Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Excites me

It still excites me.Shiny copper #14 stranded wire,new RG8/x coax or 450 ohm ladder line,the smell of melted silver solder.

The makings of hours of fun.Ham radio dipole antenna.

468/2 is the formula for a half wave antenna.

I know.I should stop right?My nerdness and geekness is showing.

Hail it did...

Talk about bad weather LaGrange had it last Sunday.

About 3 pm the sky opened up and drenched us with heavy rain,blustery wind and hail.

I have always heard a tornado sounds like a  freight train and that is what I heard.

The wind just sounded strange and it got my attention.In here in my room the hail was bouncing off the big window like giants had spit guns and where taking target practice.

The Dogwood tree out front had all of it's blooms ripped off by the hail.There was so much hail it looked like snow on the ground.Several windows were cracked by the hail.

I wasn't scared or frightened just concerned that they would load us up and send us to the hall but the tornado siren never came on that I know of.

LaGrange got lucky again it seems.

And I got lucky,didn't have to take that trip to the hallway to wait out the storm.

Monday, April 29, 2013

That's your folks...

Talking with my friend today.Teasing each other we do it's lots of fun.

I say this part only to set up the story.My friend is black I'm white.

Just talking I asked him what he thought about George Jones who died Friday.That's your folks kind of music he said.I had to run with this.

My folks G...? You know what I mean he answered.Now G... are you saying you see me as a white man? I thought me and you where Brothers in Christ.

I asked him what he thought about Waylon,Willie,Pasty Cline etc.Again trying to back track on his "YOUR FOLKS KIND OF MUSIC" .

I told him Al Green,James Brown,Rick James etc is the music I grew up on but teasing him I said I never thought of it as "YOUR FOLKS MUSIC".

This lead to both of us agreeing that we both had the same color of blood in our veins.Red.

Honestly I see no color of skin.Doesn't matter.Red,white,black or yellow it doesn't matter.

We all have the same Creator and Savior.

God and Jesus Christ His son.

But between you me and the fence post gotta watch out for those Alien Greys !

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The promise

I have been promised homemade biscuits and gravy.
I have been promised hamburger steak with onion gravy with crinkle cut fries and Texas toast for my birthday.
I have been promised a meat loaf.
I have been promised ice cream.
I have been promised a fish plate with all the trimmings,fries,hush puppies,slaw.
I promise to enjoy.
I promise I will remind you over and over of your promise.
I promise.

Sitting at the little table

Sitting at the little table.As a kid it seems that's where the kids ended up.Or the steps.Maybe even on the ground.

The big table was for grownups and where they did the grown talk and stuff.

If there is an official cut off time for sitting at the little table I don't know.

All I remember was if there was a Family gathering of some sort and you where still considered a kid off to the little table with your food they sent you.

In my old age while sitting at the big table now I can only look and sympathize with the kids at the little table.

Hang in there little man/little lady.Your turn will come.

Wow !

Wow !

That was the last word of a guy in Texas who was being put to death by lethal injection for the crime of capitol murder and rape.

He did thank the warden.Before all this he asked the witness he hope no one held any negative feelings toward him.

18 when all this took place.His accomplice was executed last year.

The Father,Stepmother,Stepbrother of the man shotgunned down attended also the woman he raped and shot was there.Another Lady who was shot and raped did not attend.

The Father of the handicapped man murdered said he died to easy.He just went to sleep.The Lady said she had expected an apology which never came.

Only word that comes to my mind about this sad situation for all involved is...

Wow !

Friday, April 26, 2013

Brought tears to my eyes

Let me start this day by saying God is great.Something was done this morning that brought tears to my eyes.

My roommate's name is Mr.Burton.August 17th he will be 96 years old.His mind is so sharp and if I should be so blessed to making that far in life hope my thinking would be so clear.

Mr.Burton is blind.Has been for several years.Completely blind.He is also paralyzed from a stroke he suffered several years ago.

Often during the night or day Mr.B will ask what time is it? It is mine and our other roommate Willie's pleasure to answer his questions about time,what the weather looks like etc.

Mr.B has a talking watch but about a year ago it stopped working.Everyone thought it was ruined because it got wet in the shower.It was just put away in Mr.B's drawer and forgot about.

Yesterday the maintenance man Charles noticed it and took it home and changed the battery.It works.Now Mr.B knows the time and if it's day or night.

A blessing!

Mr.B is so happy.Charles is blessed.And that kind generous act of Christian love brought tears to my eyes.

We all are so blessed having a Father in Heaven who knows our every need.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Night train

Ready for that night train
Ride it all night
Ride it till morning come
Ride it till no more pain

Ready for that night train
Ready to be took away
Ride it through the times
Ride it till break of day

Youse guys up there...

I'm just a small town person.Big crowds make me nervous.

Listening to a radio station in NYC it gave me this idea.They where giving traffic reports.Best way to get here there everywhere.

I swear it sounded like another language they where speaking.Like Houston to the space shuttle type of talk.Take GWB to the LIE or the Holland Tunnel would be your best choice.Wreck at this and that street,boulevard or avenue.

If the traffic reports got me this confused just think how driving in all that traffic would confuse a country bumpkin like me.

Born and bred here in small town LaGrange,Georgia,Troup County,USA is confusing enough but my Braves baseball hat is off to youse guys up in NYC.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Night time

I could easily slip away to where ever our minds and souls go when sleeping tonight.It would be no big struggle.

The big window is open and cool fresh air is seeping in.The night sky is black no stars seen.The smell of rain somewhere fills my senses.

Leaning back on the bed in a pitch dark room with headphones on the world around me is shut out.The troubles of others and the world pass me by tonight.

