Sunday, March 31, 2013

Not alone

That little four line poem I wrote about the little bird this morning was true.I was feeling down and out,blue,sad,depressed what ever it is called.

Just after sunrise I seen that little black and gray creature.It was chirping up a storm like it was trying to tell me something.Fluttering against the window pane like it wanted in.

Immediately I felt better.Cheered up out of my self pity.Something seemed like it cared for me.That little bird made me again feel glad I was alive.

Maybe on this Easter morning feeling all alone God sent that little black and gray bird to me just to let me know I wasn't alone in this world.

Thank you little bird and thank you God.

Biscuit run

Every morning just about 7am a fire truck siren blasting lights flashing wakes me up.Could it be that there is a fire or accident every morning at that same time?

Maybe it just a test of fire crews and truck.That is very well possible.Once there was a fire station just above Grandma's on Murphy Avenue.This was back in the old days and every so often they just tested by running down the street siren blasting and lights flashing.

Yes that must be what they are doing.Or could it be you reckon that just maybe the fire truck could be making a biscuit run to McDonald's?

Had to happen...

I guess it had to happen.I'm shattered and distraught.Maybe this is just a bad dream and soon I will wake up.

Oh I get it now.It's an early April Fools joke.But reality must be faced.One of my favorite eatery joints has been it seems corrupted.Fallen to the pressure of do gooders and know it alls.

I just seen the ad on TV.Burger King.Yep my fellow connoisseurs of have it your way flame broiled burgers, Whoppers, has given in and are you sitting down fellow Whopper lovers,and offers TURKEY BURGERS!

The humanity of it all.Nothing is sacred.


Happy Easter to you.He has risen.Easter brings back memories.

Twice a year I got new shoes.When school started and on Easter.Back in the late 50's when I was a boy there was a fad I don't think kids do today.

Taps on your shoes.I can still hear taps walking down those long halls at Southwest Elementary School.Click clank click clank.

The purpose of taps was to make your shoes last longer.Taps on the heels and toes of your Buster Browns bought from the Bargain Basement downtown LaGrange at the corner of Vernon and Bull Streets.Walk next door and the shoe repair man would put taps on your new shoes for 10 cents a pair if my memory serves me right.

I just liked the sound of taps on a hard floor.You where cool if you had them.

Guess it's hard putting taps on these designer sneakers kids wear today.Oh we had sneakers back then also.They where called tennis shoes.Two styles.Low cut or or high top basketball Keds.In any color you wanted as long it was black.

Little bird

Little bird you will never know
How you cheered me up so
Chirping and fluttering
At my window

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I love you....really

What's on my mind.Let me think.Tonight will be my night to complain,whine or act like a lot of folks I've know in my life.

Let's start with the selfish people then work our way up to the self centered ones.Ain't they a blessing.Then there is the me me me folks.They are fun huh.

Next we have the know it alls.Oh boy I like just listening to them while agreeing on the out side but on the inside having a blast laughing.

March Madness.Is basketball all day on every TV channel really needed.The person who invented VCR'S must have had their fill of it and decided to do something about that foolishness.

The health food nuts oh excuse me.Like someone said once those people that don't smoke,drink or cuss don't really live any longer it just seems like they do.They bore the rest of us to death.

Now for the last.Those Holier than thou folks.The ones who only practice what they preach one day a week.

Ok guess that is it for now.If you fit into any of these categories just remember I love you.Really I do.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Gun ban

Old saying. A locked door only keeps a honest person out.Thieves will find a way of getting in.Same way with gun control.Ban guns and those who need to protect themself' and their family will suffer.

The crazies will find a way to cause harm if determined.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Got this feeling

Got this feeling.Know it's going to be.Supper tonight I'm guessing will be that stuff,chicken pot pie.Might be a night I dig into my hard time stuck back for days like this food supply.I have pork n beans,microwave popcorn and a bag of Cheetos .

Me,Daddy and the snake

Last night I was reminded of something that happened when I was a little boy. Daddy took me hunting.

Maybe I was 7 years old and it was fall of the year.In a thicket of trees brown leaves covering the ground we where leaning against a tree.

I noticed something.A snake.Maybe a copper head or rattler .Tongue flickering gliding over the leaves it was headed right towards us.

Daddy I see a snake.That's all it took.Daddy,the one with the gun jumped up and started running.Back to where the car was.Not a word was said he just left me in his tracks.

He never seen the snake,he had the gun,he left me in his dust.The man was terrified of them creepy crawlie no shoulder things.

