Monday, September 16, 2013

Can you feel it?

Can you feel it?

I sure can.Has the Earth shifted on it's axis again?

Has there been some unnoticed calamity of nature that slipped by us?

Stop.Be still.Yeah you noticed it I bet.

Doesn't it feel like the world has tilted a little bit to the right?

Back in 2004 when that big tidal wave hit and all those people died it changed the Earth.Time slowed down,the North Pole shifted a few feet,the Earth was knocked off it axis some.

To me it feels like I'm leaning to the right.In bed flop there I go automatically to the right.If it wasn't for a bed rail most likely in the floor I would end up.Sitting in my chair people say I'm crooked but no I just tilt to the right.

Something has changed.

The world has tilted or maybe my spine is getting a little curve to it tilting me to the right.Most likely the latter is the case.

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