This is my time.Night time.Time to think.Or not if I so choose.

Burning bridges

Burning bridges
Forgetting past
Some things
Never last

Duel in the sky...

Duel in the sky.Laying here in my comfy electrified bed looking out the big window something catches my eye.

7 large hawks being chased by 1 lone small bird.

I can only guess why this aerial duel is taking place.Maybe the hawks are raiding the nest taking the young spring babies of the smaller bird.

Maybe it's a game of chase,you are it,a bird version of tag.

What ever the reason for this game I fear it's one of life and death.

Got his story

January 28 1986.Florida.Cape Canaveral.

The weather is cold.

The space shuttle Challenger sits on the launch pad ready for take off.

A crew of 7 waits aboard.

At 11:38 am 73 seconds into the flight.......

Most know the story.

At that time I had a 10 foot satellite dish in my backyard.

My favorite thing to watch was behind the scene news broadcast.

One network which will remain nameless for a few reasons was broadcasting.The "A-Team" was on the air.

The anchor who was the network's nightly news anchor was speaking off camera microphone still open.

Launch of Challenger had been delayed because of ice on the fuel tanks.

When will this "turkey fly" the well known news anchor remarked.Behind the scenes there was talk of problems the shuttle was facing on this very cold day in Florida.

What was said next I still remember so well.Someone said it could blow up.

"Now that would be a story" Mr. Anchorman replied.

It did blow up.7 people died.Their families lost loved ones.The nation mourned.

But Mr. Anchorman got his story.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Translator needed...

Not to old for learning things.

For all my years today I learned something.Chimney Swifts.Those little birds we see during spring and summer flying in groups sometimes diving and darting in the evening sky I've been mispronouncing their name.

Swifts not sweeps as I called them.

My hearing suffers I guess.Maybe all my life.Lots of words I mispronounce because they are heard wrong.

20 years old before I realized my uncle's name was Lavert not Bert.

Pomegranate the fruit I thought it was called plum grannies.

The list of words are many that are mispronounced.I can translate if needed.


Twice lately on the Georgia cash 3 lottery drawing the number has been 624.

First time I seen that saying to myself that will never happen again.

624 is my birthday.

Maybe I should buy a ticket?

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Sometimes it just takes a 2 by 4 upside the head to get our attention.

More than deserved

Feeling more blessed than this old sinner deserves.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A dilemma

They are switching it around.

Mondays and Fridays are fish day here at the old folks home.Supper time on those 2 days expect fish of some sort.

It started last Friday at lunch.Fish instead of beef&mac or baked spaghetti which really is quite good.But thanks to a nice CNA I had my regular Friday pizza plus kept the fries and hush puppies from the fish plate.

I gambled on supper by ordering a salad and guess what the offering for supper was? Ground chuck pattie with gravy and mashed potatoes.This is one of my favorite meals here.

Now for my dilemma.

Friday for supper should I order a salad or take the bluff and go with the offering they have?

Decisions decisions.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day we all dreaded

The EBS is now on all broadcast networks,radio and TV even text messages on cell phones.

EBS is the Emergency Broadcast System.This is not a test.

It has finally happened.The day we all dreaded.

The President is now speaking to the nation.I'm sure the leaders in every civilized nation of the world are taking to the air waves.

My fellow Americans...

Today September 25th at 7:53 am Daylight Savings Time radar installations at Military bases and Civilian locations noticed an oddity on their screens.

My fellows Americans I will not sugar coat these findings.Honesty is the best advice at this time.

An invasion is interment .

An invasion from who what or where we cannot say at this time.

Please remain calm...

Rest assured our top experts and Military personnel have the situation monitored and as I speak are working out details which will be revealed at a later time.

This I can say.At this time there is no reason for panic or fear.Who or what these invaders are we have no indications they are hostile.But...We must remain cautious and be aware of our surroundings.

Again I say DO NOT PANIC.That will lead to mistakes and accidents which we should avoid at all cost.The welfare of our citizens,friends and families is our main objective at this time.

If you notice anything no matter how small out of the ordinary you are requested to contact your Civilian authorities,911,do not take any drastic measures into your own hands.

My I suggest if a fortified shelter such as a storm bunker, if avavilabe please take advantage of these offerings.If I may suggest if a weapon is accessible please use common sense but it should be taken with you.

Again at this time we are not positive of the invaders intentions.

Please stay tuned for.....

A steady 1000hz tone that nerve racking tone I dread is all I can hear from the TV.

Without notice the President was cut off.

This is a bad sign...

The streets are full of people milling about looking up into the skies searching for what no one knows just searching for what is coming our way.

The same question is repeated over and over"what is this about?".Everyone is confused and panic is starting to seep in whether we admit it or not people are scared.

Invaders.From where?What do they want?

Trying to hide my growing fear from everyone but I think it's not going to be an easy thing to hide.

I'm scared.For the first time in my life really scared.

Still no new news since the President speaking over the EBS went unexpectedly off the air.No one has any idea if the invasion has taken place or worse maybe the invasion is over.

Could we be under some Alien control now?Has the very basic core of civilization been wiped out?

Wait.Aliens?No mention of Aliens was mentioned by the President in his address.We just assumed Alien invaders.

Invaders could mean something entirely different.

It could mean an invasion from some nuke capable crazy dictator led country.

Now the confusion is growing.Least an Alien from another galaxy would be recognized easily.But what if they are human?Looking just like me or you?

The invaders could be standing right next to you,me and not be recognized.

I wish we had some official information instead of just guessing.

That annoying scary 1000hz tone on the TV has stopped.The screen goes blank.And these words are spoken.


