Saturday, June 30, 2012

It has started

It's that time again.Politics has started.Promises of this and that.A chicken in every pot.I feel your pain,sure you do Mr/Ms politician.I'm not a Democrat,Republician or anything else for that matter.If I had to describe myself it would be Independent.My Daddy always said us poor folks had to vote Democrat.Now the only time us Po folks are thought of is when we go to the polls.Now it's party over the people.Don't worry about the citizens,what the party needs is what is important.I think that is the way they think.I always say it doesn't matter who is in the White House long as they don't starve us to death or get us blown up.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Don't call them pop

Mustard sandwhiches.I have nothing else to write about so food is the subject this evening.Take a couple slices of white loaf bread and a bottle of yellow mustard and you have a good meal.Another quick delicacy is mayo on vanilla wafers.Ranch dressing goes good with just about anything try it on soda crackers.Sure this isn't a well balanced 7 course meal it's just good snacking food when you are lazy and want something quick to nibble on.Microwave grits with lots of butter,salt and pepper.Heart attack special but so good.I always said a single man will never starve as long as grits and a microwave where close by.Fried baloney sanwhiches,fritos and Dr Pepper.That is a good wholesome hearty meal.I read where a man out in Texas was bottling the old fashion Dr Peppers in bottles using the original formula.Extra sugar in them.Any soft drink,Coke,Pepsi,7 Up on and on taste better in bottles it seems.Call them cokes,sodas but please dont call them pop.Well it's 7:24pm on Friday June 29 2012 on a hot Georgia evening with the temp over 100 degrees right now and I have gotten my need to write out of my system for another day.Oh by the way please excuse any misspellings because my spellchecker wont work.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

It is hot

Talk about hot it is.That is the big conversation starter for the past few days.Temps over 100 degrees F are in the forecast and the 4th of July is coming up next week.Folks will be out BBQing and on the lakes and beaches.Maybe there is something called global warming.No winter here to speak of this year and now this extreme.One thing I have noticed the humidty is low,if it had been in the 90% range with these temps it would be dangerous.Back in the 1990's there was a heat wave in Chicago and a thousand or more people died because most where elderly and I guess no AC.They kept their windows closed because of the fear of someone breaking in on them I heard.I just hope this is not the start of another year like that.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Call me crazy

Ok call me crazy.Call me what you want.I seen something this morning that I can't really explain.Laying here in bed looking out the big window out of the west not to high in the sky I seen it.It was silver.Not all that big.Moving along at a pretty good clip.Now this is where it gets strange.I swear it looked liked it was revolving.Not to steady,wobbling in the sky.I got to thinking this must be a bird flapping it's wings.But the thing was silver,metalic looking.Really it looked like those flying saucers that you see in the old scfi movies from the 1950's.Maybe it was just wishful thinking but I did see something that off hand I can't explain.I half way hope/wish it wasn't a bird.

Monday, June 25, 2012

No worry list

Hot and dry is what the weather is today.Wind is blowing steady but no chance of rain in the forecast.There is a tropical storm out in the Gulf of Mexico that will bring heavy rain to Florida but none is expected here.It's one of those things that is on the no worry list because nothing can be done about it.There are lots of things that should be on the no worry list.Can't be change so why waste our time worrying.Easier said than done.Least that is my situation.No telling how much time in my life has been wasted just worrying and it was for no good.Didn't change a thing.Wish I could just live for the day and not worry about tomorrow.Things real or perceived.I should know better because the Bible said not to.Lord Jesus give me strength to deal with my faults.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Sixty years ago 6/24/1952 I came into this world.It was on a Tuesday morning.Never would I guessed that it would pass so quick.Like everyone there have been good times and bad.If I was to be honest the good has outweighed the bad.All things considered it has been a pretty good run.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Have mercy

Have mercy on people.In fact I think we all could use some.People are out of jobs.Losing their homes.Living on the street.Going hungry.Most of us are just one paycheck away from joining them.No one should go hungry in this big world and this richly blessed country.All that is wasted could be put to better use.I know this is just my opinion and everyone has one.I read in the Bible that we should help the hungry and homeless and the sick and those that can't help themselves.I won't be a hypocrite,I'm not doing my share to help.People are hurting and way things look it could get worse before better.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

