Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thank you Susie !

We got cats.We got kittens.Plan was to adopt them out.Well one was.The rest are still here.They just might stay cause I have become attached.Last night it was real late or real early I don't know.My left arm hurts sometimes and it did last night.It woke me up.The pain was bad.From my shoulder down to my fingers it ached.My fingers where numb.Tossing and turning I thought maybe I should wake someone up.I held out it was way to early.This is what happened.The smallest kitten,a black calico who I call Susie got into bed with me.She went under the covers and was laying on my hurting arm.She was so warm and just a purring.You know what?I think that little kitten knew what pain I was having and decided to help.And she did.My pain did go away.Susie little kitten I thank you so much !

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