Thursday, February 28, 2013

Boat ride from Hell

Once in my life I have been deep sea fishing.I ain't going back.Panama City,Florida back in 1972 so I would have been 20 at the time.

Really I just wanted to go along for the ride,fishing wasn't the most important thing on my mind.A friend had just bought a brand new sparkling 72 Chevrolet Monte Carlo.Yellow with green vinyl top.

Off we went and ended up in PC.

Morning came and leaving the hotel we had breakfast.Mistake number 1.Greasy eggs,sausage and grits.Things where let's say stormy that morn.A boat had been chartered but because hurricane warnings were in effect the Captain he gave our money back saying he wasn't that brave.Smartest man I had met that day.

So we found another boat,one of those big ones that had 30 or so folks that didn't have any better sense than we did and off into the Atlantic ocean we went.Mistake number 2.

Long as land could be seen I was fine,no problem.A little further out we passed a huge old rusty ship that was bobbing up and down like one of those little balls on the end of your cane fishing pole when a fish was nibbling on your bait.That should have been a warning if I was smart.

That little charted fishing boat would rise up and down like it was on a see saw.When the back end where we ended up it came down it sounded like the boat was hitting cement.

There was a canteen on the boat.Mistake number 3.The smell of greasy fried food combined with the up down motion of the boat well is what you call SEA SICK.

It was awful.Shoot me I thought.Can't take much of this.Dry heaves.I'm dying.My friend later said he seen people turn green.

The guy doing the cooking said he knew he was going to Hell when he died but least he didn't get SEA SICK.

That boat stayed out in the ocean for 8 full agonizing awful hours.No body fished.

The boat ride from Hell as I refer to it.

Now telling my boss of the time this story he said the perfect cure for being SEA SICK is to eat soda crackers while sitting under a Palm tree.

Smart man.That's why he was the boss.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Another milestone has been reached here on this silly blog.1001 post since 2010.

Feeling comes over me

153 years ago.93 years before this life I live started.Something happened.It changed this country.Still to this day it's being relived through decedents.

No matter how hard we try it cannot be changed.

Sometimes this feeling comes over me that I was there when it all happened.Something is heard.Something is seen and for a fleeting second I'm taken back there.

Deja Vu.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bundled up

Bundled up in my hoodie and sweatpants my sunglasses on I ventured outside today .It was windy and a bit cool but when the sun shined directly on me it felt nice.

Sitting by the cement pond(really it's nice rocks)at the veranda(fancy name for a covered shed)I had time to reflect and charge my internal batteries.

The sky was cobalt blue with fast moving puffy white clouds.The ground was water logged with standing water from all the rain of late.The water fountain was full to the brim.

 Guess I was trying out for Walmart door greeter cause everyone who walked into the building I spoke to.

A mystery

A mystery has developed.For the past year and 14 days and a few hours TFH is where I call home.

Everyday at meal time you are given a slip of paper describing what your meal is.

This is the mystery.Everyday at supper that little slip of paper list 1 each parsley.In all of my year and 14 days and a few hours never,never ever have I got parsley with my supper.

I just want to know,really the parsley is not needed but who is getting my parsley?

Just another unsolved mystery of the world.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Lord you know

Lord you know
What I'm about
I'm not one
Who prays and shouts

You know my heart
What I hold dear
You know me
And my fears

Lord you know
What I do
What I do wrong
When I'm being true

Lord you know
I'm not the man
That I could be
I am what you see

Lord give me the grace
The courage I need
For things I face
You I want to please

Friday, February 22, 2013

Citizens arrest!

Last night looking out the window here at the old folks home something caught my eye.The police had someone stopped and it looked liked a ticket was given.

What happened next reminded me of The Andy Griffith show.One episode Barney gave someone maybe Goober a ticket for making an u turn.

Well you knew it was coming but at the end of the show guess what?Barney made an u turn and Goober seen it and ran after Barney hollering Citizens arrest!Citizens arrest!

Back to last night and the traffic stop.After the ticket was wrote,the offender had drove off,the policeman turned off his blue lights and big bright spotlight guess what?Yep you guessed it.He made an u turn.