It's the President of The United States of America.

Finally maybe news of what is going on.

My fellow Americans I speak to you concerning our grave situation from an secure and unnamed location.

Still no news or confirmation of who the invaders are or where they are from.They have been lost on all radar tracking.

We presume they have landed but where is undetermined at this time.

Rest assured your Government is working timely on this matter.

That is all I have to report at this time.

God bless us all and God bless America.


Well that wasn't much help was it.

I'm starting to believe that saying(it's not what the Government tells you that should cause worry it's what they don't tell).

Maybe that is it.If they told what they knew maybe it would cause widespread panic and chaos.


What is this?I hear screaming of jet engines.Looking I see them.Dozens of low flying fighter jets.

One after another and another zipping by at incredible speeds as if chasing something.Something I can't see.

Day 2 September 26th 7:22 am.Location La Grange,Georgia.

Still no news.Just an ordinary day .What is going on?Where are the invaders.

Far as we know this could just been a dream a bad nightmare.

But the rumbling of trucks,tanks and troops outside my window say different.It's hasn't been said as official but we are now under Marshall Law.

In the sky helicopters and planes and jets of all kind.This is serious.They must be the National Guard.

Off and on I hear those terrifying tornado sirens.Guess they are for more than just bad weather.It reminds me of those old movies of WW2 when England was being bombed.

Waiting is not easy.Neighbors are standing lining the street watching the troops pass by hollering out questions that go unanswered.


Loud explosions rock the ground.The concussion from the blast are felt,knocking me to the ground.For what seems like minutes I'm deaf.

Something,what I don't know, has started.

Gun shots ring out.So this is what a war is like.Right in the middle of it I'm taking cover.Who are they shooting at?

Then I see it.

Something I wish that wasn't there.Big somethings.Hooping and hollering like wild uncivilized creatures.

Yes I recognize them.I've seen them once before long ago.

My long lost Haynes kin folks from over in Alabama,the ones from up in Clay County coming over for a visit.

The humanity of it all!

Sheep yes

Listening to the news and they where talking about those 2 guys accused of the Boston bombings.Something was said that made me think.

One of them was brain washed.

Really think about it ain't we all brain washed?

We hear 1 point of view all our life.This is the way it is.Our side is right everyone else is wrong.

No room for compromise.

Brain washed maybe.

Sheep yes.

Sunday morning

Heat is on and it feels great.Last thing I remember it was 11pm last night and next thing it was after 7am.So I slept like the dead.

Waiting on coffee and breakfast.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Skeeter on my window
Trying to get in
If it does
We ain't gonna be friends

Skeeter will bite
It will sting
Gonna smash that skeeter
Yaw know what I mean


All those things worried about what good did it do?

It changed nothing.Just wasted time.

But don't we all do it.Worry.

Ever since I was big enough to worry I have done it.Maybe it all started in the first grade.This that something was going to happened.If it did or not what was worse,the misery of worrying about something happening or the actual thing happening.

High tech redneck

High tech redneck
What I am
Love buttered biscuits
Homemade strawberry jam

Got my puter
Cell phone to
High tech redneck
Without them what I do

GPS finds my way
Ipad in pocket
 Just in case
Of a boring day

High tech redneck
It is true
So without us
What would you do

Bad men

This just ain't right.Watching a John Wayne movie good wins over bad again.Well sorta.

The poor Indians are always portrayed as the bad people,heathens.

Guess what? We,the white man invaded their land,stole it,wiped out their families.

And they are the bad men? Why do I speak of this? Woman on the right in this photo is Sally Lugene Brewster Haynes.

Grandma Haynes.

Cherokee Indian.


Hello world I'm here.Awake,bright eyed and bushy tailed.Well awake anyway 1 out of 3 ain't bad.

About a hour from breakfast and really not all that hungry.Maybe I snacked over my limit last night.

Clear and cooler.Temp sure has dropped after that rain of yesterday.

Ok leaning back waiting for the day watching CNN.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Time moves so slow.

Come on sleep find me quick.

Robot Monster

Why I like those old black&white SciFi and horror movies from the 1950's I don't know.

It's been told that the worst movie of all time was Plan Nine From Outer Space.

The first time I seen it around 10 years old,alone,all by my self it scared me.I had to leave the room.

Seen it a few times since and why it scared me I don't know.

But there is another movie which I think should beat that one for title of worst movie ever.

Robot Monster.Talk about made on a budget look at the monster in the photo.It's a man in a gorilla suit wearing a diving helmet.

But you know I still watch them and really enjoy those old campy movies.

Good in da hood...

I don't think the room improvements being made down here in 31 have been mentioned.

Got a few minutes sit down and I will tell all.

First but not least a new paint job,dark purple and new green shag carpet has been installed.

Next we have a lighted 1970's type revolving disco ball installed in the center of the mirrored ceiling.

But we the residents of room 31 are most pleased and excited of the newly installed Jacuzzi/Hot tub.

Like I say "all is good in the hood".

I wonder

Windy day.Cloudy.Sprinkling rain.

There is a wind speed indicator right outside my window.

It's the iron bird feeder pole.When that thing starts shaking moving around you know it's a windy day.

While on the subject of wind.I have noticed in recent years it's windy every day.Whats going on with that I wonder?

Always something to ponder.

Thank you!

Another milestone yesterday.

And you the people who take time out of your busy life to read this silly blog made it possible.

For the first time since this blog was started 3 years ago the views for 1 day topped 100 plus.

Gosh that thrilled me that people are taking the time reading whats going on in my life.

Thank you!

Wait and see

Awake.Slept good.Feel good.Waiting on breakfast and I hope hot cup of coffee.