As I got older often I reminded him of that snake.And the day he left his little boy behind.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Color blind

Seems I'm color blind.For over 30 years I lived in the same house.When giving directions to my humble abode always I said 3rd house on left green with dark green shutters.

Everyone else said it was white.Well maybe it was a light green,mint green color but rest assured that house was not white.

I should know.I'm the one who bought the paint.I seem to see dark colors just fine.But light pastel colors are a different story.

But like I said that house was green.

I see

Leaves on trees
Big bumble bees
These I see
First day spring

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Just dreaming

The only good meal for me this whole week was breakfast this morning.Toast,buttered,grits,bacon and a boiled egg.

Other than that this week has been a bust far as food goes.Just had supper and it was that awful beef tips on rice with mushrooms.I just rake the beef and those things to the side and eat the rice.It came with cooked sliced carrots,squash and what I think was supposed to be green string beans.

I love string beans.But they have to be cooked right.Cooked down in some grease till nearly burnt and add salt please and give me a big slice of cornbread and onion and that's good eating.A roll(where the cornbread)apple sauce and diet something pudding filled out the meal.

I know go ahead and say it I'm a picky old man.I agree but I know what I like and what I don't.Who ever is planning these meals knows nothing about Southern cooking or how it's done.I love vegetables.But what we are having here must be excuse my French Yankee cooking.They know nothing about seasoning food I think.

Come on now how about some real food for a change.Butter beans or pintos cooked on the stove with that thick bean soup.Big pan of cornbread.Some fried taters.Salmon patties fried brown and crispy.

Just dreaming I guess.

What if....

What if.What if you knew that in a few moments your life would end.How would you handle it and what would you do.

Watching an old movie today about a runaway atomic missile that was bearing down on NYC it made me think.

If I knew my life was coming to an end quickly what would I do.Pray for forgiveness is the natural thing I guess.Tell those close to me how I feel about them maybe.Be scared most likely.

What if a person was pointing a gun to your head and seconds from death you where wonder if I could handle it.No choice in that one.What if a big space rock was bearing down on Earth and we where given a short notice that this would be it for us could you deal with it?

We all will face that moment in our life someday.Those last few moments.Just hope it comes quick with no time to be scared or in pain.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Outlaw turkey anything...

Enough of broccoli and cooked carrots.No more wild rice give me the real stuff,white with butter,salt and pepper.

Fry my pork chop and burgers and fish.No more broiled anything.Down with healthy eating.If it ain't fried it ain't cooked.

Apples are for pies and bananas go in banana pudding.

Outlaw turkey anything.No sugar free this or that.Remember those test that said artificial sweeteners gave rats cancer.

At my age food is what I look forward to each day.Chili dogs and fries over cauliflower and squash anytime.

If a choice between food making me healthy or happy I would chose happy.


Socks,bed,blue.Three words they test you with here.Every so often a Lady comes around and asks a few questions.I know they are just checking if your mental capabilities are holding up or...

I told her once she needed to change those words.People have them memorized.But between me you and the fencepost I hope they don't.

My memory isn't as sharp like it use to be.Scary at times.Guess it's just a normal part of aging.

That old saying is true.Once a man,twice a child.I'm not sure if it's the fall or winter of my life.All I know time is passing by fast.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Feeling escapes me

Watching an old rerun of The Twilight Zone it struck a bell with me.This old guy at the old folks home came running out all excited carring his suitcase shaking peoples hand and runs to a car.

His son's car.The old guy thinks his son is taking him home.Nope not the way it works.The dissapointment shows on his face.

That face I've seen around here a few times.People wanting to go home back to the lives they once had with their families.

I'm so blessed.That feeling escapes me.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Only in my memories

Take me back.Back there.The 1970's.A time I liked.

Watching a rerun of The Love Boat on my computer that song took me back to those days of my youth.The music of that era.The movies and TV.

Movies like the Smokey and the Bandit,The Godfather,The Exorcist.TV programs like Charlie's Angels,Barney Miller and Welcome Back Cotter.

Those TV commercials from Ronco.Pocket Fisherman,Clap on Clap off light switch.Cubic Zoconia diamond rings and everything only cost $9.95.

WTBS channel 17.

A time when cars where cool.Z28's,Boss Mustangs and Trans Am's.

When music was good.REO Speedwagon,Journey and 38 Special.

Least I can still go back to those days.If only in my memories.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Super size it

Don't be like sheep.Don't be led around like a cow with a nose ring.The experts or those who think they know it all might be wrong.

