Monday, April 30, 2012

Danger Will Robinson

Well we had some excitement this evening at the old home place.It was around 8pm when Wille and me had our Braves baseball game interrupted by the sound of sirens.They stopped close by Willie I said.He seen them first,firemen running into the building,and there was smoke.Fire alarms blasting and strobe lights flashing we where whisked away to a safer spot.It was the fastest wheelchair ride I ever had.Least this time I was still dressed and not like during the tornado warning and off to the hall we went waiting the all clear signal.Seems an electrical outlet in a room had caught fire being the culprit for our evening excitement and the idea for this story.All is good,everyone safe,and now I'm snug in bed writing this story.As the robot from lost in space always said danger Will Robinson danger!

A milestone

A milestone.As I write this after just waking up,my eyes still fuzzy it's a milestone of sorts.I noticed in the stats for this blog it is post number 402.I started this blog about 2 years ago not knowing what would become of it.I found out that it's an enjoyment putting into words how things are going for me.Therapy maybe you could call it.I just hope others enjoy reading it as I do writing it.The stats show what post are being read most,what country people are from but rest assured it doesn't show who's reading it so your privacy is well protected.People from the United States are the biggest readers of this blog but here is a shocker for me in second place is Russia with the most readers.Now I say this with honesty and sincerity thank you all who read and take an interest in my blog.I hope you have as much fun reading it as I do putting into words little snippets of my life.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Just shoot me

Just shoot me.My wisdom tooth is acting up and it's painful.I still have my lower wisdom teeth and they act up at times.My jaw is so sore just eating is a hassle.The ear ache is the worst part.There is an old saying that half your life is over when wisdom teeth are pulled.Two at 18 where pulled so I should be dead already,at 36 so just another old saying that doesn't mean anything.This to will pass in a few days but have mercy on me.Just shoot me.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

I had to laugh

I just lost my work.Pushed the wrong button.Dang hate that when it happens.I will start over.I smell honeysuckle and I like it.Fire flys will be peppering the night sky around June.I'm just laying here listening to 80's music watching traffic on busy Highway 29 out the big window.A hot day and the AC was turned on and whew a muggy night also.The planet Venus will be visible soon and it will be shining bright.Twilight now.Someone asked me a few minutes ago if I was ok.Sure I said.She gave me that smile and look My Dad would when he knew I wasn't being honest.Look me in the eyes he would say and I would spill the beans every time.I had to laugh.

Sweet talking

Sweet talking for food.Once I was pretty good at it. When I was living alone and doing my own cooking I would plan out these big meals.By the time I had the cornbread and big white butterbeans or pintos cooked that will be enough I said.Never was a full course meal cooked.Here comes in the sweet talking part.I found out that women like for men to eat(that is the only thing I really know about women) and it didn't take much convincing to get them to bring a cake,meatloaf or salmon and biscuits if ya acted pitiful enough.I wasn't to proud to act pitiful for a good home cooked meatloaf.I think cooking or baking one as some call it isn't all that hard.It's just getting my hands all gooey mixing it up that killed the need for it.Anyway I have been sweet talking again and have put my order in for some home cooked big white butterbeans and some greasy cornbread.Don't forget the onion please.

Worlds top killer

The most dangerous creature in the world.It kills more humans than any other.Nope it's not the lion.Not poisonous snCheck Spellingakes.Not a shark.We all have had encounters with this killer before in our life.Bet you have even been attacked by a few.Can you name this creature?Ok a hint.In the summer time they are noticed more.They fly.They are aggravating pest.Ok give up?Mosquitoes.Yep those blood sucking skeeters.They kill more humans than any other creature with the virus they carry.