Friday's are a favorite of mine mainly because of the food.Pizza at lunch and not sure if I will go with a salad for supper or not.Getting kinda gorged out on them.

But between the fish and salad maybe the salad will be the best choice.

I liked the Long John's Silver type of Friday fish we did have here.Hush puppies,fries and cole slaw was ok.But lately the fish offering has been baked catfish and I just can't stomach that stuff.Monday I ordered a salad and just between me you and the fence post it wasn't very good.

Oh well wait and see I guess.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The quietness was deafening

Dead quiet.That's room 31 tonight.The only sound heard is the soft rumble of the AC unit.

My roommates,there are 3 of us,are unusually quiet tonight.They must be asleep.

I know this quietness must be enjoyed and I do.

No loud music on the radio.No moaning and groaning like the Angel of death is visiting room 31.No all night ramblings of the other roommie who is 95 God love him.

The door is closed and the nightly sounds I can't hear.A blessing.

I had already leaned back in my bed thinking I would just try to go to sleep early but the quietness was deafening.

Laying here looking out the window at the black clouds rolling in I knew this was something and had to write about it.

It won't last long I bet !


No! It can't be.Maybe it is.

Just thinking maybe I am crazy.

I've sure made some crazy choices in my life.

Big deal

Please do this
Choose words carefully
You never know
What they show

How you feel
It's no excuse
To many it's
A big deal

Silent gas attacks

Old man goes to the Doctor.
Old man:Doc I have a problem.
Doctor:What is that?
Old man:I have been having silent gas attacks lately.
Old man:I've had 3 since you came into room.
Old man:What can you do about it Doc?
Doctor:First thing we are going to do is check your hearing.


3 am.
Wide awake.
Foot feels like it's in a vise.
Roommate moaning like death has hold of him.
Other roomie unusually quite tonight.
Sleep come on.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

For my sins

Jesus my friend
Yes indeed
He walks with me
He knows my needs

He won't forget
Never will He abandon
Accepting His love
I don't regret

Died on a cross
For my sins
From a tomb He rose
To live again

Bad apple !

True story.

Forsyth County Georgia.McDonald's drive thru.About closing time.

Eagle Scout teen and friend in line waiting on order.

Closing time service is slow.

Behind the teens Detective Sargent waiting on his cheese burger,small fries and coke.

Cop is impatient.Thinks teen is taking to long picking up order.

Cop rushes teen's car.Grabs teen by shoulder.Pulls his gun.Points gun at teen.

Cop says "you don't know who you are messing with".Teen says nothing.

All caught on drive thru video.

Cop is arrested and put on payed leave while there is an investigation.

Pretty sure Eagle Scout teen has parents.

Cop doesn't know "who he is messing with".


They wiggle when they walk.
They giggle when they talk.
And the women are just as bad.

ET call home

This is just lazy.Woman was walking down the hall here.Cell phone up to ear,call home,call home,call home she repeated.

All the time that took she could have just dialed the number herself.

Guess I'm a smart butt I so wanted to holler out "ET CALL HOME".

Way I've always been

So I will write
Keeps me busy
Day and night

Look all around
Things I see
If I told you
Wouldn't believe

Plenty fills my mind
No short of material
I can find
But at times it's a bore

Same old thing
Day in day out
Keep feelings in
Even if I want to shout

I will do
There is no choice
Bare and grin
Way I've always been

Hot dogs

Hot dogs
Add chili and cheese
Lots of onions
If you please

Tater chips
Ruffles have ridges
Bag I could eat
Crispy and salty to my lips

Big orange drink
Wash it all down
Best eating in town
I do think

Keep your broccoli
Carrots to
Food like that
Just won't do

Just you

Sign of the times
I see it all around
Hating and killing
Mistrust and cheating abound

Lord come quick
I'm starting to think
Theres no hope just you
Your mercy will see us through

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rather be there...

Wishful thinking

Pound of fried black peppered thick slice bacon.
2 fried just right eggs.
Pan of homemade hot biscuits.
Pot full buttered salted and peppered grits.
Diced fried golden crispy potatoes.
Pot of hot black Folgers coffee.
That would do it for me right now.

Say what ?


On the grave of Ezekial Aikle in East Dalhousie Cemetery, 
Nova Scotia:
         Here lies
         Ezekial Aikle
         Age 102
         The Good
         Die Young.

In a London, England cemetery:
         Ann Mann
         Here lies Ann Mann,
         Who lived an old maid
         But died an old Mann.
         Dec. 8, 1767

In a Ribbesford, England, cemetery:
         Anna Wallace
         The children of Israel wanted bread
         And the Lord sent them manna,
         Old clerk Wallace wanted a wife,
         And the Devil sent him Anna.

In a Ruidoso, New Mexico, cemetery:
         Here lies
         Johnny Yeast
         Pardon me
         For not rising.

Memory of an accident in a Uniontown, Pennsylvania cemetery:
         Here lies the body
         of Jonathan Blake
         Stepped on the gas
         Instead of the brake.

In a Silver City, Nevada, cemetery:
         Here lays Butch,
         We planted him raw.
         He was quick on the trigger,
         But slow on the draw.

A widow wrote this epitaph in a Vermont cemetery:
         Sacred to the memory of
         my husband John Barnes
         who died January 3, 1803
         His comely young widow, aged 23, has
         many qualifications of a good wife, and
         yearns to be comforted.

A lawyer's epitaph in England:
         Sir John Strange
         Here lies an honest lawyer,
         And that is Strange.

Someone determined to be anonymous in Stowe, Vermont:
         I was somebody.
         Who, is no business
         Of yours.