Food is what I'm talking about.Don't eat this or that.Bad for you.Eat this what I say.That was your Momma's job when you where a kid.You're grown now think for yourself.

Others will try making you feel guilty or bad if you eat what you like and want.

If you want a Big Mac with super sized fries do it.Enjoy it.Let Mr/Ms know it all let me control your life eat broccoli and carrots.

What it comes down to is this.If the food you eat don't taste good or satisfy you why eat it.

Being happy counts just as much as being healthy.

On ya way back drop me off some of those super sized fries.


As Facebook asks what on your mind today.Well today I have no pressing issues to talk about.No complaints.Not mad with anyone or about anything.So far so good as they say.

No big controversies that I know of.Friends with one and all far as I know.Only big business I have to take care of is remembering to put in my order for that super duper salad for Friday's supper.

I know right.Lot of people would like having my problems of today.Not really needing anything or really wanting anything.

Guess you call this being satisfied.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chicken Little

Chicken Little was wrong.The sky is not falling but the ground is sinking.

Down in Florida the earth opens up and swallows a man sleeping in his bed.They can't find him.Awful way to go I think.

Up in Illinois I think it was a man playing golf is swallowed up when the ground beneath him opens up.

When I was kid the story was Florida would some day sink off the map and the Atlantic Ocean would start down around Macon,Georgia.Might be something to that.

Hmmm.If you got some spare cash might be a good time to invest in some future beach front property down around middle Georgia.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Word chosen

Outcasts,rejects,throwaways,call us what you want.Most likely what ever word used fits us.We are the once loved,once useful people of your life.

Now old,sick or disabled no longer able to do for ourselves.We depend on others to help with our daily life.

I think maybe it's not meant the way we take it but at times it saddens me the way some are talked to.Did you know that impatient word can really hurt us.We understand what stress you are under but sometimes I think the word you choose is not the best.

I can't stand being patronized.That sugary sweet talk not really meant.Really if your heart is not in it don't make us the ones who depend on you feel like we are in the way.Maybe when you reach that point it's time for you/me to move on.

We still have feelings.Words or actions we can still feel.

Remember we where just like you once.This life now lived was not of our choosing.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The real me

What I feel
You'll never know
Eyes can't see
The real me

Those three words

Those three words
We hold dear
Those three words
We wanna hear
Those three words

Time to eat


Spring has sprung
Birds think so
Chirping and singing
Outside my window

Sun do glow
I like alot
Spring has sprung
This I know

Trees are budding
Grass getting green
Spring has sprung
It so keen

Dogwoods in bloom
Such a sight
Spring has sprung
No more gloom

Hour closer

Just let me get my hour back.I'm sleepy.The world is a hour early today.Breakfast a hour early.Even the pretty birds at my window singing a hour early today.

One hour closer to what ever is going to happen today.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hunting for twirly whirlys

Find the twirly whirlys.That's what I called them.Those creamed filled crusted sweet things.Momma loved them and would not share.

She would go grocery shopping and I just knew she had bought twirly whirlys and had them hid.

Those pastries she really liked.The usual place she hid them was in the bottom of the fridge where the healthy stuff suppose to have went.You know things like apples,pears and such a place she thought never I would search.That would be my first place to look.

She would get creative some times and I would just have to ask "Momma where you hide the twirly whirlys".

Friday, March 8, 2013

Think Brother !

I'm amazed at some of the things seen on that TV show Cops.This I have to write about.

I just seen this little guy,hands handcuffed behind him,3 big boy cops holding onto him,and he tries to run!

Slammed to the concrete face first then tazed he was.

Brother think next time when you are in this situation.

Thank you in advance

Ate way to much again.Yesterday here at TFH was Ms Theresa's last day at work.She retired.There was a party given for her and I for one had the pleasure of attending.

Whoo We.Talk about good food.Collards,tater salad,deviled eggs,green beans cooked down right,chicken of all types,homemade mac&cheese,cornbread and I topped it off with an ice cream sandwich.Oh don't forget that wonderful chicken dressing.

Now.I have a mission.Tracking down who cooked what.My reason being selfish.All that food was yum yum like Momma cooked.I need to remind them the next time they cook the dish they brought yesterday to please remember me and bring by me a plate.

I thank you in advance.

Raised with manners

Geographical biased stereotyping I know better than you type of people.I promise to be nice even though my blood boils and skin crawls when I hear people put down us folks in the south.