Friday, April 27, 2012

I never picked cotton

I have been blessed enough to never pick cotton.Fact is I've only seen 1 cotton field in my life and it was a small one that looked liked someone just grew it for looks.Different story for my parents and their generation.I know Momma talked of King Cotton can't remember if Daddy did.Momma said cotton was their cash crop.They had a working farm back up in the country.The whole family worked in the fields from the smallest on up.The cotton crop was sold and the cash from it was used to buy what ever they didn't grow.The Government payed them not to grow cotton at one time I guess because the market was flooded with it and prices where low.My generation is so spoiled most of us didn't have to grow what we ate.Farmers I hear are a dying breed of people because of the economy and big corporations buying up small farms.Like someone once said at your next meal thank a farmer for the food we are going to eat.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Fresh cut grass.One of my favorite aromas.It's right up there with the smell of wood smoke and BBQ.Just riding past a BBQ joint smelling that wood smoke is enough to make my mouth water.BBQ is an acquired taste I have heard.I acquired my taste for it in the 1960's.Melears BBQ in Union City,Ga.One of those all you can eat places.I never could get past 1 plate that was enough for me.Shredded pork BBQed to perfection,toast, Brunswick stew,sweet pickles and Wise potato chips.And those glasses of sweet tea.They where huge the size of what I can't describe.Me and Mom could not help but to giggle at the size of those glasses first time we ate there.Every time we passed Melears I had to stop.Someone told me that they had closed their doors.That's a shame a great place to eat and full of memories.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fanner 44's

I seen this on the Internet and it brought back memories.I had a pair of these when I was a kid.They are Fanner 44's with holsters.The unique thing about these cap pistols where they had plastic bullets that looked like the real thing and they would shoot just like real shells.They were heavy just like a real pistol and extra good quality of workmanship for a toy.Stupid me I traded them for a Monopoly game after years of having them.The point of this story is how things have changed from the 50's till now.Back then little boys had play guns and army and cowboys was a a way to have fun.There was always a good guy and a bad guy in our games.Now in this age parents shy away from letting their kids be kids and use their imagination.

Found my t shirt

I found my t shirt.I like cornbread and buttermilk.Sometimes I almost crave buttermilk and cornbread.My mouth waters thinking about cornbread and buttermilk.Us po folks down here in Georgia where raised on cornbread and buttermilk.Big pan of cornbread cooked(baked)for dinner(lunch) and what was left you had for supper(dinner)with buttermilk or what we call sweetmilk.Most folks just use buttermilk for cooking but to me a tall cold glass of refreshing buttermilk just hits the spot on a hot humid Georgia day.I know some who say they gag at the thought of drinking buttermilk.Maybe drinking buttermilk is an acquired taste like BBQ.So sit back my friend prop your feet up and have a big bowl of cornbread and buttermilk with me.Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dark Shadows

They are making a movie out of a favorite TV show of mine.Dark Shadows.When I was a schoolboy each day I would rush home to watch that show.Yes I was hooked on a soap opera.But it was a different type of soap opera not the kissy kiss mushy type that Ladies like.It was about vampires,ghost and all sorts of other creepy going ons.When the wind was howling the other night my mind flashed back to that time.I thought of cold windy weather in my bedroom with the gas heater on sitting in my chair watching a black and white TV.The ice cream truck would come around about dark each day and one of my favorite meals was bought off it.Hot dog and potato chips and a coke in a cup with lots of ice.The smell of the propane that truck cooked with came back to me.Funny how memories stay with us and a certain whatever brings them all back.Generally they are all good memories.

Pretty birds

What to write about.I have no idea.I could write about the bird feeder out side the bedroom window.It is a pleasure just watching those little birds fly and flutter around the feeder.I have seen turtledoves and cardinals both male and female on the feeder.Never seen them eat the birdseed they just seem to be using the post as a resting spot during their daily travels.Small birds I think they are some type of finches use the feeder mostly.They are brown which I guess are the female and the males must be the ones with red heads and chest.Lately a small bird that is light gray with a black head has shown up.Very pretty.They all are and a relaxing way to spend spare time watching them feed.

The big 60

I was surprised and delighted this morning by a dear friend.A birthday card and balloon wishing me happy birthday on the big 60.The card was signed by the members of the Church I belong to.There is one teeny weeny small problem.Right day but a few months early.But that is no problem.I will just celebrate my big 60 birthday everyday for a couple of months.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Go fly a kite

The wind did howl yesterday here in west central Ga.Great day for kite flying if ya had one.Gust around 30mph.It has been years since I flew a kite.Kites where 10 cents at the store plus what ever a roll of string cost and tail made from scrap cloth and you had fun that would keep you busy for hours.Do kids still fly kites I wonder because it has been years since I've seen one in the sky.March was always called kite flying season.Windy days where almost always guaranteed.I wonder if kite flying is another thing that has been replaced by all the new fangled things kids have to keep them busy these days.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Time is now