Lester Moore was a Wells, Fargo Co. station agent for Naco, 
Arizona in the
cowboy days of the 1880's.  He's buried in the Boot Hill 
Cemetery in
         Here lies Lester Moore
         Four slugs from a .44
         No Les No Moore.

In a Georgia cemetery:
         "I told you I was sick!"

John Penny's epitaph in the Wimborne, England, cemetery:
         Reader if cash thou art
         In want of any
         Dig 4 feet deep
         And thou wilt find a Penny.

On Margaret Daniels grave at Hollywood Cemetery Richmond, 
         She always said her feet were killing her
         but nobody believed her.

In a cemetery in Hartscombe, England:
         On the 22nd of June
         Jonathan Fiddle
         Went out of tune.

Anna Hopewell's grave in Enosburg Falls, Vermont has an 
epitaph that sounds
like something from a Three Stooges movie:
         Here lies the body of our Anna
         Done to death by a banana
         It wasn't the fruit that laid her low
         But the skin of the thing that made her go.

More fun with names with Owen Moore in Battersea, London, 
         Gone away
         Owin' more
         Than he could pay.

Someone in Winslow, Maine didn't like Mr. Wood:
         In Memory of Beza Wood
         Departed this life
         Nov. 2, 1837
         Aged 45 yrs.
         Here lies one Wood
         Enclosed in wood
         One Wood
         Within another.
         The outer wood
         Is very good:
         We cannot praise
         The other.

On a grave from the 1880's in Nantucket, Massachusetts:
         Under the sod and under the trees
         Lies the body of Jonathan Pease.
         He is not here, there's only the pod:
         Pease shelled out and went to God.

The grave of Ellen Shannon in Girard, Pennsylvania is almost a 
consumer tip:
         Who was fatally burned
         March 21, 1870
         by the explosion of a lamp
         filled with "R.E. Danforth's
         Non-Explosive Burning Fluid"

Oops!  Harry Edsel Smith of Albany, New York:
         Born 1903--Died 1942
         Looked up the elevator shaft to see if
         the car was on the way down.  It was.

In a Thurmont, Maryland, cemetery:
         Here lies an Atheist
         All dressed up
         And no place to go.

And two I will never forget!
For a Scot:

Here lies Martin Elginbrod,
Hae mercy on my soul Lord God,
as I would do were I Lord God,
and ye were Martin Elginbrod!


Here lies my wife.
Tears cannot bring
her back.
Therefore I cry


Caution....Some people are not as they seem.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Moral of story...

Just call me snagle tooth.When I was 8 years old living on Juniper Street I almost met my maker one afternoon.

Riding a bike the chain came off.No way to slow it down on a steep hill.A car is stopped in the road ahead of me.On my left was a barbed wired cow pasture fence.

I had to make a quick choice.Hit the car or go through that barb wire fence.I choose the car.


The bike plowed into the rear of  car.That stopped me and I ended up on the trunk against the rear window.

He's dead the teen girls inside screamed!

No I'm not answering them.

I was woozy from hitting the rear window with my head but alive.No cuts,bruises or broken bones.My only visible injury was a chipped front tooth.

The story moves on to the when I was 18.

Working and paying my own way in the world I wanted my tooth fixed.I was living off of Virgina Avenue in Hapeville,Georgia across the street from  Hartsfield International airport.I could lay in bed at night and watch 747's and other jets land and take off.Talk about noisy but you get use to it and soon don't even notice the noise.All this is a story for another time.

Back to my tooth story.

This part will be the fast version.Long story short I had a root canal done and an implanted front tooth was installed.

Story moves ahead 30 plus years.

New Years Eve.I was at the Krystal.Bag of burgers and fries and corn dogs.Even before getting out of the parking lot I was chopping down on those corn dogs.

I seen stars and felt pain.I had bit down on a corn dog stick and it loosing up my front implanted tooth.It was wiggling around.Oh man I was disappointed.

Few weeks late eating a ham and cheese sandwich it fell out.

Moving on with the story.

It was still wearable.But when eating I just took it out.I really only wore it when I dressed up which wasn't very often.

I invited a Lady over for supper one night and you guessed it the tooth fell out.She was so sweet saying it was ok she had one like it also.It is hard to kiss when your front tooth is wiggling around!

Fast forward again.

I kept my tooth in a little plastic container.My roommates at the time had a dog.A dog that would chew up anything.

You guessed it!

The dog ate my front tooth.My $1000 implanted front tooth!

So my friends that is why when I smile I look like a hockey player.

Moral of story.Don't ride bikes,eat corn dogs or ham and cheese sandwiches or have roommates with dogs that eat teeth!


April 15th.
Taxes due.
Titanic sinks.

Preacher and little boy

Preacher:Who was the first man on Earth?
Little boy:Hoss.
Preacher:Wrong try again.
Little boy:Little Joe.
Little boy:Who then?
Little boy:I knew it was one of those Cartwright boys.

Cool car

Cool car.50 Ford.Back when you could tell one car from another.

Sometimes I think progress is not so great.Today all cars look alike to me.

Maybe somethings should just be left alone.

Just wondering

These places where you dine by candlelight are they hiding something?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stay tuned...

I'm through.Run out of things worth talking about.No ideas.Touched on almost all subjects.A to Z.

My brain needs refreshing.I would benefit from a couple tea spoons of SOS tonic.

Stay tuned...

Live and learn

Cool pic huh.I have no story about this photo unless it's a made up stretch the truth tale.

I just like looking at the truck.Pretty.Red.Lots of chrome.

I have heard truckers called the last American heroes.Their life style is admired by many of us.On the road,traveling,seeing new and exciting places.

