Wednesday, June 30, 2010


My first cup of coffee of the day.I think it's a habit that can't be broken.Grandma Haynes started me out on coffee when I was 4 years old .We where living at Standing Rock,Alabama at the time.Coffee from a saucer and cornbread with scrambled eggs that was the breakfast she would cook and till this very day it's a favorite.I had no one for friends so my imagination and dog Lassie where my companions.Every time Uncle Lavert came by I would ask for a dog.He was a Policeman in Roanoke,and a favorite person of mine.I remember he took me rabbit hunting,the rabbit ran across the path in front of us,he hollered come back rabbit and it did.Rabbit was dead now and he made me tote the little thing back home.I remember holding the poor dead rabbit in my hands,still warm,so soft,it's little lifeless eyes starring at me.Coming down the steps of the old house I walked.The yard had no grass just white sand.At the foot of the steps I stopped.Good thing I did because coiled up just inches from me was a large rattlesnake,it's tongue flickering in out,sizing me up ready to strike.It's a wonder I didn't reach down and try picking the snake up but thankfully Daddy seen what was going on and quickly took care of the problem with a garden hoe.Lassie was a boy dog but what did I know at 4 years old.My favorite TV program was Lassie so that would be his name.Talk of friends we where best of.Where I went so did Lassie.Daddy came home from work ,reaching down to pick me up Lassie snapped at him.No one would mess with me when Lassie was by my side.I fell into a drainage ditch which had a bridge over it.Stunned,laying on the jagged hard rocks and red dirt Daddy drove over the bridge not hearing my cries for help.Just like in the movies or TV program Lassie took off home and brought back help.He was my protector and best friend.Railroad tracks where close to the front of the house.When I acted up Grandma Haynes would tell me that a Circus train had wrecked and Gorillas would get me.Terrified that would calm me down.I was already terrified of Giraffes,seeing them at the Roanoke show would always send me under the theater seats.So with all this said I think another cup of coffee is needed

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