Friday, April 20, 2012


On the radio.It has been a habit of mine since my early years.Seems at Christmas or my birthday for a present I always got a transistor radio.Listening to baseball games or the fights was popular and fun.My teen years where spent at night listening to WLS in Chicago to music.On my bike,don't laugh and yes I was a nerd,to the handle bars a transistor radio was taped so I had music on the go.I might add that on my bike balloons where tied to the spokes ,sounded like a motorcycle,yep not only was I an nerd but a geek also.Then later on as I got older and working a radio was always company at work.Talk shows I got hooked on.Jim White in St Louis.I listened to him every night.Radio preachers .Jimmy Swaggert,Lester Rolof.For the past few years I have been hooked on Coast to Coast AM.Art Bell.No more tiny transistor radios now it's all high tech.Satellite radio and streaming audio from radio stations on the Internet with crystal clear no fading reception.

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