I had a thought this morning.Every once in a while that happens.Laying here before sunrise looking out the window at the still dark sky it hit me.I thought it must be awful and almost in a way cruel to live to be old I mean very very old like 100 or more.I thought about all your family who would have passed on leaving you behind to mourn them.Friends you never would see or talk with again.My Uncle Eugene once said that death is man's best friend. At the time I didn't think much about it but he might be right.Without family and friends life must be a hard lonesome road to hoe.Maybe it is time this very day to tell those you love how much you do.Time to clear up problems with people you have differences with.Live your life in love loving everyone and stop all the strife in your life.No one is guaranteed of seeing the sun set today so live it to the best of your abilities.Don't wait till that last breath wishing you had done this or said that. So in closing,if you are having a problem with someone don't dally go now,pick up that phone tell them how much they mean to you.

Friday, April 20, 2012


On the radio.It has been a habit of mine since my early years.Seems at Christmas or my birthday for a present I always got a transistor radio.Listening to baseball games or the fights was popular and fun.My teen years where spent at night listening to WLS in Chicago to music.On my bike,don't laugh and yes I was a nerd,to the handle bars a transistor radio was taped so I had music on the go.I might add that on my bike balloons where tied to the spokes ,sounded like a motorcycle,yep not only was I an nerd but a geek also.Then later on as I got older and working a radio was always company at work.Talk shows I got hooked on.Jim White in St Louis.I listened to him every night.Radio preachers .Jimmy Swaggert,Lester Rolof.For the past few years I have been hooked on Coast to Coast AM.Art Bell.No more tiny transistor radios now it's all high tech.Satellite radio and streaming audio from radio stations on the Internet with crystal clear no fading reception.

Do you remember?

Things about LaGrange do you remember when?Remember when the fountain on the square had colored water.The Spinning Wheel dairy on Main and their neon sign.LaGrange Theater on Main.The drive in on Airport Road.Hanson's and The Big Oak and Little Oak.When Officer Don and the Popeye Club came to town.The pig pen.A man named John F. Kennedy came to town.Those plastic flutes we learned to play in school and the big concert every year at the auditorium.Dancing around the May Pole.Hillside movie theater.The pool.On Callaway's birthday the mill ponds where opened for fishing and the workers got the day off.Commerce Avenue was 2 lanes.Roses department store.The Chicken Treat on Commerce.Those 3 wheel Harleys the police used.Christmas tree at City County Hospital.The Bargain Basement.Buster Brown shoes.Sliding down the hill on a snowy day at the monument.Taps on your shoes.The Beacon.When there was no traffic light at the hospital.The funeral homes had ambulances.Day McDonalds opened on Commerce.Burger Chef.These are just a few that come to mind and I wish you would leave comments on those that you remember!

Yearn for the old days

Years ago TV was called your window on the world.Television shrunk the world and made it smaller.Before TV Momma said they where told of an invention like radio but you could see it.I am a child of the TV age.Saturday mornings as a kid I would be up bright and early before anyone else sitting on the floor in my PJ's with a bowl of cornflakes watching the Indian test pattern waiting for another day of broadcast excellence.Programs like My Friend Flicka,Sky King,Hop Along Cassidy on and on.Saturday nights at 10 pm standing in front of the TV with my cap pistol and holster on I would try my best to out draw Matt Dillion.Sunday night was the best.After a long day of Church,those great Sunday dinners and visiting kinfolks time to settle down.My favorite programs would come on.My Favorite Martian,Disney's Wonderful World of Color and Bonanza.Back in those days,late 50's things where so much simpler.One TV in the house and it was black and white.Families watched it togather instead of like now where everyone has a TV with cable and 500 channels in their own room.Now in my old age I can honestly say TV doesn't interest me much anymore.Maybe I yearn for the old days the way it was.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Gary goes fishing

This is my friend Gary.He went fishing Monday for the first time ever.Now Gary is hooked on fishing just like he hooked this fish.He told me today of his plans and that plan is buying a rod and reel and all the fishing gear needed of his very own.There is one catch,Gary still refuses to put the worm on his own hook.