God had Georgia on his mind

Tomorrow evening around 8pm summer starts.My favorite season right up there with fall of the year.The smell of Formosa and Magnolia blooms on a warm tropical summers night here in the South is something you never forget.Sounds of crickets and bull frogs and the singing of Mocking birds to lull you into a deep relaxing night of sleep.Fireflies lightning up the night sky on a star filled Georgia night.God surely had Georgia in the summer time on his mind when he created the world.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

You called me Hoss Fly

Another Fathers day is almost here.It has been a long time Daddy since you left.Janurary 9th 1992,a Thursday about 10am.Now you seem so young to me only 67 at the time not much older than I am now.Not ashamed to say I was a Daddy's boy.Where you went I was your shadow.When I was just a kid to me you could do anything.You called me Hoss Fly till the day you died.I almost waited to late to tell you I love you,but it wasn't something I had to say,I think you knew that.

I'm a crooked man

I am a crooked man.Let me explain.I tilt a little bit to the right.That is the way it feels anyway.Maybe it's my imagination.Laying in bed I notice it more.Straighting myself up in no time I'm right back tilted to the right.Lately people have noticed it also so it must be true.Looking at a photo of me taken recently it is plain,tilted or crooked is the word.Has the Earth shifted a little bit on it's axis or is it me?Back in 2004 when that big tidal wave hit in Asia,the one where hundreds of thousands of people died,the Earth shifted a few degrees on it's axis.The North Pole moved a few feet,boundaries of countries changed.Time was slowed down a few what ever micro seconds at atomic clocks around the world.So either that has happen again,Earth has shifted a little bit to the right or I have on my on.

Friday, June 15, 2012

You have your opinion

I'm here looking out the big window.The sun is in the west still burning hot and bright.My day is winding down and that suits me fine.I must say this has been a pretty good week for me.Excellent food all week.Someone told me once that food was one of life's pleasures and at the time it didn't mean much but now I understand.The best meal for this week was Thursday.Lunch.Someone,a dear friend surprised me with a country fried steak sandwich and large order of golden brown just fried to perfection onion rings from DJ's.A meal like that will lift your spirts.Someone told me once I talk to much about food.Come to think of it that same person said I just plain talk to much haha.While on that subject that person also said I was a heartless so and so(use your imagination here)but to them I said that wasn't true I did have a heart because I seen it on a sonogram once,there it was just a beating away.So the moral of this story is I think every thing is up for discussion and you have your opinion and so do I.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tear jerkers

I just watched something that got me teary eyed.About a guy proposing to his girlfriend.I'm turning into a old woman I think because it doesn't take much for me to start getting weepy these days.If it's a sign of weakness so be it.Those Publix grocery store commericals are the biggest tear jerkers around.The one where the brother says he wont miss his sister when she leaves for college really got to me.The holiday commericals they have oh boy will melt your heart.Doesn't take much to get me going but think what you want it's ok with me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Three Smith sisters.Left to right Lema,Ada(my Mom)and Pauline.My Cousin Doris sent this the other day.It was the first time I had seen it.Doris said it looks like it was taken at Memorial day at the old school house at Bethel some years ago.Doris made the comment it must have been back during the days when big glasses where the fashion.

Dots and dashes

Back when I was a young man around 1975 before pc's and cell phones the number one hobby was amateur radio or as some call it ham radio.Number one to me anyway.A few years earlier I was introduced to it at what was called Troup Tech then.Going through a two year course in Electronic Technology one of the instructors was a ham and the school had a radio and tri bander on the roof.I was hooked from the start.Listening to those chirpping and beeping signals and voices from around the world really made an influence on me.All my free time was spent studying morse code.It got to the point I was even hearing dots and dashes in my sleep.1975 I took my novice test and in the mail received my callsign of wn4pfg.The N meaning I was an novice with limted bands and other restrictions.I loved the hobby and spent hours on the radio makings friends around the world using international morse code that hams used.Later before the novice license expired I took my general class test in Atlanta at the field engineers office.I passed and was assigned the callsign of wa4pfg which I still hold till this day. 37 years now I have been hamming.Now I'm called an old timer.Still even though I'm not very active on the radio the passion for those dots and dashes still is in my blood.

