Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day we all dreaded

The EBS is now on all broadcast networks,radio and TV even text messages on cell phones.

EBS is the Emergency Broadcast System.This is not a test.

It has finally happened.The day we all dreaded.

The President is now speaking to the nation.I'm sure the leaders in every civilized nation of the world are taking to the air waves.

My fellow Americans...

Today September 25th at 7:53 am Daylight Savings Time radar installations at Military bases and Civilian locations noticed an oddity on their screens.

My fellows Americans I will not sugar coat these findings.Honesty is the best advice at this time.

An invasion is interment .

An invasion from who what or where we cannot say at this time.

Please remain calm...

Rest assured our top experts and Military personnel have the situation monitored and as I speak are working out details which will be revealed at a later time.

This I can say.At this time there is no reason for panic or fear.Who or what these invaders are we have no indications they are hostile.But...We must remain cautious and be aware of our surroundings.

Again I say DO NOT PANIC.That will lead to mistakes and accidents which we should avoid at all cost.The welfare of our citizens,friends and families is our main objective at this time.

If you notice anything no matter how small out of the ordinary you are requested to contact your Civilian authorities,911,do not take any drastic measures into your own hands.

My I suggest if a fortified shelter such as a storm bunker, if avavilabe please take advantage of these offerings.If I may suggest if a weapon is accessible please use common sense but it should be taken with you.

Again at this time we are not positive of the invaders intentions.

Please stay tuned for.....

A steady 1000hz tone that nerve racking tone I dread is all I can hear from the TV.

Without notice the President was cut off.

This is a bad sign...

The streets are full of people milling about looking up into the skies searching for what no one knows just searching for what is coming our way.

The same question is repeated over and over"what is this about?".Everyone is confused and panic is starting to seep in whether we admit it or not people are scared.

Invaders.From where?What do they want?

Trying to hide my growing fear from everyone but I think it's not going to be an easy thing to hide.

I'm scared.For the first time in my life really scared.

Still no new news since the President speaking over the EBS went unexpectedly off the air.No one has any idea if the invasion has taken place or worse maybe the invasion is over.

Could we be under some Alien control now?Has the very basic core of civilization been wiped out?

Wait.Aliens?No mention of Aliens was mentioned by the President in his address.We just assumed Alien invaders.

Invaders could mean something entirely different.

It could mean an invasion from some nuke capable crazy dictator led country.

Now the confusion is growing.Least an Alien from another galaxy would be recognized easily.But what if they are human?Looking just like me or you?

The invaders could be standing right next to you,me and not be recognized.

I wish we had some official information instead of just guessing.

That annoying scary 1000hz tone on the TV has stopped.The screen goes blank.And these words are spoken.


It's the President of The United States of America.

Finally maybe news of what is going on.

My fellow Americans I speak to you concerning our grave situation from an secure and unnamed location.

Still no news or confirmation of who the invaders are or where they are from.They have been lost on all radar tracking.

We presume they have landed but where is undetermined at this time.

Rest assured your Government is working timely on this matter.

That is all I have to report at this time.

God bless us all and God bless America.


Well that wasn't much help was it.

I'm starting to believe that saying(it's not what the Government tells you that should cause worry it's what they don't tell).

Maybe that is it.If they told what they knew maybe it would cause widespread panic and chaos.


What is this?I hear screaming of jet engines.Looking I see them.Dozens of low flying fighter jets.

One after another and another zipping by at incredible speeds as if chasing something.Something I can't see.

Day 2 September 26th 7:22 am.Location La Grange,Georgia.

Still no news.Just an ordinary day .What is going on?Where are the invaders.

Far as we know this could just been a dream a bad nightmare.

But the rumbling of trucks,tanks and troops outside my window say different.It's hasn't been said as official but we are now under Marshall Law.

In the sky helicopters and planes and jets of all kind.This is serious.They must be the National Guard.

Off and on I hear those terrifying tornado sirens.Guess they are for more than just bad weather.It reminds me of those old movies of WW2 when England was being bombed.

Waiting is not easy.Neighbors are standing lining the street watching the troops pass by hollering out questions that go unanswered.


Loud explosions rock the ground.The concussion from the blast are felt,knocking me to the ground.For what seems like minutes I'm deaf.

Something,what I don't know, has started.

Gun shots ring out.So this is what a war is like.Right in the middle of it I'm taking cover.Who are they shooting at?

Then I see it.

Something I wish that wasn't there.Big somethings.Hooping and hollering like wild uncivilized creatures.

Yes I recognize them.I've seen them once before long ago.

My long lost Haynes kin folks from over in Alabama,the ones from up in Clay County coming over for a visit.

The humanity of it all!

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