of us is what we called a large collie sized dog in the trees.

I think it was a dog.If it made a sound never did we hear it.

It was fast.Just a second or so and it was gone.

It was bright like it was illuminated all we could make out was the shape.

The ghost dog we named it.

Never was it seen again.

Can you feel it?

Can you feel it?

I sure can.Has the Earth shifted on it's axis again?

Has there been some unnoticed calamity of nature that slipped by us?

Stop.Be still.Yeah you noticed it I bet.

Doesn't it feel like the world has tilted a little bit to the right?

Back in 2004 when that big tidal wave hit and all those people died it changed the Earth.Time slowed down,the North Pole shifted a few feet,the Earth was knocked off it axis some.

To me it feels like I'm leaning to the right.In bed flop there I go automatically to the right.If it wasn't for a bed rail most likely in the floor I would end up.Sitting in my chair people say I'm crooked but no I just tilt to the right.

Something has changed.

The world has tilted or maybe my spine is getting a little curve to it tilting me to the right.Most likely the latter is the case.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Room 31 mystery

A mystery of sorts is facing room 31.

Or has the struggles of life finally caught up with me?Maybe I'm losing what little good sense I did have.Let me explain.

I've wrote before of strange things that have gone on down here in 31.

The small half dollar size light that appears when someone here at the home dies.I see it floating around on the ceiling when it happens.

The knocking on the wall at night over in the PT room when it's closed and no one is there.

Now something else has started here in room 31.

Pennies.Might be pennies from Heaven or something I don't know.But pennies are being found under our beds down here.

It started last week when I noticed one under Mr B's bed.It was picked up by someone but reappeared the next day.

Today I noticed that all the beds in here all 4 had a penny under them.Not anywhere else in the room just under each bed.

Maybe somebody can explain this.Should we be worried or maybe we just need a piggy bank.

I don't think so

Would Dale Earnhardt do this?

How about Mickey Mantle or Hank Arron?

No I don't think they would.

I was watching football on TV yesterday and it was seen again.Supposedly big bad strong men really kids doing something that irks the daylights out of me.

That skipping around like little girls when they do something good.It's just way to much I think.

To be fair baseball players have their on version of that skipping thing.They when happy will bounce up and down like they are on Pogo sticks.And what about that hugging thing?That's ok even I hug other men but baseball players do it the wrong man to man way with both arms and the hugs last just a little to long in my book.

Now with all this said come here give me a hug.

Just think what I could do

I'm saving my pennies.Being nice for Santa.I want one of these things.

Just think what I could do.

Things like get up out of my chair,stand and a little thing called walk.

The marvels of new technology.

Again independence would be mine.

Thanks to God for giving people the knowledge and insight to invent things like this.

It's National Cheeseburger Day!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Leave it alone

Don't mess with a good thing.If it ain't broke don't fix it.Leave it alone I'm telling ya.

The great American meal.

Burger and fries.Not these fancy masterpiece hamburgers with a little bit of everything under the sun on them.

KISS.Keep it simple stupid.All you need is a fresh beef pattie not to big not to small,grill over the fire or fried don't ruin a good thing by broiling it.All  you need to add is salt,pepper,extra sharp cheese, lettuce and a dill pickle.If you got to be creative and fancy chili and crispy thick sliced bacon is allowed.

Please don't forget the onion.

That's it.Stop right now .I'm telling you put down what ever else you where thinking about putting on that burger.

Now the fries.

Just slice a potato to the size of french fries you like and deep fry in real oil,vegetable or even lard salt and enjoy.To make the meal even more delicious fry up some onion rings.

Now for my Daddy's trick,when the burger is still in the pan lay your hamburger bun on top of the pattie and let it soak up some of the grease.

High calories,fat and cholesterol but great eating.

I've made myself hungry!


Very few people have I been mad at.

Many have disappointed me.

Friday, September 13, 2013

No bullet holes in me

Stupid man me.

Years ago laying in bed I heard some sort of commotion outside.Being the curious type I had to check it out.

There it was,walking down the street,a man,obviously intoxicated cussing up a storm at who I didn't see.


A car drove up slowly and stopped in front of the house next door.

Several guys jumped out the car and what happened next seemed like a cartoon in slow motion.


Shots fired.Fire coming out of the barrels of their blazing guns.Each shooter jumping into the air after each shot.

The shootee I guess was the drunk man but he wasn't so drunk that he didn't have the gumption to run.In the opposite direction I might add.

This is where I come into the picture.