 Citizens arrest!Citizens arrest!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

40 days and 40 nights

40 days and 40 nights.That is how long God let in rain when he destroyed those wicked people on Earth.Now is it a consequence or what that is how long Georgia lawmakers are in session.

40 days and 40 nights.Guess what one of our elected chieftains is trying to push through the legislature?

Get this.He wants former and current lawmakers to have a right that no other Georgians have.This guy wants them to have a special privilege of being able to carry a firearm,if they have a concealed weapon permit into the Capitol building.

I can't do that.You can't do that.But they should be able this guy said.

I thought that $300 fee just to be able to converse with our leaders was ridiculous(they did drop the fee to $25)but wanting specials laws for themselves is well what would be a good word,you pick one of your choice.

40 days and 40 nights.Lord help us.

Divine intervention

Divine intervention.Sometimes it is needed.Take supper of Tuesday.It was a turkey sandwich and chicken noodle soup.

Now that turkey must have been Alabama road kill turkey because it was awful.The soup the same.So I had this bright idea.

I ordered my free Papa Johns pizza.Large thin crust with peperoni.All I had to pay was delivery charge and a small tip.

Now for the divine intervention part.Jesus took 3 fish and a loaf of bread and fed the multitudes.That pizza didn't feed the multitudes but I did share.Slice for me,roommates and the rest for who ever who wanted it.Just wish that there had been enough for all.

Whiny and childish

Some people never do wrong.They think.I won't mention any names but I was reading about this well know singer who shall remain nameless who dates all these people,breaks up with them and then writes a little song about each break up.

Gee wiz is this person just using these folks for song material? I for one was never impressed with the singers songs.To me they sounded whiny and childish but they sure sell lots of songs I hear.Maybe they are just targeting their songs to whiny childish fans.

Lot of folks are like that.Never seeing the good or sacrifices some make for their benefit but only seeing the things they didn't like.

Whiny and childish they are.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Why I wonder

Some things I don't understand.I just seen a man jogging down the road.Maybe it was up the road.It is cold.This man was wearing a hoodie but also short pants.I notice the mail man or mail person doing the same thing.Snow or ice on the ground they are all bundled up like normal people and yep you guessed it they will be wearing short pants.It's like wearing a belt with suspenders on your pants.Kinda defeating the purpose it seems.

Why I wonder.

While on the subject of jogging,years ago Daddy and me would be some where and a jogger would be seen.Daddy I would ask,why don't you start jogging.His answer was if they followed him around in the mill each day they wouldn't feel like jogging.

To be fair it's not only the joggers and mail people I wonder about sometimes.This morning temp was 30 degrees with a wind and what do I see? Some guy on his Harley put putting down the road.Maybe it was up the road.He had to be freezing.

But least he didn't have on short pants.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Happy birthday Gail.Well this photo let me think.We spent many a summer's day on that screened in porch looking through the Sears&Roebucks catalog playing this page is mine that page is yours.Back in the old days when Sears sold donkeys,monkeys and dogs and other neat stuff.Another fun thing was to sit on the roof of that old barn in back of Grandma's and watch wrecks at the corner of Dallis and Truittt.Yes we where what folks call SPECIAL these days.Remember?Those hot summer days waiting on Pete the ice cream man and hoping someone would take pity on us and buy us a Popsicle.Going to the store for Grandma,any change left over is yours she would say.Back then you could buy candy or cookie for a penny.If you was lucky enough was left over for a hamburger and dill pickle out that jar from Smokey's.So Cousin Happy Birthday and many more for you!

Old Butt Buster

A little red wine is good for you I read.Even the bible said take a little wine for thy stomachs sake.I'm a tea toatler but maybe a glass of wine would be more sensible than all these medications we take.

Chocolate is good for you also I'm told.Guess the trick is moderation on all things.

So bring on a bottle of Old Butt Buster chilled wine from the corner convience store and get me a couple large Hershey bars.

Just for my health you know.


My simple wish.Just to lean against a Pine Tree on a cold clear day at sunset.Roaring campfire warming my bones.Looking at the colors of the sky.Red,pink,blue and black.

Time just to relax,think,reflect.Smell of woodsmoke filling my senses.


Free sample

Looking out the big window so far today the Doritos and CoCola truck making their deliveries I've seen.The Keebler cookie(made by elves)truck will most likely be around soon also.

