Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bad boy rebel

The great American food.

Hot dogs.


Add chili,cheese,onion,mustard and ketchup.

Or just eat a plain dog.

Maybe add slaw or sauerkraut.

Eat'em with baked beans,pork and beans,tater chips or fries.

Wash'em down with a cold Coke,big orange just as long as it's cold and has crushed ice.

But please please please don't do this!

What in God's creation are folks thinking about these days?

I see hot dogs on bagel buns,hot dogs with tomatoes,hot dogs with green pepper,hot dogs with bacon(wait a minute that does sound good maybe on a chili dog yeah I could do that)hot dogs with this hot dogs with that least I haven't seen a turkey dog yet thank Jesus.

Yep that simple American food that Ralph Nader(the guy who killed the Corvair) said not to eat more than  2 a week I'm having for lunch and take this Ralph Nader 1 for supper also.

I feel so like a bad boy rebel today!

Dumbing down

Watching a news clip,something about a High School somewhere someplace there it was on their sign.

In big black letters "finger painting level 2 starts today".

Say what!

This is High School not 1st grade.

Shouldn't they be studying calculus,history,brain surgery instead of finger painting (advanced finger painting no less)?

Yes it is true,the dumbing down of America has finally caught up with us.

I can see it now....Daddy asks little Johnny who is in the 12th grade and is 6'5 250 lbs what he learned in school today? Little Johnny answers...duh I finger paint a kitty cat today duh!

America is in trouble...duh.

Maybe after the advanced finger painting class I hope they start a class on ABC's.

Friday, August 30, 2013



Room 31 C SW.

Excellent accommodations,Jacuzzi,sky lights,giant screen TV with 562 channels of entertainment,beautiful view of the ocean and mountains,housekeeping included.

Wonderful roommates especially that guy in 31 B.

Food by world class chefs.BBQ ribs,T bone with salad and crinkle cut fries,nanna pudding served daily,your food fantasy will be no problem .

So inquire within to selection committee at room 31 SW.

Emotional overload

For years maybe a lifetime I’ve had this feeling of numbness.Not talking about body numbness but my feelings toward somethings.Emotional numbness is the word I’m thinking of.

Maybe after seeing hearing watching things one can become numb.

Emotional overload is it possible?

I certainly haven't always been this way.I can remember when at the age of 7 or 8 a friend’s Daddy had a heart attack and died at their house.Thinking how awful this be for my friend I was truly saddened.
Sitting in my classroom on the day of the funeral looking out the window of the second floor looking at the beautiful fall colors of the trees I could see my friend’s house and how sad I felt for him to lose his Daddy.

So I know I haven’t had this numb feeling toward life always.

Now things can happen that should affect me but in all honesty they don’t.

This is what the world will do to a person.Emotional overload.To much bad and you just turn it off in your brain.

A safety valve I guess it could be called.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I never had proof

I never had proof...till now.

All these years of suspicions now it's comes to my attention I was correct.

I just knew down deep in my bones that what they where trying to be just didn't look or sound right.After many sleepless nights tossing and turning not being able to get them off my mind,even biscuits&gravy would not put me to rest.

That look they had when seen out of the corner of my eye always sent chills down my spine,you know that feeling,like when a rabbit crosses your grave.

But thinking it was insane I just put those feelings aside.

Till yesterday.

Reading the news on Yahoo there it was in black and white and it hit me like a 2x4 upside my head.


So that is why some people act a little different,strange they are Martians.That explains so much.Now maybe sleep at night will come easy for me.


Of course I'm not from Mars,nope not me,not a Martian at all.

My excuse for being different,crazy or any other word you want to call me folks came from the hills of Alabama.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Laying here in bed at 3:09 pm on this Wednesday afternoon I’m listening to a man who comes by every so often and sings.

Victory in Jesus and I’ll fly away just been sung.