The drunk guy was in front of my house when the shooting started,me not being the smartest person just stood at the door watching all of this.Least the drunk guy ran I just stood there and watched it all like it was a movie.

Far as I know the shooters didn't hit the shootee.

The shots had to come my way.I never found any bullets holes in my house or the old red Ford pickup parked in the line of fire.

Most important no bullet holes in me.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Just here to help part two

It has come to my attention that some of the people I have daily contact with here at the old folks home need further educating in how to speak Georgian and be understood and to understand.

During our last lesson which was to help all those Yankees ooops excuse me people north of Hogansville,Georgia with the basic concept of speaking proper English language it seems the lesson wasn't covered in depth enough.

So with love and respect for my Yankee ooops north of Hogansville,Georgia brethren and sisters I will explain a few more words you can use to be understood and to understand.

So friend pull you up a cheer(remember that is the proper way to pronounce chair)and lesson number 2 in our series will begin.

Now there are 4 kinds of cow milk can you name them?Buttermilk,skim,and chocolate are the easy ones but the 4th is what?The answer is sweet milk.Yankees ooops people north of Hogansville,Georgia incorrectly call it whole milk.

Now down here in Georgia and sometimes that western state of Alabama familes tend to be quite large.I'm talking chillins of 12 to 15 or more.I don't really know how Yankees ooops people North of Hogansville,Georgia do it but down here there is a thing called a pallet.A pallet is when grown folks take old patch quilt blankets spread them out on the flo(remember that is how floor is correctly pronounced)and that's where all your brethren and sisters slept separately may I add or when your family visited with kin folks and all the cousins slept on a pallet.

Well my Dear Yankee ooops friends and I might add loved ones north of Hogansville,Georgia that is enough of lesson 2.We shall meet again and proceed with lesson 3 soon.

Just because you where not fortunate enough to be born in Georgia don't despair you to can with practice learn to speak proper English.

Super crime fighting trio heroes

Super crime fighting trio  heroes.

My ideal choice would be Carl from Slingblade"got any taters hum",Mongo from Blazing Saddles"Mongo just pawn in game of life-",and Forest Gump from Forest Gump"you can't fix stupid".

And as the Beaver our backup for the super crime fighting trio heroes Steve"got any cheese?"Erckel.

Yes with this combination the world can rest and sleep easy at nights.

My reasons why.

Carl.He is a man of few words and what he thinks he does.Never would he have mortal man fear.

Mongo.Any man that can knock down a horse with one swing from his powerful fist would be needed and appreciated in any skirmish.

Forest.Now Forest is just a brave hero type person.He sacrificed his own safety to save Bubba in Vietnam getting wounded in the buttocks during the situation.Plus Forest played football for Coach Bear Bryant at the University of Alabama.

Yes the new three Musketeers plus Steve.

Sleep good America the super crime fighting trio heroes have got this!

Dude!!! Where's my grilled cheese?

Room 31 has a new roommate.

It's going to be interesting folks.

A little background information. Room 31 has 4 beds,A B C D.31 B is my personal space as I refer to it(I always have to remind my friend Gary that he is invading my personal space which is a story for another time).

Now bed 31C has a history.

I hate to say it but maybe that bed is jinxed,cursed or just plain unlucky.

Everyone that ends up in 31C either dies or how do I put this...has a personality conflict.It happens every time never fails.

Well guess what our new roomie is no different.Last evening around 5 pm he was wheeled into our humble abode.

When I returned back to the room last night I noticed a few things.First off I noticed a grilled cheese sandwich I had planned on being a snack later on was gone.The plastic storage bag was laying in the floor.The CNA said my laptop and other stuff I keep on a table where laying on the bed when she came into the room.I also noticed a pack of half eaten Cheetos laying on my table which the CNA said she had found laying under my pillow.Maybe it was a trade for the cheese sandwich but the Cheetos really belong to Wille my other roomie.

That's ok really I didn't need that delicious grilled cheese sandwich.

But all things considered we are lucky here in 31.

Down the hall there is a Lady who talks,shouts, fusses,cusses or cries 24/7.Her roomie all I can say is God Bless her.

Lord while your at it just bless us all.We need it.Thank you.

Yes my friends just another day around the old home place.

I've learned my lesson well...never leave your grilled cheese sandwich laying out.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013



I read that's what a wedding these days cost.The average.And in NY state it cost up to $100,000.

Wozie that's a lot of money.

Just think you could buy a super duper nice pickup truck with that money.