Wonder if they give out samples.The milkman when there was such a thing did when I was a kid.Down on Juniper Street on a Saturday a gang of kids would gather around the milk truck begging for samples.Good ole Mr milkman would most always give us a chocolate milk in those little single serve bottles.

Maybe it's the rain

Feeling unwelcome.A few times in my life I've had that feeling.Been a few years ago but the feeling is awful.Makes you feel like climbing under the nearest rock.

Once or twice when I was a kid some folks made me feel that way.

Some folks just have no manners.Met a few like that also in my life.Off the top of their heads they can be the cruelest little animals with 2 legs walking God's good green Earth.

Don't know why I'm on this subject this morning .Maybe it's the rain.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Don't pet the bunny

Car eating bunnies in Colorado.I've heard it all now.I can go sit it the corner and wait.

Seems out in Denver,Co at the airport bunny rabbits are eating cars in the parking lot.

The bunnies like sitting under the warm cars and while getting warm they must want a little snack so they eat the cars.The ignition wires of the cars to be specific.

Needless to say they are becoming a pest.

Don't pet the bunny.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

She is free

The light on the ceiling.About the size of a 50 cent piece.I seen it again on Friday.I knew what it meant.

The first time that light was seen was last July.I'm not sure if it was before or after Rabbit had died.Rabbit(Robert) was a roommate.Afterwards every so often I would get the smell of roses really strong.Seems no else could.

Daytime Friday laying in bed looking up there it was again,that light.I just seen it a few seconds and it was gone.

 Friday a resident here who had moved back to her home state of Ohio died.I was told yesterday.

 She is now free of that terrible disease of ALS.

Wall Of Shame

 Here I go.On my soapbox this morning.The subject is insurance companies.Just seen on TV that insurance companies are holding back on paying folks whose homes where damaged or destroyed in hurricane Sandy.

Shame on them! Insurance comes under that evil but necessary category.Let me give you an example of my dealings with them.

Back in 1992 my Daddy had surgery for lung cancer.The cancer had spread.Daddy had a disability type insurance that he payed for monthly.

Now get this.My folks really needed those benefits they had payed for but you know what? The insurance company refused to hold up their end of the deal.We where told they would not pay because Daddy previously had cancer.LIE!!!

After months of calls and visit my Mom God rest her soul lost it in the insurance manager office one day and blessed every one in the office out I later heard.

Listen to this.The manger then reach in his desk and started pulling out checks that my folks should have been receiving all along.

At the funeral the undertaker made the comment to Momma one of the insurance companies had sure payed off real quick.Guess which one?

So long story short.I put those insurance companies in the same boat as politicians,crooked cops,lawyers and such.

I shall engraved their name on the Wall Of Shame.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Price reduced

Now it only cost $25 to speak with our elected Georgia lawmakers.Down from the original $300.

What a joke.

Where is it

Ok I'm waiting.Where is it at?Woke up at 5am looking for it.It's cloudy,temp dropping,wind picking up.

Where is that SNOW !

Something is going on

Something is going on folks.A meteorite explodes over Russia and people are hurt and buildings damaged.Something was seen over San Francisco,fireball of some type.Friday an asteroid half the size of a football field flew by the 3rd rock from the Sun,Earth.

Read about a couple of earthquakes this week.Pretty good size ones.I noticed the birds are really acting strange.Flocks of them flying somewhere.I'm seeing birds that are not native of this area also.

Tornadoes in Georgia hurricane Sandy up north.

I always say nothing shocks me anymore but some things sure surprise me.

Someone is trying to get our attention.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Pink bubbly stuff

Valentine's Day at TFH. Now let me say from the start what I did and said not remembered by me this morning.

It all started when the pink bubbly was passed out.The champagne flowed like Niagara Falls around the old home place yesterday.Me not being a partaker of alcohol thought I was drinking fruit punch with bubbles.Seems I was wrong.

This morning I was told,now none of this I remember, about how I became my alter ego John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever and turned into a dancing machine under the lighted disco ball that hung from the ceiling.

Seems I danced the night away with everything that had long hair and was pretty.So if I did all this I can't say one way or another I just don't remember.

Someone said I had my own little kissing booth in the corner and was giving away free kisses to all the nice pretty Ladies.Again I have no memory of this.

