Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Those voices

Never have I seen anything I could not explain,maybe a few kin folks from Alabama have confused me,but in general all has been easy to cifer.

No ghost,demons with horns,UFO's,loud talkers from north Alabama that get on your nerves,nothing,maybe a few UFO's but do we have to talk about them?

Things heard is a different story.

Those things that go bump into the night.Things you hope are just your brain working over time.

Those things.The scary things.Things that could be real.

Scary things I know.

I'm sane enough to put the weird and crazy stuff away putting them in a box outta the reach of those not stable.

I have heard the dark side a few times.This doesn't have to mean crazy stuff but things that go on in real but strange life.


Several times voices have been heard.The most disturbing was Momma calling my name in the darkness of a room.Never answer those people or what they really are she would always tell me.

Voices calling somebody you can't see but hear them walking down a long hall in woman high heels.I even look but no one was there.

I had a eye witness to this one.This was an old farm like  house where I was living at the time.One night I was awaken by a group of people doing what I thought was praying but it wasn't praying but  I call chanting.My witness heard them also.

This happened daily for a long time.Each afternoon someone having their after supper pipe smoke would fill the room with sweet wonder smoke.They are missed.

There are more,all true,but I had to save room for those Alabama folks and their UFO tales.

And Happy Halloween to you!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Always something

As Roseanne Rosannadanna would say on Saturday Night Live"it's always something".

I know the feeling.

Please bare with me even though you have heard my story before,maybe too many times.


Yes food.I will try making this quick as possible.

I have a serious problem going on here.

Food turns me off!

Momma said that food is just one of lives little pleasures.She was so right.

Yes it's true,this ain't no April Fool joke,all food,or the side effects of medicine have killed my desire for food.Once I would crave the foods I like,burgers,fries,on and on.Comfort food but honest it just gags me thinking of it.

I hope soon I will get back to my love of food.It's not fun.

Monday, October 26, 2015

James Brown said...

I feel good.

Today is October 26th and about two months I've been taking a break from the blog.Nothing amazing to write about but a few things have passed by my plate in the recent past.

I was dying...

ICU for four months and two days of it I just knew my fife was over.

Scared and miserable...

That's what I was.Double pneumonia they called it.I won't get into the details but I was in pretty bad shape for awhile.

I had a lot of things going in my body but the worse thing was shortness of breath.For two days I could not get my breath.Relief came only after long needles where used for draining fluid from my lungs.Thank God for Doctors and Nurses who have their hands touched that can do things like this and know how to treat people.

Gasping for air I admit scared I was.

I hope it never happens again but if it does please Lord let my suffering be quick not as Jesus had to endure on the cross.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Seen this morning...a fat boy's dream...truckload of McDonalds french fries!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I'll be back again and again and again ...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Mouth waters

Daddy I'm thinking about how good it would be having a hamburger cooked by you right now.

Big slice of sweet onion,mustard and catsup,home fries and a big dill pickle on the side,your way of cooking a burger.

Now for the secret way you made them.

Take the buns and dip them in the grease when they are ready to eat.

My mouth waters thinking of one.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pink tasty stuff

It's pink,tasty and goes down smooth like melted ice cream.

Raspberry sherbet.

I started my own little experiment with food the other day.Thursday it was because that's the day that delicious food item is served at supper.

Do you know that when it's melted it looks and taste just like Pepto Bismol?Yeah that medicine used for upset stomach and such.I had the such part of the problem if you get my drift.

The experiment.

Last Thursday I decided to forgo the beefy cheesy mac and just have the raspberry sherbet.

I have had better than good results with that combo and decided it was the Thursday supper time beef cheesy mac that had to go.

But in the end I have been wrong...again.

About 4 am the world was turning over and over like in the soap opera "as the world turns"...sick I was.

So another food experiment goes by the way side.

Beefy cheesy mac was not the culprit.

Warning...that pink medicine tasty stuff did not help at all it just added to my problem.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Part of my soul

What you or anyone else may say I don't care!

Try taking away the respect I have for this man will be a waste of time.

Jacob Haynes my Great Great Grand Pa.

He lost a leg at Vicksburg during the civil war where he was taken prisoner.

That alone reserves respect.

Now comes uninformed people black and white who want to tarnish the memory of soldiers who fought for what ever reason.Remove any trace that they ever lived.

It will not work.

My Great Great Grandpa will always be part of my living soul.You or anybody can't take my feelings away.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Devils Advocate

Being the Devils Advocate.

When things are not going the way you would have them or another point of view.

The opposite.