Checkers chili dogs and a bag of chips

Today was better.Spirits are lifted.Spent most of the day outside but in the shade not sun.I just turn red and start peeling off because I burn easy. Made it back to bed and feels good just stretching out and relaxing.Looking out the big window next to my bed I see dark clouds and the wind is acting up so guess maybe a thunder boomer is possible.So as this is being written all is good with me and wish all the world could say the same.What could make it a perfect evening would be maybe a couple of Checkers chili dogs and a bag of potato chips.See doesn't take much to please me.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Could be worse

Oh boy what a day.Could be worse I know.For some reason I don't know why I'm feeling sad.Maybe it was the rainy weather who knows.I will go sit in the sun tomorrow that always seems to help.Quiet meditation and fresh air just time to think.Time to air out the old brain.Just remember love everyone your enemies the most.Treat people like you want to be treated.The golden rule.Like Annie sings about the sun will come out tomorrow.

Long lost twins?

The woman on the left is Cathy Baker of He Haw fame.She was the lady who introduced everyone.Now the woman on the right is my Mom.People that knew Momma when she was a kid said these two women could pass as twins.I can see the resemblance but I will let you make up your own mind.

Home grown maters

Home grown tomatoes.These store bought maters have no taste but homegrown maters are something to wish for.Take loaf bread,mayo,salt and pepper slice a mater and you have some delicious simple eating.People have started their gardens and I ain't to proud to beg and have asked already for some handouts when the maters get ready.This story started out about Lewis Grizzard Great American.Looking on the Internet for photos of him I seen this pic of the maters and well the story just took another direction.I miss reading Lewis Grizzard's little stories in the Atlanta Journal every day.I have read a few of his books,really they where Mom's she loved his stories like me.Titles like"don't bend over in the garden granny cause them taters have eyes"and Elivs is dead and I don't feel well myself".He was born up the road from here in Moreland,Ga. just a small spot in the road.He often talked of his failed marriages and his beloved dog Catfish.Once in an Atlanta cafe he heard some people at the next table laugh and complain about food,people and everything else from the South.Turning around this is what he told them"If Ya Don't Like Dixie!Delta Is Ready When You Are!"Well said Lewis Grizzard Great American.Like someone told me once nothing last forever but his stories will.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


It was a nightmare.Shortly after my Mom died I was dreaming.It was hot summer time August.I dreamed I was at the graveyard but I could not find Momma's and Daddy's grave.I searched all over to the point of exhaustion.I was panicking.Running where I don't remember I ended up at some type of house.In the house there where people,men in suits.Who they where I know not.They led me into a room,a dark room.Then I seen it! Two caskets.Smiling,pointing towards the closed caskets they started to open one.I freaked out and ran away.I did not want to see.Then I woke up shaking I was freezing so cold that I had to go outside and stand in the sun just to warm up.I told someone about this nightmare and they said it meant that my folks where not there,their souls had moved on.

Something stupid

One night back at the old home place I did something really stupid.I'm always doing something not to bright but this was something else.Laying in bed half asleep I heard some type of commotion outside.It was someone walking down the street just a cussing.Who he was fussing with I didn't see.A car slowly drove pass him and stopped in front of the house next door.The guy walking really picked up his fussing and cussing then and stated making all kinds of threats to the folks in the car.Then it happened.Just as the guy walking made it in front of the house 3 guys jumped out of the car and started shooting.Their guns where blazing fire and with each shot they jumped into the air like it was a cartoon,animated it was all in slow motion.The guy walking then ran,where I have no idea and disappeared.Now this is the stupid part.I just stood there in the door and didn't even think to duck,run or get out of the way.The shots had to come my direction but where they landed is a mystery.The guy walking was not shot,the house wasn't hit,I wasn't either.Where did the bullets go I have wondered.Either the shots where blanks or God was watching over us all that night.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sign of the times