I had the chance to take a trip in one of these big things.Road trip.14 years old I was and my Uncle who was a trucker and his daughter invited me along for a trip one summer.If I had that offer to live over I would sure take it in a flash.

Live and learn.

Sweet milk and cornbread

Now that was a good supper.Cornbread and sweet milk.I just wanted something different tonight.

Unless you are from the South you might not know the term sweet milk.

Far as I know there are 3 kinds of milk.Buttermilk,skim milk(2%) and sweet milk(whole milk).

On the menu for supper broiled hamburger with tiny boiled potatoes was the offering.If they just offered onion and pickles along with it I would have choose that.Adding crinkle cut fries(plateful please) and this story might have turned out different.

But I'm happy with my choice for tonight.

Jordan's shore

Looks like a rainy day
My thoughts take me away
To another time
And a different place

Way back then
So long ago
Time I loved so
With my family and friends

But worry not
I may be here alone
At times so sad
But Jesus has not forgot

A promise of better times
No more pain sickness sorrow
Tears will fall no more
On that river Jordan's shore

Pretty colored water

Make you a deal.I JohnLee will swap 2 McDonald's and 1 BK for another Jack's hamburger joint and another Tylers.Both places where at the same place,not at same time on Vernon .Now it's a bank ,go figure.

Long John Silver is now gone.Sonic also along with Golden Coral.What is going on?Why is everything leaving LaGrange?

Downtown is just a place for fancy smancy cafe's and sorts.This is LaGrange and the common person like me knows nothing of sushi and wine.

Oh well some may see this as progress but between you,me and the fence post it's regress.

And while I'm on my soapbox,bring back the pretty colored water at the fountain on the square.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


All the best stuff I write about ends up deleted.Guess just call me...

Three will do

All day this has been on my mind.A spam/fried egg on white bread with mayo sandwich.

Add some tater chips and a dill pickle on the side and tell me who amongst you could resit this fried delicacy.

Ice cold 6 ouncer in a bottle CoCola would round this meal out just fine.

Three of these should hold me.

Blue birds

Looking out the window I see a Blue bird chasing a Crow.They know no fear.They will fight bigger birds,cats,snakes even humans.

We all should have the courage of Blue birds.

I remember

Things of the 1950's and 1960's I remember.
1.Hula Hoops
2.Sonic booms
4.The Beatles
5.33 1/3 rpm records
6.Crew cuts
7.Pedal pusher pants
8.Shirt jackets
9.Penny loafers
10.Cut off blue jean shorts
11.My Friend Flicka
12.Sky King
15.Double colas
16.Atomic bombs
17.Drive Inns
18.Bestonik Dooley
19.My Favorite Martian
20.Captain Kangaroo
21.Space race
22.Cold war
24.Fender skirts
What do you remember?

Friday, April 12, 2013


Sleep beckons me
Dreams await thee
I must flee
Full of glee

The day

Will this be the day? The day I write about what is really on my mind? The day I write about what I'm really feeling?

Nope not today.

It's only fair

I have complained about the food this week.It's only fair that I brag on what was good.

Breakfast is always my favorite.Toast,grits, bacon and a boiled egg.Today's lunch was excellent.Pepperoni pizza with fried veggie sticks.My Friday supper of a super duper salad will be here around 5 ish.

Not alone the ending...Chapter 7

I see...

Myself ! My twin.Someone who looks just like me.

Maybe Daddy's wish came true.He always said "wish had two just like you".

Who was you expecting?

Not alone...Chapter 6

No !

I can't be dead.The Bible tells me death is like a deep sleep.I'm wide awake here in this darkness void of any sound.Only the sound I notice now is the fast beating of my heart.

Least I know I'm alive but what is this place?

Something is happening.A door is slowly opening.I see,wait what is this?

Bright light.Slowly my eyes adjust to it.A figure a blurry figure in the bright light!

I see...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Not alone....Chapter 5

What ever it is it's large.I'm pulled right inside.What is this place?

It's dark and so quiet in here.I hear no sounds.I see no light.My mind rushes with thoughts.Oh please don't let this be what I think it is!

Could this be a tomb?Is this my grave?Am I dead but conscious of it?

Is this cold,dark,quiet vacuum of a place my coffin?

More follows....

Not alone...Chapter 4

I realize something.It's the light that's keeping me warm from the snow.It engulfs me pulling me upward into the night sky.

I'm dreaming what is this.It can't be.Up and up it seems like something has hold of my body dragging me along effortless.Then I see it...

Not alone continues...Chapter 3

Dozing off in the crowded but warm tent.Soon I was sound and fast asleep.


I was awaken.What was that I asked rubbing my half awake eyes.Seems everyone was awake now.It was nothing everyone go back to sleep said Joe the Scoutmaster and only adult of the group.

Dozing off again I had this strange odd feeling.I't felt like a warm bright light was soaking into my body.The feeling of peace and no fear is the only way I can explain this feeling.

I must be dreaming or am I dying?.This can't be happening.I feel as if I'm floating.Floating up and up into the night sky.Strange thing I think why ain't I'm cold.It's snowing.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Not alone continued...Chapter 2

I don't want to hear this saying to myself.The blinding light I see in my dreams every night.Now my old friend tells me he also has these dreams that haunt him nightly.Seems there are others that where with us that night that he talked with suffering from this same cruel dream.

What is going on thinking to myself.This is crazy why is he telling me all this? Mine is just a dream,it's my dream that's all it is.Nothing happen nothing supernatural happen to us on that cold snowy night.

