Sunday, August 11, 2013

The visitor

I know better than this.All those books read and old SCFI movies watched why didn't I listen to my gut feelings.

There it was just like in that movie.Pink or red eyes staring at me from outside. Slowly rising into my groggy view from the bottom floor up to my 3rd floor opened bedroom window.

My heart beating like the wings of a hummingbird I tried not to breathe not even move the slightest.Hoping no praying that what ever my visitor was it didn't notice me.

Why was I not surprised when it or whatever it was called out to me.


Three times in my life I have heard my name being called with no one ever seen.The first time I was 4 years old living in Standing Rock,Alabama.At a window looking out I heard my name being called over and over by what to me sounded like hundreds of people.Over the years I've convinced myself it was only the wind heard.Least that's what I think it was.

Again it happened when I was 21.Alone in the middle of the night my name was spoken by a woman.Just once but the name Johnny was used and no one was seen.

A few years ago late at night I heard my name spoken once.John...It sounded like my Momma who has been dead for years.

Remembering what Momma always told me...never answer them...who them where I don't know and never did I answer.

A frosty haze was coming out of my mouth as I took slow deep breaths.The temperature had dropped considerable and it felt like deep winter time in that room even though in was mid August and had been a hot muggy summer night when I went to sleep.

I was scared.This time something is different.

Only once have I seen something that couldn't be explained.What I think was a ghost.The ghost of a childhood friend who was accidentally shot and killed when he was 17.

Maybe one other time a ghost was seen.Late one night while in bed I turned over and seen my friend who had long dark hair and wearing a long old fashioned type dress with her back turned toward me just staring at the wall like she was looking at something.I never said anything and went back to sleep.Morning came around and I asked her what she had been looking for last night.It wasn't me she said.

Another time late at night I heard someone praying.It was peaceful and comforting.Listening closer words I could not make out or understand.Now thinking back it sure sounded like someone chanting something like what Indians would do.Now get this I wasn't the only one in the house to hear that.

This was a very old farm type house that most likely had many families and lifetimes spent in that house.

Never would I say it was haunted but just take it from me strange things went on.

Another time alone in the house plain as day,wide awake I heard the backdoor open and the sound of a woman wearing high heel shoes walking down the wooden floor hall calling someone named Clair was heard but nothing was seen.

Another thing I can't explain.Every since I was a young boy people keep seeing me where I'm not.Seen you there seen you here people tell me didn't you just walk past me people would ask.No sorry it wasn't me.Maybe it's true we all have a twin out there some place but mine seems to be following me around.

My Grandma's each had what is the for the lack of a better term.They both had premonitions and honestly would scare little Johnny to death with some of their stories.Sometimes I wonder if maybe inherited.

If all was told about those feelings I've had that come true either you wouldn't believe me or think maybe it was time for some MRI's or Cat Scan time so I'll just keep those to myself.

One that I will tell is about the time years ago watching the news on CNN they kept talking about a child being found in a wrecked car with her dead Mother out in California.Why are they talking about this old news I wondered?That happened several weeks ago because I seen it on the news.

No.It was breaking news just happening!

Things like that are common place for me.


Back to the pink or red eyed visitor at my 3rd floor window.

Never fear as Wonder Dog would say.

It's only some of my weird Haynes kin folk from the hills of Alabama climbing a ladder.

I must teach them about those things called doors.