I’m not a singer.I love listening to old time Gospel songs but just tap my foot or hum along with the group singing.

This is what’s on my mind.

Just because I don’t sing and shout and pray loudly to the Heavens in public does not mean I’m a non believer,heathen or not a Christian.

My faith has been questioned a few times and like I wrote once it hurt
Pray pray hard you’re not praying hard enough you are of little faith I been told.Pray to be healed,pray so you can walk!


I read in the Bible where my Jesus said go to your room and pray,in secret.

Matthew 6:6 

Those that make a spectacle of their praying in crowds or on the street corner have received their reward.

Pray alone with no audience only with God and His Son Jesus Christ!

Pray not to seem holier than thou.

And on this healing thing.

The Bible does not specifically link physical healing with spiritual healing. Sometimes people are physically healed when they place their faith in Christ, but this is not always the case. Sometimes it is God’s will to heal, but sometimes it is not. The apostle John gives us the proper perspective: “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him” (1 John 5:14-15). God still performs miracles. God still heals people. Sickness, disease, pain, and death are still realities in this world. Unless the Lord returns, everyone who is alive today will die, and the vast majority of them (Christians included) will die as the result of a physical problem (disease, sickness, injury). It is not always God’s will to heal us physically.

I know God can heal.Jesus healed.

If I’m to be healed Praise God All Mighty thank you.

But if I’m not don’t say I am of little faith,not a Christian just maybe God has another plan another path in this life for me to follow.

Me me me!

Seems like we are living in the Me me me generation.

I’m not talking entirely about young folks .Seems to be plenty in the older generation who belong to the Me me me club.

Plenty of examples I could give but why,it would serve no purpose.Well maybe it would least I could get some of it off my chest.

But then again maybe not.

That would make me part of the Me me me generation.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What awaits us

Often I have wondered what lies beyond the setting sun.

People are fascinated with sun sets.

I am.

Maybe it's something inbred in us humans.I can see in my mind's eye our caveman ancestors clothed in animal skin they killed with a spear or rock sitting around a fire which they didn't understand staring into the sky watching the sun set.

The fear that the sun was gone  for good.

Then the joy in the morning when it returned.

I think we all have that feeling watching the sun set.

What awaits us.

Movie and TV sayings stuck in my head:

Movie and TV sayings stuck in my head:
1.Just the facts Mam.
2.Bookem Dano.
3.I see dead people.
4.Badge? I don't need no stinking badge.
4.I'm your worst nightmare a black man with a badge.
5.Frankly my Dear I don't give a damm.
6.Me?You talking to me?
8.No more beans cookie!
9.I could have been a contender.
10.Mongo only the game of life.
11.Last but not least from Blazing Saddles-Bart...Jim I think Mongo here has taken a liking to you...Mongo...huh huh,naw...Mongo straight.


Place we go back to again
Back to where we began

Some are great some sad
Picture of the life we had

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Self proclaimed con man

See this guy?
His name is Gary Seymore Jenkins.
If you do happen to run up on
Just sit back my friend and let me tell you of Gary.
Gary is like my kid brother who Momma should have snipped off his head when a baby,least that is what I tell him.
Self proclaimed con man,womanizer and sometimes just all around pest.
Once Gary brought me a bag of Tootsie roll pops.How much I owe you Gary I asked?
How much you got on you he answered.$4 is all I got Gary.That will be enough Gary said,I paid him and off he went.
I knew he had took me from the beginning,so I looked up the price of that bag of Tootsie roll pops on the internet from the local Walmart
$1.00 that was the price.
That wasn't my complaint to Gary about being overcharged.
Now get this.
Gary slipped up and told me someone had gave him the bag of Tootsie roll pops.
So it seems Gary overcharged me $3.00 for a bag of candy someone had given him for free!
I could tell more tales of Gary but won't.He has promised to make retribution for conning me who he calls his brother by buying me a big box of Cheezit's which I love.
That was 6 months ago.
Still no Cheezit's.
This morning I told him that I would most likely be dead in the grave by the time he bought those Cheezit's and just sprinkle them on my grave.
We shall see Gary Seymore Jenkins.
Don't let him know but life around here would be dull without him.