A little back ground information.Boy Scout Troop 72 was camping out over the long Christmas holidays.The year was 1965.Rain turned to sleet then to snow and it was cold putting it mildly.Tents started leaking and all  15 of us ended up in a large WW2 surplus tent that luckily had a wood burning camp heater in the center of the tent.

15 poor kids from the mill village.Boy Scouts.We where so poor that no one except one guy had a Scout uniform.At times we could be rowdy.

To be continued...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Not alone...Chapter 1

I understand now.For years almost nightly a recurring dream has bothered me.

For the first time ever I will speak of it.I'm not scared anymore.Not afraid that my mind is going.Not ashamed of what people will think.

I'm not alone.

Years ago when I was 13 years old camping out was one of the things enjoyed by me and the other kids in the neighborhood.On one of those camping trips something happened.I had just about convinced myself it was just a dream.Seems it did happen.My dream is turning into a nightmare.

I got a visit from an old friend the other day.Someone who grew up with me on the old mill village at East Newnan.Someone who camped out with me often.He tracked me down from my Facebook page.

After we caught up on things of the last 40 something years the conversation turned serious.Johnny do you remember that time we camped out in the snow behind the old school house for 3 days?I was in shock.That was my dream that nightmare that has been bothering me for all those years.Yes I remember why asking?

Does anything about that trip bother you he asked.I said no,lying because I was still hiding what to me was a nightmare.

Do you remember any thing strange?Something that just don't seem right?

I answered no my guard still up not knowing where all this was leading.

The light.The bright blinding light did you see it?

More to follow......

Monday, April 8, 2013

Not worrying

When I was a little boy living on Juniper Street I was worried and scared because Russia said they would bury the United States.

I'm not worrying about Korea.

Pork n beans

Boy o boy.Dinner and supper has been a bust today.Roasted pork with gravy and broccoli, rice and cheese casserole.Supper was worse if possible.Baked lemon peppered catfish that was cold.

I know.With all the hungry people in the world I should be be grateful and thankful for this food.I am but that don't make the food any better.

Excuse my french but Yankees must be planning these meals.You may say it's healthy food good for your body.But if you ain't eating it's not healthy for you.

What would be wrong every once in a while to have some good home cooked style soul food.Dry beans fried taters cornbread and such.I will praise the collards served here they are really good.The turnip greens are well I won't say.

The breakfast here is great since I had that unnatural stuff called turkey sausage changed to bacon.Toast,grits and a boiled egg round it out and it's enjoyed.

Guess you can look at it this way,if I can get through that awful rice with beef and mushrooms and that so called chicken pot pie rest of the meals should be ok.

I'm opening up my reserve can of pork n beans.I'm hungry.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Georgia is my home.Where I was born raised and 99.999% the place I'm sure of that I will wait for the second coming of the Lord up at Shadowlawn Cemetery.

From the mountains of north Georgia down to the Atlantic Ocean this is where I want to be.All I know about my kin folks is this if the records are correct.In the 1700's the Haynes kin left Baltimore,Maryland with a family of Dutch settlers and headed south.Stopping in North Carolina for awhile then on to Georgia.Now what I read so it must be true is that the Haynes folks where one of the first white settlers,this was Indian territory, in the county of what is now named Troup. Troup county is where I call home.Then for some unknown reason they moved to Alabama settling in what is now called Clay county.

Alabama is where my folks where born raised but Georgia is my home.Earlier laying here thinking looking out the big window I thought to myself what a beautiful day in Georgia.Trees and flowers in bloom the bright sunshine shinning down on us and the sound of Crows in the distant is just the perfect atmosphere for me.

On those up coming hot humid summer days that I long for in my minds eye I see the heat rising from a scorching tared road.The smell of honeysuckle and magnolias fill my senses.At night the singing of cicadas and crickets.Fire flies peppering a clear Georgia night.

The red clay of north Georgia.Further south around Macon where the soil is sandy white.Down in south Georgia where the farming is done.Home of the ever present nats on a sweltering hot summer day.

Atlanta or Lanta as locals call it.Burnt to the ground by Mr Sherman on his way to the sea.Tall buildings and streets named Peachtree.The little smaller than small towns with just a few folks.This is Georgia.

Every time I hear that theme song from Gone With the Wind it does something to me.Or when Ray Charles sings Georgia wow goose bump time.

 Savannah which even Mr Sherman refused to burn because of it's beauty.Those dusty red clay roads which are fast disappearing I can still see in my minds eye and the smell of them after a summer's shower.

Grits,CoColas,peaches and peanuts.Mr. Carter from down the road in Plains.FDR who loved Warm Springs and the man who did so much for this part of Georgia.

Stone Mountain where I wrote that it would be a wonderful place to just sit and look eastward and wait on Jesus to come back for his Children.

Macon where most of my Aunts lived and where Grandma and Grandpa Haynes rest in peace.

The people here who will throw up their hand when meeting you while driving on those 2 lane black top roads.Mam and Sir which we say with respect.

Yes this is my home.Georgia named after old King George way over there in Great Brittan. Settled by James Oglethorpe down around Savannah.One of the thirteen original colonies.


How forgetful of me.Thank goodness I can come back and do some editing.How could I write about Georgia and not mention Georgia pines.Looking out the big window they seemed to be waving at me reminding me I'm wasn't through yet.

Wind through the pines on a moonlight night what a beautiful sight.Now through,the story is complete.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Red neck boys

Red neck boys
Four wheel drive trucks
Shotguns loaded for bucks
We sure love our toys

Momma we love
Our Daddy to
Our blood runs red white blue
This is true

Blue Ribbon beer
White socks
Old Hank singing
Brings a tear

Like us or not
Thats your choice
Really just like you
Bet that you forgot

Vacation from hell

So you think things are bad.A nice Lady who works here at the old folks home just told me how her vacation went.