You could buy a real nice mobile home with that loot or make a good size down payment on a cabin sitting on 50 acres.

My advice to you who are thinking of getting married(don't ha ha just teasing... really I'm not...go ahead do will find out)) don't fall to that fancy smancy trap of a big wedding.

Go to the Justus O Peace pay 10 bucks and celebrate at your local Krystal.A sack full of Krystal burgers cost only $7 and since it's yall's big day splurge and buy fries.

Shoot fire take that $28,000 and put it in the bank !

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sinister motive

Every so often the subject comes up.I know when the question is asked that it's just small talk, making conversation.

Yesterday it was asked again"do you have any kin people in town".

Well basically no is my standard answer.Aunt (2)and cousins is it.

It happens every time it's asked.

I get theses flashbacks to those movies where a person is asked that question.The motive is sinister.

Somebody looking for a person with no family,no ties to anyone or thing.

Looking for a body,a body close to their description,one who could be their double,a fall guy,a person they could murder by burning them up or a horrific accident so the murderee could not be identified and the murderer could claim insurance money or start a new life as someone else.

Yeah...I imagination is running away again.

Got this feeling

So I'm watching the news this morning.One of the national on cable everyone sees here and around the world and no I will not named the network.

I get this feeling.

A feeling of boredom.I keep waiting for something to start.It's like this is just a rehearsal of the show and the real one will start soon surely.

The anchors looked bored also.The Lady had this look of wanting to be some where else like at home making blueberry pancakes or something just not there.

I did them a favor by turning them off and not watching them suffer through their program.

Hmmm.Blueberry pancakes does sound pretty good.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A cool blustery day in Tahiti

It was a cool blustery day in Tahiti,when the twirly birdy piloted by me landed on that white sandy beach.

My sailor's hat pulled down keeping the wind out of my face over to the Cut and Shoot Dew Drop Inn and Pottery Emporium I strolled.

Just looking for cookies and milk I announced upon entering the bar,not wanting trouble.

The most motley looking people this side of Charlie Chan's hometown of Kalamazoo occupied that dark smoky place.

I seen things that...that frankly never had I seen before and no way Hosea am I telling Momma about it.

Even being a graduate of EFIAARS...Elmer Fudd Institute of Auctioning and Rocketry Science prepared me for this.

Backup may be needed and my luck being as it is Jethro Bodine double naught spy(we be a poor spy agency operating on a shoe string budget and can't afford Bond,James Bond 007) may have to be called in.

My heart beating 90 to nothing I wish my ole gray haired Pappy's advice had been taken and I had stay down on the farm and raised pigs along side my two odd sisters Joe and Herman.

Mrs. Peel(from the Avengers) your help and advice is needed.Besides you be pretty plus I've always had this "thang" for you.

This is a strange time to be thinking of this but I have this craving for a chil burger and fries with a strawberry shake from the Tasty Freeze and I bet bet the closest one is 4,000 miles away in shaky town LA.

Excitement danger follow me where ever...wait what is's just a dream...never happened...hey if it worked for JR on Dallas why can't it work for me???

Saturday, September 7, 2013

All in the smell

Years ago in the 1950's nobody I knew bought new cars even into the 60's they where rare.

I just had a blast from the past.

A smell.

A aroma that took me back to then.

Used car lots had this thing of a jig that I guess they used to deodorize cars on the lot.What ever it was smelled good .Sort of a cross between flowers and baby powder is the only thing that comes into mind.

Just got a wiff of it and nice is the word.

They have these automatic deodorizer things mounted on the walls here and every few minutes they spray.

They remind me of vanilla or carmel and it always makes me hungry.

Maybe they will put up a T bone steak and super dooper salad sprayer soon.

Don't forget the crinkle cut fries!

Center of the universe

Hate to be the one that busts your bubble but what I'm about to say is true.

Your family will die off,friends forget and abandon you,you will end up on your own,alone, one form or another.

Just prepare yourself.Be ready.Don't take it so hard.

Survive you will.

Life will go on with or without you.

You are not the center of the universe.


I just seen a flock of geese(I think)flying towards the Southeast out of the Northwest.

Heard them before I seen them.

Maybe they are headed to Florida for the winter.

Wish I could join them.

Song stuck in my head today

I call it extreme

Watching the news,Fox news,I heard a woman say being beautiful was painful.

Some women are going to what I call extremes.

They are having surgery on their feet so wearing high heels will be more comfortable.Cutting off their pinkie toe,having toes shortening gee wiz I cringe just thinking about it.

