Thursday, March 14, 2013

Super size it

Don't be like sheep.Don't be led around like a cow with a nose ring.The experts or those who think they know it all might be wrong.

Food is what I'm talking about.Don't eat this or that.Bad for you.Eat this what I say.That was your Momma's job when you where a kid.You're grown now think for yourself.

Others will try making you feel guilty or bad if you eat what you like and want.

If you want a Big Mac with super sized fries do it.Enjoy it.Let Mr/Ms know it all let me control your life eat broccoli and carrots.

What it comes down to is this.If the food you eat don't taste good or satisfy you why eat it.

Being happy counts just as much as being healthy.

On ya way back drop me off some of those super sized fries.

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