An example.When people act in a way that disturb you because they know better and I just want to tell them that they are a being first class you know whats.

The way some treat others.

What about those who use caustic words towards those who are powerless how do you think they feel,how would you feel?

No I won't go into details but really you know who you are.Don't you feel ashamed the may you treat people who depend on you for what ever reason and being slack in your job is a way of life?

Maybe I should stop now before I say what needs to be said.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


A hamburger has always been my favorite food.

Comfort food you might say.Add crinkle cut fries and I was in blissful Heaven just add a little ice cold Co Cola and the world is good far as I'm concerned.

Come Sundays I have changed my mind.

Three weeks out of the month for our evening Sunday meal hamburgers are served.

No onion,maybe a dill pickle,lucky if get a slice of cheese,mustard and ketchup maybe and round it out with what is called baby bakers which are small baked potatoes.

I want a Big Mac or Whopper with fries or a Krystal with a bowl of chilli a couple of Big Bufords from Checkers loaded with bacon would be wonderful.

Please no more of these Twin Fountain Sunday delights.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Where have all the lighting bugs gone?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sounds good

Lately food hasn't tasted good to me.

Maybe it's the food.Maybe it's something going on with my body.Maybe it's just the food is not to my liking.

But this item of food does sound good.

A hamburger steak cooked like Momma would,with homemade brown gravy loaded with chipped raw onions, crinkle cut fries and some brown and serve rolls.

I can't live on buttermilk and cornbread alone.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The joke

Tales from Hotel California.

Listen if you will and tales of our lives I shall divulge.Tales that will shock you,tales that will make you cry,the happy and outrageous,and tales that just make you wonder.

Join the lives of us,the old,the disabled,your sick and just plain out tired,those who have been left alone and forgotten by those who say they care and love you.

Hotel California I loving call this place of tears,a place where the majority of us will end our days.A place where we never thought being alone at the mercy of others to care for us meeting the basic needs of life.

But life has a cruel joke to play on some of us.

Never did we want any part of this joke.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

When I'm sixty four


It's my Birthday.

I made it to 63.

If I'm not careful I will be an old guy one day.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


There is an advantage being alone.

Sure I miss people in my life but dwelling on it serves no purpose.

Freedom is just a word for nothing else to loose the song said.And lot in my life has been lost.

And there is a sort of freedom I live.No one left to mourn for,none left to worry about,freedom in a strange way.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Know it well

I dream of the past.

There is a certain spot,on a certain road,in a certain town were history seems to come alive for me.

Every since I was a boy this place seems like time stands still,for a second I know I'm reliving me life.

Deja Vu.

Tall red clay hills,green trees,dusty roads,the season is summer.

This I know well.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The feeling

The feeling.

I'm sure everyone has had this feeling one time or another in their life.

The feeling that something is going to happen.A feeling so strong it can't be ignored.A feeling of dread.

Out of the blue mine came unexpected without warning.No time to think,no time to worry,no time to hide.

Like all things in life you can only deal with it.

Monday, June 8, 2015

The thrill is gone

Things have changed in the last year for me.

Take writing for example…the fun has gone.

No longer do  I rush each morning to get that story or idea started.Now if I do have an idea to write about soon my story gets lost in the train of thought.

Fact is I have lost interest.

As B.B. King said…the thrill is gone!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My Sweet Lord


Have you noticed whats going on with our food?

Look on your meal ticket tell me what is different.Look closely,do you see anything?

No not extra carrots,not more zucchini or squash,that awful beef with rice with gravy sprinkled with hidden mushrooms is still on the menu,chicken hasn't disappeared,chicken legs and that mumbo jumbo laced with carrots is still here.

What may you ask is out of the ordinary?


Milk is missing from our menu.No skim,fat free,2%,or sweet milk and My Sweet Lord help us no buttermilk with our cornbread.

Milk has disappeared.It's not listed on our tea,coffee or juice menu.

Inquiring minds wonder what happened.

Life without milk and cornbread think about it!

Monday, May 18, 2015


What a sweet dream Mr.James my roomie had last night.

Seems his dream was about working at a food distributor place.He worked all night packing boxes of M&M candy.

Mr.James don't forget me in your dreams.

I'm partial to chocolate peanut M&M's.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Reflections of my life

I had to fight back tears.

Please Lord don' let me end up this way.

A little gray haired lady cruised up next to me with tears in her eyes asking if I knew where her Momma and Daddy are.

I could only hold her hand as I thought about my Momma and the mental pain she suffered crying nightly for her Momma and Poppa.

Friday, May 8, 2015


Thanks kitchen staff.

