Monday, September 9, 2013

Sinister motive

Every so often the subject comes up.I know when the question is asked that it's just small talk, making conversation.

Yesterday it was asked again"do you have any kin people in town".

Well basically no is my standard answer.Aunt (2)and cousins is it.

It happens every time it's asked.

I get theses flashbacks to those movies where a person is asked that question.The motive is sinister.

Somebody looking for a person with no family,no ties to anyone or thing.

Looking for a body,a body close to their description,one who could be their double,a fall guy,a person they could murder by burning them up or a horrific accident so the murderee could not be identified and the murderer could claim insurance money or start a new life as someone else.

Yeah...I imagination is running away again.

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