Wednesday, January 7, 2015

We can survive this

Help us.

It's going to get cold.

The wind is blowing.

It might snow.

We gonna die!

Winter in Dixie.

Go to the store now buy bread,milk and your favorite canned meat.If it snows you could be trapped in your house for hours maybe a whole day.Don't panic.

Wear your ear muffs even in the house not because it's cold but to drown out your children's constant pitter patter to the window looking for that one lone snowflake which will mean school will be closed for least a week.

The grownups won't be so lucky your employer will come get you for work in a 4 wheel drive Jeep but you gotta get your self home the best way you can.Tip,carry a few Snicker bars in coat pocket,the colder it gets the hungrier you will be.

Mom's are cooking chili and vegetable soups storing them away cause it's going to get cold and that's what Southerner's are programmed to eat when it gets cold.

Stay calm this to shall pass.

We Southern folks can put up with hot summers,floods,tornadoes,hurricanes,pesky skeeters and even a invasion by those Yankees a hundred years and something ago.

We can survive this also.

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