That big hot bowl of black eye peas and perfect cornbread made my day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hot coffee and cold eggs

A cup of hot coffee, Folgers please, would be nice right now,none of that reheated stuff.

While I'm griping about things how does warm eggs sound for breakfast?

Skipped super again last night,just couldn't face another meal like brown rice with beef and mushrooms and zucchini with that slimy vegetable combo.

A few other things peeved me off yesterday but wont go into details.

I know,I'm a whiner.

Hope your day is good!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday Monday

Don't think it could get worse.

It just did.

The lunch menu is steamed carrots,green bean casserole(I THINK)and pork with gravy.

Plus the cable is out,last time the bill wasn't payed.

Monday Monday!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Mad as hell

Like in the movie Network I'm also"mad as hell and not going to take it anymore".

Food that is not good is what I'm talking about.Hospital food.

Maybe it's my taste buds,maybe it's cause old age has changed me,maybe it's cause the food is just bad.

Whatever the reason is something has got to change.

My breakfast is excellent no complains but it's the only prepared cooked on premises meal we residents get,lunch and supper are well different.

I'm hard pressed finding one meal from the hospital that is appetizing.Many days I skip lunch and supper because the food is just bad.Buttermilk with cornbread or a fried egg sandwich from the kitchen or just a cup of coffee gets me through the bad food days.

Example of a supper we had recently was a baked hard fish patty,a handful of cold curly fries and two small rock hard hush puppies.Carrots are plentiful here,one meal was steamed carrots,peas and carrots mixture and with a chicken pasta dish with you guessed it,carrots hid under the pasta.

Please don't even get me started on chicken.

When food is thrown way because it's unappetizing is a shame.Good tasting food just makes better sense even if it cost more in the long run.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Much deserved

I will whip you on the spot.

Those words ringed in head.62 years old and never have I forgotten Daddy's promise.He would have done it and maybe those words kept me in line as a kid.

That Momma in Baltimore who gave her son a much needed on the spot whipping in public reminds me of Daddy.

Respect is one thing he taught me.And the fear of that whooping in public.

You know I thank God for having a Daddy that cared enough for me he would do that.

Many times that love was needed....and much deserved. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Okay with it


Raining all over the world.

Least that is the way it seems.

And I'm okay with it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Better ways to spend my time

Those Cartwright boys.

Ben,Adam,Hoss and Little Joe.

Lately they have been just a bit uppity for my taste.When did Adam get so mean and Hoss turn into such a big bully?Little Joe is now a womanizer preying on older lonely rich women.Ben I find hard disliking.The man has bad luck with women.3 times a widow raising those boys with only Hop Sing as help bless his heart.

Stop right there.

I changed my mind.A story about the Cartwright's doesn't interest me now.

There are better things to discuss.

Like listening to crickets on a summer's night.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Elders acting badly

Elders acting badly.

Before I start the guilty shall remain just that guilty.

Yesterday all heck broke loose about supper time here at Hotel California.It was a code 3 in in prison talk,mayday,SOS,you get the picture,things where getting out of control.

I first noticed things were getting bad when Ms A rolled onto scene screaming at the top of her lungs HELP!

Ms A just likes screaming HELP! any chance she gets day or night.Refreshing your memory,she was the Lady who for no reason poured icy cold water on my head(at all times know where she is and never turn your back on her).

Then comes Jack who has by this time gotten fed up with Ms A proclaiming he would put an end to this foolishness.Careful when Jack is driving, toes will be sacrificed,I know this first hand(or is it first toes).

By this time Frankie P has entered the picture playing bumper cars when folks won't give her room to get by(seems like a cow pasture would be room a plenty).

A few shouts and rude remarks later I'm starting to feel life will be ok again,the code 3 has been lifted,slowly things are returning back to normal.

For now.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Memory of the food

The subject at breakfast was food,food like our Mommas cooked.

It just seemed the food was better.

Take Momma's biscuits,is there anything as good?I'm sure other biscuits are just  as good or better but the memory of her biscuits I guess make them seem better.

We all have memories like this.

Take Daddy's way of cooking hamburgers,dipping the bun in the grease before they are finished seem so delicious but in reality maybe it was a good memory not the food.

Memories are like this,sweeter not because of the food,but the love that lingers on.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Sleep was hard for me last night.

It wasn't because a hail storm hit late yesterday evening covering the ground like snow or because the sky lit up a weird green color or because power was off till 2 am or because I just couldn't sleep.

It wasn't because March came out like an lion or because or it was April Fools Day or because I was glad the night was over.

