Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Memories embedded into my soul

A potbelly coal burning stove sat at the foot of twin iron post beds.

Grandpa's bed was on the left as you entered the room,Grandma's on the right.

A light hung from the ceiling between the beds.

The year is 1955,Roanoke,Alabama,I'm 3 years old but that memory is fresh in my mind just like it was yesterday.

This is where my memory starts.

I went back to the old home place a few years ago.It didn't look the same.That mountain of a red clay bank didn't seem as big as way back then.Gone was the weathered slanting barn we kids were warn to stay out of but we didn't.

That unpainted long splintered back porch where Grandma churned butter and kin folks sat and talked I wish for again.

Parents,Grandparents,Aunts,Uncles and Cousins,Uncle Leon's old Nash parked under the Willow tree,Daddy behind Ole Gray John plowing till time to go to work in the mills.

Peaches and cream and Grandpa's laughter at the breakfast table.His hunting dogs and that horn made from a bull's horn.Tall with white hair always wearing a long sleeve white shirt and dungarees and brogan shoes never met a stranger I've been told this was Grandpa.

Gathering eggs from the chicken coup each morning all by myself,I was a big boy of course I was 3.Helping slop hogs in the afternoon that I wasn't allowed to do alone.

Daddy and Uncle Lavert toting Grandpa in a chair to the top of a coal stack so he could hear his hound dogs hunt one more time.

Memories embedded into my soul.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Hotel California

In the year 2015 the old folks home will officially be know as Hotel California.

The new motto will be"You can check out any time you like,but you can never leave!"

Saturday, December 27, 2014



Just plain tuckered out.

Watching Ms Peacock,Mr Jack and Paul rollin rollin rollin all day long in their wheelchairs does it for me.

Giv'em 18 acres of room and they still manage running over your foot.

Rollin rollin ro...

Friday, December 26, 2014

If that is you

Maybe we got it backwards.

Laying here looking out the window thinking.

Hero worship.

Our hero's seem to be movie stars,ball players of every sort,whacked out musicians,politicians and such.

The real hero's are the men and women doing something worthwhile in life.Raising families,getting up every morning sick or not going to a job that they really don't like but do it anyway.

If that is you then you're my hero.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Going to hell

I'm starting off this week with anger in my heart.

Lord I know it's wrong but it's a story that needs putting out there.

Maybe someone will read it and see their self.

Grandma Haynes never for some reason cared for my Momma,why who knows but I think it was a idea put into her head by other members of the Haynes family.

Down on Juniper Street here in LaGrange were we lived 50 plus years ago is what this story is about.

Grandma had 5 daughters but she always lived with us.

Momma waited on that woman hand and foot,looking after when she was sick mainly because her daughters didn't.

The rumors started by those Juniper Street devils about Momma were shameless.

Not so bad were the rumors but people who knew it was rumors and didn't speak up.They are the one's I hold grudges against.

One of Grandma's daughter's on her deathbed did express her thanks to Momma for taking care of her Momma.

Lord forgive me for these feelings of disgust I have held for those folks all these years but like Momma always said...Juniper Street is going to hell!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Spiked pink punch and confessions

The annual Christmas party was held Thursday here at the old folks home.

Santa messed up,he thought I was on the nice list,scored big time.

I yours truly got 2 sets of lounger pants,2 long sleeve T shirts,pack of xl white T shirts,new set of earbuds and 4 bags of sugar free chocolate covered pecan candy squares(I shared).

The snacks at the party were great,grapes,tangerines,cookies,cheese balls,the best chicken nuggets and bless Gary J's sister she sent me a bag of her yummy M&M cookies that I have been bragging about since last year's party.

Us fat boys have to stick together,passing out his candy treats I got double helpings of Silver Bells and peppermints from Santa.

A good time was had,the pink punch wasn't spiked and that cut down on the fist fights between the little ole gray headed ladies.

Biker dude Ernie confessed he was once a male stripper,maybe he got the spiked pink punch.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

If you insist

I'm not going to say anything about what was seen in the sky yesterday.