This must be the Easter cold snap just a week late.Past few mornings it has been cool and the days not as warm.The wind was howling the other night and you know what I liked hearing it and watching the trees sway with the wind.I will be honest weather,stormy weather has never bothered me.Back in 95 when Hurricane Opal came through LaGrange the wind was howling,trees breaking and power poles snapping like tooth picks and I just rolled over in bed and went to sleep.LaGrange has had a earthquake in the past few years strong enough to knock pictures off walls I heard but me yep was sleeping right through it.I have always enjoyed watching a good thunderstorm with that vivid lighting and thunder so loud it shakes the house.When I was working alone at the water plant storms where not so much fun.The river pump would almost every time knock off and that meant bells and lights flashing at the plant.One person on a shift all alone trying to run up and down 3 flights of stairs turning switches,switching pumps,bells ringing it did get hectic for a few minutes.Then outside at 100 foot water towers turning valves with lightning popping all around you at times it was a bit scary I will say.The weather has changed everyone will agree on that.Sign of the times I think.It has always been a much talked about subject but still in this year of 2012 there is not much that can be done about it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Things to ponder.I have some free time and a way to spend it is needed.So I will ponder.To those not familiar with ponder it means to think.Another form of day dreaming.Or maybe just a way to waste time.I ponder a lot.Always been a good ponderer.I read once that normal people we only use a small part of our brains.Something like 10% or less.Just ponder what we could do if the other 90% was put to use.I think the brain is really just a living electrical generator. Seen where electrodes where hooked to a mans brain and the electrical energy from it was used to power a toy train.Sometimes I wish the brain had an off on switch.Times I have been dead tired but the brain was running full speed.That makes sleeping hard sometimes.Yep the brain is nothing but a super computer.At times they need to be rebooted so they will work right.See I am pondering.I'm good at it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The warning

Outside yesterday I noticed a crow chasing a hawk in the sky.Maybe the crow was protecting it's young or space.The hawk for the most part just ignored the crow and went on it's merry way.The crow was determined.Another thing seen recently was a bluejay and an hawk almost having a mid air collision.The bluejay I swear turned around and gave chase.They have no fear it seems and will fight anything.Across the road there is a wooded area.Something broke the quietness of the day with several loud hoops.All I could think of was it must have been an owl.Once at the old home place on the back porch late at night with Sam and Pee Wee the cats I noticed they had become very quite and where staring at something.Then I seen it.It was an large owl sitting on the neighbors clothes line staring towards us.For a long time it just stayed not making a sound looking at me and the cats.Then with ruffling of it's wings it flew off.I never mentioned it to anyone.Reason was the next day My Dad was going into the hospital for lung surgery.I have heard that owls can be bad omens.I think maybe this one was or maybe it was there to warn me of things to come.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Phony and hypocrite

One of those days.I feel like a phony and a hypocrite.At times I think I'm so unworthy of Jesus's love,understanding and forgiveness.All I am is a sinner.Each day I start new,asking for forgiveness.So on this Easter morning,the day my Lord and Savior rose from the tomb after dying for our,my,sins I can only say thank you Lord for your love and forgiveness.

Friday, April 6, 2012

I wish

Today is Good Friday.Time to plant your garden if you are going to have one.Daddy always planted his on this day.In my old age I wish I had payed more attention to things Daddy did like farming,mechanical things,etc.At the time it seemed so boring.He tried teaching me how to use tools but I was all thumbs not having the knack for such.My brain would always wander.I just wasn't interested.Daddy would have a problem at work with a piece of machinery and many times the answer to it would come to him and even if it was the middle of night he would get dressed and go fix it.I think the word for that is dedication.It sure was hard watching Daddy get sick and die.Always a big strong man he went down to nothing.I had a dream of him shortly after he died.I was driving,driving it seems like an endless trip,I was gave out and troubled,then the first person I seen in my dream was Daddy,standing on the side of the road leaning against his old Ford truck.He was smiling and oh so young,he looked liked he was in the prime of his life and all was good with him.I like to think maybe it was his way of telling me all was ok and to start enjoying my life and quit the mourning.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I will try

Be more assertive.People have been telling me that for as long that I can remember.Maybe it's not my nature.I'm layed back and tend to go with the flow even if it's not in my best interest.I know it's an disadvantage,like the old saying the wheel that squeaks loudest gets the grease.As a kid I was so shy till the point of being pathetic.It held me back in so many ways but I have overcome that bad trait.Maybe it was my upbringing.Till I was 5 years old being isolated in the country all my friends where dogs and farm animals.My social life was lacking to put it mildly.I have read that a child's personality is formed by the time they reach 5 years old.I think mine was so that statement might be true.I have never been one to ask for help always doing the best I could on my own.Someone told me I have to much foolish pride and they where right about that.That is one thing I have overcome.So I will work on my assertiveness now and try to fix that problem.