Old red truck

One of these days I am going to write about Daddy's old truck.I have pictures and will add them to the story.

1984 Ford F150 it was called an Explorer back then.Red with a silver top.Georgia Bulldog colors.Silver stripe down the side.

It was the only new vehicle he ever bought.His retirement truck he called it.He had this thing about money.He liked spending it and Momma didn't.Many a time he would tell me no need for your Momma to know how much this cost.Best I can remember she did not say anything about his new truck.

When he died in 1992 the truck only had 27,000 miles on it.He only drove it to work.Maybe to Macon a few times or the big farmers market in Atlanta.

The first time it was washed I did it.Leave it with me Daddy I will wash it.He fell for it. I just wanted to drive around a bit in his new truck.

This is true.Every time I drove the truck to Alabama something would happen to it.Once it caught on fire with me.Leaves down in the cowl of the truck burst into flames.Made it home but it would not crank so had it pulled in.Water pump went out on one trip.Transmission on another trip.Brakes went out after leaving Roanoke.

Someone said maybe the ole truck was trying to keep me in Alabama.

The day Momma died at hospice I was leaving and the old truck refused to crank same on the day of her funeral,would not crank.

Might have been it's way of mourning.

I wrecked the truck twice.First time it was totaled by insurance company.I told them I wanted the truck fixed and they did.

I had it painted solid red and talk about pretty that old truck turned heads.More than once a pretty woman would come up to me and say nice truck !

After the second wreck which by the way none my fault the old truck never did drive quite right but that was ok.It was Daddy's and that was all that mattered.

Oh I almost forgot the moral of the story.

What ever happened to me when driving that old truck it always got me home.Kinda like Daddy and the old truck where watching out for me.

That is what I like to think anyway.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Nothing to fear

A story I have to share.I have a friend who has done so much for me spiritually.He told me this story today and it needs to be retold.His niece is going through some rough times with her children and other family members.Last Friday he told me she had tried to end her life.She parked her car on a deserted dirt road in a neighboring county and took a bottle of pills .Leaning her car seat all the way back in the recline position she must have went into a coma I guess or maybe worse.The next thing she remembers was waking up on another more traveled road still with the car seat in the recline position where she was found by someone and taken to the hospital.How she ended up on that different road she can't explain.Yesterday she called my friend and told him rest of the story.She had went to Heaven and seen her Father who had passed away last year.He was in the prime of life and everything was good and perfect with him.He told her it was not time for her to be here.She had to go back.Also she met her grandchild who died as a baby and held the child.She met someone who she said was God.If he told her anything she didn't say.When my friend told me of this I had tears in my eyes.With out any doubt I know God is real and Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.We have nothing to fear.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Life through the big window.I enjoy looking out the big window here in my room.From it I can watch the world pass by.Busy highway 29 is in front of me and the big trucks are up and down the highway 24/7.Motorcycles are sure popular now it seems.Daily the roar of them get my attention.Fire trucks,ambulances and police cars also get my curiosity up when they pass at full speed with lights and sirens blasting.Across the road there is a patch of trees of different types and a haven for birds and my favorite ones to watch are the hawks.I see Oaks,Pine and Formosa trees with their pink blooms and sweet smell on summer nights.Seems I have always been near enough of 29 to hear the whine of the big trucks tires and the shifting of gears.Many a summer night early in the morn just laying in bed listening to the sounds of night have been a comfort to my ears and soul.From Florida to Maryland highway 29 runs 1036 miles.I bet every mile has a tale to be told.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Doozie of a day

Is there a full moon tonight?It has been one of those days.People are in a bad mood,agitated and getting on my nerves.Not really but it wouldn't take much to get me in that frame of mind.I'm so glad to be in here in my room looking out the big window.A time to relax and reflect on things of the day.I am so blessed and this is why.I just finished my snack of potato chips (thank you Ms Jessica)and I have a stash of cinnamon hard candy.But the big thing I'm thankful for is as I was getting into bed my laptop fell and hit the floor.But would you believe it still is working,no busted screen or big chips broken on the case,looks and works perfect.So a doozie of a day,just hoping the night goes smoother.