Just because.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Knuckle cream celebration day

One of the greatest inventions of the last century has got to be one of the simplest but much needed and over look items known to man.

What would we do without it is now an unheard  reality of modern man.Through man kind this item was over looked by early man looking for answers to life's most troubling questions,questions and answers man pondered when night falls and man is free to imagine.

Today I proudly announce  results of this known study to men and women of the world.

Knuckle cream.Yes knuckle cream.

If not for knuckle cream our knuckles would be bare and quite unsightly.

So be it known on this day of April 1st each year at this time shall forth be known as knuckle cream celebration day.

By the way.........

April Fools Day!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Problem solved

Is it wrong for me to feel this way?

Talking about the situation here at the home affectingly known as Hotel California.

This is what I'm talking about.Food.Let me start at the beginning.Three meals each day we are served.Breakfast in my opinion is excellent,no complaints here.In fact the staff goes out of their way to make sure breakfast is made to order.

But lunch and supper prepared by WGHS  is what my complaint is about.It's bad.Frozen vegetables like zucchini,cauliflower etc cant replace food like most Southerners have been raised on.Butter beans,black eyed peas,potatoes fried and sliced and the ever present cornbread are staples in most Southern homes not turkey sausage and other imitation beef meat by products.I had some meat the other day that will remain as undisclosed for a better description.

More food is wasted than served.It should be the other way around.

Good food will solve this problem.

Rainy mornings

A rainy morning.

I like it.

More the better if it's stormy with thunder and lighting.There is something relaxing and soothing about morning rain.Add some wind to the mixture and you might have a perfect situation.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Center of my mind

Join me for a trip of my brain.

January of this year I awoke to a stroke.It started on a normal day but the room was full of flashing streaks of golden lights.It sounded as if when people talked there was an echo and they spoke in slow motion.My eyes seemed cross eyed and blurry.

Something wasn't right.

This was Friday afternoon.By Saturday I was persuade a trip to the ER was needed.11 hours later about 5 am I was back home after being told my potassium level was low.

I was fine except for a nagging headache to the back of my head.

Monday was a different story.

At breakfast I was confused.I was trying to keep it to myself.Trying to eat was impossible.I had forgot how to use a fork and spoon.

Words are just a bag of these common meanings that confused me more.Up down right left made no sense.This time straight with siren blasting off to the ER was my first trip of the day.

A Cat Scan was the first of many test that cold Monday.MRI followed with sonogram and the ever present needles etc.

Really how many test I can't recall.

3 days later I'm back home.

I won't say things are better but different.Some words still give me problems,dates really cause problems at times and don't think anything about it if I forget your name,of course I remember you, this problem getting words out is sometimes hard.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blue plate surprise

What it was I have no idea.

But chicken it ain't.

Something in the food category with gravy is my guess.

I have a thing about food,if I can't spell or pronounce it I don't eat it.Same with that blue plate surprise at lunch.

I'm craving some down home food like black eye peas,some big white butter beans with thin hot cornbread and please don't forget the fried sliced taters.

Just right

Just like Goldilocks and those three bears talked about it was just right.

A perfect night.

Not too warm,not too cold,not too hard,not too soft.

Wrapped in a comfy blanket,gentle rain serenading me,the early morning was just right for peaceful sleep.

Goldilocks and those bears got the night just right.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

It's cold outside

It's not that hot is it?

I feel like that Rip Van Winkle guy who slept all those years under a tree because I must have been sleeping and missed something.

Where did spring go?

Just between us and General Lee the ground hog, winter is still hanging around.

People for over the past few days have proudly exclaimed victory over winter but I for one know different.

It's cold out side baby.Laying in my comfy blanket soaking in the last rays of heat from the sun I long for summer.

Enough of winter time. Bring on June's warmth,the 4th of July,the dog days of August.

77 degrees like today is not exactly summer time yet.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


A short story.

1/8/15 I had a stroke.

I woke up knowing something was wrong.A headache back of my head,confusion,was the tell tale signs.

Cat Scan straight from the ER,more test,no time yet to be scared.

Words are just starting to make sense.

Thank God!

More later.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

I want to be a Walton

Laying here in my warm cozy bed,sipping lukewarm buttermilk eating soda crackers I'm thinking.

After watching a couple of Waltons reruns on TV I've decided they should adopt me.

Yep I want to be a Walton.

All that love,all those brothers and sisters,Momma and Papa,Grandma and Grandpa living in that 2 story house.

I know it just TV and they are just actors but at times that show brings a tear to my eye.

I think they might have room for one more.

Being an only child I dearly wanted brothers and sisters.Really those that had siblings maybe I was just a little jealous of.