Ladies from a man's standpoint your feet are way down on the list of things we notice.

Be comfy,paint your nails pretty,maybe a cute little tattoo and just go barefooted.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Need I say more ?

Ms Amber has this posted on her Facebook page and it made me laugh so hope it does you also!

I need

BP is low,sugar dropping,lost half pound since last month,chili dog(2 please)with large order of onion rings needed desperately.I have my own fork.Big Orange in crushed ice optional.

Dial 444 that's The Varsity's help line.

Tell'em John is in need.

Thank you.

Goobie dust

My little buddy Gary is not feeling well.He has been in out of the hospital several times lately and Gary just isn't himself.

Next Friday the 13th he goes for a colonoscopy.Being the good friend I am I've researched it on YouTube and feel fairly confident I could do the procedure if needed after maybe one more viewing of the video.All I need is 25 feet of  garden hose,flashlight and one of those security cameras attached to the ceiling here.

Yes willing and I think able if my services are needed.But no Gary wants to be fancy and let the professional do it.

The main reason being is the Doctor is female and Gary even though feeling sickly still is the Lady's man womanizer he is famous for around here.

Now for the goobie dust thing.

Never had I heard of goobie dust till Gary got to talking about something called Roots it's like Voodoo I was told by Gary and his Daddy's family practiced it.

Often Gary will roll into the room look around slap his hands together holler out loudly POW explaining he is spreading goobie dust around for good health and luck.

He needs some good health and luck himself but I shall do it the way I know how.That goobie dust I know nothing of.

 I'm just praying to our God and His Son Jesus that all is going to be ok.

Please keep my little buddy in your prayers also.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

If I was...

If I was back at the old home place about this time of day my big white butter beans would be just about done.Slow cooked on top of the stove with thick soup, salt added and a little vegetable oil for seasoning.

Time for putting the cornbread on,I like mine just a bit on the greasy side,baking it in an old black iron skillet that was Momma's that she got second hand years ago so it probably is close to a hundred years old.

Next on the menu would be sliced and deep fried potatoes to a golden brown,crispy just the way I like them.

Add an onion and that would be dinner and most likely supper also.

What beans left over would go into some home made vegetable soup later on in the week.

I miss being on my own,answering to no one except myself and God doing for myself especially the cooking.

I was happy being a single domestic engineer owning that old home place and driving ole Red the Ford pickup.

Truly the happiest time of my life.

Memories get me by.

Hump Day !

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

He had a dream

Maybe there is still hope.Hope for people to get along and live side by side .Side by side with tolerance for the others view.Tolerance with understanding.

I just read an news article about the NAACP and the KKK meeting together in Wyoming over the weekend.The KKK leader even joined the NAACP.No NAACP member joined the KKK.The main requirement being you have to be a white person to join.

Real or not I like to think it was a sincere outreaching of hands.Not just a show.

Years ago I was touched to the point of tears as I watched on TV as a black pastor and a member of the KKK embraced each other as friends in a common cause.If my memory serves me right it was about putting the 10 Commandments back into schools.

On the recent anniversary of the march on Washington it would be an high honor if the words of MLK could be put into sincere use.

He had a dream.

It's time we,black and white make that dream come true.

Trucks that have passed by my window today:

Trucks that have passed by my window today:

1.Lay's potato chip truck.

2.CoCola truck.

3.Keebler cookie made by Elf's truck.

4.Brink's armored money truck "whoohoo mucho spendoola".

5.Batesville casket truck"bummer".

6.Mayfield ice cream truck.

7.UPS & FedX oh by the way did you hear about FedX buying UPS?They will change the name to FedUp!HAHA yeah I know it's cheesy huh.

8.Tombstone pizza truck party party party.

9.Krispy Kreme doughnut truck hey stop and give me some samples please!

10.Who cares still thinking about number 9.

Happy Tuesday

Happy thoughts only allowed today.

Today will be Happy Tuesday.Back during WW2 they had meatless Tuesday I am told so why not have a day once a week called Happy Tuesday.

It’s all really just mind over matter I think.Come on try bet we can do it.

Just let the little things of life slip on by.Don’t get hung up on those things that worry or bug you just for one day.One day of the week.Do it.Try.

I’m not even going to complain about today’s menu here at the old folks home even though I know for supper we will be having that rice with beef tips and mushroom gravy.Nope not going to let it bother me.I will just smile and ask for corn bread and sweet milk please.

I will not complain about anything today.What people say and do just going to smile and be happy.

And a very Happy Tuesday to you all!!!