Signs it's going to be a bad day:

Signs it's going to be a bad day:
1.The Men in Black want to ask you a few questions.
2.Your Doctor turns pale and says UH OH !
3.The butter slides off your biscuit.
4.You answer the door and someone says I'm from the government and here to help you.
5.Anything to do with the IRS,DEA,FBI,CIA,TSO,LPD,GSP and all those other 3 letter agencies.
6.This is where you get to participate fill in your own signs of  it's going to be a bad day.
7.Looking out your window and the yard is full of satellite news trucks and reporters.
8.The Publisher House Prize Patrol came by and you where not home.
9.Snow in June-yeah scary huh?
10.This has nothing to do with the subject but do you know what the last words of a redneck are?
Watch this!

Put it in a bottle

Someone brought me sausage casserole and biscuits with gravy yesterday.

Needless to say I enjoyed it.

That meal filled me up and lasted all day.

One thing about biscuits and gravy it always puts me into a deep peaceful sleep.

Whatever causes that I wish it could be put into a bottle.

Oh by the way.Yesterday I was weighed.160.4 pounds down from 161 of last month.

Yah me I'm eating my self skinny.

Bring on more biscuits and gravy.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Don't wake me up

Walking out of my boots.I do it every night.
Maybe an explanation is needed.
When in bed I wear these boots to protect my feet from blisters because I'm a diabetic plus I have limited motion of my legs and feet.
When I first came here they had me wearing what I called my Herman Munster boots.Talk about causing pain they did.The heel of the boots had steel bars in them to keep my legs straight and my heels off the bed.
Now I wear big soft fluffy comfy boots.Really it feels odd without them on at night.
Each morning when the day nurse comes around to remove the pain patch on my foot for some unexplained reason the boot is unstrapped,loose or off my foot.
Kidding I tell them guess sleep walking is what caused it.
Thinking about it it seems walking should be the most simplest of things to do.But it's not believe me.
Maybe at night when I'm sleep my brain works in mysterious ways.
What if it's a brain over matter thing?What if....
Really as I've wrote before people see me all the time at places I'm not at.
Maybe it was me.
Dreams about walking and running I do have.
Maybe it wasn't a dream.
So if you see me out and about walking don't wake me up.
Just let me walk out of my big soft fluffy boots.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Move on

Something has been on my mind and needs saying.
If your heart isn't into something maybe you would be better just letting it go.
A job,relationship anything.Just move on to what you do want or have a passion for.
Don't let it affect others.

Imagination went wild

I must close the window.
Other night the aroma of potatoes being fried fill the room.My imagination went wild of all the things that could go with that meal.
Hot biscuits,fried salmon patties,baby English peas and homemade creamed potatoes.
I was awoken around 6 am the next day with the smell of bacon.
Yes that window has to be closed.

Strange side

I figured it out.

Hit me like that brick to my head years ago.

So simple why hadn't it been thought of yet.

Last night a full moon.

Now I read of a solar flare heading to Earth.

Plus all this rainy and foggy weather.

So that's what going on.

Why people are acting a bit on the strange side.

Or is it just me?


Watching little kids escorted by parents getting on school bus.
One little kid had sneakers that lit up as she walked.
Parents and kids all waving bye bye.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Starting to worry

It's starting to worry me.
I'm having trouble with names.
Someone will speak to me and for that brief second I can't put a name to the face.
Momma wasn't much older than me when she started having problems with her memory.
Just a senior citizen moment or is it more?
Momma knew something was wrong,she would tell her doctor but he would just laugh saying if you think you have a memory problem you don't.
But she did.
The last couple of years she was alive I was just that man,my name or who I was forgotten.
Lord help me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tooting their own horn

It happened quicker than I thought it would.
Yesterday,Dekalb County,Georgia man with gun enters school.
Thank God no one was hurt.
Now I did wonder how long it would take the TV stations before they started patting themselves on the back.
1 day is all it took.
First on the scene,firstest with the mostest etc.
Reporters on the ground,choppers in the sky we are number 1!
Tooting their own horn.