So the moral of this story is stay away from the pink bubbly stuff.It ain't fruit punch.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Salmon and biscuits
I just got
Homemade fried taters
Not them tots

It was so good
Way Momma fried them
Life is great
Here in da hood

So Ms Cheetos
Do this for me
Hug Your Husbands neck
I'm writing him a big ole check

Just give me time
To get out of town
My checks seem to
Bounce all around

Judge Jury Excutioner

This rogue cop thing out in California is well, interesting.I wonder what the real story is and what really happened the other day when maybe they think he was killed in a fire,accidental fire I hear.

I know he is accused of killing 4 people but something just don't seem right.Just my opinion.Everyone has one of those.But in this day and age just because someone in authority said it's this way not that way doesn't make it absolute truth.

I understand the police out there where mad,their comrades had been killed by the hands of one of their own.I understand they where scared.Who wouldn't be when someone who is very capable has threaten to kill them.

Hope the real truth and nothing but the truth comes out in the following days.

Here is your hug

Valentine Day can be a cruel thing.I remember back when in grade school on this day and Valentine cards where given out.Thinking back some kids didn't get a card.That had to hurt their feelings.

So if that was you back then I'm sorry and here is a big hug from me on this Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine Day

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Happy Valentine's day
This is for you

Didn't get you flowers
Forgot the candy
Sometimes a bad memory
Comes in handy

Think of the money I saved
Think of the weight you didn't gain
This is your gift
A poem by John Haynes

Some call me cheap
I prefer thrifty
Those roses
Just make you weep

Just looking out for you
Doing whats best
Everything I said
Is just in jest

You are great
You are fine
Happy Valentine Day
Glad your a friend of mine

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cops and doughnuts

Thief steals Krispy Kreme doughnut truck.Cops with blue lights and sirens chase thief in Krispy Kreme doughnut stolen truck.

Let me think.Cops and doughnuts.

Got to be a joke in there some where.

One step away

One step away.Through the years I have thought about what it would be like being homeless.

Living in a paste board box under a bridge some where.Nothing is guaranteed in this life except one day dying.Everything else is up to chance.

One day on top of the world next the bottom can fall out.Easy thing that can happen.

Maybe people should not have that as a matter of fact that it will never happen to me type of attitude.

Folks jumped out of buildings back during the depression and way things have looked past few years maybe another one could happen.One terrorist could could change the life style of us all.Taking away all we take for granted.Most folks are just 1 paycheck away from living under that bridge.

This is my plan.I'm looking for a clean used paste board box and sticking it under my bed just in case.

Talk about shock

All things considered I've been lucky when it comes to loved ones and death.Both my Parents where on the Hospice program in their final days and I had time to prepare myself.But you know when that day came when they did die it was a shock.

What I'm getting at here is this.Even though I was prepared really I wasn't.

Last weekend here in LaGrange 5 people died in a horrific head on crash.The horror of having someone you love taken from your life without warning must be the most awful thing.Here one moment gone next.Talk about shock.

It's something we must try to be prepared for I guess.Just don't let your love ones or friends leave without letting them know how much you love and cherish them.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Enough said

Rainy days and Mondays.Enough said.But they don't get me down like the Carpenters sang about.

I like the rain.Just not a lot all at once.This is scary weather.Right now at 733 AM it's 60 degrees.Just right conditions for a tornado.

Mondays don't bother me.Just another name for another day of the week.They are all about the same now.

The clouds are moving fast from the south.Think I will just watch them for awhile.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Don't take much

I'm lazy today.Still laying in my comfy bed.The wind is really howling and I like it.It would not take much for that to get my imagination going.

Dark night,lighting,thunder the wind howling like it is now.Flash of lighting and I see a figure standing at the door with an ax in his hands.....

See don't take much to get me going.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

It is good

Just let me say from the start I wish peace and joy for you.I have that inner peace today and I will say nothing can compare with that feeling.

Breakfast was good,coffee was hot,room was warm and I dozed right off back to sleep.

I know there will be more test,trials and tribulations left to come in this old world but if I can keep this inner peace I will make it through them all.

At the moment I'm not lacking anything and it is good.