I can just hear it now...goodnight John Boy...goodnight John Boy number 2...goodnight everyone!!!

Happy birthday

102Happy birthday Momma and Daddy the same to you.

Hard to imagine both of you being 89 years old.

I don’t have to write a cutesy story about how much I miss or post on some social media my love for you.

Both of you are in my thoughts daily.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Grandpa was Mr Sherman

I think the Yankee chef over at the hospital is still fighting the war of Yankee aggression.

He must be Mr Sherman's great great grandson.

What his Grandpa didn't destroy on that march from Atlanta to the sea he is doing with these meals he plans.

The South had Kudzu as it's secret weapon,he is using baked fish,cauliflower and a wheat roll as his.

We can survive this

Help us.

It's going to get cold.

The wind is blowing.

It might snow.

We gonna die!

Winter in Dixie.

Go to the store now buy bread,milk and your favorite canned meat.If it snows you could be trapped in your house for hours maybe a whole day.Don't panic.

Wear your ear muffs even in the house not because it's cold but to drown out your children's constant pitter patter to the window looking for that one lone snowflake which will mean school will be closed for least a week.

The grownups won't be so lucky your employer will come get you for work in a 4 wheel drive Jeep but you gotta get your self home the best way you can.Tip,carry a few Snicker bars in coat pocket,the colder it gets the hungrier you will be.

Mom's are cooking chili and vegetable soups storing them away cause it's going to get cold and that's what Southerner's are programmed to eat when it gets cold.

Stay calm this to shall pass.

We Southern folks can put up with hot summers,floods,tornadoes,hurricanes,pesky skeeters and even a invasion by those Yankees a hundred years and something ago.

We can survive this also.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I want some Krystals.

Four of them and some fries please.That's all nothing else needed.

My appetite is waining,nothing tastes good anymore.

Have I reached that point in my life I've always heard about that your tastes changes as one gets older?

Sunday here at Hotel California on the menu for supper was a hamburger.After one bite I couldn't eat anymore of it.Maybe they are using turkey like in the bacon and sausage.And get this little boiled potatoes called baby bakers are served with the burgers.No fries that's un American!

Something has changed,me or the food.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mod Squad

Full time redneck part time TV critic.

That's me.

The new TV season doesn't interest me much except for Shelby the swamp man and that new show(haven't really seen it yet)about funeral directors by day wrestlers by night.Dying to see it.

So I'm forced to go back in time and review a classic TV program from the 60's.

The Mod Squad.

Three hipsters from the peace and love generation play undercover police people.Back in the day they where lovingly refereed to as narcs.

There is this white dude who I can't remember what his name is,a black dude with a giant afro named Linc and Julie a brown eyed long haired blond who is pretty.

The white dude takes everything serious and Linc with the afro never smiles but Julie is beautiful.

I don't think they are old enough to carry guns cause I never see them with one Julie is gorgeous.

So this is the short review version of The Mod Squad where Julie is as they use to say is a Foxy Lady.

My next review will be on the Avengers.A British TV series with some old guy and Ms Peel who is pretty.

Curious picky


I've been called that all my life.

Just because I don't eat the foods others like.

Mr Burton who was my roomie was the same way.He lived till he was almost 97 years old.People would grouch on him to eat his peas,chicken or what ever was on his plate but he only wanted(Little Debbie) oatmeal pies.

I'm almost a 100 years old and this is what I want to eat he would say.

I agree Mr B.

Big white butter beans

Big white butter beans,corn bread and potato salad.

Does it get any better?

Someone brought me a care package from home(thank you,thank you,thank you) and today that's going to be my lunch and supper.

Friday, January 2, 2015

East Reynolds and Main

The corner of East Reynolds and Main Street East Newnan,Georgia is where my thoughts are tonight.

It started earlier today while watching old TV programs on the internet from the 1960's.

The Invaders,Perry Mason,Patty Duke Show on and on nothing but memories.

I closed my eyes and I was back there.My room on a cold blustery day the heat from a gas space heater making the room cozy and dozy.Sitting in front of a 23 inch black and white console TV watching the Beaver.

About 5 pm waiting for the ding ding of the ice cream man who had hot dogs and chips and soda fountain Cokes which would be supper a few times each week.That smell of hot dogs being roasted from the butane roaster makes me crave a few right now.

Momma was work at the mill on the 2nd shift.Daddy was sleeping cause he worked the 3rd.

As I write this on a cold rainy Friday night I'm wishing I was back there on the corner of East Reynolds and Main in that cozy dozy room.