10 things that don't make sense:

10 things that don't make sense:
1.Iced coffee.
2.Wearing a belt with suspenders.
3.Turkey sausage-really why?
5.Comb overs-just don't.
6.Jeeps with chrome all washed up and shiny.
7.Women-haha-just seeing if you was paying attention.
8.Grits with no butter,salt or pepper.
10.Yeah I noticed it also number 4 was skipped.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Window open.
Sound of crickets.
Lighting in western sky.

Monday, August 19, 2013

People talk

People like to talk.

Talk about things they really know nothing about.

Today I'm reminded of something of my youth.

Newnan,Georgia late 1960's I was riding in Daddy's 64 Oldsmobile and this is what I seen.

A old mud covered car on the back of a rollback wrecker escorted by Coweta County sheriff cars.They all pulled into the Coweta County stockade.

A little background information.

A few years before a man disappeared.Without a trace he was just gone.Vanished as if the Earth had opened up and swallowed him.

People being the way they are started talking.This and that so on and so on.Some had sworn he had ran off with another woman and in fact they been seen together after he had disappeared.

Heard someone say they had seen this just a few days before .

That car I mentioned in the beginning you probably guessed was the missing man him still inside .His skeleton anyway.

Seems on his way to work he drove into a pond and sunk.

A man fishing years later after the fact noticed the radio aerial of the car sticking out of the pond and the rest is history.

Moral of story.

Unless you see it with your own eyes don't treat what you hear as the gospel truth.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Riding in the rain

Just have seen a guy riding his Harley in the rain.
Black,low and loud it was and the orange shirt and chrome helmet was a colorful combination.
It's just hard looking cool when riding in the rain.


I was watching the 1953 version of War of the Worlds earlier today.Maybe I've seen it a dozen times or so.

The newer version with Tom Cruise is ok but for me the original movie is best.

One guy in the beginning said to the invader "welcome to California" and the thing vaporizes him and his companions.They where just trying to be friendly and make conversation.

Got to thinking.

Some folks you just can't be friendly with.

Now I've learned you can only reach out so far.I just ignore them.

I won't give them a chance to vaporize me !

Saturday, August 17, 2013

My comfort things:

My comfort things:
1.Crinkle cut french fries.
2.Old space movies.
3.A well worn flannel shirt.
4.Faded out bluejeans that are well worn and comfy.
5.Old Vans tie up black skateboard sneakers.
6.Being around people I want to be around.
7.Rainy days like today.

Friday, August 16, 2013

They caught on

Ever heard the term"Chinese Copy"?
That's when you fake a copy of something else.
Seems that term could apply to Zoos in China.
One zoo was trying to pass off a dog as an African Lion.
The visitors caught on and asked for admission refund.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wouldn't you...

99.9% of the folks here at the home are elderly.
Most have a medical problem of some sort.
Some have no other place to go.
I have this idea.
What would be wrong in letting us folks eat what we want?If it's greasy loaded with salt big deal.
What if Granny wants a dip of snuff or a little plug of tobacco and Grandpa wants a smoke every once in a while?
A little hot tottie at bed time to relax instead of all those high powered chemicals pumped into your body.
Even the Bible said take a little wine for thou stomachs sake.
What if old folks where given the right to live what is left of their life the way they want it.
Everyone of you reading this will die someday of something.
Why I think prolong suffering.
Wouldn't you like to have a little control of your own life?
Why should we be the brave warrior enduring the pain of Cancer,Alzheimer's and all the other awful diseases of the body?
Think about it.
This will be you one day.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Not kosher

I like Hardee's fast food
Watching Hardee's commericials on TV is like teasing a man dying of thirst with a bottle of ice cold CoCola it is just plain out mean and not right.
At one time LaGrange had a Hardee's.They move out and Arby's moved in.
That happened at 2 locations.
No more Hardee's in LaGrange.
Get this.
Watching the news today about rioting,killing, snipers,fire and such there in was in big letters that star, their logo, in Egypt, Hardee's !
You know something about this just don't sound kosher to me.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I've been...