Little story.Few years ago I went on a little trip with someone.We had the pleasure of passing through Alabama to reach our destination.

I had to bite my lip cause my Momma raised me with some manners which I think a lot of folks missed out on.Anyway this person called people in Alabama ignorant,stupid,backwards any thing that sounded cruel and degrading they said it.

Little did this person know my folks where born raised in Alabama and I had the pleasure of living there myself a few times.Thinking about it maybe they did know my Alabama connection and where just being their normal self of being contrary.See I am being nice.Manners remember.

In movies,on TV,in the news it's still ok to put down us Southern folks.So they feel.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hard headed and set in my ways...

I'm in for a treat.Being a sheltered born and bred Southerner there are a few things in life never have I experienced.

Snow for example.Ain't never seen much of that.Big tall sky scrapers.Crowds of people like in downtown NYC.

Food.I have been called curious cause somethings I haven't tried just because it just didn't look right.Maybe being hard headed and set in my ways explains me some what.

Well there is a volunteer here named Ray who is from way up there in the state of Maine.He was in the restaurant business and still does some catering I think.Lately we have been talking about food.Lobster to be exact.Never ever have I ate lobster or crab meat.Ray has kin still living up in Maine and they sent him 200 lobsters on dry ice.Ray said his Mom would give him lobster juice instead of milk in his baby bottle.He is making lobster crab rolls and has promised me one.I shall report back to you of my opinion of it soon as it arrives.


Sayings.Those little words of wisdom.Daddy would say if they can live with it I can live without it.Momma always said some folks have to cut you down to make themselves look bigger.

When finding fault with someone she would remind me that it might not be them it might be you.

Sayings.Words to live by.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Standing Rock,Alabama

A small place in Alabama,Standing Rock.I lived there from age 3 till 5 years old.

Story is the Indians left this stone here when being removed from the territory to mark the Trail of Tears.

It is said that if the rock ever falls or is removed the world will come to and end.

Sapsucker part deux

The other day I wrote about mistakenly thinking I had been called a redneck sapsucker.That clicked on a switch in my brain and brought back a memory.

When I was a boy me and Daddy did what he called loafing.Momma worked the evening shift in the mills and he the day shift.

We would spend our afternoons visiting folks.Kin,people from church or just really anybody.That is a long lost art today,visiting folks.

Riding in the car it seemed this would always happen.Someone would pull in front of us,cut you off or do something that made Daddy mad.

You sapsucker he would call them.That was his word.Looking at me he would say "if you had not been in the car I would let him hit me".Every time Daddy would say that.

So just a friendly warning.Be careful.There are a lot of sapsuckers out there!

Rattling of the door

The wind did howl last night.After getting a shower and back into my room the window next to my bed was opened for a bit.It was stuffy in here and the fresh cool air on my face was nice.

Well talk about interesting it was.Temperature dropped like a rock and the wind was howling.It sounded like someone in misery taking their last few precious breaths of life.

The door to our room was shut and with the wind howling the door would rattle like someone was trying to open it.The rattling of the door,drop in temperature and the moaning of the wind was the perfect back drop to a good story.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chips,BBQ chips

Chips.BBQ potato chips.That's what is on my mind today.

Those tangy sweet chips.

Guess this proves I'm just a simple man.With all that's going on in the world,all the trials,tribulations and test that we have,chips,BBQ chips is all I'm thinking of.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Back then

Someone told me once I was living in the past.Now what is wrong with that? The past is where my life is and where the happiest times of my life are.

I enjoy watching old TV shows and movies of my youth.Back when things seemed so innocent.Back when life was good.Not saying life's not good now.Don't get me wrong.

Back then when ......well I don't have a word to describe it.

It is a feeling I guess more than anything.Memories.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Redneck sapsucker

Laying here in bed watching a program about birds guess I dozed off.I heard someone loudly say redneck sapsucker.That woke me up.Oh it was the bird program.For a minute I thought someone was calling me.


Lazarus.Jesus was his friend.Often I have thought about Lazarus.

Death.I read where the Bible said death is a deep sleep.In the grave we stay till the rapture(the rapture is not mentioned in the Bible) and Jesus returns.The dead in Christ shall rise from the grave first meeting Jesus in the sky then all else shall follow.

Back to Lazarus.Some say our soul at the moment of death goes for judgment.And Jesus told the thief who was crucified with him that he would join him in paradise that evening.

It's all very confusing.I'm sure people asked Lazarus what was it like.Death.Never have I read what or if he said anything.

Something to think about.