Friday, February 8, 2013

I will try

It's Friday.It's cool out.But least the rain has stopped I think.Nothing is on my mind this morning as I drink my 2nd cup of coffee.

That's not quite true.There is always something on my mind.Just putting down what I feel can sometimes be difficult.I try to think before speaking and the same way with writing but often it don't work.So just be careful what you say and write it might come back on you someday.

Lately I've been reflecting on things.Things I could do better that I don't.I haven't been reading my Bible much lately and I feel guilty.Plenty of time I have and it's just fell by the wayside.I haven't been showing Brotherly love to some like I should.That is wrong.I haven't been praising Jesus and giving thanks like I should.I have thoughts that are wrong.I pray daily for help in that category.I need to repent daily,constantly.I need to devote every second of each day to doing what God and His son Jesus have commanded me to do.

I'm so thankful for the love and understanding that Jesus has for me,you.

I will try living my life each day as best I can.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Coronary halitosis

Seems I have done it again.Let my mind run free and look at the trouble I'm in.

My thoughts where on those things in the photo.Homemade biscuits with gravy,white gravy with lots of black pepper on top.

Maybe a few slices of strick o lean and a couple of fried eggs.Big bowl of buttery grits with salt and hot fresh coffee.

Just thinking of a meal like this is enough to cause coronary halitosis or something just as bad.

The last time I had strick o lean the person cooking it I forgot to mention it to her that it needs to be soaked before cooking.I ate it,it was delicious,bit salty. I didn't let on that it made me so dizzy I had trouble getting up out of my chair.My BP was most likely off the scale.

Another thing about biscuits and gravy.Professional truck drivers know this and won't eat biscuits and gravy while working.It puts you to sleep.Does me anyway.

So as life goes if it taste good chances are pretty good it's bad for you.

Skip the biscuits and gravy.Some butter pecan ice cream would be good or how about chocolate......

Long gone

Now this brings back memories.Hanson's on Old Airport road here in LaGrange.

Curb service and if your group was large enough a private room could be had for your meal.

A neat thing about the curb service was that Hanson's was next door to LaGrange Drive Inn.

Be lucky enough to be at Hanson's on weekends and you could get dinner and a movie for the price of one!

Guess it's like a lot of things in life,the good things never last.Both of those places are now long gone.But that's what makes up our memories.

Boiled okra and squash

Boiled okra and squash.Let me say from the start I learned years ago to never say never.But eating boiled okra and squash might come under that category of maybe never.

Momma cooked that southern thing of peas mixed with whole stalks of okra often.I like many others either passed on that or did like me dip the okra out.

That other thing ...squash.Boiled with onions added.I would eat that but it had to be cause I was really hungry.

But if you take okra and squash and batter them with corn meal or flour and deep fry them is a whole different story.Walmart sells battered fried okra and I can eat it like popcorn.

Take the name okra. All my life and till this day I and the old folks call it okree.Another thing about okree,everyone needs the opportunity of cutting okra on a hot August afternoon,temperature hovering around 100,sweat pouring off your head and face and making the mistake of wiping the sweat off with your okra cutting hand.It stings.

Never say never.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

She caught him

Store employee chases down a bratty kid and gives him a whipping.Well now ain't this interesting.Seems this 8 year old kid was running around the store and threw a cookie jar at the Lady clerk.

She caught him.Took off her belt and gave him a much needed spanking I think.The kid's Dad seen it all and called the Cops.

Now.You are not supposed to lay a hand on someone's else kid for starts.Maybe the line was crossed there.I bet this little angel has never been corrected by his parents a day in his life.

But I do admire the clerk for taking matters into her own hands.

I would have been more pleased if she had took that belt to the kid's uncaring so called Dad.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fly by

Now I don't want to scare you but have you heard?On February 15th a big space rock, asteroid,is making a fly by of planet Earth.

Won't hit us the experts say.Just another close call it seems.Sure have been a lot of these close call fly bys lately.

There is a theory that the dinosaurs where wiped out many moons ago by one of these big space rocks hitting Earth.

Hope the experts are right.But you know I have this theory on things.

Don't be afraid of what they tell you.Be very scared of the things they don't tell.

It arrived

Well Dear friends I have news.Good news.Yes the skies have opened up and blessings have been bestowed on yours truly.