Seems while on her vacation she had 2 teeth,one on each side to abscess and had to be pulled.Top this off she quit smoking while on vacation.

Now get this.Things get worse if that is possible.Her Mother n law has moved in with them.

Yep no matter how bad you may think things are going for you just remember this Lady and her vacation from hell.

Killed the atmosphere

I just seen something on the news that just don't seem right.A story about limousine service.Those fancy expensive beautiful limos had this I noticed.Hanging on the rear view mirror was a pine tree air freshener.

For me that just killed the atmosphere.Kinda like wearing brown shoes with a tuxedo.

Friday, April 5, 2013


A shame and pity.Way up there in ole Boston,Mass,bean town, the state and home of the Kennedy's ,the ones who pointed their fingers at people down here in Dixie years ago shame on you.

Seems 25 kids at an elementary school where refused lunch one day.The reason being their lunch cards had a zero balance on them.

The kid's where not allowed to eat lunch that day in fact their lunch plates where dumped without being touched.

Karma.Plain and simple.Be careful who you judge my friends.

Coolest dude on TV

Could the Geico pig be the coolest dude on TV? I think maybe yes.

Love this commercial where the pig stopped by the police is asked if he knows why he is being stopped.

His answer is perfect,because I'm a pig driving a convertible the pig answers.The cop answers tail light.Get it fixed.

Yep maybe this means something when the commercials might be more interesting and original than the network TV programs.

As the Geico pig says.... wheeeeee!

My heart skips....

As this is being wrote my eyes still groggy from sleep my heart skips a little faster with joy this morning.

I just read something that must be shared.It seems my fellow connoisseurs of Whoppers and fries that those healthy choice items fast food places offer are no healthier than the big burger loaded up and fries.Just as much fat,more salt and the calorie difference is not worth bragging about.

Yes my friends those health nuts may laugh at us as we eat our Whoppers and Big Macs.They may call us names.But we know what we like and enjoy it.

Yes my heart skips a beat and maybe is ticking a little faster this morning with joy from this news.But could be from that bag of Cheetos I had as a bed time snack.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How did I...

How did I ever live without these things.
1.Drip coffee makers
2.Remote controlled TV
4.Cell phones
6.Cars with power everything
7.Friends like you
8.Microwave popcorn
9.Salads on Friday's
10.Again friends like you(big bear hug to you)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Just between me and you

A friend who works here at the old folks home has promised me some home cooked on the stove big white butter beans with cornbread and a big onion.

They did this once before and it was delicious.Really I think her boyfriend cooked them.So looking forward to that.

Another Lady who works here her husband sent me some fried salmon patties,real home made biscuits and sliced fried taters he had cooked.Wonderful.

Now there have been many treats of food brought to me and I so appreciate it.The food here for the most part is very good and filling.Being a diabetic I'm well on a diet.But I sure enjoy food from home I have to admit with all honesty.

The friend who brought the big white butter beans did this.Surprised me with a Whopper from Burger King.Guess what?My onion rings where held hostage by a nurse.I did not get them.

But all is well.The nurse later that day whispered to me just between us she was hungry and ate my onion rings and promised to bring me some later.

So if you bring me food just skip the nurses station.It will just be between me and you.


End of an era.Well it seems Jay Leno will be leaving the Tonight Show.I'm more of a David Letterman fan myself but I hate seeing Jay leave.

Years ago back in the 60's every night almost I would watch Johnny Carson.I remember seeing a young Richard Pryor.His stuff was hilarious back then.Monty Rock 3rd,Moms Mabley,those Carson skits on and on.

What I'm getting at is this.Change.Sometimes I don't like change and yearn for things the way they where.No way to keep things the way we want.Things will change no matter what.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Freedom of their souls

Busy day around the old home place today.A memorial for residents who passed away this year was held.A single white balloon in their honor was released in their memory as names where called out.

I watched as each balloon soared skyward.To me it symbolized the freedom of their souls released to the Heavens.


Sunny spring day
Get chopper out
Have some fun
Ride all about

Wind in face
Shaggy beard hair
Time to cruise
Nothing to lose

Big Harley ride
Twin pipes loud
Just me you
Don't need crowd

Transformation of my life...

Miracle of miracles my Dear friends.I JohnLee woke up this morning craving of all things turkey sasuage.Yes I don't know what happened.Maybe I bumped my head while in deep slumber but my need for fried pork sasuage or thin brown crispy bacon has left me.

Me of all people.I have been converted to a healthy food nut.Please no more burgers,fries or onion rings for me.I crave broiled chicken,cooked carrots and squash.No more greasy cornbread and big white butter beans.Feed that to your hogs mam give me cauliflower please.

Just the thought of biscuits and gravy makes me queasy.Keep your chips and dips.Nothing salty or fried will touch these lips.

Ban CoColas.Take it a step further than that mayor up there in New York City.No more McDonalds,Burger King or Krystals for me.

I have seen the light and it was bright friends.The evil of my ways have been exposed.I have only one explanation for this radical transformation of my life.

April Fool!

Chill pills

Chill pill.Sometimes I think they should be available when needed.Folks having a hissy fit,chill pill.Someone just having a bad day,chill pill.

Maybe chill pills would save lot of relationships.Fuss starting,chill pill.Grumpy moody,chill pill.Just feel like being mean and hateful,chill pill.

Yes I think chill pills are a good thing.So if you are stressed out,feeling grouchy,wanting to jump on your loved ones,chill pill.

Don't reach for that 2x4.Instead open a bottle of chill pills.