Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I get skeptical

Where does the money collected go I wonder?

Every time you turn on TV or look at an ad people are asking for money for this disease that disease or some cause.

Does the money make it to the ones it is intended for?

I give you a personal experience of this.

When my Mom was sick with dementia(Alzheimer's can't be determined till after the brain is dissected)so dementia is usually the diagnosis she received no help at all from any of the organizations that say they help.

My Aunt applied for Momma to receive meals on wheels,I didn't care for their help anyway because I did the cooking for her but she did not qualify for some reason or another.

I applied for Momma help from a state agency that was to help elderly people but was told there was a long waiting time for an opening.Ironically the agency called a few days after she had died saying they had an opening.

I will say that home health did come out for a few weeks to help with her bathing and a social worker said the Hospital pharmacy would take care of her medications which at the time the pharmacist at the drug store said Mom had one of the costliest drug bills she knew of.

Thank goodness Mom's retirement pay covered her drug bill and insurance she kept from work after she retired.

So I'm sorry that I get skeptical of these people and organizations who say (they are here to help).

No really I'm not.

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