Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dots and dashes

Back when I was a young man around 1975 before pc's and cell phones the number one hobby was amateur radio or as some call it ham radio.Number one to me anyway.A few years earlier I was introduced to it at what was called Troup Tech then.Going through a two year course in Electronic Technology one of the instructors was a ham and the school had a radio and tri bander on the roof.I was hooked from the start.Listening to those chirpping and beeping signals and voices from around the world really made an influence on me.All my free time was spent studying morse code.It got to the point I was even hearing dots and dashes in my sleep.1975 I took my novice test and in the mail received my callsign of wn4pfg.The N meaning I was an novice with limted bands and other restrictions.I loved the hobby and spent hours on the radio makings friends around the world using international morse code that hams used.Later before the novice license expired I took my general class test in Atlanta at the field engineers office.I passed and was assigned the callsign of wa4pfg which I still hold till this day. 37 years now I have been hamming.Now I'm called an old timer.Still even though I'm not very active on the radio the passion for those dots and dashes still is in my blood.

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