Nope not going to say.


If you insist.

I was watching a big jet from my window and right under it something caught my attention.

To me it looked like a weather balloon.Slow moving almost stopping at times it seemed to be floating.

It did seem to change colors from silver to red.Maybe it was just the reflection of the sun on it.

Interesting what ever it was.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Guess it shows

The new nurse here at the old folks home had the pleasure of checking my nightly blood sugar and as usual it was sky high.

Wat'cha been eating she asked?

Without saying a word I pointed to a cartoon of buttermilk,my spare,for later when I get back in my room.

You drink that she asked?

Well now I  guess my country backwoods never seen sunlight ways must be showing but yes I drink buttermilk.

Buttermilk over sweet milk anytime far as I'm concerned.

Fact is I had buttermilk and cornbread for supper.

Back in the old days maybe not the good old days just way back when, a large skillet of cornbread was made for dinner(lunch it's now called)and what was left over that was your supper(some incorrectly now call it dinner)with your choice of milk,buttermilk or sweet milk.

As Lewis Grizzard,Great American,would say,not like the food in those fancy cafes were they cooked the tomatoes and eat the green beans raw.

Just plain good tasting food like milk and bread is good enough for me.

Guess my country ways were showing.

Maybe she was trying to tell me something

Do you think?

Years ago when I was younger and a woman was in my life this I found out.

On my Facebook page I noticed no longer was I in a relationship with this woman.

Maybe she was trying to tell me something.

On her Myspace this I read"still searching for the love of my life".

Maybe she was trying to tell me something.

A post on Facebook read"wish I was somewhere else".

Maybe she was trying to tell me something.

Tear jerkers


Those Publix grocery store holiday commercials always make me tear up.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Right here this spot

I was talking with my friend here at the home Ernie the biker dude and half way kidding half way serious I said Ernie you do know this is where we will spend the rest of our days.

Right here,this spot,till we die or the home kicks us out,far seeing anything happening this is it right here.

Pizza for lunch soup and grilled cheese at supper on Fridays and chicken of some sort on Sundays.Forever.

Get use to it that's our future.

Both of us are 62 and with the help of medical advances maybe 10 maybe 20 more years we could hang on right here this spot.

The only place left for me to go is up the road to Hunter Allen Myhand funeral home then that short trip over to Shadowlawn cemetery where my folks are resting in peace.

At times laying here,31B,in room31SW,I think right here this spot,my comfy bed,is were I will meet the end of my story.

Some times when facing reality it don't seem nice but fact is fact.

Type of day

Like a cold drink of water on a blistering hot day.

A burst of cold Arctic air in my face.

Squishy mud between my bare toes.

A smile from someone who cares.

The roar of ocean waves.

Tall Georgia pine trees swaying in the wind.


That's the type of day I want.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Deep into the clutches

All this crazy talk around the old folks home has to have an effect on everyone.

People talking in riddles,they can't help it,they are deep into the clutches of craziness.

Maybe being crazy ain't so bad.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Busy burning bridges.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cause I care

Tonight the full moon rises
Please be aware
Watch out for unexpected surprises
I say this not to frighten but cause I care

Strange things go on
Noises heard you can't explain
You know how it is around the old folks home
Full moons are never tame

Screams of help me will be heard
Just pay no mind
Don't fight it or struggle accept the absurd
Believe me just take a deep breath all will be fine

Friday, December 5, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Back in the old days before Facebook and all the other social media outlets how did we keep up what was going on with our friends,family and neighbors?

Oh I remember.

It was called gossip back then.

All I want

All I want for Christmas is a good hot cup of coffee.

This lukewarm stuff here at the old folks home leaves lot to be desired.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Call it my vacation

Two days now I've had the pleasure of just laying here in bed playing on the computer and watching the world pass by my window.

All the Hoyer lift pads are in the laundry and I don't like being lifted by my arms,it hurts.

Call it my vacation.