Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The light is back

The light is back.

Two days in a row out of the corner of my eye I have seen it.It has been awhile since I've seen it and when I do it means someone is not long for this world.

It use to show up on my bedroom ceiling accompanied by the over powering smell of roses.

A light the size of a $.50 piece just floating around then poof with no warning it was gone.

Half way kidding I asked my TV watching comrade if he had seen that light on the wall and told him the meaning of it.His answer was "have you bumped your head?".

Maybe it is time for a cat scan or MRI of the old noggin but so far the light has never failed me yet.

As I look around wondering who's next who has the light come for is it that one no him oh no it's her maybe just maybe it's....... YOU!

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