Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Found my t shirt

I found my t shirt.I like cornbread and buttermilk.Sometimes I almost crave buttermilk and cornbread.My mouth waters thinking about cornbread and buttermilk.Us po folks down here in Georgia where raised on cornbread and buttermilk.Big pan of cornbread cooked(baked)for dinner(lunch) and what was left you had for supper(dinner)with buttermilk or what we call sweetmilk.Most folks just use buttermilk for cooking but to me a tall cold glass of refreshing buttermilk just hits the spot on a hot humid Georgia day.I know some who say they gag at the thought of drinking buttermilk.Maybe drinking buttermilk is an acquired taste like BBQ.So sit back my friend prop your feet up and have a big bowl of cornbread and buttermilk with me.Enjoy!

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