Never in my long life have I been so blessed with the opportunity of maybe a life time.

It happened last night friend.I got it.Yes it arrived.I won't keep you in suspense any longer Dear ones.It was that email.The email of all emails.I had to hunt for it because mysteriously it had ended up in my spam/junk mail folder.But after careful searching it was found.

Are you sitting down friends?If not please do.Here goes.Ready?

I won a free pizza,1 large 1 topping of my choice from Papa Johns.Yes seems me and another million folks choose heads in the super bowl coin toss and have been rewarded with a free pizza.

There is only one thing better than pizza.Free pizza!

Pulling the trigger

The talk has been going around for years.Every time there is a shooting incident people jump on the band wagon wanting to ban guns.There is always somebody who blames the gun makers.People got to realize it's the crazy person pulling the trigger that is killing people.

What if every time a drunk person gets in a car and kills someone in a wreck Ford,GM etc where blamed for the deaths.No one wants cars banned do they?

Guns like cars are tools.Person using them are the problem not the tools.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Mouth waters

I don't like fish or seafood of any type.Well maybe a small whole deep fried catfish I would eat.Small and well done please.

When folks would have a fish fry my favorite thing was the trimmings.Crinkle cut fries,onion rings,slaw and hush puppies.

My mouth waters just thinking of those golden brown fried just right hush puppies.

Years ago when working the evening shift at the water filter plant getting home after midnight,starving and not being the best of a cook this would be my favorite meal.Take a couple taters,peel and slice into home fries.While they where in the pan a frying the hush puppies would be made.Corn meal,chopped up onion,dab of ketchup pour in some buttermilk and mix all ingredients well.Roll out the hush puppies into balls and when the taters where done drop them in the boiling Wesson oil.While the frying is going on slice some cabbage and mix in some mayo and sprinkle with black pepper for the slaw.I found it easier to buy frozen onion rings and keep them till needed rather than making home made ones.

There you have it.One of my all time favorite comfort foods.Good,easy and fills you up.

Can be arranged

The president of Iran has volunteered to be sent into space.Hmmm. Let me think.Yep that can be arranged.

Super Bowl

Night the lights went out
Down in New Orleans
Super Dome went black
Ravens then got slack

49's came back strong
For awhile they could do no wrong
But the Ravens would win
In the end

But who turned off the lights
That no one knows
This I think this I dread
Could it be ghost of Katrina dead

Sunday, February 3, 2013

No reason

I can't think of a reason for getting out of bed today.

Think laying here watching movies and TV on the computer is about as good it will get today.I've switched wheelchairs.Now using Karen's who left to go back home to Ohio.It really rolls and turns better than the one I was using.Plus the high back helps when my neck hurts.Think I will commandeer it if no one minds.

Way to windy and cold for sitting out at the veranda at the cement pond also.Yep think just staying in this comfortable bed is the thing to do today.

There is always tomorrow.

Same dream

Same dream.Same place.Another page added.Is this going to be a book?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hot fresh coffee

A rainy night in Georgia.Sounds like a song doesn't it? I have been a little sad today.For one reason or another it has been one of those days.

My spirits have just been lifted! Ms Weaver just brought me a Styrofoam cup of hot fresh coffee.

Life is bearable once more.


For a week or so now I keep having the same dream.Each time it's different but the same if that makes sense.

I'm always at the same place.Just a different part of that same place.I think the same people are there each time.Last night someone not familiar to me was there.

I know the people.This is what bothers me.Someone who should be there is not.Each time I dream this I can't see this person.

Another thing most if not all of my dreams are about people who have passed on.The people in these dreams are alive.

Or should be.


Something is not right
I see it in my dreams
Someone is missing
I don't know what it means

Friday, February 1, 2013


 A lady has her face smashed in with candlesticks.Her fingers are chopped off to steal her rings while still alive.Then she is stabbed multiple times till dead.

Sounds like the work of a monster.The monster turns out to be a woman.She is to be executed in Texas after 14 years on death row.

The monster is suspected of 2 other murders in years past.Her choice  of weapons in these cases was a claw hammer and another a meat tenderizer was used.The fingers of her victims where also chopped off for their jewelry in these cases.

I have no sympathy for the monster.