I have been dog bit,cat scratched,monkey slapped,horse thrown,run over by a car,hit a car on my bike,slid off barns,hit in head with bricks and baseballs,stuck by sharp pointed darts thrown at me,been in a few BB gun shootouts and more than one rock throwing battle.

No ER trips,no stitches and no broke bones.

Lived to tell about it all.

I can dream

Plate full of fried sliced taters.
Butter beans cooked on the stove,slow,thick juice.
Fried corn flitters a bit on the greasy side.
Big Valdila sweet onion.
Home grown mater sliced.
Battered fried okree.
Fresh white corn.
Cherry cobbler.
I can dream !

Won't be surprised

Window is up and the fresh air is nice.
I'll tell you why.
Like Barney told Andy nip it in the bud.
We have a new roommate and the AC he don't like.Mr B said they where trying to kill him with the cold air blowing down on his head and the newbie... well.
So the air is off my choice.
Maybe that will stop the complaining.
I can take these 90 degree days with no AC myself so lets see how they do.
But I won't be surprised when they say it's to hot.

Monday, August 12, 2013

10 things I am fond of just to be fair:

10 things I am fond of just to be fair:
1.Hamburgers,fries that sorta thing.
2.Butter beans,pintos,peas,cornbread.
3.Puppies and kittens if fried well done ha ha just joking don't hit me.
4.Honest fair people who stick up for what's right and just.
5.People who keep a promise.
6.A starry night in cool fall weather.
7.Dang this is hard!
8.Peanuts,green,raw,boiled out of the ground,in a can,peanuts.
9.Dirt track racing go Big Bubba go.
9.The South God's idea of Heaven on earth.
10 Ok I will admit

10 things I'm not fond of:

10 things I'm not fond of:
1.Boiled okra.
2.If it ain't fried shouldn't have died.
3.Liver of any type.
4.Baked chicken,boiled chicken again if it ain't fried shame it died.
5.Fish but I love the trimmings of fries,hush puppies and onion rings.
6.Turkey say no more.
7.Sausage made of turkey un American.
8.Cooked carrots.
9.If I didn't mention liver I should have.
10.Chocolate cake yeah I'm lying now.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The visitor

I know better than this.All those books read and old SCFI movies watched why didn't I listen to my gut feelings.

There it was just like in that movie.Pink or red eyes staring at me from outside. Slowly rising into my groggy view from the bottom floor up to my 3rd floor opened bedroom window.

My heart beating like the wings of a hummingbird I tried not to breathe not even move the slightest.Hoping no praying that what ever my visitor was it didn't notice me.

Why was I not surprised when it or whatever it was called out to me.


Three times in my life I have heard my name being called with no one ever seen.The first time I was 4 years old living in Standing Rock,Alabama.At a window looking out I heard my name being called over and over by what to me sounded like hundreds of people.Over the years I've convinced myself it was only the wind heard.Least that's what I think it was.

Again it happened when I was 21.Alone in the middle of the night my name was spoken by a woman.Just once but the name Johnny was used and no one was seen.

A few years ago late at night I heard my name spoken once.John...It sounded like my Momma who has been dead for years.

Remembering what Momma always told me...never answer them...who them where I don't know and never did I answer.

