Friday, September 13, 2013

No bullet holes in me

Stupid man me.

Years ago laying in bed I heard some sort of commotion outside.Being the curious type I had to check it out.

There it was,walking down the street,a man,obviously intoxicated cussing up a storm at who I didn't see.


A car drove up slowly and stopped in front of the house next door.

Several guys jumped out the car and what happened next seemed like a cartoon in slow motion.


Shots fired.Fire coming out of the barrels of their blazing guns.Each shooter jumping into the air after each shot.

The shootee I guess was the drunk man but he wasn't so drunk that he didn't have the gumption to run.In the opposite direction I might add.

This is where I come into the picture.

The drunk guy was in front of my house when the shooting started,me not being the smartest person just stood at the door watching all of this.Least the drunk guy ran I just stood there and watched it all like it was a movie.

Far as I know the shooters didn't hit the shootee.

The shots had to come my way.I never found any bullets holes in my house or the old red Ford pickup parked in the line of fire.

Most important no bullet holes in me.

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