A frosty haze was coming out of my mouth as I took slow deep breaths.The temperature had dropped considerable and it felt like deep winter time in that room even though in was mid August and had been a hot muggy summer night when I went to sleep.

I was scared.This time something is different.

Only once have I seen something that couldn't be explained.What I think was a ghost.The ghost of a childhood friend who was accidentally shot and killed when he was 17.

Maybe one other time a ghost was seen.Late one night while in bed I turned over and seen my friend who had long dark hair and wearing a long old fashioned type dress with her back turned toward me just staring at the wall like she was looking at something.I never said anything and went back to sleep.Morning came around and I asked her what she had been looking for last night.It wasn't me she said.

Another time late at night I heard someone praying.It was peaceful and comforting.Listening closer words I could not make out or understand.Now thinking back it sure sounded like someone chanting something like what Indians would do.Now get this I wasn't the only one in the house to hear that.

This was a very old farm type house that most likely had many families and lifetimes spent in that house.

Never would I say it was haunted but just take it from me strange things went on.

Another time alone in the house plain as day,wide awake I heard the backdoor open and the sound of a woman wearing high heel shoes walking down the wooden floor hall calling someone named Clair was heard but nothing was seen.

Another thing I can't explain.Every since I was a young boy people keep seeing me where I'm not.Seen you there seen you here people tell me didn't you just walk past me people would ask.No sorry it wasn't me.Maybe it's true we all have a twin out there some place but mine seems to be following me around.

My Grandma's each had what is the for the lack of a better term.They both had premonitions and honestly would scare little Johnny to death with some of their stories.Sometimes I wonder if maybe inherited.

If all was told about those feelings I've had that come true either you wouldn't believe me or think maybe it was time for some MRI's or Cat Scan time so I'll just keep those to myself.

One that I will tell is about the time years ago watching the news on CNN they kept talking about a child being found in a wrecked car with her dead Mother out in California.Why are they talking about this old news I wondered?That happened several weeks ago because I seen it on the news.

No.It was breaking news just happening!

Things like that are common place for me.


Back to the pink or red eyed visitor at my 3rd floor window.

Never fear as Wonder Dog would say.

It's only some of my weird Haynes kin folk from the hills of Alabama climbing a ladder.

I must teach them about those things called doors.

A change

A change coming.
Don't know if it's cause of all the rain this summer or the fact it's hot or maybe it's just time.
Leaves have a different look to them.
I see yellow leaves falling.


How soon we forget.
Scandals of recent times.
Be honest can you remember more than a few of them that kept us spellbound?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sign me up

I'm joining the Flat Earth Society.
Also the No Moon Landing Hoax Group.
Might as well join up with the JFK conspiracy boys while at it.
Oh by the way Humpty Dumpty was pushed.

Let's go

If I hear one more person bitch,gripe or complain today I don't know what I'll do.
To hot,to cold,don't like this,don't like that.
Jesus I'm ready let's go!


I dislike talking at times.
Making small talk is difficult.
At times I like talking.
Sometimes I wish a smile would be enough.

Friday, August 9, 2013


That word is used very loosely these days.
At one time to be a hero one had to do something extraordinaire.
Now if one just dies doing his/her job automatically they are called heroes.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Type of day

Tail wagging dog.
Running around like chicken with head cut off.
Faster I go slower I is.
Never ending circle.
That type of day.

Mix up

My roomie Wille is on the way to West Ga Medical Center for gall bladder surgery.
Ambulance came around 6ish and got him.
30 minutes later here they come rolling Willie back into the room.
Some type of mix up,this is closed no it's not thing.
You guessed it after getting Willie back in bed nurses came in saying take him back they are waiting on him.
Loading him up he is on the way back.
Just thinking I hope it's not going to be one of those days at the hospital.
You know,mix ups,miscommunication that sort of thing.
Willie if I was you tell the ambulance folks to stop by Walmart and get a magic marker.
Mark with a big X where they are suppose to cut.
Good luck Willie.